Sam_Bass ,

" you can be whatever you want to be"

sunbeam60 ,

The real truth of it is: Through persistent action and discipline, you can dramatically increase the probability that you can be what you want to be.

I always use the lottery analogy with my kids: “How many lottery tickets did you get today?”.

The second part of the truth is: Some people come with a lot more lottery tickets that you, through genetics, income background, family support and, yes, luck. Don’t let that stop you; most don’t and you don’t need to be first to win this race.

blackstampede ,

Basically everything

elfin8er ,

"you're not going to carry a calculator with you everywhere"

Ransack ,

The thing is I believe that statement is a bit misunderstood.

Calculators were already becoming pocket sized back in the day, but using it to calculate things if you don't know how to use it is where the actual problem is.

Hence the reasoning to learn how to math vs only having the device.

elfin8er ,

I'm not saying I disagree, but I had a different experience.

TheWolfOfSouthEnd ,

I don’t think people realised how quickly tech would advance.

skulblaka , avatar

I was being fed that line in 2008 when everyone in the class did, in fact, have a calculator in their pockets

AtariDump ,

Calculators were already becoming pocket sized back in the day…

True, but I can count on 0 hands how many people I knew carried one in their pocket.

Now if the calculator were built into a beeper, everyone would have had one.

KreekyBonez ,

or a watch!

KreekyBonez ,

it's very easy to enter wrong numbers on a calculator, but you need some basic reasoning and familiarity to know when an answer is off, and you need to start over

captain_aggravated , avatar

Yeah, in my experience "You won't carry a calculator with you everywhere you go" was what they said to justify pointless busywork.

Taleya ,

You may carry one now, but can you calculate percentages on it without your maths lessons? Can you convert fractions? I blame the technology, if it's going to math it needs to math all maths

skulblaka , avatar

Frankly, these days? Yeah you totally can. "Hey Siri, what's 3% of 235,889?" or "Hey Siri, what's 8/37ths converted to 300ths?" will most likely just feed you a correct answer.

morriscox ,

And you might not have a smartphone or smartwatch with you. I've seen people who needed a calculator to do basic math.

brygphilomena ,

That truth is absolute. It's very much subjective. Much in the way right and wrong are subjective.

Life is complicated and things don't fit into perfect little boxes.

I_Has_A_Hat ,

Except when it comes to Math. Math is absolute, as long as you ignore statistics.

0_0j , avatar

as long as you ignore statistics

See? Conditions

howrar ,

Gotta ignore infinities too. The axioms they're based on are highly controversial.

sunbeam60 , (edited )

And irrational imaginary numbers. I mean the numbers make sense, but it’s not like we can intuitively understand sqrt(-1).

Mammothmothman ,

Your example is a complex number. An irrational number would be Pi or sqrt(5)

kryptonite ,

You're thinking of imaginary numbers. Irrational numbers are real numbers that have an infinite number of decimal places and don't repeat.

sunbeam60 ,

Lol. Yes. Don’t drink and Lemmy.

reinei ,

Nah even statistics is perfectly logical and right, but not because truth is absolute (there may be such a thing, but we definitely don't have access to it in that case. [At this time?]), but rather because math defined there to be a way in which all you derive from it is 'absolutely' true. It just might be 'absolutely' true in a system that isn't ours, or isn't useful for answering anything we want to ask...

nutsack ,

Christopher Columbus set out to prove that the Earth was round after eating an orange or something and that's how jesus discovered America

AtariDump ,

Wait, what‽

deezbutts ,


nutsack ,

yea they taught this in school in the us

Mnemnosyne ,

You probably had the same damn book I did, with an illustration of him eating an orange and seeing the wings of a butterfly coming up over it and supposedly realizing they look just like the sails of a ship and so, gasp, the world must be round like this orange!

nutsack ,

yes Christopher Colombus exactly

SharkEatingBreakfast , (edited ) avatar

"Girls desire a knight in shining armor to come sweep them off their feet!" — my pastor

For the longest time, I struggled because I was told all my life what a "woman's purpose" was, and my desires never lined up with that. Felt like a freak because I never desired romance, sex, or partnership with a man (or anyone else, for that matter). If that was my purpose, was I supposed to will myself to want that for myself? Was I doomed to be alone forever? Was I wrong to want to pursue adventure and things that I wanted?

If my desire ≠ God's desire (which was apparently union with a man at some point in the future), then my desires were.. wrong. Maybe/probably even evil.

So I fucked up my life trying to follow that and fit into that mold. I did things I never wanted to do because it was the "right thing" to do in the eyes of God.

After I escaped, I never really recovered. But.. I discovered a lot about myself.

I did bearded dragon rescues & fostering, I got into cosplay, learned how to sew stuffed animals, got some mental health care, rekindled my love for nature.. all by myself. I learned to love me and not base my worth on what other folks believe I should do or how I should behave. I don't have a partner who gets to dictate my personality. I got to grow on my own.

I'm still coming to terms with.. a lot of things about myself, but now I'm able to grow freely instead of being confined to such a small pot.

Don't let people define who or what you are, or what your purpose is in life. Only you get to do that. It's both terrifying and freeing, but you can do this.

OmanMkII ,

Even for those us who fit into the straight/white/cis mould, learning how to create purpose and meaning for yourself is a really hard battle against expectations imposed growing up. Thanks for sharing a really wholesome story :)

DessertStorms , avatar

Some that others have already said (hard work = success, trust cops), and off the top of my head:

  • That my ultimate goal in life is to find a husband, and carry and then raise children (people don't stop saying it once you grow up, you just hopefully learn that they're full of shit)
  • That "blood is thicker than water" and that your family will always be there for you/want what's best for you
theshatterstone54 ,

IIRC, the original "blood is thicker than water" quote is actually "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" which means those that stand by you and fight and struggle with you, and are there for you, are more valuable than those biologically related to you.

darklamer , avatar
FractalsInfinite ,

Writing in the 1990s and 2000s, author Albert Jack and Messianic Rabbi Richard Pustelniak, claim that the original meaning of the expression was that the ties between people who have made a blood covenant (or have shed blood together in battle) were stronger than ties formed by "the water of the womb", thus "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb". Neither of the authors cite any sources to support their claim.

Nice, do you have a source for that so I can fix the wikipedia article? Either way it doesn't particularly matter.

GrappleHat , avatar

When you grow up everything you write will need to be in cursive.

pingveno ,

On the plus side, I have a pretty bangin' signature. On the minus side, they wasted a good chunk of lesson time teaching a useless script. Fortunately it was on the way out already, so I was never really required to use it even in school.

lars ,

Millennial here and I haven’t yet seen a non-cursive self-identifying signature. Are they just like bubbly high-school antics and hearts dotting the letter i?

Yaztromo ,

That if a racoon saw you swimming, it would swim out to you and sit on your head and drown you.

My fully adult mother actually feared this was something that could happen to her children, and she warned us of this “danger” every summer when we were young.

Wahots , avatar

This is awfully specific, haha.

pastermil ,

Those goddamn racoons!

LolaCat , avatar

If that were true I’d go swimming a lot more often!


That you'll be nobody without a degree. Maybe not told directly, but implied in many things that my inferiority-complex-mom said.

meeshen ,

Yeah, I, for example, am a nobody with a degree

hubobes ,
  • My grandma always told me that if you push to hard while pooping your organs will come out. Technically hemorrhoids can do that but they are not really organs.

  • Microwaves cause cancer.

KittenBiscuits ,

Not only hemorrhoids but you can also get diverticula from straining too hard too often. They don't go away once they form, and can become infected (diverticulitis) which is most unpleasant. Pain like kidney stones or appendicitis.

ulterno , avatar

your organs will come out

Hernia is also a possibility.

But you have to be pressing really hard and have other problems in connective tissue to have that.

MisterD ,

They go away for some but you need to cut out caffeine. ( coffee, chocolate, etc)

psmgx ,

Prolapse is a thing. Good luck googling that.

DirigibleProtein ,

Over thirty years ago, I told a friend of a friend “Australians come from Australia, Romanians come from Romania, therefore Canadians come from Canadia”. She’s been calling it “Canadia” for thirty years.

We’ve been together for ten years now, and she’s just found out that it’s not called “Canadia”. Boy am I in trouble.

myrrh ,

...i relish saying canadia; it rolls so deliciously off the tongue that i can't resist using at every opportunity...

AquaTofana ,

That turning on the light in the car at night was illegal because it would cause a glare on the windshield.

I believed this into my mid-20s when my husband corrected me with a fuckton of teasing and incredulity.

JoBo ,

I don't know which jurisdiction you're in but, while it isn't illegal in the UK, you're absolutely right about it being a bad idea and you are correct about the reason. In the event of a crash, it could count against you (in the UK, at least).

NigelFrobisher ,

My dad got pulled over and warned about the light being on. I suspect it was really to check her wasn’t drunk-driving though, as he was giving me a lift me from the pub.

intensely_human ,

“It doesn’t matter what they think”

phoenixz ,

That is actually true. Let people think what they want

BradleyUffner ,

Only true for people that have no power or control over your life.

intensely_human ,

So it works for people who live alone in dimension X

njm1314 ,

I think the opposite list would be shorter

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