In retrospect, what moment from your childhood (before age 13) do you feel you handled maturely?

When I was about 8/9 years old I was told by a friend of mine I couldn't play with them any more. Their mother didn't approve of it for some reason.

One year later I asked my mom if she ever knew why this was the case. She said that other mother thought I wasn't good enough for her child. But that after a while that mother said she may be okay with it now.

But my mother said she didn't like that idea. That this friendship would be all reliant on that mother's "generosity". And I didn't feel the need to object to that. My mom's reasoning made perfect sense to me, even on age 10. This was not the way you treat friendships fairly from a parents perspective, I realised. (There is a little more to this story though, but this is all I care to share.)

I still feel like that was a mature thing I did. Because I was not a child that took 'no' very well at that age. So what are your childhood experiences where, now upon looking back, you feel you handled it maturely?

phdepressed ,

My brother very maturely didn't kill me when I when I forgot his Gameboy with Pokémon blue and six lvl 99 pokemon in the back of a taxi.

neidu2 ,

I think homicide is the mature response in this situation

BackOnMyBS , avatar

I'll do a counter one: an event that I thought I handled maturely for most of my adult life, but came to realize recently that I really handled it immaturely. Warning: venting of implied child abuse.

Tap for spoiler

I was orphaned at ~3 years old. I hadn't met my biological father yet because he was stuck in Cuba due to tensions between the Soviet bloc and USA. On my actual 9th birthday, I finally met him because he was granted permission to leave Cuba shortly after the dissolution of the USSR. That day, my family threw a huge party. During the party, my biological father mostly engaged with other adults. There weren't many other kids present, so I mostly just hung out along or bounced around adults. Towards the middle of the party, he pulled me aside and said, "I know that today is your birthday, but all these people are here for me, so I have to attend to them. We can talk tomorrow since I won't be busy."

As a child, I didn't really think that was a complete asshole thing to do and say. Rather, I just went along with it. As I aged, I started thinking more about it, and thought that he was a bit self-centered, but possibly overwhelmed with everything going on. He just left Cuba for the USA and reconnected with family he hadn't seen in a decade, including his parents and brother. I prided myself in not taking it personal and allowing him to slowly take in his major transition. More recently, I think I handled it poorly by not speaking up to him for myself.

The guy turned out be a raging narcissist that found pleasure in manipulating and belittling others. Other people have told me they thought he was actually a psychopath, which I can't rule out. It caused him joy to see others beneath him and take advantage of their goodwill. He purposely went out of his way to stunt my personal growth because he did not want me to be "better" than him in his delusional schema.

I think that to have handled it maturely would have been for me to publicly share what he told me in private to everyone and stated how fucked up it was that not only was he neglecting his one son, but playing mind games to devalue him. This would have demonstrated solid boundaries on my behalf and informed other adults of his character. The upcoming years were inline with this pattern of placing himself on a pedestal while devaluing me in private so others wouldn't notice.

I'm happy he is dead now because I feel free be me and relieved that he isn't able to hurt others anymore. Last year, I wrote him a letter he couldn't receive because he was dead, but it was an acknowledgement of his abuse, a dismissal of him from my life, a declaration that his legacy will be of his abusive behaviors towards everyone in his life and that I will never say his name again so that it is forgotten. Any memory of him will die with me like he deserves.

Anyway, if you got to here, thanks for reading and I hope it didn't cause you any distress. If you find yourself in a relationship with a parent like my biological father, then know that not only in my experience, but also among scientific and professional reports, they never get better. That is who they are, so it is up to you to protect yourself and live your life to the fullest because otherwise, these parasites will not allow you to grow.

ParabolicMotion ,

I can’t post about it without the usual crowd stalking my account to downvote me, or urging the mods to remove it all, so they can help conceal child abuse. If anyone cares, it involved an eight year old me, being forced to help dig a hole and bury an older female relative to help conceal a murder. A local gang wants to prevent me from snitching, because other women started using her identity, since there wasn’t a death certificate. Having law enforcement dig her up would ruin their comfortable lifestyles, since they have used her identity to make money. Another group financially benefited when they married one of those women. Unearthing the body and having it identified would put a lot of people in their 40’s in jail over fraud that is connected to the case. So, I’m supposed to shut up about it.

Jarlsburg , (edited )

When I was in secondary school I had to fill out a form over the summer to be allowed to leave early for some school activities. The form required a coach or teacher's signature. Since it was the summer, I had no contact with any faculty so I had my parents call the coach who told me to sign the form for him, which I did and I turned it in. Unfortunately, that coach left before the beginning of the year so when school started I was called to the principal's office and accused of forging his signature. I told the principal the coach told me to, so it wasn't a forgery, I was signing on his behalf, and I even put that on the form. He ended up calling the coach and he even confirmed but at that point he didn't want to back down and still denied the request.

After I left the two older ladies that ran the office found me and told me they just approved it after he left for the day and he would never know. They were super nice and told me they were proud of me for sticking up for myself. As a barely out of primary school kid it was really intimidating to be yelled at by an adult but I felt so vindicated when they recognized the inequity of the situation and helped me.

That principal ended up only lasting a year too.

SirSamuel ,

Are you kidding? I didn't handle things maturely at 23! But hey! thanks for getting me to think about aaaaaallllllllllllllllll of my embarrassing childhood memories. Funny how there's so few good memories, but loads of embarrassing ones

tal , (edited ) avatar

Not that it was remarkably maturely, but I think that it's funny, so:

I'm maybe, I dunno, 5. The family goes to a theme park that has this ball pit. Little kids can swim around in them. I'm waiting in line and this group shows up sporadically, spread out over the line. Everyone in the group is somewhere in front of me in line except this one little girl, who is right behind me. They hit the maximum number of kids in the ball pool right as I go in, and the attendant says to the little girl "no, sorry, we can't have any more, you have to wait for the next batch" and she starts to cry. I say "let her go ahead, and I'll wait for the next batch". The ball pool attendant, who didn't want to deal with some hysterical little kid, says to me, "Thanks, kid. Here, you want to say something on the loudspeaker?" and without waiting a sec, sticks the microphone right in my face and keys it. I didn't, in fact, want to say anything on the loudspeaker, and say "No", which of course comes out hugely amplified over the ride's sound system. Every kid in the ball pool looks up petrified, trying to figure out what they just did wrong.

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