If Trump wins this year's general election, aside from Project 2025, What would you expect him to do?

I for example, expect him to no longer require nutrition labels to be on packaged and canned foods. We're all just going to have to eat what we can and play it by portion sizes.

I also expect him to roll back and undo safety regulations within the food industry.

I'm pretty sure he's going to roll back just about everything Biden has done.

He'll make sure the filibuster is gone so that everything he wants to do will just be on the express lane.

rsuri ,

Well first thing he's gonna do is pardon himself. That's pretty much certain. Then for every executive position he'll pick a lobbyist or corporate officer from the relevant regulated industries because that's what he did last time. Then I expect him to just keep campaigning as if he never got the job as president, because again that's pretty much what he did last time. Oh yeah, and tax cuts for corporations and billionaires, because yet again, it's what he did last time.

therealjcdenton ,
@therealjcdenton@lemmy.zip avatar

As horrible as it is to say, I'm surprised he hasn't been assassinated, with so much hate that's on here and around the internet, I'm surprised one mentally deranged person hasn't used that to justify murder

Sgt_choke_n_stroke ,

Because the deranged ones shoot up schools and listen to tucker carlson/daily wire.

SwingingTheLamp ,

Realistically, I think there's a good chance he'll die in office. The dementia has visibly progressed in the last year or so. That would set off a clown show of his followers scrambling against each other to take power, similar to the Speaker debacle in the House.

In the mean time, I would expect a lot of self-aggrandizing, lashing out at critics, and settling scores. It's hard to predict how much and specifically what damage they'd do to our institutions. The man doesn't have an agenda beyond ego (look at how he flipped on abortion just like that), and his toadies have to play by those rules. So by nature, it won't be an organized assault. Anybody who's smart and disciplined enough to wage a well-organized dismantling of government is also too dangerous to the leader and his ego, and will be fired. (Like last time. He certainly hasn't become more canny and self-aware since then.) Hence, the clown show.

In short, I'd expect a mixture of horror and comedy, likely focused on payback for the prosecutions.

RizzRustbolt ,

Die horribly and then plunge the country into "blood on the steeets" political infighting in the ensuing power vacuum.

LaunchesKayaks ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

I expect to have to go back into the closet again. It is especially painful emotionally because I realized I'm gay only 4 years ago and haven't gotten to experience anything in regards to relationships with other women.

snownyte OP ,
@snownyte@kbin.social avatar

Now that you mention it, yeah I can really see republicans/trump rolling back the 2015 supreme court ruling.

They never really codified it either which totally would've prevented that.

Gradually_Adjusting ,
@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

He's going to fulfill GWAR's mandate that "America Must Be Destroyed", but in a way David Brockie would have hated.

That about sum things up?

Paragone ,

He is going to get "even" with every ecological-protection, every science, every minority-rights, every women-protection, every Ukranian, every leftist, .. everybody.

War on ALL who frustrated him, but possibly haphazard, possibly systematic.

I outright expect the Environmental Protection Agency to be either completely dismantled, or a delay ( possibly of 4 years ) before outright having artillery take its buildings out, as the US Civil War Part2 progresses.

I expect US Civil War Part2 to be live-fire, everywhere, within 4y of him gaining rule of the US.

It may take only 2y, but it will be a progression ( I hadn't understood that until recently ), and it will be for keeps.

"Getting even" is going to be his primary "need".

Against EVERYone who isn't worshipping him.

As I say, it'll be a 2-4y build, before the complete scope of his war against all other than his supremacy, unfolds completely.

fruitycoder ,

First he'll come for Eco friendly, but I didn't care because I wasn't that Eco friendly...

Altofaltception ,

I'm pretty sure he's going to roll back just about everything Biden has done.

Funny how we accept that it takes 4 years for Biden to roll back Trump's nonsense one at a time but we expect Trump to roll back every single thing Biden's has done right away.

WarlockLawyer ,

Because there are proper channels and legal ways to do things versus just fucking shit up every which way which is harder to undo.

snownyte OP ,
@snownyte@kbin.social avatar

That's because when Trump was in office for 4 years, he dismantled nearly everything Obama has done just within 4 years and it was like month after month, there was something being rolled back.

I mean we've just got Net Neutrality rolled back and that was a thing Trump dismantled by installing Ajit Pai for the purpose of dismantling it.

tiefling ,

Legit transgender genocide. My ass is out if he gets in. Florida's been trying.

leaky_shower_thought ,

play golf

ImplyingImplications ,

As a Canadian, I worry Trump will start a trade war with Canada for no reason. He's made a few remarks about ripping up trade deals and calling Canada a threat to US national security.

Apollo2323 ,

He is being calling the rest of allies a threat to America. He also said the same thing about Japan before he was president.

fruitycoder ,

Whohoo a trade war in all fronts again...
Surely the US will come out on top of that :/ /s

NeptuneOrbit ,

Pardon himself. Pardon his whole coup and January 6 crew. Imprison Biden and Clinton and more. Tell Israel to nuke Gaza. Give Putin the nuclear codes. Shit his pants. Die in a pool of diet coke.

GardenVarietyAnxiety ,

Shit his pants.

radix ,
@radix@lemmy.world avatar
audiomodder ,

Israel won’t nuke Gaza. They need that prime beachfront real estate.

InternetUser2012 ,

No, but he said tRump would tell them to.

lurch , (edited )

Remember when he wanted to nuke the hurricane? 🤣

HurlingDurling ,
@HurlingDurling@lemmy.world avatar

Or buy Greenland

NeptuneOrbit ,

Maybe it's more of a superman villain premise.

But yeah, I'm just going off what Trump has said should happen/he should do here.

Anticorp ,

He won't pardon the average people who helped him, only people who are rich enough to buy a pardon.

NeptuneOrbit ,

Probably not, but it's in the news he is said to have said he would. Who else is going to help him in the future if he doesn't throw a bone occasionally?

Anticorp ,

His word is worthless. Who would continue helping him? Apparently millions of idiots.

Rottcodd ,
@Rottcodd@kbin.social avatar

Work toward an eventual full withdrawal from NATO and an overt and full political and military alliance with Russia.

I'm not joking.

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