ashleyspencer , avatar

For AuDHD:

Which terms do you prefer to use?

Do you use ‘have’ or ‘I am’ to describe your autism and ADHD?

Personally, I’m the first one and use ‘I am’ to describe both.

Just curious to see how common each one is. 🙂


movation , avatar
aaronesilvers , avatar

@ashleyspencer @actuallyautistic @audhd

I am forming an information architecture that models in text and conversations how to explain how all these things related to neurodivergence are related in a way that at least encapsulates the general complexity.

Autism, “on the spectrum”, “neurospicy" (my favorite) are almost interchangeable with NTs. ADHD might be any number of sensory issues... there's an attention thing, there's a "can't stop thinking/doing" thing that manifest similarly to observe

aaronesilvers , avatar

@ashleyspencer @actuallyautistic @audhd …and, maybe, to some general degree, we can describe at least some of the sensory disconnects that manifest as AuDHD with existing researched/defined conditions:

  • Alexithymia is a condition that describes what’s going on with 1-in-10 people who have challenges with their awareness of, ability to identify and describe feelings.
  • Interoception challenges, which are related to gaps in ability to identify and describe one’s physical/body senses.
zyd , avatar

@ashleyspencer @actuallyautistic @audhd Being autistic is a part of who I am while ADHD is something I despise having to deal with. It's a medical disability I wish I could will away, but I can't so I work around it. It's something I have.

hauchvonstaub , avatar


There are autistic people without ADHD who feel the same way about autism, as you do about ADHD and there are allistic people with ADHD who feel the same way about their ADHD, as you do about autism.
So I think it's a matter of perspective and what you even define as autism/ADHD.

I personally think, if you could get rid of your ADHD, you'd also feel like it had been a part of who you were and you'd have changed as a person.

@ashleyspencer @actuallyautistic @audhd

Tooden , avatar

@ashleyspencer If I had ADHD, I would be . @actuallyautistic @audhd

hauchvonstaub , avatar


I mostly use I'm autistic and have ADHD, because there isn't an established term for the property of being someone with ADHD yet.
I know about terms like "kinetic" or "pelagic", but I don't want to call myself something that I then always either have to explain, or risk people completely misunderstanding what I even said.
Another reason is, that saying "I'm ADHD" feels comparable to saying "I'm ASD", like I'm just identifying with a disorder.

@actuallyautistic @audhd

artemis , avatar

@hauchvonstaub @ashleyspencer @actuallyautistic @audhd
I really wish we had a better term for ADHD for this purpose. I say "I have ADHD" for the same reasons you do, but I don't really like identifying ADHD as something I "have" when it's literally part of who I am, not an optional add-on.

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