What do you just not give a single fuck about that so many people try to make you give a shit about? ( kbin.social )

Stocks, Investing, Gambling, Bitcoin .etc

Look, I'm not a fucking broker or a hustler, okay? I don't care that you keep running around telling me or others to go waste our time and money to put into markets that can be incredibly unpredictable. It is all about luck, chance and risk. Things most wouldn't want to put themselves on the line over even if they were down next to nothing. They'd rather buy lottery tickets.

AgentGrimstone , (edited )

Having kids. We have zero desire to have kids so everyone can just stop trying to convince us.

AstralPath ,

Team sports and politics. Miss me with that shit. Its all so cult-y.

basilisa ,
@basilisa@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

TV.. Sports.. Celebrities.. Royal families... Pop culture in general

TrueStoryBob ,

The British Royal family. I'm an American, living in America, and the number of people here who follow the royals to the point of being sycophants is so freaking weird. I literally do not care about the machinations of a bunch of rich fucks who's sole claim to fame and fortune is being sprayed out of the correct penis before then falling out of the correct vagina.

spittingimage ,
@spittingimage@lemmy.world avatar

The rest of us feel that way about your Kardashians.

ThatWeirdGuy1001 ,
@ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world avatar

The whole shtick going on between men and women right now.

Between the bear and the tree I just want everyone to stfu and realize humans are shit get over it and move on with your small insignificant life.

bear ,

Most things. The world is a big place and I'm better off focusing on what's important to me.


Whatever's the current "big" issue in showbiz. I really couldn't care less that ABC was photographed with DEF in GHI, possibly hinting a relationship collapse with JKL, or whatever it was that people are harping about with other people's lives.

AnUnusualRelic ,
@AnUnusualRelic@lemmy.world avatar

Celebrities and sports.

I understand doing sports, but watching others is as exciting as watching paint dry to me. Not to mention combining both as in cheering for a team of people I don't know. I don't get it.

mojo_raisin ,

Scandalous! Where can I hear more about this ABC, DEF, JKL love triangle?

eightpix ,
@eightpix@lemmy.world avatar


p5yk0t1km1r4ge , (edited )
@p5yk0t1km1r4ge@lemmy.world avatar

Trans stuff. Before you get the torches and pitchforks, I have no problem with them. I believe they deserve equality, and I don't believe in spreading hate their way. I'm not Trans, so I don't have a horse in this race, nor do I desire one. It doesn't appeal to me, it doesn't interest me in the slightest. I have my own concerns (keeping my house, paying my bills, keeping my family safe) and they have theirs, I guess is what I'm saying. If I see a Trans person get mistreated, I'll stick up for them, just like I'd do for anyone, but I'm not interested in it. They are no different from me, we are all people. I think constantly bringing it up to people all the time is more of a disservice.

Drummyralf ,

I think the silent majority feels like this.

"Eh, not my cup of tea, but you do you"

Moneo ,

but you do you

That's what they're fighting for lol

mojo_raisin ,

I think constantly bringing it up to people all the time is more of a disservice.

The trans community is tiny, I'm an almost 50 year old trans woman transitioned over 20 years ago. The reason we have the rights we do is because it's "brought up all the time". When I transitioned, it was rarely brought up, this was because most people were scared of the social and economic consequences of doing so. This is all changing because we talk about it rather than be quiet and let people keep us down. I'd imagine even you might have more negative views of trans people if the only exposure you had was from talk shows promoting us as freaks, this is how it was before.

Other than that, your attitude is fine, not everyone needs to be interested.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge ,
@p5yk0t1km1r4ge@lemmy.world avatar

You are more than welcome to think I "might have more negative views of Trans people". You're wrong, but it is what it is.

Art3sian ,
@Art3sian@lemmy.world avatar


You’re all like Star Wars fans to me.

Cybermonk_Taiji ,

Star Wars fans that murder people for disrespecting Yoda.

It's a sickness.

groet ,

A big part is groups selling Yoda plushies to star wars fans, telling those fans to kill people buying bb8 plushies so they don't loose out on sales. Many (most?) of those deaths are about money and power

spittingimage ,
@spittingimage@lemmy.world avatar

Killing in the name of a man who said "blessed are the peace makers". You have to laugh, or else you'll cry.

Cybermonk_Taiji ,

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
-Mahatma Gandhi

zipzoopaboop ,

The Royal family

Mango ,

Trans people. Why do I gotta hear about them every ten minutes?

tal ,
@tal@lemmy.today avatar

If you mean on the Threadiverse in particular, one of the larger home instances, lemmy.blahaj.zone, is aimed at the trans crowd, was one of the older active instances that I recall.

EDIT: One of the first discussions I recall being in on the Threadiverse was when kbin.social -- which puts random comments in the sidebar to help people discover new communities -- sent both me and apparently some other guy, both using kbin.social, to a discussion in !technology. He had an upset comment about how everyone in the thread was furry.

EDIT2: And I don't see that community any more, so I wonder if they closed it down.

EDIT3: I remember when I was trying to find new communities a while back, was looking for interesting tech stuff. I see !unixsocks, figure ah hah, Unix socket development forum. I like a good chat about network development! No, it's...unexpectedly trans Unix sysadmins posing with their Unix system in feminine stockings. Ah, well.

Mango ,

I mostly just mean the Internet in general. I don't really care about the whole debate going on. Leave them be, right?

glitchdx ,

It's the next step of the civil rights movements, which certain demographics of people are fighting tooth and nail to prevent (and undo past progress). If it were possible to simply say "All people get equal rights", and leave it at that, we'd all be better off. We've had some big hullabaloos in the past about "do the blacks count as people?" and "do women count as people?" then "do the gays count as people?" and now "do the trans count as people?". Once everyone gets over hating trans people, the haters will move on to another minority to persecute and we'll have posts online about "Why do I have to hear about (label) all the time? Can't we just leave them be?"

Mango ,

You can't make anyone like someone.

Moneo ,

Are you missing the part about trans people fighting for equal rights? It's not about being liked it's about being allowed to exist.

Mango ,

I'm not disallowing them. I'm just not interested in hearing about it so much. Why does it gotta come up when I'm gaming or doing my flow arts? Why do I hear about it dramatically more than worse problems affecting way more people? I'm not trying to invalidate their problems. I just think that their collective voice(which includes non trans people) is really loud and I'm not bothered about it.

thorbot , (edited )

Found the bigot
Edit: save your long winded novelesque replies, I’m not reading them

FabledAepitaph ,

Found the idiot.

You don't have to care about every single thing in the world. It's perfectly valid to not want to deal with or think about trans people as long as you're not actively trying to sabotage them. I'm sure there are dozens of "movements" you are unaware of, and can't bother to give a damn about even if they were explained to you.

Mango ,


Donjuanme ,

Whatever flash in the pan has "games" pissed off today.

They're easily outraged by any perceived slight, easily demonized/lionized by the media, often incredibly misguided, entirely without consideration for the bigger picture, and usually have 0 long-term impact follow-through or apology when whatever they were upset about gets rectified.

snownyte OP ,
@snownyte@kbin.social avatar

Sums them up quite nicely. To include, a lot of them have a poor grasp in how the business is handled in the industry. They just think that whatever game that only like, 15 people remember will make "loads of money" if it only got a remaster. Like come on, we've seen mini-consoles released, we've seen what gets decided to be remade. It is all based on what the IP originally brought to the company in the first place.

Gamers have been awfully spoiled in the past 14 years that only gamers 20 or more years ago would have loved to dine into. So many sales. So many opportunities. So much choice.

But no, let's throw all of that away because of a minor inconvenience or pretending to care about some game that they wouldn't have liked anyways but pretend to now like because of some political issue.

neomachino ,

The beach, I couldn't give less of a bother about going to lay on some burning sand, occasionally dipping my toes in some freezing fish piss water, and getting pelted in the face with sand as a bunch of kids run by kicking up every speck of sand they touch while their parents are getting shitfaced and blasting music no one else wants to hear.

Put me in a secluded lake in the woods with some shade near by and I'm all in though. I guess more specifically my issue is with the people at the beach, but still.

morphballganon ,

Sounds like you need to find a less popular beach

1371113 ,

Or go earlier in the day. At least in my neck of the woods.

n3m37h ,

Are you Bill Hicks?

Socsa ,

Actually swimming in the ocean is a pretty unique experience, but it does kind of require you to be a strong swimmer.

lost_faith ,

It definitely was, at about 8 yrs old I got caught in a rip tide (only my toes/foot it felt like) got drawn out in seconds and took minutes to return, scary as hell when you can't reach the surface or even know where it is. Side note; I couldn't float at the surface like everyone else, I was too skinny and floated about 2" below the surface

southernbrewer ,

Me too. And I live in NZ where there's bloody beaches everywhere. Can't move for beaches

Sensitivezombie ,

Getting married and having chikdren, aka, a "family"

snownyte OP ,
@snownyte@kbin.social avatar

I'm glad we live in an era now where people finally realized that they can just not have children and for it to become more optional.

Having a kid and a family is not what it always take to have a fulfilling and happy life. For people to think that's all it takes, would be devaluing all of their gains and the people that have helped them along the way aka friends.

Moneo ,

The fact that "family values" are politicized and cast as the best, most important way to live is honestly fucked up when you think about it.

Why did we decide being het and having kids makes you a fucking hero?

Resol ,
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

Devotion to the faith (I still believe in God but I just don't feel connected to him), marriage, having children, cars, being super rich, universities, patriotism, being in an anglophone country just because I'm too good at English, being manly, being famous, football, traditional customs, I really could go on and on for days.

Can you tell I hate being Moroccan?

Jarix ,

I can not

Resol ,
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

I'm not even connected to my so called "homeland" anymore. I desperately wanna leave, but visas are making it incredibly hard. And since there's a huge Moroccan diaspora basically everywhere (which the locals are tired of), I will get lumped together with them against my will.

I'm even queer. This is illegal in Morocco.

captainlezbian ,

I hate that people just assume no immigrants are excited to be part of their new culture and leave the old one behind. I once knew an Iranian lesbian who was so excited to get to try being an American

tal ,
@tal@lemmy.today avatar

"I find the not being at risk of being stoned to death part particularly appealing."

Resol ,
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

People are very quick to make assumptions, generalize, and reach conclusions.

It's really just stupid.

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