SeramisV , avatar

"You're a boy!"


i3c8XHV ,

That people are stupid because they don't have access to knowledge.

Zenjal ,

Me parent convinced a few of friends that the ice cream truck only played music when it was OUT of ice cream

targetx , avatar

Haha thats awesome

hubobes ,
  • My grandma always told me that if you push to hard while pooping your organs will come out. Technically hemorrhoids can do that but they are not really organs.

  • Microwaves cause cancer.

KittenBiscuits ,

Not only hemorrhoids but you can also get diverticula from straining too hard too often. They don't go away once they form, and can become infected (diverticulitis) which is most unpleasant. Pain like kidney stones or appendicitis.

ulterno , avatar

your organs will come out

Hernia is also a possibility.

But you have to be pressing really hard and have other problems in connective tissue to have that.

MisterD ,

They go away for some but you need to cut out caffeine. ( coffee, chocolate, etc)

psmgx ,

Prolapse is a thing. Good luck googling that.

fiend_unpleasant , avatar

I love you

terribletortoise ,

That chocolate milk comes from brown cows.

When I discovered the truth, I learned an important lesson about betrayal.


Wait, is that why so many adults in the USA believe that? Some childhood prank?

terribletortoise ,

I can only speak to my own experience, but maybe?
Also, I lied about being American and participated in this thread anyways.

CalciumDeficiency OP ,

Similarly I used to think cows just produced milk for us naturally and we had to milk them or they'd explode when I was a kid. Boy was I in for a shock when I realised what mammals are and that cows need to be pregnant to lactate like any other

daddyjones , avatar

Mammals don't need to be pregnant to lactate or, at least, they need to have been pregnant, but, after that, as long as they keep being "milked" they'll continue to lactate. I know you weren't necessarily saying otherwise, but just for clarity.

I used to work with a guy who genuinely thought all dairy cows were forcibly kept permanently pregnant in order to produce milk.


Mammals often lactate less and less as time passes, for many of them lactation stops even if you continue milking, which is why cows in farms are perpetually impregnated (which is horrific)

Persen ,

It does, it just doesn't taste like chocolate.

DessertStorms , avatar

Some that others have already said (hard work = success, trust cops), and off the top of my head:

  • That my ultimate goal in life is to find a husband, and carry and then raise children (people don't stop saying it once you grow up, you just hopefully learn that they're full of shit)
  • That "blood is thicker than water" and that your family will always be there for you/want what's best for you
theshatterstone54 ,

IIRC, the original "blood is thicker than water" quote is actually "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" which means those that stand by you and fight and struggle with you, and are there for you, are more valuable than those biologically related to you.

darklamer ,
FractalsInfinite ,

Writing in the 1990s and 2000s, author Albert Jack and Messianic Rabbi Richard Pustelniak, claim that the original meaning of the expression was that the ties between people who have made a blood covenant (or have shed blood together in battle) were stronger than ties formed by "the water of the womb", thus "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb". Neither of the authors cite any sources to support their claim.

Nice, do you have a source for that so I can fix the wikipedia article? Either way it doesn't particularly matter.

owenfromcanada , avatar
  • all colors can be made from red, yellow, and blue
  • how an airfoil works
  • language is immutable
  • you won't always have a calculator in your pocket
  • infinite growth is sustainable
DarkDarkHouse , avatar

The first one seems OK as it’s the basis of CMYK colour printing? Obviously missing black of course though.

jqubed , avatar

The color people will tell you that cyan and magenta do not equal red and blue. My university advisor tricked me into taking a 400 level class from the college of art and design on color theory. Really interesting class but an insane amount of work. Very early on the professor told us to throw out any book that identified red, yellow, and blue as the primary colors. It’s red, green, blue for light or cyan, magenta, yellow for pigment.

rebelsimile ,

Red/yellow/blue are the primary colors for paints (as distinct from dyes/pigments, that’s CMY(k) and as distinct from light, that’s RGB).

owenfromcanada , avatar

Why would paints have a different primary palette than dyes or pigments? They're all subtractive, so the primary colors are CMY.

The red/yellow/blue is a lie!

rebelsimile ,

Are you asking me why is paint the way it is? I don’t know, take it up with nature, but stop spreading misinformation.

owenfromcanada , avatar

I'm saying that, with respect to color reproduction, paints work exactly the same as dyes and pigments. You can't make magenta paint from red, blue, and yellow. So the "primary colors" of paint are actually CMY.

captainlezbian ,

Yeah it’s just historically been very difficult to make magenta and cyan paints so ryb has stood in for cmy

Sternhammer , avatar

Yes, additive colour theory is based on red, green and blue (RGB). These are the colours you see if you look at your TV screen very closely.

Subtractive colour theory uses cyan, magenta and yellow. In printing black, abbreviated ‘K’, is added for contrast—CMYK. These are the inks used to print the dots you see if you look closely at a magazine photo.

I think people are confused by this because they’re taught a bastardised version of subtractive colour theory, using red, blue and yellow, at a very early age.

SecretPancake ,

Cyan is not blue and magenta is not red.

meeshen ,

Black in CMYK is not strictly necessary, you can absolutely make black out of CMY, but the separate ink gets added since black is such a regular occurence it's simply cheaper to not mix it out of the other colors.

owenfromcanada , avatar

I see you've been tricked by their lies. Blue is sorta close to cyan, and red is kinda close to magenta, but they're not the same.

If someone tells you that you can make any other color from RYB, ask them to make magenta. Doesn't work.

reallyzen , avatar

In CMY (printing) you get black by adding them all. In RGB (lighting) you get white

corsicanguppy ,
  • language is immutable

No, it changes with what's popular. It's so fetch.

Thehalfjew ,

Stop trying to make fetch happen.

AquaTofana ,

That turning on the light in the car at night was illegal because it would cause a glare on the windshield.

I believed this into my mid-20s when my husband corrected me with a fuckton of teasing and incredulity.

JoBo ,

I don't know which jurisdiction you're in but, while it isn't illegal in the UK, you're absolutely right about it being a bad idea and you are correct about the reason. In the event of a crash, it could count against you (in the UK, at least).

NigelFrobisher ,

My dad got pulled over and warned about the light being on. I suspect it was really to check her wasn’t drunk-driving though, as he was giving me a lift me from the pub.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

USA/Europe are good countries and liberalism is the way.

Manzas ,

Europe is a country? Like Australia?

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Europe acts like one united Anglo nation.

cosmicrookie , (edited ) avatar

The garbagemen did not come back looking for me every week. They just came to pickup the garbage and not to take me away.

Younger Cousin Syndrome...

cheesymoonshadow , avatar

My older cousin convinced me the color red is linked to the spirit world. I believed it so much I actually started to see "spirits" when I was a kid.

DirigibleProtein ,

Over thirty years ago, I told a friend of a friend “Australians come from Australia, Romanians come from Romania, therefore Canadians come from Canadia”. She’s been calling it “Canadia” for thirty years.

We’ve been together for ten years now, and she’s just found out that it’s not called “Canadia”. Boy am I in trouble.

myrrh ,

...i relish saying canadia; it rolls so deliciously off the tongue that i can't resist using at every opportunity...

Lettuceeatlettuce , avatar

Sitting in a hot tub as a kid will make you infertile.

Totally an old wive's tale. I looked it up when I was an adult and found out I had been deprived of tons of hours of hot tub time.

neidu2 , (edited )

That was them actually believing it, right? Or were they in fact using a deliberate lie to limit your bath tub time for some other reason?

Lettuceeatlettuce , avatar

Unclear, my grandma was a nurse. I thought she should have known better, but then again, maybe back in the day that was considered accurate advice medically.

Num10ck ,

the hot tube temperature lowers the current batch of sperm's motility and count, alter the DNA and general quality. your balls cannot extend far enough to escape the hot tub. its not permanent. if you want to conceive, stop boiling your nuts.

Lettuceeatlettuce , avatar

Well you assumed my sex, but regardless, that claim is still disputed. Some research indicates that it does temporarily lower sperm counts.

None of that is particularly relevant though, because my family was claiming it would permanently cause me to become infertile.

tiefling ,

If you work hard you'll have a successful life

cyberpunk007 ,

We're laughing will Ferrell.gif

weeeeum ,

I don't think it's a lie, just outdated and obsolete advice.

ImplyingImplications ,

See also: "get good grades in university and you'll be flooded with job offers!"

ulterno , avatar

It's just an overly positive way of saying, "If you don't get good grades in uni, many HRs will de-list you before looking at your resume".

RGB3x3 ,

I literally have never come across a job posting that asked for GPA. Unless it's like an academic internship or something. Get the degree, and nobody cares about your grades.

SwingingTheLamp ,

I don't know if they still do, but Epic Systems (the medical records company) asked for GPA when I looked at their job applications. I'm not sure if they care about the GPA, per se, so much as using it as a way to practice their notorious (but hard to prove) age discrimination.

SwingingTheLamp ,

That wasn't a lie, exactly, it was just Baby Boomers not realizing how much the world changed since they were in school. It used to happen that way. My mother got her first job out of school when the employer came to campus to recruit through a job fair.

DessertStorms , avatar

Relevant quote:

If wealth was the inevitable result of hard work and enterprise, every woman in Africa would be a millionaire

-George Monbiot

Today ,

Nothing good happens after midnight.

200ok ,

That becomes true again once you turn 40

Today ,

If you have kids, you'll get a second wind when they're gone. Our adult son was staying with us for a while. We came in about 3:00 a.m. and scared the shit out of him because he thought we were upstairs asleep.

smackjack ,

Followed by "You were conceived at 12:01"

Today ,

All the best stuff happens after midnight!

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