ADHD memes

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recklessengagement , (edited ) in Self-diagnosis is valid if it helps you

Considering how much medication can help, uh, yeah, do those things. Its a trivial inconvenience compared to living unmedicated.

Also 5k is a lot, maybe if you're uninsured? Hell, getting an uninsured MRI is cheaper than that. And health insurance is kind of a must for living with a disability.

Don't like sentiments like this. I feel like it prevents people from getting the help they need.

db0 OP Mod , avatar

The author is not saying don't get self-diagnosed. They're criticizing the healthcare system.

acetanilide ,

I agree with you, however I want to mention (for the international crowd) that health insurance is insanely expensive. If you are disabled and can't work (and live in a red state) you are fucked unless you have family who can help. No job = no subsidies for ACA insurance as well.

(Red state = right wing/Republican; ACA insurance is the government subsidized insurance that Obama started)

hornedfiend , in I tried to explain ADHD math to someone and they didn't understand at all

I calculate percentage like this. If 100% is the value, then I know what 10% is, then1%, so I do increments of both until I get to the correct value.

It may sound stupid,but it does help me get a % fast enough.

MrShankles ,

Thank you! That's pretty neat. I tried 27% of 65

I added two 10% increments (6.5+6.5)... but instead of adding 0.65 (1%) seven more times, I added a 5% increment (6.5/2 = 3.25) and then 2 increments of 1%

So 6.5+6.5+3.25+0.65+0.65 = 17.55

I still had to use a calculator to add those weird numbers (and also check my work), but it does seem really practical for easier numbers. I usually need percentages for pricing (i.e. discounts/tipping), and the percentages are normally in increments of 5%, so that's pretty useful for figuring out a 15% or 75% of something real quick... or at least get me really close (when talking about something like $X.99)

Regardless, I appreciate the head trick!

Edit: I guess I could've done 30% and then subtracted 1% twice; but it's the same issue (of adding weird numbers) with the same outcome anyway. So thanks again!

griefreeze ,

Another neat trick: X% of Y is equal to Y% of X. That is, in your example, 27% of 65 == 65% of 27. So check and see which combination might provide fewer steps/messy numbers.

13.5 (50% of 27) + 2.7 (10% of 27) + 1.35 (5% of 27) = 17.55

MrShankles ,

Ahh, that's a really good point! I forget about the "X% of Y = Y% of X"

Honestly, I normally just use a calculator quick (move the decimal twice, multiply and all that jazz) for weird percentages or I want a precise answer.

But I like knowing different ways of thinking about it because it can become easier than using a calculator (with practice). And it's fun, cause I'm a bit of a math nerd

Feathercrown ,

Ooh good trick

MapleEngineer , in Self-diagnosis is valid if it helps you avatar

Tell me you're American without telling me you're American.

jinarched , (edited ) in I tried to explain ADHD math to someone and they didn't understand at all avatar

If you know those five intuitively, adding and subtracting become automatic even with adhd.

1 + 9 = 10

2 + 8 = 10

3 + 7 = 10

4 + 6 = 10

5 + 5 = 10

ChuggingPus , in Self-diagnosis is valid if it helps you

As someone who's due a diagnosis (hopefully) soon, what type of questions do they ask you?

TimewornTraveler ,

a lot of stuff about childhood experiences. it's helpful to have someone present who knew you as a child, but failing that, you can talk to them beforehand I suppose. I imagine this sounds like a headache, so don't worry about calling mom if it sounds stressful or confrontational. id say the ideal is a teacher who knew you well but doesn't have stakes in the diagnostic label like a parent might. maybe a sibling.

ChuggingPus ,

Thank you for the heads up

Eyck_of_denesle ,

Hi my parents took me to a psychiatric but did not say anything about adhd. I did not know what the process was, so I didn't ask them for that diagnosis. They did give me anti depressants but I stopped going after 3 sessions cause i didn't feel like it was going anywhere. Do you think i should go back and ask for a diagnosis? I also want to add that i live in a country where mental illness is still not real. So im not surprised the doctor was not communicating with me openly

TimewornTraveler ,

that sounds hard. i cant give you medical advice - you know yourself better than me anyway. one thing i can comment on is that changes usually take a combination of medication and behavioral changes (aka therapy). so it's not surprising that things didn't improve after 3 sessions. it takes a lot of effort!

NocturnalMorning , in This started as adding onto a preexisting meme and it turned into a format to vent

I have adhd and all if these problems that go with it. I also found that my anxiety disorder causes me to get extremely stressed when my work gives me too much to do and expects me to move mountains. That's when I start feeling like this and I start not sleeping.

Turns out sleep is really important. Right now work is in a bit of a lull for me, and I'm sleeping fine again, and I don't feel depressed, or have any of these issues at the moment, except the usual, adhd issues of staying on task, going to bed at a normal time, etc.

I will say, getting enough sleep makes the world issues you've mentioned easier to deal with. Can't say I have any advice for how to get it under control considering everyone is different when it comes to how to help their adhd symptoms. I'm super sensitive to medications for example, so a lot of them haven't helped me much. Hope you start getting on the right track at least.

Edit: I would say definitely try to minimize the doom scrolling tho, cut out some of the news if you can. I find life easier to deal with if I'm not always worried about how bad the world is outside.

MelodiousFunk OP , avatar

I would say definitely try to minimize the doom scrolling tho, cut out some of the news if you can. I find life easier to deal with if I'm not always worried about how bad the world is outside.

When I was young I was a news junkie. Like, watching the local network news for an hour, then the world news. Every weeknight. This turned to news radio as an adult, especially since it was the only way to get traffic info at the time (yes, I am old). I cut this out save sports for many years, before there even was doomscrolling lol. Never had any social media to speak of for the longest time. Even when I joined Reddit about 10 years ago, I was just there for the niche hobby subs and avoided /all and /top like the plague.

Speaking of... when Covid hit it became fairly imperative to keep up with events. And it came right on the heels of getting screwed on a house purchase, and precipitated the work situation going from bad to worse. Felt like every time I tried to take a step forward I got a baseball bat to the kidneys, while the outside world made me question if the boneheaded decisions made in horror movies were really all that unrealistic.

The ironic part is that I had serious trouble finding decent mental health treatment while paying out the ass for insurance, since all it seemed to cover was pill mills and unqualified social workers (which I then had to further cough up dough for). So when I had a breakdown this past winter I was pretty much hopeless. But somehow, the Evil Socialist Freeloader Plan (aka Medicaid) let me hit the freaking lottery for both group and individual therapy (unhelpful PHP detour notwithstanding). I feel like I'm making actual progress.

The catch: in a month or two I'm either going to be homeless, or spending all of the spoons doing something I'll hate in exchange for maybe enough little slips of paper that prove I'm allowed to exist (or, ya know, sleep). Either way, the clock is ticking, and the doc is slow-walking my meds. Meanwhile I'm selling off personal items to pay bills, and come November there may not be a functioning SSA to process my disability claim that that I still haven't fully filled out because of executive dysfunction and the work questions being triggering.

Tick tock, tick tock.

paralysis intensifies

NocturnalMorning ,

That sucks that you're dealing with all of that. It must be really tough. I wish you the best of luck finding decent mental health treatment, and I really really hope your situation improves.

MelodiousFunk OP , avatar

Thanks, I appreciate it.

apprehensively_human , in CONSUME DRUGS TO BECOME NORMAL

Neurotypicals that have a normal working relationship with their own brain be like:

FiniteBanjo OP ,

Ha! Gottem.

Gradually_Adjusting , in This started as adding onto a preexisting meme and it turned into a format to vent avatar

Good news, during wartime and periods of intense crisis, some people experience a temporary paradoxical increase in mental health. So, I've got that going for me.

grue ,

Waiting for one of the various global crises to change in such a way as to become individually actionable, so that the famed ADHD crisis mode superpowers can finally kick in:

Omniraptor ,

this is a PTSD thing right?

boredsquirrel , in I tried to explain ADHD math to someone and they didn't understand at all

This has nothing to do with ADHD... mixing up stuff is just confusing people

glimse ,

I try not to be all "that's not ADHD that's just normal" here but yeah this one has nothing to do with ADHD.

boredsquirrel ,

A Therapist told me that there is a lot of nonsense on the web, especially in the AuDHD space, and yeah it tends to go in a "you are a scorpio, you do X" way

midnight_puker , avatar

I'm a scorpio and I do X all the time

nieceandtows ,

This guy fucks X

Graphy ,

One of the worst parts of the latest ADHD wave

Pandantic , avatar

And I try not to be all “I’m not ADHD and I do this” on this com, but it’s true.

FiniteBanjo , in I tried to explain ADHD math to someone and they didn't understand at all

I've got an idea for a meme for you:

ADHD be like:
Man puts on pants

Akasazh , in I tried to explain ADHD math to someone and they didn't understand at all

The meme has nothing to to with ADHD, however your explication of how it happened does.

Cube6392 , in Famous last words? avatar

Nothing wounds me more than people saying if I cared I'd remember

Transporter_Room_3 , avatar

Next time someone says that, respond with "wow, so fuck anyone with brain issues that keep them from forming memories the same way you do, right? Guess grandpa Rick doesn't care about my family since his accident, huh."

you having a grandpa Rick, or family to speak of, is irrelevant. The point is, it forces them to confront the fact that there are many reasons someone might forget a thing. They'll probably still be shift about it, but at least when they've unbunched their loads, they might think twice before immediately concluding the other person sucks for forgetting a thing.

Maybe I'm being optimistic with that, but I don't appreciate when people try to assign my motives to me, instead of understanding my own, and get confrontational when that happens.

Hahah_Montana , avatar

You sound like a pompous asshole. Literally no one will ever talk to you again if that's what comes out of your mouth after someone makes a joke.

It's like you don't want people to even say a word anymore because someone somewhere is deaf and that would offend their sensibilities... Grow a fucking pair.

Pelicanen ,

What was the joke?

Hahah_Montana , avatar

Nothing wounds me more than people saying if I cared I'd remember

Cube6392 , avatar

I wasn't joking. That shit hurts me deep. It shows a lack of understanding of my struggles that I really don't try to hide. I forget things, always. They're not lies. They're not things that don't matter to me. Its everything all the time

Hahah_Montana , avatar

If it hurts you... it still doesn't mean it wasn't a joke.

No one says that seriously... It's literally placed as one of the most famous jokes in sitcoms, including two and a half men.

xilliah , in I tried to explain ADHD math to someone and they didn't understand at all avatar

You can solve this one with redneck math. You simply flip the numbers in 7+6 upside down, which looks like 4+9, which is clearly 13.

FiniteBanjo , in This started as adding onto a preexisting meme and it turned into a format to vent

self diagnosed adhd undiagnosed scitzophrenia memes

ChonkyOwlbear , in This started as adding onto a preexisting meme and it turned into a format to vent

Getting a dog has helped me in ways I never expected. I just figured "cute, cuddle, good for brain chemicals". But they HAVE to be walked at a certain time. They HAVE to be fed at a certain time. Regardless of any of your internal issues, you love them and you have to provide for their needs.

So when you are in the kitchen filling their bowl, you make yourself some toast or grab a banana. When you are taking them for a walk, maybe you go a little farther because they like it and it's good for you. If you struggle to get up in the morning, they look to you pleading to be taken out to pee and you get yourself up and dressed. They need training and that requires being consistent, so you do it for them. It's so much easier to do it for them than for yourself.

And009 ,

This worked for me, still dealing with a lot of issues but there is atleast a hint of schedule. And one of of my two dogs is extremely finicky about time. She has to be out the door even if there no poop to be shat.

explodicle ,

To add: they're extremely good at noticing when you're feeling down and will try to help.

NotBillMurray ,

To quote Aesop Rock:

Fifteen years taking prescriptions then a shrink's like "I dunno, maybe get a kitten?"

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