Dr_Obvious , German

I don't know if it's related to the hypo-/hypersensitivity topic, stimulation or whatsoever. But I really like strong tasting stuff. Spicy, salty, hot, sour, complex, whatsoever.

After just now taking a sip from a pickle glass it came to my mind that I even took shots of vinegar in the past, because I liked the taste. I considder it so odd that I wondered if anybody out there did it too.

Did you ever fancied a shot of vinegar?

JoBlakely ,
@JoBlakely@mastodon.social avatar

@Dr_Obvious @actuallyautistic my fave vinegar is Chinkiang Vinegar.
It is a must with steamed dumplings, noodles, or with other things. I want to try doing quick pickling tomatoes with it. It’s been taken as shots for health benefits traditionally as well. It is so insanely delicious. I just love the taste.

kiwired ,
@kiwired@mastodon.nz avatar

@Dr_Obvious @actuallyautistic I occasionally do partake of a shot of cider vinegar. Kind of miss malt vinegar for this, which is very rare in the Philippines.

syllusg ,
@syllusg@climatejustice.social avatar

@Dr_Obvious @actuallyautistic I think I have the opposite. I find even bland food full of rich taste and texture. I do not like too much flavour.

woozle ,
@woozle@toot.cat avatar

@Dr_Obvious @actuallyautistic

I always drink the leftover vinegar (balsamic) when I'm done with my salad.

I also always put enough on that there's a good swallow left over.

My daughter likes vinegar too (I remember her eating just rice with vinegar as a meal); make of that anecdata what one will.

I never liked sweets, and always said I have a "sour tooth". (Lemon juice is always good. Not lemonade, 'cuz they put effin' sugar in it and who wants that.)

Dr_Obvious OP ,

@woozle @actuallyautistic
Me too. I also put a lot of in it. Also I favor of eating the salad with a spoon instead of fork in order to get more dressing per bite 😅.

woozle ,
@woozle@toot.cat avatar

@Dr_Obvious @actuallyautistic

I have to use both, in order to keep things frustratingly falling off all the time :D

Kencf618033 ,
@Kencf618033@disabled.social avatar

@Dr_Obvious I was weaned on a bottle of Tabasco sauce.


punishmenthurts ,
@punishmenthurts@neurodifferent.me avatar

@Kencf618033 @Dr_Obvious @actuallyautistic
ha ha ha, I love it
I mean, she put some on herself to discourage nursing and I just grabbed the bottle from and chugged it. Done and done. 😂

Kellyshenanigans ,

@Dr_Obvious @actuallyautistic we don't use vinegar at all in food, have replaced it with lemon juice in salad dressings and such. Don't like being in the same room as an open bottle of the stuff. Will use small amounts for cleaning in a well ventilated area. One of my 2 kids feels the same. The other kid would drink vinegar, has drank pickle juice. We generally don't eat together at the same time due to triggering each other's sensitivities.

Dr_Obvious OP ,

@Kellyshenanigans @actuallyautistic
Greetings to my fellow vinegar fellow. Too you lemon folks too ;).

Sci_Fi_FanGirl ,
@Sci_Fi_FanGirl@hessen.social avatar

@Dr_Obvious @actuallyautistic Strong tasting stuff - yes. One of the very very few areas where I'm rather sensory-seeking.

But drinking vinegar - no. Lemon juice sometimes.

Dr_Obvious OP ,

Maybe it's not so uncommon at all. Maybe should have included NT control group.

Trkisblau ,
@Trkisblau@ruhr.social avatar

@Dr_Obvious @actuallyautistic In Mark Benekes letztens veröffentlichtem Vortrag über Autismus (Link such ich gleich noch raus) gab es nen Nebensatz zum Thema Essen / Essgewohnheiten, dass z.b. Stark gewürztes / scharfes essen ja sowohl überhaupt nicht im öffentlichen Raum & gleichzeitig dennoch gerne zuhause für sich alleine gegessen werden mag.
Dazu hatte Mark nen Comic von Fuchskind als Beispiel mit in seiner Präsentation. Ich denke also mal, dass es etwas durchaus mit ND verknüpftes könnte.

Dr_Obvious OP ,

@Trkisblau @actuallyautistic
Ich hab letztens hier einen Link zu ihm gesehen (von dir?). Ich hatte noch keine Zeit mir das anzusehen und kenne ihn nicht. Vielleicht muss ich mir das nochmal anschauen.

Trkisblau ,
@Trkisblau@ruhr.social avatar
Dr_Obvious OP ,

@Trkisblau @actuallyautistic
Ja, genau das hatte ich gesehen. Der ist Psychologe oder?

Trkisblau ,
@Trkisblau@ruhr.social avatar

@Dr_Obvious @actuallyautistic Nein, eigentlich ist er Kriminalbiologe und forensicher Entomologe ^^
Aber das ist kein Grund, seine "Time is up"-Vorträge bzw. Videos zum Thema Klimakatastrophe oder auch Austismus / Neurodivergenz nicht zu gucken :-)

Der Vortrag oben ist im Rahmen des schAUT Projektes (Schule & Autismus - Barrieren für (Autistische) Schüler:innen in Schulen erkennen und abbauen) aufgenommen worden.


Dr_Obvious OP ,

@Trkisblau @actuallyautistic
Aber er ist selber im Club? Zumindest hab ich das aus den Fotos geschlossen.

wakame ,
@wakame@tech.lgbt avatar

@Dr_Obvious @actuallyautistic

Well, there is vinegar explicitly intended for drinking, so... yes. :blobcatgiggle:

RavenLuni ,
@RavenLuni@furry.engineer avatar

@Dr_Obvious @actuallyautistic Done this. I've also been known to drink worcester sauce and down a whole one of those jiff lemon squeezy things

Dr_Obvious OP ,

@RavenLuni @actuallyautistic
Oh the fine industry taste 😂.
I also fancy Maggi on boiled eggs. Everybody look at me like I am a total maniac, but to my defence I noticed that it's asuggested use on the bottle.

EVDHmn ,
@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar

@Dr_Obvious @RavenLuni @actuallyautistic
Ohh what about some egg yolk in red curry mmmm 😋

Dr_Obvious OP ,
RavenLuni ,
@RavenLuni@furry.engineer avatar

@Dr_Obvious @EVDHmn @actuallyautistic An old friend of mine used to like a rice crispy sandwich with HP sauce

Dr_Obvious OP ,

@RavenLuni @EVDHmn @actuallyautistic
Malt vinegar and brown sauce are uncommon here. We ordered that stuff online :).

Konstantin ,
@Konstantin@chaos.social avatar

@Dr_Obvious @actuallyautistic No, but it sounds like an interesting thing to do.

Dr_Obvious OP ,

@Konstantin @actuallyautistic
If you have good vinegar at home give it a try 😄.

Konstantin ,
@Konstantin@chaos.social avatar

@Dr_Obvious @actuallyautistic I just have vinegar essence at home, so I can play with concentrations too...

Dr_Obvious OP ,

@Konstantin @actuallyautistic
Oh, I guess you have to be carefull with the hard stuff.

Konstantin ,
@Konstantin@chaos.social avatar

@Dr_Obvious @actuallyautistic I usually use it for the fly traps with yeast, dishsoap, and sugar.

Hyperiontrails ,
@Hyperiontrails@tech.lgbt avatar

@Konstantin @Dr_Obvious @actuallyautistic

This may be a peculiarly British thing but I really really enjoy very strong pickled onions the stronger the better, I find I have to make my own to get the strength up (I also add chilli black peppercorns and mustard seeds)

Konstantin ,
@Konstantin@chaos.social avatar

@Hyperiontrails @Dr_Obvious @actuallyautistic we have Feinkost Dittmann's herb olives in Germany, they're pretty nice too.

Dr_Obvious OP ,

@Konstantin @Hyperiontrails @actuallyautistic
You know the black hot ones?
Our favorites from the supermarket.

sillyCoelophysis ,
@sillyCoelophysis@hachyderm.io avatar

@Hyperiontrails @Konstantin @Dr_Obvious @actuallyautistic okay, so this sounds great, but wdym get the strength up? Do you mean use more vinegar in the vinegar/water ratio? I like to add peppercorns and minced garlic to mine, but mustard seeds sounds fantastic! What about cumin seeds? I'm tempted to try those, because cumin is the best.

sillyCoelophysis ,
@sillyCoelophysis@hachyderm.io avatar

@Dr_Obvious @Konstantin @actuallyautistic so like... Rice vinegar? I'm not sure what constitutes a "good vinegar." I have some white, apple cider, balsamic, and two different rice vinegar (one with garlic). I think I'll try the balsamic. Will report back after I've tried it.

Dr_Obvious OP ,

@sillyCoelophysis @Konstantin @actuallyautistic
With good I wasn't refering to a certain type of vinegar. More like that it has a nice flavor.

sillyCoelophysis ,
@sillyCoelophysis@hachyderm.io avatar

@Dr_Obvious @Konstantin @actuallyautistic Well, I tried it with the balsamic vinegar and... Pretty good! I did maybe a half shot, not a whole one.

I might be using this in place of a morning alarm in the future. Seriously, it was invigorating.

punishmenthurts ,
@punishmenthurts@neurodifferent.me avatar

@sillyCoelophysis @Dr_Obvious @Konstantin @actuallyautistic
It’s a test for acid problems, if the vinegar feels good, you’re OK, maybe alkaline, if it hurts, you got maybe too much acid, right?

Dr_Obvious OP ,

@punishmenthurts @sillyCoelophysis @Konstantin @actuallyautistic
Are you refering to the esoterical believe that humans can become acidicor badic based on diet?

punishmenthurts ,
@punishmenthurts@neurodifferent.me avatar

@Dr_Obvious @sillyCoelophysis @Konstantin @actuallyautistic
that, but also, I read it somewhere and it makes some sense that if you’re hurting, it’s just a simple
test, more acid, more hurt might tell you acid was the problem. I never bought into the alkaline body idea much, but I have acid problems.

andrewhinton ,
@andrewhinton@jawns.club avatar
sillyCoelophysis ,
@sillyCoelophysis@hachyderm.io avatar

@andrewhinton @Dr_Obvious @Konstantin @actuallyautistic oh yeah, thanks for the FTFY 😂

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