sicarius ,

I'm a rope access industrial radiographer.
Edit: colloquially known as a "bomber"

pineapplelover ,

Had to look this up. So you climb up stuff to get radio data or what does that entail? Why do they call you "bomber"?

tal , avatar

I've never heard of this job, but with a search or two, it sounds kind of like he rappels to points on tall structures to check for structural issues and such using X-rays.

sicarius ,

Yep, that's close enough. Although we mostly use a gamma radiation source as x-rays are electronically generated, we aren't near a plug and the equipment is often cumbersome.
There are portable x-ray generators that run off a 20v dewalt battery. But their effective penetrative power means it's only viable for very thin walled pipes.

sicarius ,

Not quite. We climb / rappel structures, mostly oil rigs. And use a gamma radiation source to check for weld defects.
We're known as bombers because the source container, a techops sentinel 880 or a SCAR projector look a lot like bombs and we blast radiation all over the place causing issues to the nucleonic sensors so over the place.

Jourei ,

Public transport, manufacturing and service/maintenance.

essell ,

I'm a therapist, and I train other therapists.
And I supervise some therapists and I train other therapists to supervise other therapists. And I manage a team of therapists who train other therapists and who train other therapists to supervise other therapists.

Kind "in it" at this stage.

CarbonatedPastaSauce ,

So, what do you do when you need therapy?

essell ,

I find a therapist I don't know!

There's a few of them about!

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

Wow you're pretty high up there. So that sounds like you are yourself a supervisor and supervisor educator and supervisor educators' supervisor? Like some kind of a consulting group where my supervisors probably got trained? I don't actually know who does the licensing for supervisor status - I'm guessing it's just like the entry level where you have to get hours from anywhere that the state board vetted and stamped off on? It's so interesting to me how state licensure has such a long relationship with private entities.

essell ,

I'm in the UK so it's a different structure than the US, and the role is different too, less overlap with the medical approach.

Most of what we so is training counsellors, the training of qualified counsellors in how to provide clinical supervision is a small part of it.

We're a private training company, doing counselling, legal, medical and accounting. I work for the counselling part of course.

TimewornTraveler ,

Very cool! Wish there were more of us on here. r/therapists is still one of the main reasons I use Reddit. Well, uh, I guess you and I could talk? But at that point, with you as a super-super and me as a first-year post-grad, it would just sound like shoddy anonymous online supervision!

essell , (edited )

I'm up for that!

I doubt I could get to know you the way a supervisor would, doesn't mean it wouldn't be worthwhile for both of us.

Talking with colleagues is always a joy. I'm leaving today for a long weekend, hanging out with a dozen counsellors for a person centred encounter group.

Hopefully very restful being in an environment saturated in the core conditions 😁

TimewornTraveler ,

I love that idea too! We just gotta create a space for it, I guess. Boy do I have things to say... my facility's CEO took his life this weekend and it's been a mad scramble. Only in In-patient!

kaotic ,

I’m in IT now, but before that, I worked in construction. I operated tunnel boring machines that dug tunnels for underground metros. It was super interesting work, and I’m glad I did it, but it was incredibly tough.

OceanSoap ,

Do you operate those from above ground or do you operate inside of them as they move through the earth? Super interesting!

kaotic , (edited )

I did all sorts of work on that machine from electrical to building the rail the machine rides on to running the grouting machine that pumped grount to fill in the space behind the cutting head. But it’s operated on board. They are very slow moving machines the fastest I saw it moving was about 80mm per minute.

OceanSoap ,

Oh, that is super slow, but very, very cool. What a view of the world that most people don't get to see!

Asidonhopo , (edited ) avatar

Do they call them subterrenes (similar to submarines) in the industry or is that term a ridiculous steampunk conceit? Big respect here for those who tunnel

Did your coworkers crack a lot of jokes about The Underminer from The Tick and Krang from Ninja Turtles?

kaotic ,

lol, no it was just called the TBM (tunnel boring machine). Most of the jokes were around the graveyard we were tunneling under. We were 65 feet down so no worries of actually boring through any graves.

BrerChicken ,

I teach kids how to do physics, and how to write about doing physics.

intensely_human ,

I’ve heard it said physics is a critical part of education because it teaches reasoning based on simple rules that aren’t up for debate.

I never considered how physics writing could serve the same role in terms of scientific precision in writing.

BrerChicken ,

The kind of writing they do is it try to explain in English why their incorrect answers doing actually work. It's a really great way to get them thinking, and to get me some insight into how they understand the concepts.

But also kids just need to practice writing! It's a superpower! And it's an important part of gathering info and explaining it to yourself!

t0fr , avatar

Mechanical engineer in the space industry

Uncaged_Jay ,

Genuinely jealous of this one

OceanSoap ,

Can I ask how your day-to-day is? Is it stressful, or with long hours?

I've always wanted to get into aerospace, but it's such a tough market to get into!!

t0fr , avatar

Depends what's going on. Its very different if I'm in the design phase of a project or assembly and testing.

I really enjoy CADing and designing in general. And I'm fine writing documentation, procedures, assembly instructions. Pretty smooth for me.

Once production starts and things go wrong, we need to investigate, fix the issues, and sometimes we're chasings ghotsts. This is the stressful part. I'm currently in it, and I'm pretty stressed these days.

NocturnalMorning ,

Engineer (p.s. don't become an engineer, it's not as great as they sold it to us)

sunzu ,

Ain't that how all professional service are nowadays.

Doctors is the last gig and it is getting gutted as we speak.

Bearbie , avatar

I was talking to my doctor who is moving to Denver for another job soon. He was telling me how bad it was getting.

The hospital+clinics are forcing them to spend less time with patients,overbooking their schedules, and ordering tests that aren’t medically necessary to get the most out of a patient.

He’s leaving for a private practice job that’ll allow him to have more say so, it’s sad those who have been with him for the last 10+ years won’t benefit from him being around anymore.

criticon ,

I disagree, I'm an engineer and I prefer it over not engineering positions. My only ragret is not keeping up with coding since it was my favorite subject in college

Karmmah , avatar

Do you feel like you could use coding in your daily business or is it just an interest you would like to pursue?

Zonetrooper , avatar

Not that guy, but also a (not-software) engineer. Coding is really great for a few things:

  • Software stuff is in really vogue right now. Like there's demand for all engineering disciplines in my area, but software guys are the hot position, with pay to match.
  • Even if you're not software, knowing a little is helpful for other stuff - e.g., whipping up some quick and dirty test interfaces, or interacting with older systems with non
  • It also really, really helps for little things at home.

Unfortunately I cannot actually write code to save my life, but it'd be real useful if I could!

Today ,

My husband is an engineer. He loves his job most days.

some_guy ,

That’s why I went backwards from SE back to IT. I enjoy working with people directly and helping them. It’s also a hell of a lot easier in terms of hours and crunches (we have no crunches).

Basically, I had to decide whether I wanted the money and “glamour” of working on a well-known hot project or to be generally happy with my life. I’m a lot happier now.

Cryophilia ,

Are you a software engineer or a real engineer?

Spacehooks ,

Lol what did SE do to you?

Cryophilia ,

Oh god I don't even know where to start

LoreleiSankTheShip ,

I teach middle school

Asclepiaz ,

Thank you for your service 🫡

TimewornTraveler ,

Do you enjoy it? r/teachers is miserable

LoreleiSankTheShip ,

It depends on the class and the school. Some of them are a wonder to work with, especially if you try to make the lessons fun and turn them into games. Others make you want to pull out your hair.

But all in all, the worst thing, to me at least, is admin. They stick their noses into what they shouldn't and ignore the actual issues. In my experience, they can either be people who give 200% and are overworked to the point of burnout or they are power-hungry tyrants.

Swerker ,


setsneedtofeed OP , avatar
OhVenus_Baby ,

Missed the opportunity to use Its not much but its honest work farmer. With the overalls, David Brandt.

proctonaut ,

What do you grow?

Swerker ,

Mostly grass for our dairy cows

OhVenus_Baby ,

Do you see the affects of climate change year over year?

Swerker ,

Well, we have never had a first cut as early as this year. But at least it is not dry as last year or 2018. Some say it is natural variations, but I thilk co2 has to have a part in it

mojofrododojo ,

which crops are you working with?

Swerker ,

Mostly grass of different kinds

Shelbyeileen , avatar

I do cosplay erotica for a living. I make awesome costumes, I take them off, and just post to Patreon. I suppose it's kindof retail, as I'm giving the photos to people, as a reward for subscribing, but I set my own schedule and choose what goes out. The freedom is incredible

LordGimp ,

Where wobblers

laranis ,

First, good on you. As a corpo wage slave who would not be good at either dressing up or removing said dressing, color me envious.

Second, any particular fandom pay the bills better than others?

Now that I'm asking I realize I probably don't actually want to know.

Shelbyeileen , avatar

I specialize in powerful/domme energy characters, because unless you look like a little girl, you don't make money off the sweet/girl next door characters.

My most popular are Lady Dimitrescu (Resident Evil), Cammy (StreetFighter), Mad Moxxi (Borderlands), so video games, win!

Oh, and Velma... my most subscribers ever were for that set, but I shot with a porn star and it was my first girl on girl set. 😅

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar


Socsa ,

Oh, a bullshitter.

Did you bullshit last week?

Did you try to bullshit last week?

limelight79 ,


But the Simpsons lied to me. I have not been offered the opportunity to go to space.

setsneedtofeed OP , avatar
limelight79 ,

Forfty percent of people know that!

setsneedtofeed OP , avatar
runner_g ,

Wastewater-based epidemiology. Basically we track infectious diseases in wastewater, and the results guide public health decisions.

setsneedtofeed OP , avatar
gothic_lemons ,

Thanks for helping make sure I don't shit myself to death. I assume you help with that.

philpo ,

Actually COVID is one of the most used tests they do, at least around here.
But you can do things like drug use, cancer epidemiology (for some cancers), etc. as well - and that is incredibly helpful from a public health point of view.

Because it's just like with Covid - we can't get proper data from patient sided tests because we can't test everyone. And even if we could,not everyone would.

But everybody poops/pees. And guys like OP interpolate from that.

SeekPie ,

The government is stealing our poop!1!!1

philpo ,

As someone who is doing disaster response consulting for healthcare and public health:
I fucking love you guys.
You make my job sooo much easier.


The surveillance you folks do is pretty much indisputable and far more incorruptible compared to everything else we do, in healthcare especially.

Very often you are my "discussion ending gun" when decision makers endlessly want me to prove their (flawed) point of view.
A "nope, here are validated wastewater based numbers, you are wrong" is extremely satisfying sometimes.

Thanks folks!

runner_g ,

Love to hear it! 2 years ago I had no idea that I'd be working with wastewater but here I am now!

Anyone out here reading this, write to your senator about increasing funding to public health!

Riven , avatar

How does one get into that line of work?

runner_g ,

Great question! For the US, you will need a degree in Molecular Biology/Microbiology or a Medical (Laboratory) Technologist. You'll then either need to live near the city where one of the few private companies that do wastewater testing ar e(my case), or live near a public health lab that does ww. Pretty much all state public health labs do it, but city/county level varies immensely. For the government route, look at APHL or NACCHO to find information on your local public health labs. There are a few universities that also do ww testing, for example I know University of Illinois, University of Missouri and Michigan State are all doing a bunch of wastewater work.

Feel free to DM me if you want more information.

BedSharkPal ,

Thank you for your service! One of the best things to come out of the pandemic IMO.


Lawyer. Wouldn’t really recommend.

setsneedtofeed OP , avatar
Klanky , avatar

Licensed US Customs Broker, I help my clients navigate getting their goods imported through US Customs.

setsneedtofeed OP , avatar
Klanky , avatar

Haha yes!

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