aldalire ,

I put $1000 in bitcoin in 2012

Then i wake up from my dream and calibrate temperature sensors on medical refrigerators

runner_g ,

Wastewater-based epidemiology. Basically we track infectious diseases in wastewater, and the results guide public health decisions.

setsneedtofeed OP , avatar
gothic_lemons ,

Thanks for helping make sure I don't shit myself to death. I assume you help with that.

philpo ,

Actually COVID is one of the most used tests they do, at least around here.
But you can do things like drug use, cancer epidemiology (for some cancers), etc. as well - and that is incredibly helpful from a public health point of view.

Because it's just like with Covid - we can't get proper data from patient sided tests because we can't test everyone. And even if we could,not everyone would.

But everybody poops/pees. And guys like OP interpolate from that.

SeekPie ,

The government is stealing our poop!1!!1

philpo ,

As someone who is doing disaster response consulting for healthcare and public health:
I fucking love you guys.
You make my job sooo much easier.


The surveillance you folks do is pretty much indisputable and far more incorruptible compared to everything else we do, in healthcare especially.

Very often you are my "discussion ending gun" when decision makers endlessly want me to prove their (flawed) point of view.
A "nope, here are validated wastewater based numbers, you are wrong" is extremely satisfying sometimes.

Thanks folks!

runner_g ,

Love to hear it! 2 years ago I had no idea that I'd be working with wastewater but here I am now!

Anyone out here reading this, write to your senator about increasing funding to public health!

Riven ,

How does one get into that line of work?

runner_g ,

Great question! For the US, you will need a degree in Molecular Biology/Microbiology or a Medical (Laboratory) Technologist. You'll then either need to live near the city where one of the few private companies that do wastewater testing ar e(my case), or live near a public health lab that does ww. Pretty much all state public health labs do it, but city/county level varies immensely. For the government route, look at APHL or NACCHO to find information on your local public health labs. There are a few universities that also do ww testing, for example I know University of Illinois, University of Missouri and Michigan State are all doing a bunch of wastewater work.

Feel free to DM me if you want more information.

BedSharkPal ,

Thank you for your service! One of the best things to come out of the pandemic IMO.

NegativeLookBehind , avatar

I work in IT and I don’t like following rules

MagnyusG ,

But do you use Linux?

NegativeLookBehind , avatar

I’m insulted that you would even ask me that. We are no longer internet friends.

Theoriginalthon ,

Clearly not an arch user

NegativeLookBehind , avatar

You shall lie soulless in the wake of Debian’s righteous slaughter

Concave1142 ,

Ahh, there it is. Linux user confirmed. :D

Steak ,

Power ranger (erectrician)

OceanSoap ,

I vote all electricians be called power rangers from now on.

SturgiesYrFase , avatar

I'm a Stonemason, and I work in conservation.

Taco2112 ,

Nice! I’m a trim carpenter and I work in historic preservation. I’m a project manager now but I worked my way up from laborer.

Fedizen ,


LoreleiSankTheShip ,

I teach middle school

Asclepiaz ,

Thank you for your service 🫡

TimewornTraveler ,

Do you enjoy it? r/teachers is miserable

LoreleiSankTheShip ,

It depends on the class and the school. Some of them are a wonder to work with, especially if you try to make the lessons fun and turn them into games. Others make you want to pull out your hair.

But all in all, the worst thing, to me at least, is admin. They stick their noses into what they shouldn't and ignore the actual issues. In my experience, they can either be people who give 200% and are overworked to the point of burnout or they are power-hungry tyrants.

TheBigNil ,

Tower climbing grease monkey. Aka wind turbine technician.

Part plumber, part electrician, part IT, part jiffy lube, all crazy!

Steak ,

That's a sick job

BigLgame ,

Hey green team represent, solar water pig here. I boat out to floating solar arrays and fix them, also build them but recently been fixing them.

NocturnalMorning ,

Engineer (p.s. don't become an engineer, it's not as great as they sold it to us)

sunzu ,

Ain't that how all professional service are nowadays.

Doctors is the last gig and it is getting gutted as we speak.

Bearbie , avatar

I was talking to my doctor who is moving to Denver for another job soon. He was telling me how bad it was getting.

The hospital+clinics are forcing them to spend less time with patients,overbooking their schedules, and ordering tests that aren’t medically necessary to get the most out of a patient.

He’s leaving for a private practice job that’ll allow him to have more say so, it’s sad those who have been with him for the last 10+ years won’t benefit from him being around anymore.

criticon ,

I disagree, I'm an engineer and I prefer it over not engineering positions. My only ragret is not keeping up with coding since it was my favorite subject in college

Karmmah , avatar

Do you feel like you could use coding in your daily business or is it just an interest you would like to pursue?

Zonetrooper , avatar

Not that guy, but also a (not-software) engineer. Coding is really great for a few things:

  • Software stuff is in really vogue right now. Like there's demand for all engineering disciplines in my area, but software guys are the hot position, with pay to match.
  • Even if you're not software, knowing a little is helpful for other stuff - e.g., whipping up some quick and dirty test interfaces, or interacting with older systems with non
  • It also really, really helps for little things at home.

Unfortunately I cannot actually write code to save my life, but it'd be real useful if I could!

Today ,

My husband is an engineer. He loves his job most days.

some_guy ,

That’s why I went backwards from SE back to IT. I enjoy working with people directly and helping them. It’s also a hell of a lot easier in terms of hours and crunches (we have no crunches).

Basically, I had to decide whether I wanted the money and “glamour” of working on a well-known hot project or to be generally happy with my life. I’m a lot happier now.

Cryophilia ,

Are you a software engineer or a real engineer?

Spacehooks ,

Lol what did SE do to you?

Cryophilia ,

Oh god I don't even know where to start

BigLgame ,

Solar installer, I put solar panels on things and get them working. Recently my company got a reputation for competence with floating solar arrays so we've been traveling to build and fix them all over the country. Electricity and water is a fun combo.

lechatron , avatar

OP clearly just wanted an excuse to show off their vast collection of response images....

setsneedtofeed OP , avatar
Asafum , (edited )

I don't really have a title, but I work in a factory.

Go to college kids. Fuck the expense, you still get many more opportunities that a factory scumbag like myself does not. If you don't know what you want or what you're capable of, who cares. Go anyway for anything and you'll meet people who you can network with and you'll be exposed to classes and topics you might not ever have considered. I'm the only scumbag failure in my friend group who didn't go to college and I'm the only loser working in a literal sweat shop while they all work from home with very nice salaries and wives/husbands they met at college. I'm still single.

Go to college.

Jakeroxs ,

Not to argue too heavily with your valid life experience, but I was one of the few in my friend group who did not go to college, yet I am doing somewhat what I want to do (tech related) while my friends do nothing related to their degree and make less :/

It's not a surefire way to get a better job unfortunately.

OceanSoap , (edited )

Go to college for something that you can get a good job in. I have an associates and my friend has a masters. I make more than she does, and always have in our respective carriers.

Just saying "fuck the expense" is the reason she got her batchelors in art sculpting, and had to get a masters in something more practical.

thedeadwalking4242 ,

I'm of th opinion people like you should make more money and upper management should make less. No point in hiring management if no one works your factory. Manufacturing is some of the most important work there is

BugleFingers ,

CNC machining. It's manufacturing; I work with titanium, inconel, and on occasion steel.

OceanSoap ,

I got to learn a bit of MasterCAM in school, it was fun!

t0fr , avatar

Mechanical engineer in the space industry

Uncaged_Jay ,

Genuinely jealous of this one

OceanSoap ,

Can I ask how your day-to-day is? Is it stressful, or with long hours?

I've always wanted to get into aerospace, but it's such a tough market to get into!!

t0fr , avatar

Depends what's going on. Its very different if I'm in the design phase of a project or assembly and testing.

I really enjoy CADing and designing in general. And I'm fine writing documentation, procedures, assembly instructions. Pretty smooth for me.

Once production starts and things go wrong, we need to investigate, fix the issues, and sometimes we're chasings ghotsts. This is the stressful part. I'm currently in it, and I'm pretty stressed these days.

Slithers ,

Commercial wide format print shop owner

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