PostnataleAbtreibung ,

No. But i am not from the vsa.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Will you send socks?

PostnataleAbtreibung ,

What do you mean? Literally sending socks? Or supplies and assist one side.

I think i totally would somehow assist the civil war at the side who don’t support trump, yes. He is, in his ignorance and egalitarian attitude very dangerous not only for the us but for the whole world.

LopensLeftArm , avatar

I'm old and out of shape, so I'm not the ideal soldier, but if the conservatives push that shit and there's an organized resistance by sane, compassionate people who care about people, I'd try to do my part with them.

Tar_alcaran ,

Have you seen the average repub?

Ragnarok314159 ,

They look like a baby Jabba the Hut and talk the same.

Bizarroland ,

I mean, I'm not that old but I am out of shape but it doesn't take a lot of effort to use a sniper rifle. I can just sit on a hill and pick off every red flag wielding red hat I see.

Dozzi92 , avatar

I did an indoc for scout snipers. The shit is no joke. Sitting on a hill is easy. Crawling to that hill and remaining in that position over the course of days with limited food and water, nowhere to piss, no shelter from any effects of weather or bugs or anything, that's the hard part.

safesyrup ,

Whats that?

NOT_RICK , avatar

It’s the logical conclusion of the insane unitary executive theory. Basically gives the president power way beyond what the constitution outlines that a sympathetic judiciary (what we’re currently stuck with) could enable.,Republican%20victory%20in%20the%202024%20U.S.%20presidential%20election.

Bizarroland ,

What makes me laugh is the idea that if Trump were declared dictator for life, how long do you think his life would be?

One, the man weighs 280 lb in his 70s. He does not have long left.

Two, the best way to become dictator for life is to be announced dictator for life. This second best way is to kill the current dictator for life and take his seat. How long do you think it will take all of the people that follow Trump for money to realize that putting a bullet in his head would get them more money?

NOT_RICK , avatar

Joe Biden is too old and senile but this other guy that was a freshman in high school when Joe Biden was a senior is somehow alright

Bizarroland ,

Well technically three years is all that separates their child brides from being legally old enough to consent when transported across state lines, so I'm sure that must be just enough difference in their minds.

Illuminostro ,

One person is easier to control than a mob. The billionaires want a Puppet President they appoint without the annoyance of a voting populace. In short, they want feudalism with themselves as the aristocracy.

FatTony OP , avatar
stembolts , (edited )

Demographics are trending away from conservatism and since they are almost to the point where they can no longer win elections, they want to install a permanent conservative dictatorship.

This has been a long time coming, I remember hearing on the radio in 2008 that projections showed conservatives couldn't win elections if current trends continued for ~20 years, and they did. In conservative speak they call this the "great replacement theory" but it's standard population math that a freshman math major could perform. They frame in a way to make stupid people think something nefarious is occurring. In reality, conservatives are the shrinking minority that is attempting to cling to power.

Just look back to the last time a conservative won the popular vote. I believe it has been over 20 years. The electoral college can only carry conservatives for so long.

To paraphrase a famous quote, "At some point conservatives will have the choice of abandoning conservatism or abandoning democracy." Which do you think they'll choose?

Icalasari ,

Which is why it pisses me off when people go, "Third Party/Not Voting". Other elections, fine. This election? Dems need to win. Period. They need all three branches of government and enough of a margin to prevent getting Manchin'd. Anything less means there will not be a second chance

Destroy the GoP first, THEN focus on smacking around the Dems

afraid_of_zombies ,

The last was Bush Jr but it was narrow, there were two wars raging, and he was in office already. The last first termer was Bush Sr. That was 36 years ago.

Even the EC cant hold it much longer. A blue Texas means the odds of a GOP win become in single digit probabilities. Go to Nate Silver's site and play with the possible maps yourself.

Of course in an ideal world they would look at this and try to change to match what the population wants.

rufus ,

What's with the Republicans, don't they like their country and democracy any more?

stembolts ,

Nope. They found out most folks are cool with the gays, educated people found out the "blacks commit crime" is actually "poor people commit crime", everyone uses thc, we're increasingly done with religion, media is representative of more than white cowboys who can only grunt "I'm manly!", and we are friends with aethiests, hindis, muslims, and jews.

Therefore we are obviously insane and have to die.

altima_neo , avatar

Don't forget Mexicans. Most people are cool with us doing the shit jobs nobody wants, but they don't like the idea of us being here.

stembolts ,

It's hard to remember all the people they hate, smh.
'Foreigners' (includes Americans from big cities) would cover it, lol.

Not the 80s band Foreigner tho, I think they're safe.

altima_neo , (edited ) avatar

I dont think I know anyone who hates the 80s band Foreigner.

afraid_of_zombies ,

You would have to have double vision to hate them

Illuminostro ,

My 63 year old failed jazz guitarist/Grateful Dead cover band friend does. He hates anything "pop." He's great at parties.

Ragnarok314159 ,

I like being able to buy Tamales early in the morning at Lowes. You all can stay as long as you wish.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

We're going to replace all the migrants with robots. Any day now. Just you wait.

Rottcodd , avatar

They never really did.

It was all, always, just about themselves. They claimed to love the country because they just saw it as a rightful extension of themselves, and they claimed to love democracy because they just saw it as the process by which they got what they wanted.

Now that they're faced with the fact that the country necessarily also accommodates other people and that democracy means that other people can get what they want, they have no reason left to pretend that they ever really valued either one.

So they're instead diving headfirst into xenophobic fascism, in the hope that they can recreate a world in which the country exists only for them and the government serves only their interests.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Democracy is only good when you're getting what you want.

When you're losing, its the Tyranny of the Majority, and it has to be stopped at all costs.

Illuminostro ,

They've been brainwashed by Conservative propaganda. The uber rich elites sow discord among the poors so they fight each other, and not coming after them. And it's been done that way since the dawn of civilization. Fox News exists solely to scare the shit out of old white people by convincing them the blacks, browns, gays, and women who won't stay silent in the kitchen are the reason they're poor.

LostWanderer ,

I'm chronically ill, while I would certainly help in a capacity which avoids direct combat situations; I still would help those on the left combat the fascist Republicans!

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Nice try, glowie!

Alto , avatar

This is the most fed post I've ever seen

FatTony OP , (edited ) avatar

I don't know what that means...

DragonTypeWyvern ,

That's what a glowie would say!

azulavoir ,

glowie (noun, internet slang, far right, derogatory): A government agent or informant entering an online space, aiming to surveil extremists. Derived from Terry Davis stating that it was like CIA agents glow in the dark.

stinerman , avatar

Maybe on the weekends. I work during the week. Depends on if I could get flexible scheduling and HQ had Wi-Fi.

Bizarroland ,

All right Johnson, HR has decided that you can pick one day a week to war from home, but you're only going to get halftime pay for that.

_haha_oh_wow_ , avatar

I don't think it would be very civil TBH

tiefling ,

I can only do so much due to disabilities, but I would support all resistance to a fascist Nazi takeover

TransplantedSconie , avatar

You can pilot the flamethrowing robo-dogs for us.

ultranaut ,

Sure. I have a lot of issues with the US but if fascists overthrow the constitutional order every American has a moral obligation to restore the rule of law.

Ragnarok314159 ,

I am a veteran of two wars, first priority is getting my kids out somewhere safe. Doubt I would come back after that. Will cheer for you all, but with republicans existing the USA just doesn’t even feel worth fighting for.

Every single person who votes Trump is a traitor. Yeah, you, that random person (not the guy I am replying to) who is reading this and voting Trump. Fuck you, traitor.

some_guy ,

No. If the bad man gets re-elected I’m taking off.

LesserAbe ,

Before the civil war southerners talked shit about northerners as too comfortable and effete to fight. We know how that worked out. All fascists are bound to lose eventually. The question is how much pain and death will they cause before being suppressed.

Ragnarok314159 ,

Most rural towns would be dead in a month if a civil war happened. All those towns produce is meth, teenage pregnancy, and fibromyalgia disability. When the Dollar General runs out of food they will start killing each other.

I can see a few banjo clans attempting to invade cities and set up roadblocks.

The reality of it all is that rural/conservative America is already involved in a proxy civil war with the rest of america. They are using the Republican politicians as weapons to steal our tax dollars and funnel it into their failed existence while they pretend their gasoline corn is something good for the world.

LesserAbe ,

I think it's oversimplifying to say all small town people are Republican or that small towns don't produce anything of value. For example people talk about Texas as a red state but millions of people there vote Democrat. (And plenty of Democrats aren't anti fascist) But you're right that in actual shooting war maga Republicans won't do as well as they think

afraid_of_zombies ,

Small towns suck. Not a single rural county in the US is paying taxes. Go drive in any. No factories, small dead farms, rotting infrastructure, bunch of chain stores. I showed one of the towns I grew up to someone on Google Street view and they said it looked like a warzone. Yep, oxy and meth.

massacre ,

Not an excuse... but unironically this is why so many rural States are Red. Lack of opportunity and the only hope is in religion. Addressing very real existential erosion of their livelihoods and economic fears would go a long way toward avoiding a civil war. Which another Trump presidency might just bring the Russian's joy, having set the wheels in motion decades ago.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Maybe. I made my own opportunity by leaving.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

millions of people there vote Democrat

Voting democrat doesn't mean your politics isn't still shit. Houstonian Dems put up John Whitmire for Mayor. That guy has done nothing but gargle cop balls and tear up bike lanes since he took office.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Before the civil war southerners talked shit about northerners as too comfortable and effete to fight.

After, too. The shit talking never really ended. It's been 160 years of smack.

weirdbeardgame ,

I'm honestly getting the fuck while I can if he gets elected.

BrianTheeBiscuiteer ,

Get passports for yourself and family now. After the election (if he wins) I'm guessing there's gonna be a huge backlog.

weirdbeardgame ,

Yeah that's definitely something I've been considering

Ragnarok314159 ,

You need to do it now. It takes a long time especially with kids. Pay to have it expedited. I have them for all my kids.

altima_neo , avatar

Getting the fuck what?

weirdbeardgame ,

Out ... Getting the fuck out. Mobile keyboard missed a word, but I find it too hilarious to correct 🤣

nfsu2 , avatar

I do not know what that is, but I would fight in any war to protect my family.

RainfallSonata ,
rsuri ,

No, I'm gonna sit back and laugh as a bunch of guys who couldn't schedule a meeting at the four seasons try to overthrow the world's oldest democracy.

xkforce ,

Do not underestimate Trump. The last time people did that he won the damned election.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Do not underestimate Trump.

You can make some serious missteps by overestimating him.

But look around. Cop riots on ever campus from Columbia to UCLA with pigs firing tear gas and clubbing professors indiscriminately. All because some kids said "Free Palestine" on the lawn. There's this sense that things will be so much worse under Trump, when its all spiraled completely out of control six months before the next election.

Win or lose, this is turning into a country by, of, and for cops. They own our world, no matter who sits in the White House. The only real difference is whether the President eggs them on or looks the other way.

fishos , avatar

We're a constitutional Republic, dipshit. We're not even a true democracy and calling us the oldest when there are PUBS older than our country is ridiculous. We are YOUNG.

rsuri ,

According to wikipedia:

Under a minimalist definition of democracy, rulers are elected through competitive elections while more expansive definitions link democracy to guarantees of civil liberties and human rights in addition to competitive elections.

Feel free to edit if you disagree.

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