Anarchism and Social Ecology

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dillekant , in Lenin hits Makhno with "you're one of the good ones"

Didn't Lenin later write "whoops. Turns out we made the same thing as the previous guys"

VeganCheesecake , in Lenin hits Makhno with "you're one of the good ones" avatar
rambling_lunatic OP ,

Are those the actual lines or is this edited? This is hilarious.

VeganCheesecake , avatar

Pretty accurate. It's about an anarchist artist and a communist Kangaroo. The movie is kinda meh though. The book, and especially the original Audiobooks are way better. The first book of the series (the Kangaroo Chronicles) should be available in English, not sure about the rest.

rambling_lunatic OP ,

Thanks :)

Five Mod , in Two brief articles regarding federal organization avatar

The founding documents of the IWW were ratified using a delegate system, and delegates were used by revolutionary Catalonia to treaty with the Stalin-backed Spanish Republican government. In the latter case, the Soviet-leaning representatives offered the anarchist delegates power and significant concessions if they would compromise significant aspects of their revolution, mistaking them for fellow politicians.

The Republicans were shocked to learn that any agreements made by the delegates had to be ratified by the revolutionary assemblies to be binding; and even if they were personally tempted to accept their bribes, they were structurally incapable of this kind of corruption.

While a delegate system may not meet some people's definition of anarchist organization, it is clearly an improvement over 'representative' democracy. The revolutionary system was so threatening to the Spanish social order that the republicans viewed the anarchists as a greater threat than even the fascists, and wasted precious resources while losing to Franco in order to purge anarchists from their zones of control.

rambling_lunatic OP ,

If ratification was necessary, then it is almost exactly what is described in the second article.


jordanlund , in The Disaster Is Already Here avatar

"so-called Brazil" ? is it not ACTUALLY called Brazil?

poVoq OP , avatar

There are actually local names for that geographic area that pre-date those introduced by the colonizers.

HoornseBakfiets , in Infographic to start Guerrilla Gardening

“Seed bomb”
I was thinking something more invasive like bamboo

negativenull , in Infographic to start Guerrilla Gardening avatar

Clover seeds scattered on any grass works too. It grows along with the grass, and replenishes nutrients to the soil, lowers water needs. Bees love it too.

Hello_there , in Infographic to start Guerrilla Gardening

Seed bomb your neighbors yard with catnip and watch the havoc commence

ChihuahuaOfDoom , in Infographic to start Guerrilla Gardening

This is an interesting concept, it beats what I've been doing which is basically trespassing to plant trees on lots adjacent to my own. I planted about 40 on a neighboring lot and 60 on my own recently and I plan to do more.

Mouselemming ,

I hope you are being careful to choose native species, or at least avoid invasive species. The wrong plants won't help anything and may crowd out important local plants.

ChihuahuaOfDoom ,

The trees I've planted so far were purchased from the local DNR annual plant sale if that says anything.

Mouselemming ,

It does, from what I can tell with a quick googling about DNR trees.

keepthepace , in Worshipping Power: An Anarchist View of Early State Formation - Peter Gelderloos

One of the most enlightening moments for me recently has been when a sociology researcher attempted an experiment on youtube to prove that we can organize without hierarchy. His main point was not what was interesting to me.

His experiment was actually flawed in a major way: he proposed a task to a group of 100 that was doable even by a single person. In such a case, organization is easy. But what I found interesting is that even in such a setting hierarchies emerged: people took some organizational power and others followed. Even if that was clearly unnecessary. And the crowd following his channel are probably less authoritarian than average.

It was a revelation to me: to have flat structures, you not only need to make it possible to organize without hierarchy, but you also need a process to constantly weed out emerging hierarchies. Another theory is that you should rather explicit some lesser-evil hierarchies to prevent the emergence of others, in the same way you may let one weed grow to prevent the emergence of other less desirable ones.

I still don't have a theory or a praxis that goes with it, but that has been good food for thought.

onoira ,

It was a revelation to me: to have flat structures, you not only need to make it possible to organize without hierarchy, but you also need a process to constantly weed out emerging hierarchies.

i've noticed this is a common source of disagreement i keep having with nonanarchists.

where someone thinks that i'm advocating purely for the organisational aspects of anarchism, but not also materially, socially, culturally, and politically. they'll dismiss my criticisms of the current system or proposals for alternatives as 'that would never work today', and instead cite monolithic, mythological essentialisms like 'human nature' at me which is just their opportunity to mansplain capitalist logic to me and throw down some 'might makes right' moral argument. people who think tool libraries would never work because one time their underpaid coworkers kept stealing other persons' food from the breakroom fridge or something and well that's proof of the greed inherent to all human beings and no we will not interrogate what leads them to stealing food. material conditions? what's that?

anarchism to me isn't simply a worldview or a form of organisation: it's a lifestance, a lifestyle, a way of being, a way of thinking and a way of acting — and i believe it works best when it is all of those things. social change is cultural change is political change. when i advocate for change, i'm advocating to change both the system and the people who recreate it.

'but how will you prevent [insert consequence of hierarchical conditioning] from happening under anarchism?'

mindbleach ,

and no we will not interrogate what leads them to stealing food. material conditions? what’s that?

Some people are just assholes. They can be in the same general situation as you, but not respect boundaries, and in the absence of consequence they'll be downright sociopathic.

Anyone generalizing from those assholes to absolutely everyone is not being serious. But that's not an excuse to ignore those exceptions and insist absolutely everyone is reasonable.

bane_killgrind ,

Sure but desperation creates assholes.

When I was broke I kept money out of a wallet I found. I wouldn't do that now and I've returned and given away much more because I can.

keepthepace ,

Some assholes are rich.

Psychopathy is a thing and touches a sizeable part of the population. It is unwise to dismiss their existence.

bane_killgrind ,

Yeah my point was anybody can be made into an asshole, depending on circumstances. A rich AH would be crafted by their upbringing, conditioned to never think about other people's needs.

poVoq , in Anarchism and addiction recovery avatar

To be honest, in my experience there is a bit of a deniyal that some people seems to be (genetically?) especially vulnerable to addictions and people just extrapolate from their own healthy or at least not problematic substance-use onto others. So often people just think drugs are not really a problem.

Five Mod , (edited ) in Entrevista con el anarquista israelí Ilan Shalif [miembro de Matzpen](2024) – Aftoleksi, Ilan Shalif avatar

Había una tendencia de árabes que aceptaban el sionismo y algunos de ellos incluso vivían dentro de los kibbutzim, no como miembros, sino como aprendices.Y una vez terminada su formación, se les negaba la afiliación.

La vieja historia de leopardos y caras.

keepthepace , (edited ) in Frank López, el anarquista gallego defensor de Sacco y Vanzetti perseguido por el Gobierno de Estados Unidos

Bah c'est bien cool mais si on se met tous à parler notre langue nationale ici, on va avoir un peu de mal à échanger, non?

Five Mod , avatar

Maybe, but if there's real demand for cross-language dialogue, maybe a coder will eventually put the existing 'select language' box to work and add some 'auto-translate to default language' to the code.

keepthepace ,

fair enough

punkisundead Mod , in Tankie Cranky

There are no orgs to expand in anarchism.

But there are? Maybe we have a different underszanding of what that sentence means, but there are anarchist organizations that want to grow bigger. From anarchist unions to anarchists organizations that organize based on ideas such as plattformism and espescifismo.

JGcEowt4YXuUtkBUGHoN ,

Right? Just off the top of my head, I listen to podcasts on the Channel Zero Network of Anarchist Podcasts. Started at Margaret Killjoys “Live the the world is dying” and now, due to ads on the network for other shows, I listen to about a half dozen shows on the network religiously. That seems like an organization that is trying to grow, and doing it successfully.

Telemachus93 ,

Exactly, that sentence also seemed just wrong to me. Everything else is great.

rambling_lunatic , (edited )

Some of us are antiorganizationalists. Maybe the writer is one of them, and furthermore the type that considers organizationalists to be hokey anarchists or something to that tune.

poVoq , in Tankie Cranky avatar

Nice article except one point: organisations tend to be single issue or intentionally limited in scope to allow wider coalition building. This is IMHO fine as you can easily be a member of multiple organisations.

The friction usually comes from people that want to use an organisation as a platform to promote a niche and controversial topic. People that do this have a really poor understanding of organisation internal dynamics and/or have made their membership of a single organisation too much of their personal identity to see that in the end an organisation is just a tool to achieve certain agreed goals.

pntha , (edited ) in There’s No Liberty Under Fascism and No Alternative In Trump

Both Trump and the Libertarian Party try and brand themselves as an alternative to the status-quo, in the hopes of attracting dissatisfied voters angry at the growing cost of living, the current war, and the immiseration of everyday life for working-class people.

my hot take on the booing is that it was staged to splash the libertarian brand across all major media sites to scoop up these very votes the article is talking about; at such a crucial time before the election, we’re seeing Biden fail to inspire the masses—and, frankly, his age—and Trump continuously failing as a the successful, antiestablishment businessman he convinced many he was in 2016. isn’t the alt-right’s strategy for this election to sway votes away from Biden; no consideration for where they land, left or right, just as long as Biden doesn’t land them?

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