angstylittlecatboy ,

Hope it's not as bad as I think ("as bad as I think" means "mass killings;") What else can I do? Everyone else here seems to be privileged enough to have the skills or plain cash to say "I'll go somewhere else," isn't as worried as they should be, or think they're Apocalypse Badass Man (see: accelerationists.) That's not me. I'm unskilled, poor, I have the self-introspection to know I don't have what it takes to be a revolutionary.

Swedneck , avatar

fwiw you don't have to be a revolutionary, just supporting others (who might be revolutionaries) is great.

if nothing else, things become a lot easier to bear when you engage in mutual aid and building a local community.

rusticus ,

I’m in the privileged class so despite being pissed off I won’t be targeted. If I was a minority or woman I’d GTFO.

DudeImMacGyver , avatar

We'll see how bad it gets, might ride it out, might leave for somewhere better.

Sam_Bass ,

Lots of head shaking and tsktsking but no real action

KillingTimeItself ,

i'll be ready to observe everything, and get a documented first hand account of fascism (assuming it happens)

Otherwise, i'll probably just shit and piss myself hoping nothing implodes. while staying very far away from the internet.

Lost_My_Mind ,

....................I really hope you're not in public when the results are announced.


Maybe you should just stay home. Spend the night on the toilet, ya know? Of coarse, you'll have to shut off the water first, and then flush away the remaining water first.

I mean how ELSE are you going to shit and pee your pants, without making a big mess!!! If you don't shut off the water first, it's just going to clog the toilet and make it overflow.

I mean really. This is day 1 stuff, ya know?

KillingTimeItself ,

damn, ok first things first. Name checks out.

Second things second, someone here seems to be actively shitting and pissing in their pants, and i'm not quite sure who it is.

Lost_My_Mind , I mean, the whole basis of the post comes from your post.

RizzRustbolt ,

Well, I'm definitely going to lose my job if he gets elected. So I guess I'll do one good thing with my life.

cordlesslamp ,

Hi, Biden.

TheWoozy ,

I'm a govt. contractor. I will retire the day before he's swarn in. I'm not sure what I'll do beyond that. A lot of Americans already retire to Costa Rica or Panama. I'll have to decide whether to run away or stay & resist.

suction ,

Well don’t come to Europe. No vacancies!

TwistedTurtle , (edited )

Lol. Opportunity to be on the other side of the brain drain effect but refuse it. Fine, some other continent will reap the benefits of a bunch of smart expats.

hanrahan , avatar

Well, as an Australian I'd hope they'd not come here either, happy to have refugees and help then out as much as possible but not Americans.

As to brain drain, you come from a country that's destroying the planet, acts like a spoiled child when it doesn't get it's way, (look at the reaction to the ICC arrest warrants for Israel) you've created a monster that has little to admire, the "brains" that created all that will hopefully stay there.

This is a country that has threatened to invade the Hague if any US person or allly is indicted by the ICC for example. Churlish doesn't even begin to describe it, stay there.

Desistance , avatar

I don't think many Americans will want to go to the deadliest continent on the planet. I see a lot going to South America, parts of Africa and Europe.

TwistedTurtle ,

The Americans that would flee a Trump administration aren't the ones destroying the planet and acting like spoiled children.

suction , (edited )

Yeah we know American “brains”, that’s why we aren’t so keen.
We don’t need you guys turning us into the US, too.

TwistedTurtle , (edited )

If we had had that attitude when fascism was on the rise in Europe we would never have gotten Einstein or Tesla or half of our best and brightest.

We became so much better by taking in anti-facist refugees in the past, it's funny and sad to see these edgy comments when the situation is reversed. I'm proud we weren't so stupid in our history, we benefited greatly from taking them.

suction , (edited )

Einstein or…Tesla(!) yeah that’s exactly the brain farts we’d get from you clowns. You’re all scam artists one way or another. No Einsteins in sight,
We don’t have vacancies anyway,

TwistedTurtle , (edited )
  • Draws rare "convert other team's best units to your team" card.
  • Opponent has used this dozens of times on you and dominates the game.
  • Refuse to use it because you hate the other team.

Well played buddy.

suction ,


Tyfud ,


AA5B ,

In any sane world he’d have no chance. At least he’s shown enough incompetence and appointed so many corrupt greedy assistance, that he won’t succeed in doing as much damage as he wants, except to Ukraine. At this point it’s hard to believe he’s running for anything more than staying out of jail, making himself above the law

hungryphrog , avatar

Well, I wouldn't call the world we live in "sane".

RememberTheApollo_ ,

This time around the people surrounding him know what they need to do. It’s not like last time where they kinda tried to run the government with some pretense of obeying the rules. IMO should trump win this time they’re just going to go all-in and place themselves permanently in power.

eldavi ,

the same thing i did when even biden, et al. voted against gay marriage; gays in the military; supported gay ban in the federal gov't and stayed silent on a slew of anti-immigrant & anti-abortion state laws.

rez_doggie ,

Insurrection? Lol

WoahWoah ,

Resist. Reorganize. Endure. Survive. Same as we've always done with presidents.

Idk what settlers are gonna do. Probably what they always do: whine, move to someone else's land if they're seriously inconvenienced, steal their shit, ruin that too, complain about how this keeps happening to them.

bloodfart ,

The same thing I’m doing now. The same thing I did during trumps first term and Bidens too.

Build stronger ties and more resiliency within my community, organize and agitate to improve it for everyone.

weeeeum ,

Ill see what happens, presidents like to talk big before they're elected, but if everything really goes down the shitter, and project 2025 is successful I'll seriously consider leaving. Very fortunately I am British by decent. Not the greatest improvement but a significant one nonetheless.

WoahWoah ,

"I'll see ... but," "if," "I'll seriously consider."

You ain't gonna do shit.

acetanilide ,

Why so aggressive?

WoahWoah ,

Is that aggressive in your world?

acetanilide ,

Our world, but yes.

weeeeum ,

Dude, I've got family there in the UK already, happy to take me in and I don't mind the change in scenery.


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