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TheConversationUS , avatar

With some universities canceling or modifying commencement ceremonies over protests or fear of protests, an anthropologist reminds us that there’s a lot more at stake than just a line of seniors getting a fancy piece of paper.

shaunyata , avatar

@TheConversationUS @academicchatter
East for you to say... did you spend 4 + years of your life and a hundred thousand to get a degree that barely gets you a job? People deserve to celebrate some parts of their short life on earth without political interference.

CStamp , avatar

@TheConversationUS @academicchatter Disconnected and disillusioned? Sounds like life preparation. ;)

I barely remember my graduations, more people I celebrated with.

ttpphd , avatar

If we collectively stopped writing letters of recommendation, what would change? What new things would be created in the fresh space?


divilian , avatar

@ttpphd @academicchatter ah, interesting. my first thought is that the system would become more objective, since you'd be eliminating a potential source of bias (who you happen to know, and who happens to be a big name, and who is prepared to write impressive things about you). but maybe this would only shift the landscape and effectively put more of the evaluation burden on journal reviewers and editors, who may have their own biases...

ehud , avatar

Weekend fun!

A "cool paper" is a succinct and provocative publication that presents an innovative idea in a clever and thought-provoking manner, often challenging conventional wisdom and inspiring further exploration.

Tell us about cool papers you like and that we should check out!


stevegis_ssg , avatar

@ehud @academicchatter

Man, I talk about this paper from 10 years ago all the time. This is maybe the best paper I've ever read. "Technical tour de force" gets thrown around a lot, but figure 3 alone could be its own major paper, and it's just the creation of a genetic tool to address a molecular hypothesis in vivo. Then throw in "hints at info waiting to be mined from huge published datasets" and "hints at important regulatory mechanism."

djvanness , avatar

Oh my. This is what happens when University presidents make decisions without shared governance. What a trip! @academicchatter

ukuku , avatar
RunRichRun , avatar

@ukuku @djvanness @academicchatter
I'm jealous. 🙃

bud_t , avatar

Fellow academic colleagues: please get involved in shared governance at your institution. I know, that kind of service takes up your time and is often thankless, but it is crucially important. And it is on the verge of extinction at many places. The rug is being pulled out from under us while we go about our teaching and research.

If we value our work in we have to do the work to make the institution a place that is fair, equitable, and just.


mycotropic , avatar

@bud_t @academicchatter

It works pretty well at University of Colorado in my opinion.

solalnathan , avatar

Isn't it weird that acceptance rate is a thing we look for in a conference/journal?

Publishing a paper should not be competitive like "we take the top 20% paper", it should be "we take all papers that are good enough according to our standards". Sometimes it can be a very low or very high number depending on the quality of the paper submitted.

@academicchatter @phdstudents

drgroftehauge , avatar

@rmounce @solalnathan @TEG @academicchatter @phdstudents A pity this isn't split by desk and peer rejections.

giuseppe_aceto , avatar

@solalnathan @TEG @academicchatter @phdstudents sadly LLMs have made paper mills overwhelmingly efficient. Even before, the imbalance between authors and reviewers posed constraints to the number of papers that can be carefully evaluated: now it is getting worse. In this context, the acceptance rate makes even less sense (cheap submissions drive it artificially down) as a proxy for reviewing quality and selectivity. But I believe the whole process is not sustainable anymore. Alternatives anyone?

ml , avatar
geonz , avatar

@ml @academicchatter didn't look like satire to me :P :P

TheConversationUS , avatar

Many media outlets are paying a lot more attention to arrests than to the actual demands of protesters.

US media largely ignored campus protests until encampments (and police clearing of encampments) got going, fitting in with a general pattern, according to a researcher who studies how journalists cover protest movements:

MHowell ,

@TheConversationUS @academicchatter

People are abandoning mainstream coverage of campus protests per WAPO article by @taylorlorenz

"Tofugh0st said that consuming Twitch live-streams of protests herself has made her more skeptical of traditional media."

Twitch streamers from the article:
Bret Hamilton?

Can anyone provide (me) a (link to a) list of streams that someone interested in these protests could watch? I've never used/watched Twitch, yet,

marioivargas , avatar

@MHowell @TheConversationUS @academicchatter @taylorlorenz there's plenty of independent journalist covering this very well on plenty of channels. The Breakthrough News, The Grayzone, Glenn Greenwald, even Democracy Now has been doing better than usual and giving protesters a platform.

GhostOnTheHalfShell , avatar

@academicchatter @economics-that-works

18 min

More or less spot on about the cost of housing and higher education. One aspect is “we” is misplaced. The Koch network intended this fate. They’ve worked to this end for 50 years.

Billionaires hate us, that is why they are pulling apart the republic and democracy all over the world. It’s them or us. They want tyranny and we want our lives.

clarablackink , avatar

@wdjorth @GhostOnTheHalfShell @academicchatter @economics-that-works Eh, I think people underestimate some people's antisocial tendencies. Hate isn't always a frothing thing. Often it's a polite smile to your face and a discussion behind closed doors that if it was possible to erase your existence without any mess that would be ideal.

It's tied up in the idea that the only good people are people who are personally useful to you.

There's immense harm in that mechanistic perspective.

GhostOnTheHalfShell OP , avatar

@wdjorth @academicchatter @economics-that-works

It is easily closer to hate. At the very least, contempt. And neither is incompatible with narcissism and can be an aspect of it.

Billionaires spend hundreds of millions of dollars per year to dismantle the republic and ruin people's lives in debt bondage and have done so for 50 years.

The sole reason for the Koch network is to have the US ruled by plutocracy.

ingorohlfing , avatar

There must be an easier way to work with review/submission websites.
One registers a master password with the publisher that works for all journals. Every time an account is created with a new journal of this publisher, the master password is linked to it and one could start right away @academicchatter

jtmuehlberg , avatar

@ingorohlfing @pkraus @academicchatter I haven't seen ORCID being used for authentication with conference/journal submission systems. But they do so for some services such as Overleaf.

mario_angst_sci , avatar

@jtmuehlberg @ingorohlfing @pkraus @academicchatter I have used it for some, just yesterday for a review submitted through (whoever runs that service (?), it was for a Bristol University Press journal). Works fine, and a good use case for ORCID I agree.

jeffgreene , avatar

What is a Master’s in Applied Educational Psychology and what can it do for you? Find out in this latest episode of the Emerging Research in Educational Psychology podcast, with David Timony and Jeanette King:

@edutooters @psychology @academicchatter

TeflonTrout , avatar

@jeffgreene @edutooters @psychology @academicchatter

Put me in debt for the rest of my life is what

Mehrad , avatar

I wonder if it is even ethical to enlist affiliation to the university if my funding comes directly from a funding institute, I'm buying and using my own hardware and software (down to the HDMI cable and mouse), and the data is also coming directly from another organization. The coffee and food is also off my own pocket.

The only things they provide are electricity (computer, coffee), water (coffee), and internet.

Let know your thoughts.


geospacedman , avatar

@Mehrad @academicchatter are you managing the research funding account? Did you get support in grant writing? Do you get post-grant award support? Are you going to pay open-access publishing costs? What about office space?

ingorohlfing , avatar

Elsevier unveils Scopus for research reviews | Times Higher Education (THE) I couldn't find information about pricing, but it seems safe to assume it is not for free. Meaning institutions have to pay for a tool that likely has been 1/ @academicchatter

sposadelvento , avatar

@mcp @ingorohlfing @academicchatter
I wonder if the research done by community should be available to be parsed by an AI.
Maybe it would be better just open for humans.

mcp , avatar

@sposadelvento @ingorohlfing @academicchatter The problem is that AI is a function of concentrated technological capacities and capabilities (, and even if the data and texts as data were public, as it should be, the monopolies (unless broken) would still have the upper hand in computational power.

renordquist , avatar

What will change for academic institutions as the climate crisis is increasingly not some far-off future, but happening now? And are we preparing our students for these uncomfortable conversations?

Many thanks to @jonippolito for recommending this book by @bryanalexandee ; has given me much food for thought. More ruminations found here:


renordquist OP , avatar

@bryanalexandee @jonippolito @academicchatter

Well, generally the best cooling shelters for cattle (and sheep, and just about any living being for that matter) are trees ;) This is why agroforestry is one of the fields that I think we should be investigating- or one of the reasons, there are a lot of good reasons to stimulate agroforestry in terms of sustainability. It is gaining attention in the EU (though still very niche by comparison to intensive livestock farming).

bryanalexandee , avatar

@renordquist @jonippolito @academicchatter
That's fascinating! Another reason for campuses to do more tree planting, too.

arielkroon , avatar

I wrote an article for Unsustainable Magazine that is based around my dissertation research findings about what it means to wish for systems overhaul. The consequences of that desire are what I consider now in this article. It gets a bit personal; I am embedded within my own specific context and my observations come out of that situation.

susankayequinn , avatar

@arielkroon Great article! One of the biggest secular apocalyptic movements of modern times is the transhumanists/TESCREALS and yes, I've seen much glee at punishment and unironic advocacy of genocide in those communities. Apocalypse for thee, utopia for me! Eco-doomerists and some degrowthers (not all) have shades of apocalyptic desire as well.

All of which just means we need more solarpunk stories for people to reorient their desires towards things worth fighting for.


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