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patrizia , German avatar

Yesterday I finished writing a research paper that I've been working on (as time permitted) for about the last 9 months or so.

The only thing left to do is find a journal or conference to send it to.

Is it better to submit it to a journal, or should I wait until next year for a conference? There's follow-up work that I plan to do, but the paper is already pretty condensed, so I'm not sure if expanding it before submitting somewhere makes sense.

Any advice?


patrizia OP , avatar

@floe @academicchatter Yeah, it's CS - geometry specifically. I should probably have included that... :)

I just missed the deadline for the CGVC conference (, and was considering IEEE Access as the journal. If the dates worked for me then I'd look at GRAPP (

Unfortunately I've not published many papers, so I don't have a good feel for selecting the right "level" of conference/journal.

floe , avatar

@patrizia @academicchatter Ah, memories, GRAPP was my very first conference 😁 Fun to see it's still around, that was ~ 15 years ago 👴

In any case, journals usually have higher expectations than conferences, so a conference might generally be a better place to get started.

To get a feeling for how "high-level"/competitive a specific conference is, have a look at and (pick a suitable subcategory near the top).

design_law , avatar

Fellow profs (especially law profs), I'm curious:

If you wanted to find all the articles a particular scholar had written, how would you go about doing that?


languageservicesco , avatar

@design_law @academicchatter ORCID probably.

JoanneKlein , avatar

@Cosmosis @design_law @academicchatter ditto on using I use it all the time.

FantasticalEconomics , avatar

Good news everyone!

"ChatGPT Edu, powered by GPT-4o, is designed for universities to responsibly integrate AI into academic and campus operations. This advanced AI tool supports text and vision reasoning, data analysis, and offers enterprise-level security."

Based on everything we know about AI, I am sure nothing could possibly go wrong with this new tool to integrate it into our and campus operations more broadly.
/Obvious sarcasm


ngaylinn , avatar

@FantasticalEconomics @academicchatter This is extremely dangerous. Damaging to society at large on multiple levels.

independentpen , avatar

Did an AI write that article?

ucaccessnow , avatar

🧵 What is this? After pushing UC for 4 years now to quit designing buildings where inaccessibility is the default, a main entrance to a building is wheelchair accessible?

What finally convinced UC Davis, one wonders? @disability @academicchatter

ucaccessnow OP , avatar

Ah, there's the UC Davis we know. Unnecessary steps because you weren't specifically PAID to do your duty under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act nor to actually make a public university accessible to the public.

@disability @academicchatter

leyonhjelm , avatar


Fuck you. It should be steps twice as high

@disability @academicchatter

GhostOnTheHalfShell , avatar

@academicchatter @economics-that-works

18 min

More or less spot on about the cost of housing and higher education. One aspect is “we” is misplaced. The Koch network intended this fate. They’ve worked to this end for 50 years.

Billionaires hate us, that is why they are pulling apart the republic and democracy all over the world. It’s them or us. They want tyranny and we want our lives.

clarablackink , avatar

@wdjorth @GhostOnTheHalfShell @academicchatter @economics-that-works Eh, I think people underestimate some people's antisocial tendencies. Hate isn't always a frothing thing. Often it's a polite smile to your face and a discussion behind closed doors that if it was possible to erase your existence without any mess that would be ideal.

It's tied up in the idea that the only good people are people who are personally useful to you.

There's immense harm in that mechanistic perspective.

GhostOnTheHalfShell OP , avatar

@wdjorth @academicchatter @economics-that-works

It is easily closer to hate. At the very least, contempt. And neither is incompatible with narcissism and can be an aspect of it.

Billionaires spend hundreds of millions of dollars per year to dismantle the republic and ruin people's lives in debt bondage and have done so for 50 years.

The sole reason for the Koch network is to have the US ruled by plutocracy.

ingorohlfing , avatar

Elsevier unveils Scopus for research reviews | Times Higher Education (THE) I couldn't find information about pricing, but it seems safe to assume it is not for free. Meaning institutions have to pay for a tool that likely has been 1/ @academicchatter

sposadelvento , avatar

@mcp @ingorohlfing @academicchatter
I wonder if the research done by community should be available to be parsed by an AI.
Maybe it would be better just open for humans.

mcp , avatar

@sposadelvento @ingorohlfing @academicchatter The problem is that AI is a function of concentrated technological capacities and capabilities (, and even if the data and texts as data were public, as it should be, the monopolies (unless broken) would still have the upper hand in computational power.

SteveMcCarty , avatar

30th year and I've never cussed online, but there's a technical term by Cory Doctorow @pluralistic

Let me count some ways that Academia Edu has declined in its zeal to monetize. The latest is that no URLs in articles that I've seen are active links anymore!

Before, non-members could scroll down to read articles, but now they have to provide personal info.

As a free member I'm usually hit with a pop-up on arrival. They flatter users by citing a large but false number of mentions to get them to become paying members. One Indian professor was boasting on FB thousands of citations, but I found only 27 for him on Google Scholar. When I pointed that out, he blocked me.

There were Academia Letters and then journals, first free and then pay to publish (like $2,000).

Academia Edu can amplify our works if they want, with nearly 300 million users signed up. That's the attraction to us, but their temptation to exploit. Comments?

@academicchatter @academicsunite

SteveMcCarty OP , avatar

@pluralistic @academicchatter @academicsunite

After many criticisms of Academia Edu, I didn't have space to discuss alternative research repositories like ResearchGate, or open access repositories like Knowledge Commons (which also maintains a sizeable Mastodon instance) -- details under:

ResearchGate purports to be more exclusive but still allows non-members to scroll down to read in-text articles. However, they might also be tempted toward (in Cory Doctorow's colorful parlance). To an extent we have to hold our nose ;-) to gain the network effects of Academia Edu and ResearchGate, but if they become too unethical or difficult to reach readers, we can move our works and links to an open access repository like Knowledge Commons. Most members use it additionally for blogging, but I recommend it as a free Website host as well, such as my central Website on Japan, online education, bilingualism, and the academic life:

_bydbach_ , avatar

@SteveMcCarty @pluralistic @academicchatter @academicsunite added bonus for those of us without an institutional profile page, hcommons allows its Users to create one and so become findable.

egonw , avatar

one argument I have heard repeatedly is that patent are important to fund research (it often funds CEOs, stakeholders, advertisement, law suites, etc too), so when I read about a successful (academic) patent around cancer research, surely those millions should feed into (academic) research too. Right?

Somehow, I can understand this hot debate in NL:

What do you think, @academicchatter ?

kasilas , avatar

@egonw @academicchatter millions do, but that's nothing really. It could be much more if academics took a more active role.

Often, academics and even tech transfer dep. look to sell as early as possible. This makes sense in one way, as early failure rates are high, but it minimises the payout when an idea does bite.

kasilas , avatar

@egonw @academicchatter most academics have entertaining war stories and/or great advice on how to game "their" peer reviewed journals.

Very few can, however, tell you when when you would be better placed to have a patent application filed, or how you might go about maximising your chance of success in this.

The basics aren't actually hard, but especially outside chemistry, it is surprisingly poorly understood.

TheConversationUS , avatar

A march by Edgar Elgar is the traditional soundtrack for American college commencements and high school graduations. It’s a stirring bit of music, but perhaps an odd choice, given its roots as a celebration of the British king.

Here’s a brief history of how it happened:
@academicchatter 🎓🎉

Seniors at Smith College’s commencement walk down the aisle to Elgar’s Pomp and Circumstance played by a brass band

joelvanderwerf , avatar
TheConversationUS OP , avatar

@joelvanderwerf @academicchatter Oops, yes. Thank you!

oatmeal , avatar

/ Israeli Historian Ilan Pappé Interrogated by U.S. Agents at Detroit Airport

[…] The acclaimed Israeli historian Ilan Pappé has revealed he was interrogated for two hours by federal agents at an airport in Detroit after flying into the United States. The agents questioned him about his Arab and Muslim friends in the U.S., as well as his views on and if he thought Israel was committing genocide in . Pappé said he was allowed to enter the U.S., but only after agents copied the contents of his phone.


ViXY_DBC , avatar

@oatmeal @academicchatter @israel @palestine "national security" is now a cover for any and every dirty stuff the US wants to carry out.

Okanogen , avatar

@oatmeal @academicchatter @israel @palestine
Biden needs to root out the MAGAts within the FBI and other federal agencies.

TheConversationUS , avatar

With some universities canceling or modifying commencement ceremonies over protests or fear of protests, an anthropologist reminds us that there’s a lot more at stake than just a line of seniors getting a fancy piece of paper.

shaunyata , avatar

@TheConversationUS @academicchatter
East for you to say... did you spend 4 + years of your life and a hundred thousand to get a degree that barely gets you a job? People deserve to celebrate some parts of their short life on earth without political interference.

CStamp , avatar

@TheConversationUS @academicchatter Disconnected and disillusioned? Sounds like life preparation. ;)

I barely remember my graduations, more people I celebrated with.

leaton01 , avatar

students at College Unbound are AMAZING! Check out this about how they led the way in developing our institutional policy! So cool to get to play a part in this!

@academicchatter @edutooters

moe ,

@leaton01 @academicchatter @edutooters

That's pretty cool, have y'all come across any public or open source trackers of or out there?

There are private companies like fiscalnote that provide the service, but there must be someone else out there?

moe ,
inquiline , avatar

Can anyone recommend readings on the historical intersection between and ? TY!

(May have asked this before but still looking for leads)

@sts @academicchatter @histodons

kta , avatar

Donella Meadows book Thinking in Systems is a good (but dated) introduction to feedback modeling and systems design in ecology. I've always held-out hope that Agent-Based stimulative modeling would advance sufficiently to simulate the behavior of actors governed by these broad systems patterns. And in a way that could include spatial processes in the modeling. Our computers are big enough now.🙂


@inquiline @sts @academicchatter @histodons

catrionagold , avatar

An academic/activist crowdsourcing request:

Who is critically researching, writing or doing cool activism on the environmental impacts of AI?

I’m particularly interested in finding UK-based folks, but all recommendations are appreciated 💕 🙏


becha , avatar
renordquist , avatar

Me: I have no idea how to fit this much stuff in the short amount of time I have before summer holidays. So many loose ends to tie up in the next 3 weeks.

Also me: Accepts invitation to write a book chapter to be submitted this time next year because then I'll surely have time.

I shall never learn.


EvelineSulman , avatar

@renordquist @academicchatter yes, that's the way it is in academia. I still have some deadlines before the holidays, and every year I say to myself: next year, you will do it differently...

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