What do you just not give a single fuck about that so many people try to make you give a shit about? ( kbin.social )

Stocks, Investing, Gambling, Bitcoin .etc

Look, I'm not a fucking broker or a hustler, okay? I don't care that you keep running around telling me or others to go waste our time and money to put into markets that can be incredibly unpredictable. It is all about luck, chance and risk. Things most wouldn't want to put themselves on the line over even if they were down next to nothing. They'd rather buy lottery tickets.

Kolanaki ,
@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

Cookies and web trackers.

I don't give a shit if they collect usage data. It's actually more annoying now with the laws requiring a popup notice to opt in or out of them.

tal ,
@tal@lemmy.today avatar

I think that the idea that the EU might have had behind the cookie popup mandate wasn't to actually provide any useful information or options on a per-site basis, but to make users more aware of the amount of tracking occurring.

On an individual website standpoint, I agree with you -- the cookie popup law is obnoxious, and does a poor job of solving a technical problem that is better solved by just not retaining cookies. In fact, not retaining cookies -- a better approach, since I don't have to worry about whether the website is actually doing what it's saying -- exacerbates the cookie popups, because it ensures that a site cannot track you to remember whether it has already shown the cookie popup, so makes it do so all the time. Plus there were already long-existing technical options for a browser to automatically tell a website not to track the user, like P3P, that aren't disruptive from a UI standpoint. I'm just saying that I'm not sure that providing a user a way to avoid tracking on an individual website is actually the goal.

On a related note, though...generally-speaking, I don't care much about EU regulation insofar as it doesn't affect me. People in the EU can do what they want, and if they want to place restrictions that affect people in the EU, fine, whatever. I start to have a problem, though, when websites present cookie popups to me. I'm not in the EU. Now, in fairness, they do seem to have tamped down on that somewhat -- some European websites that used to show them to me seem to have stopped. But I still do get them from the occasional website.

tries a few

Like, thelocal.it is still doing it, for example. France24 doesn't appear to be, though, and I'm pretty sure they used to.

It was especially obnoxious for European websites that had some localization feature for everything but then had the cookie pop-up hardcoded to whatever was locally used of the eight million European languages out there. So the entire website would be presented in English to me except the one popup that you have to click through before seeing anything else, sometimes has extra buttons, and is in Dutch or something.

Miaou ,

I didn't read the whole comment, but absolutely nothing prevents a website from using a cookie to store that you don't want tracking cookies. Whatever source told you otherwise did a good propaganda job.

tal ,
@tal@lemmy.today avatar

Nobody told me that -- I even specifically addressed it in the comment that you are responding to:

In fact, not retaining cookies – a better approach, since I don’t have to worry about whether the website is actually doing what it’s saying – exacerbates the cookie popups, because it ensures that a site cannot track you to remember whether it has already shown the cookie popup, so makes it do so all the time.

Miaou ,

My bad I misunderstood what you meant

Still this is what DNT is for but no one honours that, and it's not the EU's fault

atro_city ,

Do you shit with the door open in public toilets? You have nothing to hide after all and don't require privacy there.

Alexstarfire ,

What about chocolate chip cookies?

ma11en ,

You can get a plugin for Firefox that will do that for you.

Drummyralf , (edited )

I hear ya.

I use Superagent extension in Firefox. I have it set to automatically declines all cookies. Works great about 70% of the time, which saves you 70% of cookie popups.

Also works on mobile, where popups are even worse to navigate.

fart_pickle ,

Political correctness.

surewhynotlem ,

See, I don't get this one. You were taught a language. Languages change over time. Some words are new, some fall out of favor. Why be stubborn about it?

fart_pickle ,

It's not about how you talk. It's about what you talk about.

WindyRebel ,

So what you’re saying is you just don’t give a fuck about other people? That’s what political correctness is trying to do is show some empathy from those that historically haven’t gotten much.

To your point, it does go overboard many times when it probably doesn’t need to. For example, LatinX vs Latino and/or Latina.

fart_pickle ,

I think you didn't understand my answer. Let me give you an example. If I say "I like oranges more than apples", normal people will think "ok, this guy likes oranges more than apples". But modern, progressive people who care about political correctness will call me applefobic.

People got too sensitive growing in the secure bubbles and when exposed to a real world with a real science, statistics and opinions get offended over nothing.

WindyRebel ,

I understood your point. It is covered in my “go overboard” part. I agree that people not supporting something doesn’t mean that you’re always something-phobic.

A phobia is an extreme or irrational fear and just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s always irrational. Perhaps misguided or misjudged, sure but not always irrational.

ma11en ,

Sounds like you might be a little racist, sexist, ....?

fart_pickle ,


ma11en ,

Tell what you want to talk about not silly examples like apples and oranges.

fart_pickle ,

I will but first answer my question. Why, according to you I might be a little racist, sexists?

ma11en ,

Because you are reluctant to say, and pretending you're upsetting people's sensibilities when discussing apples.

ameancow ,

People scared of being kind to others are scared of doing it wrong and being embarrassed.

Yeah there are deeper issues at work but a large, large percentage of comfortable people raging against equality and equity are far more concerned about mis-gendering someone and getting laughed at, or mispronouncing a foreign word, or not understanding an accent, and getting publicly humiliated for it.

If this seems like a really childish motivation to create an entire movement to push back on healthy initiatives for people to be good to each other, then yes, you are right, it is childish and most people are children. Think back on the last time you saw a toddler performatively act angry and throw a fit when they get chastised and you will understand the entirety of the conservative pushback against progressive social movements.

ameancow ,

I hope you understand that was just a word that politicians slapped onto the idea of empathy and kindness because it goes against an agenda, right?

You're doing exactly what people with agendas wanted, which is blanketing everything from just not being racist all the way through the micro-issues you will never be concerned with, under one, giant, dismissive label.

It's anti-intellectualism, they want you to stop thinking and be less concerned with things. Be a machine, drink your beer and consume your walmart. Don't care or be compassionate or ask for others to be treated with respect. That's all [insert bogeyman word that changes every decade].

Don't adopt other people's terms mindlessly, think for yourself.

Mango ,

Trans people. Why do I gotta hear about them every ten minutes?

tal ,
@tal@lemmy.today avatar

If you mean on the Threadiverse in particular, one of the larger home instances, lemmy.blahaj.zone, is aimed at the trans crowd, was one of the older active instances that I recall.

EDIT: One of the first discussions I recall being in on the Threadiverse was when kbin.social -- which puts random comments in the sidebar to help people discover new communities -- sent both me and apparently some other guy, both using kbin.social, to a discussion in !technology. He had an upset comment about how everyone in the thread was furry.

EDIT2: And I don't see that community any more, so I wonder if they closed it down.

EDIT3: I remember when I was trying to find new communities a while back, was looking for interesting tech stuff. I see !unixsocks, figure ah hah, Unix socket development forum. I like a good chat about network development! No, it's...unexpectedly trans Unix sysadmins posing with their Unix system in feminine stockings. Ah, well.

Mango ,

I mostly just mean the Internet in general. I don't really care about the whole debate going on. Leave them be, right?

glitchdx ,

It's the next step of the civil rights movements, which certain demographics of people are fighting tooth and nail to prevent (and undo past progress). If it were possible to simply say "All people get equal rights", and leave it at that, we'd all be better off. We've had some big hullabaloos in the past about "do the blacks count as people?" and "do women count as people?" then "do the gays count as people?" and now "do the trans count as people?". Once everyone gets over hating trans people, the haters will move on to another minority to persecute and we'll have posts online about "Why do I have to hear about (label) all the time? Can't we just leave them be?"

Mango ,

You can't make anyone like someone.

Moneo ,

Are you missing the part about trans people fighting for equal rights? It's not about being liked it's about being allowed to exist.

Mango ,

I'm not disallowing them. I'm just not interested in hearing about it so much. Why does it gotta come up when I'm gaming or doing my flow arts? Why do I hear about it dramatically more than worse problems affecting way more people? I'm not trying to invalidate their problems. I just think that their collective voice(which includes non trans people) is really loud and I'm not bothered about it.

thorbot , (edited )

Found the bigot
Edit: save your long winded novelesque replies, I’m not reading them

FabledAepitaph ,

Found the idiot.

You don't have to care about every single thing in the world. It's perfectly valid to not want to deal with or think about trans people as long as you're not actively trying to sabotage them. I'm sure there are dozens of "movements" you are unaware of, and can't bother to give a damn about even if they were explained to you.

Mango ,


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