bdonvr ,

I'm a truck driver, well nowadays more in the office than behind the wheel but I do still pull loads here and there.

HobbitFoot ,

And you pull my load of bullshit onto Lemmy!

I unironically love ya!

bdonvr ,

Well just keep bringing me your loads and I'll uh.... yeah what I mean to say is thanks.

Tar_alcaran ,

When people work with hazardous materials, they hire me to make sure they do it safely or legally. I mostly work in waste handling, soil remediations and laboratories.

It's pretty fun and interesting, but it's been very bad for my enjoyment of homegrown food, swimming outdoors or going downwind of any industrial sites.

setsneedtofeed OP , avatar
lechatron , avatar

OP clearly just wanted an excuse to show off their vast collection of response images....

setsneedtofeed OP , avatar
essell ,

I'm a therapist, and I train other therapists.
And I supervise some therapists and I train other therapists to supervise other therapists. And I manage a team of therapists who train other therapists and who train other therapists to supervise other therapists.

Kind "in it" at this stage.

CarbonatedPastaSauce ,

So, what do you do when you need therapy?

essell ,

I find a therapist I don't know!

There's a few of them about!

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

Wow you're pretty high up there. So that sounds like you are yourself a supervisor and supervisor educator and supervisor educators' supervisor? Like some kind of a consulting group where my supervisors probably got trained? I don't actually know who does the licensing for supervisor status - I'm guessing it's just like the entry level where you have to get hours from anywhere that the state board vetted and stamped off on? It's so interesting to me how state licensure has such a long relationship with private entities.

essell ,

I'm in the UK so it's a different structure than the US, and the role is different too, less overlap with the medical approach.

Most of what we so is training counsellors, the training of qualified counsellors in how to provide clinical supervision is a small part of it.

We're a private training company, doing counselling, legal, medical and accounting. I work for the counselling part of course.

TimewornTraveler ,

Very cool! Wish there were more of us on here. r/therapists is still one of the main reasons I use Reddit. Well, uh, I guess you and I could talk? But at that point, with you as a super-super and me as a first-year post-grad, it would just sound like shoddy anonymous online supervision!

essell , (edited )

I'm up for that!

I doubt I could get to know you the way a supervisor would, doesn't mean it wouldn't be worthwhile for both of us.

Talking with colleagues is always a joy. I'm leaving today for a long weekend, hanging out with a dozen counsellors for a person centred encounter group.

Hopefully very restful being in an environment saturated in the core conditions 😁

TimewornTraveler ,

I love that idea too! We just gotta create a space for it, I guess. Boy do I have things to say... my facility's CEO took his life this weekend and it's been a mad scramble. Only in In-patient!

Fogle ,

Construction electrician

Thorny_Insight ,

Plumber & Home improvement contractor

I recently started my own business and now I do variety of jobs related to home maintenance except electrical. If this'll pay enough to keep me and my SO fed then based on my experience so far it was the best decision of my life. It doesn't really even feel like work and 98% of customer encounters have been positive. I've gotten 5x more thank yous in 2 months than I got in 10 years at my previous job. We've all had bad experiences with shitty contractors. I truly try to not be one of them.

toomanypancakes , avatar

I approve people applying for disability benefits.

otp ,

That's awesome! Most others seem to only deny people applying for disability benefits.

BonesOfTheMoon ,

Health care. The things I've seen!

setsneedtofeed OP , avatar
BonesOfTheMoon ,

Quite literally, and when you mix that with meth, a hemorrhoid, and a razor, it gets really real very fast.

setsneedtofeed OP , avatar
ted_pikul ,

What is this from?

jo3shmoo ,

Prosthetist. I work with patients to make and fit artificial limbs to them.

FigMcLargeHuge ,

Sounds like you are pretty handy.

DancingBear ,

That’s awful. You don’t even have a leg to stand on

CarbonatedPastaSauce ,

Well he had to get a foot in the door somehow.

DancingBear ,

I’m gonna have to put my foot down, this is completely inappropriate. You’d think his ears were burning but he nose what he did there, he’s gonna put his foot in his mouth if he’s not careful.

elephantium , avatar

Reasonable prices, too. With that clientele, you can't just charge an arm and a leg.

cobysev ,

I did work in IT, but now I'm retired young. I could go back to work and make double my income, but I just don't wanna. I'd rather have less income with a stable, comfortable life and the freedom to do whatever I want every day, than spend all day stuck in a job just to have no free time to enjoy the extra money I'd be bringing home.

Captainvaqina ,

How did you retire early and at what age? If you don't mind my asking

cobysev ,

I served in the US military. I was in the Air Force, but my profession was IT, so I spent my whole service working as a sysadmin.

You can officially retire and collect a pension after only 20 years served. I joined at 18, so I retired at 38 years old. Normally, a 20-yr pension isn't enough to fully retire on, but I got a bit messed up during my service. The VA gave me a 100% disability rating, which includes a monthly pay bigger than my pension! Plus. My wife also served and was medically discharged with a 100% disability rating as well. So she gets the same medical benefits and pay as I do (minus a pension).

With all three sources of passive income, we can live without working. We're not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but we pull in enough to live comfortably and have all our basic needs met.

Like I said, I could go back into the IT field and double my current income (or more), but then I'd be stuck working all the time again, and I don't want to do that. The military was a 24/7 gig for 20 years. "Service Before Self" was one of our core values; we always had to prioritize the mission over our personal lives, and we could be recalled to work any time, day or night. So it's nice to actually have some "me time" now, where no one can make me go anywhere or do anything. Not looking to go back to work and give that up so soon.

Pra ,

Thanks for your service soldier. I wanted to retire too, but at 8 years my bop code expired and I got a nice little email congratulating me on becoming an mtl at Sheppard. I bop'd out of Texas and there was no way they were getting me to go back. It sucks because I did really like the air Force but the transition from e4 mafia to nco blew lol. No longer do your job and instead I was pushing paper and disciplining troops for ditching pt. And then do only that for 3 years for high schools kids in middle of nowhere Texas? 😂 Denied the retraining, cert'd up my last year, then got a job doing my same job with less work and for way more pay. The air Force classic lol.

Always glad to hear a good retirement story though. Most of the people I knew who retired were jaded as hell by the end of it. Hopefully the air Force didn't break your body too bad though... Have a cold one for me! Air power!

cobysev ,

Yeah, I was pretty jaded by the end of my career. Couldn't wait to retire, which is why I left as soon as I qualified for retirement. I served exactly 20 years and 6 days.

I only made it to Technical Sergeant (E-6), but it was my ideal rank. I had enough rank and authority to manage personnel and resources, but I was also the technical expert and could get down on the ground level and do the work alongside my Airmen and NCOs. All career fields operate differently, but my IT field specifically didn't allow Senior NCOs to do the job. They were upper-management; they always got put behind a desk and made to do paperwork, pass down orders, and oversee projects.

I didn't want that for myself, so I stopped trying to promote once I made TSgt. I expected I'd have to keep working once I retired, so I wanted to stay technical and keep my IT certifications and experience strong, so I could transition into a high-paying gig on the outside.

Little did I know that I'd earn that coveted 100% Permanent & Total disability rating. Now my medical and dental costs are covered for life and my monthly VA check is bigger than my pension, so I'm essentially making a little bit more money than when I was serving, just to sit on my ass all day. So... yeah, I'm enjoying that hard-earned freedom right now.

bighatchester ,

I do customer service for a shipping company. Alot of my calls are just people complaining about how much this company sucks ( they are not wrong ) but work from home and put very little effort in my job and spend a lot of time gaming at work . I also have a morning job delivering news papers and amazon packages which I actually kind of like but does not have full time opportunities.

kitnaht ,

I run a business repairing consumer-grade 3D printers.

setsneedtofeed OP , avatar
kitnaht ,

Hah! Did you paint that yourself? That's pretty cool.

setsneedtofeed OP , avatar

No but I should add Scruffy to a Stargrave team.

runner_g ,

Wastewater-based epidemiology. Basically we track infectious diseases in wastewater, and the results guide public health decisions.

setsneedtofeed OP , avatar
gothic_lemons ,

Thanks for helping make sure I don't shit myself to death. I assume you help with that.

philpo ,

Actually COVID is one of the most used tests they do, at least around here.
But you can do things like drug use, cancer epidemiology (for some cancers), etc. as well - and that is incredibly helpful from a public health point of view.

Because it's just like with Covid - we can't get proper data from patient sided tests because we can't test everyone. And even if we could,not everyone would.

But everybody poops/pees. And guys like OP interpolate from that.

SeekPie ,

The government is stealing our poop!1!!1

philpo ,

As someone who is doing disaster response consulting for healthcare and public health:
I fucking love you guys.
You make my job sooo much easier.


The surveillance you folks do is pretty much indisputable and far more incorruptible compared to everything else we do, in healthcare especially.

Very often you are my "discussion ending gun" when decision makers endlessly want me to prove their (flawed) point of view.
A "nope, here are validated wastewater based numbers, you are wrong" is extremely satisfying sometimes.

Thanks folks!

runner_g ,

Love to hear it! 2 years ago I had no idea that I'd be working with wastewater but here I am now!

Anyone out here reading this, write to your senator about increasing funding to public health!

Riven , avatar

How does one get into that line of work?

runner_g ,

Great question! For the US, you will need a degree in Molecular Biology/Microbiology or a Medical (Laboratory) Technologist. You'll then either need to live near the city where one of the few private companies that do wastewater testing ar e(my case), or live near a public health lab that does ww. Pretty much all state public health labs do it, but city/county level varies immensely. For the government route, look at APHL or NACCHO to find information on your local public health labs. There are a few universities that also do ww testing, for example I know University of Illinois, University of Missouri and Michigan State are all doing a bunch of wastewater work.

Feel free to DM me if you want more information.

BedSharkPal ,

Thank you for your service! One of the best things to come out of the pandemic IMO.

KillerTofu ,

State government paper pusher

setsneedtofeed OP , avatar
KillerTofu ,

Your dedication to finding appropriate responses is appreciated.

psmgx ,

Insurance claims investigation. In-house PI, essentially

setsneedtofeed OP , avatar
psmgx ,

Kinda like that but I'm fatter and swarthier

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