PineRune ,
hperrin ,

Continue living in California, and probably not go to any red state. At least not with my wife. Continue to vote Democrat and spread progressive values.

altima_neo , avatar

West Coast is best coast.

Hugh_Jeggs ,

California is clearly the best state. It's like if you bought the EU off, but at least there's hope 😂

JCreazy ,

Prevent it from happening in the first place my voting. It sounds like a lot of people have already given up before the election has even started.

trainwreck ,

I don't think you understood the prompt

shinigamiookamiryuu ,

The same thing I did the last time he was president. Absolutely nothing.

SupraMario ,

Correct answer. People thinking murder will magically be legal are insane.

Rhynoplaz ,

However, thinking that murder will magically be legal for a sitting President as part of his executive duties, is slightly more based in reality.

SupraMario ,

No, just no. The turnip if he whens will not magically make murder legal.

huginn ,

It will make murder legal for him, depending on how the Supreme Court rules on the presidential immunity case. Which they're conspicuously refusing to do before the election.

If they ruled presidents had immunity it would literally make murder legal: Biden could legally murder Trump and only face impeachment. No criminal proceedings could be brought against him.

They're obviously not ruling on it now. Cynically one could argue that they're going to change the ruling depending on who wins. If Biden wins reelection then they'll rule that presidents have legal limits. If he loses then they expand the power of the dictatorship.

Rhynoplaz ,

That is exactly what I meant. Thanks!

randon31415 ,

Trump will eventually do something that gets between rich people and their money while also being an impeachable offense. The "sane" bussiness republican VP will pardon Trump after his impeachment and have him live out the rest of his life as a fox news call in guest until he died of "old age".

HungryJerboa ,

If we're lucky he'll piss off his Russian contacts and end up falling out a window by accident.

More likely is that this puppet will be used by bad actors to advance their agendas and as usual he'll distract everybody from the actual bad shit happening.

Today ,

If it's Russia, it will be a poison Big Mac.

lemmefixdat4u ,

Keep doing what I have been doing - dragging MAGA fence sitters back from the brink one by one. The ones who have adopted Trumpism as their religion are too far gone. But there are a lot who just need to be taken by the hand and shown a better path.

When you see MAGA BS, challenge it with well-reasoned arguments. The object really isn't to change the mind of the poster. It's to prevent them from changing the minds of others.

Snapz ,

Can you please give an example of a well reasoned argument that's relevant here?

I'm not sure of the relationship of reason to people that aggressively disregard objective fact and fluidly move the goalpost of their burden of proof.

bradorsomething ,

I like to ask who will replace the main stream media, and how that won’t make them the new mainstream media.

Snapz , (edited )

IME this just leads to "yeah, but ours will be different/better!" type responses like...

"Politicians suck, but ours are good"

"Stop giving out all these services with our tax dollars but don't touch our Medicare"

"Gay marriage shouldn't be legal, but my gay daughter is fine."

"Immigrants are evil, except for the waiter at my favorite Mexican restaurant, he is one of the good ones"

I/Me/Mine is ALWAYS the exception to every rule for them.

So the NEW mainstream, MY mainstream, will be different and tell the REAL truth.

lemmefixdat4u ,

Look up how to debate. Success is not measured by how bad you make the opponent look. That may work on one person, but you have to repeat it for every person who advances the same argument. Instead, take apart their argument, reveal underlying motives, expose untruths with irrefutable documentation, uncover false logic and bad assumptions, and respond without attacking the messenger.

For instance, "The economy is terrible! Everything is so expensive." Well, stuff -is- expensive. But is the economy really the reason behind it? The US stock indexes are at record highs. Most companies have been beating the expected earnings per share. Isn't it more likely that things are expensive because companies are taking more profit to give to their shareholders? Which candidate do you believe is more inclined to change that?

The object is not to defeat the opponent. It's to prevent others from being convinced by their arguments.

Iceblade02 ,

Yeah, there's a huge difference in tactics depending on whether you're trying to comvince the person you're arguing with, or the audience.

The latter is soo much easier - often it's enough to back them into a corner where they out themselves as wrong whatever they say, and they'll quickly descend into a ball of rage.

intensely_human ,

Making someone descend into a ball of rage is now how you get them off the fence.

GnomeKat , avatar

Thats what my brother does, but he is a cis het man who works in construction as an electrician. He is very left leaning so he does try to challenge things where he can.

But I can't do that. I am a trans woman and confrontation legitimately would put me in danger and it wouldn't work anyways. People claim I am biased because I am in a group who is being targeted, its bullshit beyond belief but thats how people are.

IronKrill ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • GnomeKat , avatar

    The fact that you think these things are even remotely comparable is kinda part of the problem

    IronKrill ,

    I was attempting to make fun of the concept that being part of a group makes you "biased".

    Mastengwe ,

    Probably enjoy the peace and quiet on social media when all the right- wing… I mean- “far left” propagandists disappear after succeeding in getting their beloved fascist elected.

    It happens every four years. It’ll happen this year as well.

    The irony of YOU asking this probably isn’t lost on anyone I’d assume.

    return2ozma OP , avatar

    I don’t hate the Democrats because I’m on the right. I hate the Democrats because THEY are on the right.

    Mastengwe ,

    Hilarious take. I’ll bet you hate all those Christian satanists as well.

    Boiglenoight ,

    Try to avoid being murdered by my neighbors.

    TheReturnOfPEB ,

    Living in a cop neighborhood is fun, no ?

    Boiglenoight ,

    Living in a neighborhood with open Trump supporters feels like sitting on a ticking time bomb.

    Case ,

    Step one: Buy a few firearms, for different scenarios (which should be easier under Trump sigh)

    Step two: Go to work, home, and limit unnecessary errands, order for delivery more.

    Step three: Practice marksmanship with various firearms. I have a country, but sane, friend of the family with a shooting range on her land.

    Step four: Hunker down in my deep red state, because I hold non-christian belief's and I won't recant them on pain of death. Not because my beliefs "protect" me, but because as an American, I believe in freedom of religion and I'll die a proud American before I die as a Christian, my belief's don't matter compared to that. The protection of those belief's does.

    PsychedSy ,

    Buy the firearms now. Regardless of the election results, you may need them.

    ouRKaoS ,

    Also ammunition. If shit really it's the fan it's a very tradable resource.

    PsychedSy ,

    Works both ways. Buy firearms in common calibers so you can stock up easily as well.

    ouRKaoS ,

    Most common for those that don't know: 9mm & .40 for handgun, 5.56/.223 for rifle, 12ga shotgun. (These are the calibers used by police & military in case you need to 'borrow' ammo in an emergency)

    7.62 & .308 are probably next up in rifle, then .380 for handgun..22LR is another good one to hoard.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    If you have ammo you don't need to trade with anyone.

    corsicanguppy ,


    Why the apostrophe?

    intensely_human ,

    Every thing is some other thing’s thing

    boatsnhos931 ,

    Find new loopholes to exploit. Adapt and overcome. Possibly buy some some snacks.

    vynlwombat ,

    Let's talk about these snacks

    intensely_human ,

    Fruit by the Meter?

    vynlwombat ,

    Nice try non-american

    Unlearned9545 ,

    Move to New Zealand. TBF, I'll probably move there if doesn't will as well.

    skeezix ,

    Welcome mate.

    MapleEngineer , avatar

    Candian here.

    Do not come north.

    We cannot house and feed you. Most of you will die of exposure the first winter you are here.

    If you have thoughts of coming here with guns and taking our homes or food by force know that most of us outside the cities are armed, we're just not so scared that we constantly show off our guns and feel no need to go prepared for combat to buy donuts or groceries.

    So, Mexico is your best bet, if they will take you. I bet you'll be glad that all the talk of a border wall was just neo-fascist virtue signaling.

    Surp , avatar

    Wow you're an asshole

    MapleEngineer , avatar

    I simply pointed out the reality of the situatuation. Canada can't take in millions of American refugees fleeing a christofascist authoritarian regime.

    GnomeKat , avatar

    Your understanding of the effects of immigration is childish.

    MapleEngineer , (edited ) avatar

    Ok. Explain to me how a country of 40 million people that doesn't have sufficient housing for the people who are here now can house millions of political refugees from the US before winter hits and they all freeze to death?

    Keep in mind we're not talking about gradual immigration. We're talking a wave of potentially millions of refugees fleeing a christofascist dictatorship or civil war.

    Your insults are very childish. Do better.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    Just make Newfoundland pay for it, they pay for everything else.

    MapleEngineer , avatar

    Newfoundland gets over $200 million in annual equalization payments.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    The New-fees I have worked with have a different assessment of the situation

    Bytemeister ,

    Yeah. Also, clearly doesn't understand what is going on (TBF, I don't know shit about Canadian politics either), but the stupid violent people with guns will be overjoyed if trump is the president.

    MapleEngineer , avatar

    Just as the students in Iran were overjoyed when the shah fell right up until the reality of living under a theocratic dictatorship sunk in.

    JustZ , avatar

    True story!

    ChillPenguin ,

    But I'm Minnesotan. I can blend in really well.

    MapleEngineer , avatar

    You're well north of the south most point in Canada. You're practically Canadian. We just don't have enough housing up here to take in a bunch of refugees. If Americans end up in tent city refugee camps they will die in winter. We could put a few tens of thousands in school gymnasiums and community centers but it would turn into a humanitarian disaster.

    JustZ , avatar

    Nah bud, we're going to cut down all your trees and build shacks. All those lakes surrounded by trees, going to put up condos.

    JustZ , avatar

    Bud not only are we coming north, but we're going to turn your subarctic tundra into orange groves.

    OlPatchy2Eyes ,

    First I'll do whatever I can to be sure my communications and whereabouts aren't trackable, tell my friends how to contact me, and recommend they use the same channels anyway.

    Then I'll find protests to go to and local campaigns to support however I see fit, and I'll do that right up to the point where I feel unsafe, at which point I don't know how I procede.

    rageagainstmachines ,

    This would essentially require you to not communicate outside of Signal.

    OlPatchy2Eyes ,

    So be it, I guess. If that turns out to be unrealistic I would just have to be careful about the content of the messages I send. Discord and WhatsApp have to go, obviously, but I think I could convince most of my friends and family to download Signal if push came to shove. Maybe I could look into hosting a small Matrix instance if I felt comfortable with whatever risks would come with that.

    I don't think a second Trump administration is going to force me into complete anonymity, at least not overnight. I do want to commit to keeping my finger on the pulse so to speak, and staying a step ahead of whatever threats to my rights may be introduced. I have friends that would be much more threatened by Trump 2 than myself so if I can familiarize myself with these tools then I think I can help them feel safer.

    bradorsomething ,

    So I just barely make it into the classes that do well under trump, but I’m very worried as the social safety net is falling apart for most americans, and that republican rule only speeds that problem. I’m going to be trying to strengthen resources that help people trying to make it to self-sufficiency, but I can’t overcome the typical american attitude of “I’ve failed because I need help.” I guess the best plan for most people is to take care of those around them, be moral and resist bad policy by quiet lack of compliance, and try to help good people get out of bad parts of the country so they collapse all the sooner.

    corsicanguppy ,

    make it to self-sufficiency

    If a traffic accident can bankrupt you, unfortunately you're still at-risk.

    Postmortal_Pop ,

    I'd like to think I'm not so backed into a corner that violence is the answer, so I'll do what I do every day of the week: keep my head down and wait.

    If push comes to shove, and the lives of myself and my people are genuinely threatened, I won't retaliate in kind. I come from a long line of people that knew the benefits of blending in. I may not have the moxy to be a firebrand or to rally others to a cause, I may not have the heart to pull a trigger, but I have the means and skill to make triggers and the good sense to stay away from they places they get used.

    It may not be the heroic sense of most Americans, but I was born into an America that sold us an action hero instead of providing us safety and I've never been one to buy rhetoric. I will not give my life for a cause, I will live to see it succeed.

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