Agent641 ,

My parents said they would never get divorced.

Akareth ,

That you should base your diet on carbohydrates, and minimise fat intake.

AtariDump ,
trolololol ,

Wait why the f the base is full chok of calories? Is this *how to get child obesity " manual?

AtariDump ,

Do you not remember the food pyramid? This is what they used to use for nutrition:

Now it’s this:

trolololol ,

I remember food pyramids but in my country nobody cares and I don't think people would accept it unless it has beans and rice clearly at the bottom.

CommissarVulpin , (edited )

Because it was sponsored by grain industries. Similar to the “breakfast is the most important meal of the day!” and “milk is good for your bones!” myths.

PM_Your_Nudes_Please ,

The food pyramid is commonly taught in American schools as the “ideal” diet.

It was started as a sales tactic to boost grain sales, but was marketed as scientific research. And since this was started decades ago, you couldn’t simply google their sources to verify whether or not the studies were legit.

Turns out it’s a crock of shit, and teaching it to kids does make childhood obesity rates worse. Because of course it does, an excess of carbs is horrible for you.

trolololol ,


So the short answer is greed again.

Aussiemandeus , avatar

I went through the 30 seconds of effort to make the always has been meme.

Image uploads are down at the moment so just imagine I posted it here, thank you.

trolololol ,

Thx for your 30s effort, that's s high compliment from you considering this is the substitute of reddit lol

MonkderDritte ,

Had to learn this pyramid but never applied it. I mean, what did people eat for millions of years? Grains, roots, vegetables and fruits from foraging and now and then a ton of flesh (you can count dairy as extra-fatty flesh). So a lot of full-grain, vegetables and inbetween fruits and once or twice the week flesh and dairy it is for me.

AtariDump ,

Yes, agreed. But not refined grains. And vegetables/fruits picked when they were ripe; it weeks before and shipped across the globe.

Cysioland , avatar

That a state can't print money

lud ,

Why did you hear that as a child? Of course the state prints money, how else would money exist in the first place if no one made the money?

sushibowl ,

Might be talking about the United States specifically. IIRC the constitution denies individual states the right to mint coin or issue bills of credit, that is a prerogative of the federal government.

pingveno ,

When the Constitution was being drafted, all of the thirteen original states had their own currency, plus the Continental currency. It was a mess. A few years later, they set up the US dollar, US mint, and so forth.

Cysioland , avatar

It was in the context of limiting public spending. That the state can't just print more money when it runs out of money.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

USA/Europe are good countries and liberalism is the way.

Manzas ,

Europe is a country? Like Australia?

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Europe acts like one united Anglo nation.

csm10495 , avatar

I was told they'd always be there for me. Then my dad passed away a few years ago.

I still miss him.

BambiDiego ,

He's still with you in every lesson, moment, and memory you shared.
It's not the same ever again, but it's there.

csm10495 , avatar


Reddfugee42 ,

Sounds like he's there with you right now 🤷‍♂️

sunbeam60 ,

Half of you is him. He quite literally is right there with you.

BluJay320 , avatar

Police are there to help

FractalsInfinite ,

Police are there to help *maintain the status quo


TheGalacticVoid ,

Depends on where you live it seems

dubyakay ,

Where do you recon they are helping? Out of three countries I've lived in, they are either useless or just simply ACAB.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

It does exist. But it's 99% ACAB.

One of the countries I spend a lot of time, the police are amazing. There is no crime, so the police truly are just to assist. They don't carry weapons. They don't give out traffic tickets, it's all automated. They do give out directions, photo ops, perform ritual ceremonies, distribute free meals to anyone who wants one, give free workout sessions on the beach, give free sports training, lead free expeditions into nature, etc. It's a sense of community spirit that is their mission.

I'm sure there is a bad apple somewhere but every single one I've seen or interacted with has been pleasant to wonderful. I'm not even terrified to approach them as I am in the USA where I've almost been murdered twice by pigs.

CapeWearingAeroplane ,

Where I live they were systematically nice people that helped keep everybody safe. If they found some drunk/high person that needed help, they would drive them home. When we were teens and had beach parties, a couple of them would typically hang around somewhere out of the way, and only intervene if someone was being an asshole trying to start a fight (and they would tell people to pick up their glass bottles so kids wouldn't get hurt the next day). If we were otherwise hanging around they might chat to us and ask what was going on around the neighbourhood, and nobody had an issue telling them anything, because we knew they were just there to look after and help people.

Obviously, I can tell that my experience with police growing up is far from what can be expected a lot of other places. I really do wish more places had police like we did.

miridius ,


captainlezbian ,

That republicans are better on the economy. Nah it turns out they consistently screw it up by every measure.

arin ,

It's like saying tapeworms are good for your nutrition

hydrospanner ,

Yeah that was a persistent "it's just generally known" type of thing in the area where I grew up.

clarth ,

We don't lick other people.


Are you saying that we do?

P1nkman ,

I lick my wife. And my previous girlfriends. So some of us actually lick other people.

azalty , avatar


No1 , avatar

We're all equal.

To borrow from Animal Farm, "We're all equal, but some are more equal than others".

nephs ,

If you'd like a second opinion on animal farm and Orwell in general.

Zenjal ,

Me parent convinced a few of friends that the ice cream truck only played music when it was OUT of ice cream

targetx , avatar

Haha thats awesome

Parabola , avatar

God is real.

Flax_vert ,

The post says a lie, not a truth lol

Parabola , avatar

No, fundie, lol.

Mammothmothman ,

God is a 3 letter word created for stupid people to think they have the whole fucking universe wrapped up in a neet little package inside their heads.

Flax_vert ,

It's far more than that.

Mammothmothman ,

Imagine whatever you want.

arefx ,

😆 🤣 😂

azalty , avatar

Damn didn’t know Lemmy was this much atheist

TrueStoryBob ,

I mean, it's a bunch of Linux people and communists... dunno what you were expecting.

SapientLasagna ,

Furries, to be sure, but atheists?

miridius ,

Hah I had the opposite reaction, I'll surprised how many people there are in this comment section arguing that God is real. I didn't know religious people knew how to use the internet tbh

azalty , avatar

They’re certainly do. Why do you assume they’re dumb?

miridius ,

Ability to use the internet well means you have a lot of information at your disposal and can educate yourself out of believing in fairy tales

azalty , avatar

Some religions like Islam prevent you from doubting it, so it’s essentially a way in which many are just stuck in it.

But yea when you see political elections, takes on certain subjects etc… don’t expect people to take the time to find the info.

There might be some errors and mistakes that point towards religions being fake and man-made, but there aren’t really any obviously accepted error. Most of the time, they’ll end up with "it meant something else" or something like that.

They are subjects to some bias, yes, but that doesn’t mean they’re braindead, else you would consider vast majority of people on earth to be braindead.

You can at least understand that some people believe that the universe was created by some sort of entity, as the odds of all of this being created, with such a perfect balance, and having a creature with a developed conscience (humans) is extremely rare and lucky.

AlecSadler ,

It gets better.

some_guy ,

It can. I hope it does for you.


Not always brother

fiend_unpleasant , avatar

I love you


That the crust is the healthiest part of the bread

Appoxo , avatar

Or the tastiest.

supercriticalcheese ,

that it is

Appoxo , avatar

HIGHLY depends on the bread.

supercriticalcheese ,

True, there needs to be a crust to begin with and cooked sufficiently to be crunchy at the desired level.

LowtierComputer ,

It can be good for your teeth.

Sibbo , avatar

Or crush them. Depending on hardness.

Etterra ,

"maybe" was how my mother said "no."

"Ignore them and they'll go away" in the context of bullying. Hint; it took a mental breakdown and violence to make it stop, back in the mid-90s.

Anything having to do with Christianity.

sunbeam60 ,

“Ignore them and they’ll go away” really is rubbish advice. But that’s of course not to say that the only other step is violence.

My oldest daughter didn’t have a great time in secondary school (UK, age 11-16) but through persistent discussions and alarm raising to the school, the bullies eventually got the message and left her alone. I’m happy to say she’s having a wonderful time in college now (UK, age 16-18).

skulblaka , avatar

Unfortunately that's a minority of cases. Most bullies in my experience, and especially those bullies that are themselves using physical violence, only respond to violence.

Don't meet violence with violence as your first option. But keep it on the table. It's a viable solution if nothing else works. Some people just don't respond to anything short of getting punched in the mouth, especially kids/teens with their brain chemistry fucked six ways to Sunday by puberty.

PM_Your_Nudes_Please ,

Don't meet violence with violence as your first option. But keep it on the table.

Something something “speak softly but carry a big stick.”

Basically, pacifism without the capacity for violence is simply inviting abuse. If you don’t have the capacity for violence, pacifism isn’t a choice; It’s being forced upon you as a tool of oppression. In order to be used effectively, it must be a choice, which requires the threat of violence if pacifism fails.

hydrospanner ,

Yep, I had a bully in elementary school and my mom tried to work with the system of teachers, principal, admin, etc. for months, and nothing at all was ever done about it.

Finally when the bullying escalated to physical levels and started to impact my personality outside of school, my parents basically told me that while I might still get in trouble at school, they wouldn't be upset with me at home if I did decide to stand up to the kid. They stressed to me the fine line between standing up for yourself and becoming a bully yourself, and sent me on my way.

A few days later, my bully found me at lunch and started messing with me. Pushing over my stack of booking, taking some food off my tray...I didn't do anything until he tried to push me out of my seat then it was kind of blurry, but basically I just took a swing at him and knocked him back out of his seat and he hit his head against the wall and started crying.

I did get in some trouble at school but nothing too bad (especially once Mom was called in and she explained how if they tried to suspend me, she'd put them on blast for how they'd ignored the situation for so long), and that kid was nice as pie to me for the rest of our schooling.

Marighost , avatar

In middle school, I had an incident where a kid a grade above me (he was held back, so he should've been a high schooler by this point and was HUGE) began to mess with me, unprompted, at the end of the day.

He stepped on my shoes as we walked, poked me, called me names, etc. When I turned around and called him a bitch and kept walking, he sucker punched me and ran. It was so bad I ended up in the emergency room with stitches.

Anyways, my parents were called and they threatened legal action. The school begged them not to, because they were "going to take care of it, we promise." Once we found out he was only suspended for a week, my parents got all the info they needed to press charges for assault. He ended up in juvie.

Looking back, it's a shame he ended up "in the system," but that's what he gets for being a bitch. Lol

hydrospanner ,

They should have gone after the school too; that's horrible!

Laurentide , avatar

My father pulled that "just ignore it" shit, too. Somehow it wasn't the bully's fault for attacking me, it was my fault for being such an entertaining target.

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