VindictiveJudge , avatar

I beat Halo 2 on legendary. I also refuse to attempt that again and haven't bothered playing legendary at all on any Halo in over a decade. Pretty sure my thumbs will not do that anymore.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Me too!

My college roommate hard carried me.

Brkdncr ,

I managed a cyber cafe many years ago. Mostly filled with regulars that I knew on a first name basis and would usually sit in for a CS match if it was slow.

I wouldn’t call myself great but I could take down middle schoolers. That’s not what this post is about though.

A girl walks in, has some sweats on from the big university that’s not too close but still in the area.

She wipes all those kids out repeatedly. They start yelling, asking me to help them out so I do. I’m effectively going 50% with this person.

Before she leaves she reveals that’s she’s visiting her parents for the weekend and that she was on a team that was ranked or otherwise played professionally.

I asked her if I was good enough to play competitively.

She said no, she hadn’t played at all for a few months because of school and she was going easy.

Felt pretty proud that I was able to keep up with an out-of-shape pro.

ShittyBeatlesFCPres ,

When I was a kid in the 80’s and 90’s, you only owned a few games if you had an NES or SNES (or Sega equivalent) even if you rented/played a lot of them. So, I got insanely good at the few games I owned. After I beat Street Fighter II with every character on the highest difficulty, I decided to beat the game using only one button (plus the D pad, obviously). Finally did it with Chun Li and X button.

With Super Mario World, the hardest personal challenge I did was beating every level except the switch blocks. There’s a bunch of secret exits where switch blocks are supposed to be the way. It took a lot of cape+blue Yoshi shenanigans to get that one done.

Now that I’m old (or least older) and games are way longer, my biggest accomplishment is actually finding time to play a game all the way through, much less do side quests. I made time for BoTW, Horizon Zero Dawn, Nier: Automata, and Hades. But if I stop playing a game for awhile, I forget all the controls and that’s the end of that game.

Pr0v3n ,

I’m the largest collector of Anivia merch on earth, and her biggest fan. I’ve had communications with all the famous Anivia related people, am the best Anivia player in my country, and probably close to the world; but I defs am the biggest fan and follower of her :>

tpyoman ,

I was rank 34 warlock serverwide in wow before I abandoned it. I already have a job don't want another.

MicrowavedTea ,

I've finished mario kart in 4 different platforms. Not exactly hard but it does take some time so I'll consider it an achievement.

Seaguy05 ,

I thought the Wii was the hardest version to get 3 stars. Why do you demand perfection from me. I just want to smoke and collect stars and skins!!!

VindictiveJudge , avatar

The motion controls made the Wii version seem harder. Plug in a Gamecube controller and play with that and you'll smoke the AI and any wiimote players online.

Seaguy05 ,

I think it was also that you lose stars if you go off track or even go too far back, so no sandbagging. Vs the switch Mario kart version and you just need first place finishes but can fly around.


mhredox ,

I was ranked #1 in the world for a good while in Pistol Whip. On both PC and PS4, before they separated out all the leaderboards based on modifiers.

kyle ,

I did a Dishonored run with zero kills and never being
spotted, took forever but felt so satisfying.

Fetus ,

Did number 2 the same, then again with killing everyone and no powers. First playthrough took forever, second was only a few hours.

Bapanada , avatar

In my first play through of Dark Souls, I killed Ornstein last and therefore got his armor. Maybe not terribly hard, but by far my favorite achievement.

It’s easier to kill Smough last but his armor isn’t as cool as Ornstein’s.

morphballganon ,

Mario Galaxy 2 - got all of the stars (240 I think)

I did some other stuff that I'm proud of but doesn't sound as "complete" as that

helpImTrappedOnline , (edited )

In wow, I was a death knight gnome in a raid (dungeon finder so it was easy mode). I think it was one of the early warlords of dreanor raids.
Anyways 95% of group wiped, but me and the other tank (a paladin) plus a healer (revived with gnomish army knife - which has a huge chance of failure) managed to survive for what felt like 5 minutes. Really upset the dead folks who just wanted us to wipe and start again.

Unfortuanlty we didn't have enough DPS and hit the beserk timer and that was the end of that.

I also loved using the multi-target death grip skill, normally it sucks every mob to your target, great for CC.

I read you can set your self as target with a macro, so I'd run into the middle of a room and yank everything to me in one go. Super handy when mobs came in from behind and targeted the healer - I just sucked them all in into the stabbing party.

datavoid ,

So basically you wasted 20 people's time?

helpImTrappedOnline , (edited )

Yup, looking back it was definitly a dick move, but it was fun.

Also it was a legitamite attempt, the boss was almost dead...just not dead of enough two tanks with dungeon finder gear could finish the job.

cheese_greater ,

Got the sword of kings in Earthbound

shinigamiookamiryuu ,

I was in the Battle of B-r5rb under the Halloween Coalition (and won, cue the wrath of former N3 Coalitionaires and Pandemic Legionaires). This actually technically makes me a war veteran.

ajmxco , avatar

A couple years ago I won 2048

RebekahWSD , avatar

Out of game, my complaint to one of the heads of the game that the game didn't have steam saves, so they added that, so that was cool?

In Starmourn, I have a number of honors for being votes for during the yearly player awards. I also have a number of designs I enjoy inflicting on people.

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