ADHD memes

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OceanSoap , in Self-diagnosis is valid if it helps you

I'm so tired of this dumb trope. No, your self-diagnosis is not helpful. And yes, you can get diagnosed if you're poor. There are many ways to do so, you dont have to go through a fancy psychiatrist, and the US public Healthcare system will actually pay for it.


I have yet to meet a quantity of drugs that brings me all the way down to "normal" levels. It just makes my ADHD slightly more copeable.

FiniteBanjo OP ,

Have you tried cocaine? Or perhaps the illegally sold Adderall would be more effective than prescribed Adderall, sometimes they cut it with Fentanyl.


Who hurt you, OP?

FiniteBanjo OP ,

I'm just fighting back against the pharma ads that keep coming out of this community. Regular human activity and thought process don't justify you to try a bunch of different hardcore drugs. Your way of doing mental math doesn't give you disability status. Overthinking adult responsibilities doesn't mean you're different minded. If you think you have ADHD then I welcome you and hope you get the care you need to adjust and live happily, but don't show weakness to these people: they smell blood.

xmunk ,

But you do realize you jumped the shark into pure medication shaming right?

ADHD people have enough judgement focused on us that we don't need to start shaming each other for tactics that help us on a day to day.

FiniteBanjo OP ,

Look mate, in this world the most common and consistent scheme you'll ever experience is somebody trying to convince you that you need their product. If you don't believe me then that's fine, go take your drugs.

m0darn , in Famous last words?

I have a buddy with adhd and he's also a musician.

He forgot he had to make a music video.

Not like he really ought to make one to market himself. He is contractually obligated to make a music video and he forgot.... well he forgot until it was just barely possible if everything went smoothly and he ran himself ragged.

Perhapsjustsniffit , in Famous last words?

Shut up mom.

Bluefruit , in Cpu load: 100%, process name: anxiety

Executive dysfunction is probably the worst part of having ADHD. That and having issues regulating emotions.

I can't just clean, theres so much to clean that cleaning is just an insurmountable task on top of all the other things that i have to do first to even BEGIN cleaning.

Gormadt , avatar

I find that breaking my tasks into much smaller little tasks helps a lot. That way instead of failing to do one task I'm failing to do 50... wait.

Joking aside breaking the tasks apart helps me a lot. It's not "I need to clean my apartment," it's, "I need to clean my living room, bedroom, and dining room." And even that more task heavy list gets broken down a lot where basically each room becomes zones.

I might not finish the living room today but cleaning that end table will be something I can revel in finishing.

For me it also helps me practicing point-and-call for the tasks I need to do. It helps lowering my chance of getting distracted while I'm doing something and also helps prevent mistakes on more complicated tasks.

Bluefruit ,

Oh yea, I've used this before and still do. But this only works to a point and for me, being medicated was my best option.

My first session with my pysch, she said it sounds like youre already doing everything i would normally recommend before prescribing medication so i think we should try meds.

Not that these kinds of things dont help, just sometimes needs to be paired with meds as well.

MystikIncarnate ,

I find this does the opposite of helping.

One of two things happen: more commonly, I break it down too far. Now, the task isn't "clean", it's about 28 steps of get x cleaner and y supplies and scrub this clean and wash that and do the thing over there to tidy up, etc. Then, once I'm done making a task list for this one very simple thing I need to do, and micromanaging every aspect of it via a list of things to do, I'm now overwhelmed by the massive list of things I need to do in order to accomplish this one very simple task.

On the flip side, if I don't micro manage myself into task paralysis, I end up breaking it into smaller sections, like "clean living room" and "clean bedroom" etc.... And make an agreement with myself to do one today, one tomorrow, etc, until everything is cleaned. So today I only need to clean room x, and I'll do room y tomorrow. So I clean room x, but I don't want to put away all the cleaning stuff, I'll just need it tomorrow, so I put it in the corner ready to go for tomorrow. I accomplished something, I cleaned a room. I'll do the rest later. About three months later, I'll wonder why the cleaning supplies are sitting out, and remember I was supposed to clean room y. Feeling like a failure, I'll be unhappy with myself and instead of getting back to that task I'll just put the cleaning stuff away, because if I'm going to start over, I'll need to clean room x again. You see, the dopamine from getting room x cleaned that one time basically made my brain say "yep, task is done, we cleaned" then file it away in the completed file, never to be thought of again.

For me, I have to go all or nothing and just fight my task paralysis head on. I don't often win, but if I don't, things never get finished.

MelodiousFunk , avatar

This, this, 1000% this. And if I do somehow manage to start, I can NOT stop. None of this "do x for y minutes, take z minute break, then go back to doing x." If I stop, I don't know when I'll be able to start again. Which then feeds back into the "overwhelming" loop.

My brain is not kind to me.

Gormadt , avatar

Oh yeah the "go for x, break for y, then go again" thing never works for me unless it's go for hours with headphones on, then break in a specific manner for 10-15 minutes, then go again. Then maybe I'll be able to finish properly.

It shouldn't feel like we have to fight our brains to get shit done but I swear half the time it feels like I have to enter the Goddamned Konami Code just to get my shit done lol.

general_kitten ,

If only cleaning was the only problem...

No_Change_Just_Money , in Cpu load: 100%, process name: anxiety

I might not be happy or successful, but at least I saw a funny picture on the internet today

MBM , in Cpu load: 100%, process name: anxiety

somehow doing neither, browsing Lemmy instead

MystikIncarnate ,

This is the way.

agegamon , in Cpu load: 100%, process name: anxiety

Process affinity for anxiety set to 16/16 cores all days all hours

Process affinity for literally anything else is determined by adhd rolling a d20, the result is your one and only process thread for the next 5 minutes unless it rolls a nat 1 then you get 16 for 5 mins. Also you'd better hope the result isnt 17-20 cause if it is that shits soooo goooone lol

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