schwim , avatar

Same thing I did last time he was president. Ignore the news and spend as much time as possible in the woods on a bicycle.

BossDj ,

Whine about my taxes going up again. Cry laugh at John Stewart. Go defend my school board

Oisteink ,

And if he gets what he wants you’ll just never return from the woods?
The dude that reasons that presidents can kill opposition- literally

PsychedSy ,

Al-Awlaki. The president can order the death of American citizens. The fact that we're pretending they already haven't is insane.

They shouldn't be able to at all, of course, but it's what you do with a standing army.

schwim , avatar

That's my intention and I've been doing it for decades. It's kind of president-independent action.

TootSweet ,

There's not much to do except try to stay in my house and not engage with the outside world any more than I have to for four years.

It's also not like the Democrats are going to reign Trump in in any significant way. (Don't get me wrong. I'm voting for Biden, I just don't expect much.)

YtA4QCam2A9j7EfTgHrH ,

You are making a lot of assumptions. If everything goes absolutely perfectly we might have an end in four years. I doubt it though. This man has already started dismantling our government with his federalist society stooges on the court. He plans to gut the executive branch so there is no Opposition within government. He has shown he will use violence to keep power.

You don’t oppose fascism by being quiet. You oppose it by being loud and making it impossible for them to do their evil shit.

Lumisal ,

I mean, you can do it quietly too. Spying and sabotage are also really useful.

YtA4QCam2A9j7EfTgHrH ,

Yeah, on the podcast “Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff” by Margaret Killjoy she talked about a group of art students who slipped piece of paper with fake spy shit on them in Nazis coats and car and what not to frame them as part of a conspiracy. It ended up sparking a rebellion in the army and helped destroy its cohesiveness.

empireOfLove2 ,

Hope that Canada or one of the Nordic/EU countries have job openings for an engineer.

Lumisal ,

Why wait? Did the math, and depending where you go and what state you currently live in, you might even pay less in taxes (or even about the same if you go somewhere high tax like Finland and are coming from a lower tax state like Wisconsin - only 2.3% difference) while also not having to pay in healthcare. Public transportation is so excellent here a car is literally just a luxury, so if you can even consider transportation savings.

Really the only hurdle is language, but practice everyday really hard and you can get the gist of it. Most international companies here use English as primary working language anyhow.

empireOfLove2 ,

The main hurdle is really experience (I am <5yr) and family (my parents are aging and may need my intervention in fewer years than I think). Firms usually only hire internationally for skilled engineers and there's no guarantee my accredited degree from the US is valid anywhere else. And if I went someplace other than Canada, the travel costs would likely result in me only coming back to see the rest of my family once every two years, which sucks and could pose actual problems.

Don't get me wrong, I honestly do like the idea of going someplace with real human rights, but unless it becomes clear there is actually a threat to my existence I can't justify that big of a change. I love my family too much.

Lumisal , (edited )

I fully understand. But just do consider that once it begins a threat to your existence, it might be too late, based off past history in other places at least. Consider that EU countries are preparing for a potential Trump presidency too, and Finland and others will no longer accept entry with just a passport, even for vacation, starting next year. That's why I'm determined to help as many as I can move now while there's still time.

If you do want to look into jobs here in Finland at least I'd be glad to help.

_wizard , avatar

I really don't want to be here if it happens. Full stop.

lurker_in_chat ,

Canada. Maybe northern Europe. But I live in a blue state and I don't want to see how long it takes him to say "states' rights only apply to those that voted for me"

Sanctus , avatar

I don't think you can state the plan legally

degen ,
Nemo ,

sic semper tyrannus

original_reader ,


Though you might have thought of Darth Tyranus. Which is fine.

Nemo ,

You and I both know I was thinking of Tyrannosaurus Rex, but okay.

altima_neo , avatar

He had the right idea.

He came and he went.

Clent ,

If I end up on try that jury, not guilty.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Jury nullification goes brrrrrrrrrrrrr

PsychedSy ,

Tree of liberty is gettin' mighty thirsty.

Today ,

Oh man. I'm pretty non-violent, but Nov 2016, when my adult kids called me in tears, i had ideas swirling.

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