chevalier26 , avatar

@actuallyautistic Does it bother anyone else when someone folds your laundry for you? I do appreciate the effort and the intention, but half the time I have to go back and refold everything because it wasn’t folded the way I need it to be for me to put it away or organize it properly. I would rather just do all the folding myself lol. Idk, I know that probably seems selfish but it does irk me sometimes.

lonewolf , avatar

@chevalier26 @actuallyautistic actually i get bothered when people TOUCH my laundry.

spika , avatar

@chevalier26 @actuallyautistic I'm kinda the opposite on this issue... I wish I could have somebody wash and fold my laundry for me because when I do my laundry on my own, I wash single loads multiple times because I forget they're in the washer until they stink, I forget to pull things out of the dryer, I accidentally put things that can't go in the dryer in the dryer.... and by the time the fold and put away part of laundry comes, I feel so overwhelmed and done with the task that I tell myself I'm going to do it later, and then most of the time I don't do it at all until things start to feel too chaotic (and that takes awhile).

I just sorta live with piles of clothes everywhere (including my car because I travel regularly and there are clothes that are at this point clothes that live in the car and are only worn when away), and have so many clothes that I'm never quite sure where anything is but have a rough idea of where most things are. It's very easy to forget what I own.

ScottSoCal , avatar


My life runs on "systems". Saturday is laundry day, the washer takes 50 minutes for a load (sets timer on watch). When the timer goes off I put the washer clothes into the dryer, which takes 70 minutes to dry, put the second load into the washer (sets timer on watch)...

Repeat until the laundry is done, and I put it all away.

@chevalier26 @actuallyautistic

spika , avatar

@ScottSoCal @chevalier26 @actuallyautistic I try so hard to do this, but inevitably I forget to set alarms and I'm an expert at alarm ignoring.

I think laundry is definitely an area where my ADHD dictates what happens over the autism.

filmfreak75 , avatar

@chevalier26 @actuallyautistic i tend to like to fold since i find it calming -- plus when other people were in my house, they would leave stuff out and never do anything with it, so i just needed to clear the clutter

ScottSoCal , avatar


Clothes can't be put away until they're folded/hung properly. Kitchen towels have been an ongoing battle for years - eh, not really a battle, more of a cold war. When I wash kitchen towels I fold them properly and they all fit in the drawer next to the sink - if there are towels in the drawer that hubs folded I take them out and refold them, so everything fits. He folds them wrong, and they don't all fit.


chevalier26 OP , avatar

@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic One of my biggest shocks when going to college was just how many people don’t fold their clothes…they just jam them all into their dresser/closet until everything fits or the drawer can close. I can’t even fathom doing that. How are you supposed to find what you’re looking for? Or make sure you haven’t lost a sock or something?

moz , avatar

@chevalier26 @ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic I have drawers for small things like socks and undies. I have few enough shorts, skirts and trousers that they get hung up or stacked separately, then tops go in a pile. And in a bin. And on a shelf.

I pair gloves because those are annoying to find, and thick socks because they're annoying to have in the pile of thin socks.

I can fold shirts fast from working doing that, but it feels like a waste of time.

So... it's organised, but not folded.

moz , avatar

@ScottSoCal @chevalier26 @actuallyautistic I roll towels, including kitchen towels. That's compact and easy, and works better when there are multiple sizes. I do the same with sheets, which is less ideal since I have both single and king single sheets (those are not compatible with each other). But king vs any single is obvious so it mostly works.

Plus I can do it out at the clothesline, often as I take things off the line. So I get a bin of dry laundry to hurl onto the pile.

dweebish , avatar

@moz @ScottSoCal @chevalier26 @actuallyautistic I roll kitchen towels, too. I have no idea why I never considered doing the same to bath towels. I must try that. Thank you!

chevalier26 OP , avatar

@dweebish @moz @ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic I started rolling my bath towels when I moved into my new dorm last year to save space and it worked wonders!

homelessjun ,


it always bothers me.

i always have to refold.

and some things are to be hung, not folded but are folded.


chevalier26 OP , avatar

@homelessjun @actuallyautistic Yes! I have this thing where I fold stuff where the final “folded” edge can be stacked facing outwards so I can grab things out of my closet without having them unfold. Few things bother me more than going to grab something out of my closet and accidentally pulling one layer of all the folds causing everything to unravel 😭 idk if that makes sense but it’s such a pet peeve lol.

bhawthorne , avatar

@chevalier26 @homelessjun @actuallyautistic Makes perfect sense to me. I am very particular about how my clothes are folded or hung up.

I do the same folding with the clothes in my chest of drawers. Fun t-shirts on the left, plain undershirts in the middle, uniform t-shirts on the right. All folded so the folded edge is towards me when I open the drawer, and I can easily grab whichever shirt I want without them unfolding.

chevalier26 OP , avatar

@bhawthorne @homelessjun @actuallyautistic Yes! You get it 😄! I have a way of organizing my dresser and closet when I’m at home and away at college, and they’re pretty much identical. Folded edge toward me so I can grab things out, top drawer for socks and underwear, second drawer for pajama shirts, third drawer for t-shirts, and bottom drawer for pants/pajama bottoms. I have a system 😂

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