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_haha_oh_wow_ , in anybody else pace endlessly when working from home? avatar

No, I do it everywhere but not endlessly.

dogsnest , in anybody else pace endlessly when working from home? avatar


Fortunately my home is extremely paceable.

pelletbucket OP , avatar

I like to pretend I'm getting exercise

dogsnest , avatar

Well, you are indeed getting exercise - 10K paces is 10K paces. Plus, gravity is much kinder to a pacing body than a sedentry one...

I used to do the stairs as part of it, but it gave me my 5th (and hopefully final) bout of plantar fasciitis, which lasted 18 mos, so no more of that....

undergroundoverground , in My girlfriend has ADHD and has is usually procrastinating studying (she has a big exam in a few months), is there anything I can do to help her with this without being prying?

Small, immediate rewards for small achievable goals. We respond to them better than people without ADHD

souperk , in Beware: Dr. Daniel Amen may be a grifter avatar

We should create a list of adhd resources... Wondering if we can get a sticky from the mods.

Agent641 , in My girlfriend has ADHD and has is usually procrastinating studying (she has a big exam in a few months), is there anything I can do to help her with this without being prying?

Edit her unit learning guide so that the due dates on all her stuff are a week earlier than they actually are.

atzanteol , in Beware: Dr. Daniel Amen may be a grifter

Optimize your brain and body with daily essential supplements in convenient packets.

May be a grifter? He's a quack.

Dkarma ,

He's talking about vitamins lol

His probably cost $200

breadsmasher , in Beware: Dr. Daniel Amen may be a grifter avatar

Brain Doctor to the Stars Labeled a ‘Snake-Oil’ Salesman

Updated Jan. 09, 2023 1:19PM EST 

Published Dec. 10, 2022 11:25PM EST


A warning about "Dr. Amen". Please dont go to his clinic..

1 year ago


kindenough , avatar

May I add an article from 2008.

As might be anticipated, Amen is not a stranger to controversy. In 2005, on, a nonprofit that investigates health-related frauds, myths, fads and fallacies, Dr. Harriet Hall, a retired family physician, outlined concerns regarding Amen's practices. In addition to those I've mentioned, Hall was critical of Amen's unsupported claims that SPECT scanning provides "guidance in the application of specific medications or other treatments such as supplements, neurofeedback, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy."

He is known to be a quack for almost two decades. Reminds me of Hulda Clark and the likes.

zigmus64 , in Beware: Dr. Daniel Amen may be a grifter

All you had to do was tell me he sells his own supplements…

RobotToaster ,

Or that he's an "influencer".

boredsquirrel , in My girlfriend has ADHD and has is usually procrastinating studying (she has a big exam in a few months), is there anything I can do to help her with this without being prying?

Plan in a session each day and be next to her, just watching her.

That would be what helps me most, planning in a timespan and then having someone look at me to not fuck it up

bitfucker ,

This, plus the support of someone important is usually enough motivation for me to get my shit together. And when I feel like my pace is slowing or starting to get tired, we fool around a bit together which helps a lot. But it is of course different from person to person.

Gennadios , in My girlfriend has ADHD and has is usually procrastinating studying (she has a big exam in a few months), is there anything I can do to help her with this without being prying?

Break up now. She'll blame you for everything that goes wrong between now and a few months. Also, you dont want to be the guy driving her to every drug store in. 50 mile radius looking for Vyvanse and Adderall on finals week.

Servais OP , avatar

Seems a bit harsh

zero_spelled_with_an_ecks , in My girlfriend has ADHD and has is usually procrastinating studying (she has a big exam in a few months), is there anything I can do to help her with this without being prying?

Do not try to become her manager or parent or psychologist or coach. It will negatively impact your relationship. for some ideas on why.

If you have a problem with how she is behaving, you will not be able to change it through external influence. If she really has ADHD (emphasis on disorder where it is negatively and significantly impacting her life AND is diagnosed) and is unmedicated, the single best thing she can do is get medicated, and that's her choice. If medication isn't working, she should talk with her provider about it.

If she requests help, feel free to provide it. Feel free to ask her (and not internet strangers) if there's something you can do to help her as she'll know what works and what doesn't as ADHD isn't a monolithic diagnosis and what works for one person might drive another up the wall.

Sorry if this seems a bit negative, but I was in school when all the Where There's a Will There's an A and all the techniques in the world did not make a difference to people that can't utilize them, but they can frustrate and shame people.

Servais OP , (edited ) avatar

Thank you for your comment !

She has been diagnosed a few years ago. She has medication but only a few pills left, she's following up on that this week.

No worries about being negative!

Edit: years ago, not weeks

acockworkorange , in Having to go to a meeting really messes with your flow for the whole day, doesn't it?

The more I see ADHD shitposts, the more I think I have it.

vox , avatar

yeah these memes are wayy to relatable

woodenskewer , avatar

This isn't adhd it is the legit flow from after a bullshit meeting. Then by the time you get ramped back up again it's the next meeting.

My only gripe to the chart is there should be some flat lining down near the bottom on the productivity side as a buffer pre and post. You spend time doing nothing wondering why you need to attend during pre-meeting time then during post-meeting time, doing nothing thinking about how you weren't necessary at that meeting. Then you begin the accel ramping.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Yup. and some meetings you people ask you a question so you legit need some time to think about what information you should look up before the meeting. Even if 95% of the time nobody asks you anything, you gotta take some time to think about the topic the meeting is on and whether there might be a question for you so you have the answer for that 5% of the time. But 100% of the time you have to stop and consider what the meeting is about beforehand for the 5% of the time there's an actual question.

Also when I know I have a meeting coming up, I don't want to get in too deep on something that takes a lot of focus.

Heikki , in Having to go to a meeting really messes with your flow for the whole day, doesn't it?

I recall going to a time management seminar.
The speaker said, "When the average interrupted during a task, even momentarily, the time it takes the person to get back on task is between 20-60 minutes, and can take longer"

limelight79 ,

Yeah, this isn't an ADHD meme, this is a "normal human behavior" meme.

BearOfaTime , in My girlfriend has ADHD and has is usually procrastinating studying (she has a big exam in a few months), is there anything I can do to help her with this without being prying?

Lots of good ideas here, but don't forget to discuss these ideas with her first.

I'd recommend reading ADHD and Adults, it's a good intro to how ADHD works differently in adults than children.

Then maybe talk about her difficulties with her, and ask how you can help. Work to understand her perspective first, what she finds difficult, what she finds frustrating.

Then pick one thing, together, that you can help with. You need to work as a team, taking on challenges together (this is sort of relationships 101, it's a team thing).

BottleOfAlkahest ,

I can't figure out if she has even asked for his help on this, if she hasn't then perhaps he should just back off until she does.

Servais OP , avatar

Hello, I added some context in the comment below.

Servais OP , avatar

Thank you for the book suggestion, it's on my radar.

Then maybe talk about her difficulties with her, and ask how you can help. Work to understand her perspective first, what she finds difficult, what she finds frustrating.

We discussed about it earlier this weekend. In summary, she finds hard to study because it still seems "far away in the future" (it's in early September), and on the other side, she also feels like even if she studies a lot for it, she will never feel ready.

She has already failed that exam in the past.

BilboBargains , in Having to go to a meeting really messes with your flow for the whole day, doesn't it?

Avoid morning meetings like the plague. The first four hours of a work day are golden and should be reserved for creativity and nothing else. The agile process was instituted at our workplace and that startup meeting is an absolute menace. I'll tell you how the day is going in the afternoon but right now I have to work.

hex ,

Idk, our agile meetings are 5 minutes long, and it feels like a start to the day for me. Before the meeting I don't feel like doing anything.

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