AcademicChatter group

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inquiline , avatar

Anyone got a handy cite for how being a sports head or a record head is associated with masculinity? TY!

@communicationscholars @academicchatter

easysociology , avatar

@inquiline @communicationscholars @academicchatter

Kidd, B. (2013). Sports and masculinity. Sport in society, 16(4), 553-564.

Clément-Guillotin, C., Chalabaev, A., & Fontayne, P. (2011). Is sport still a masculine domain. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 43, 67-78.

Anderson, E. D. (2009). The maintenance of masculinity among the stakeholders of sport. Sport management review, 12(1), 3-14.

bethanyklein , avatar

@inquiline @communicationscholars @academicchatter Record collecting, we cite a few here. Straw piece in Sexing the Groove probably most relevant.

easysociology , avatar

Marine Le Pen: A Feminist Perspective

Marine Le Pen, a central figure in contemporary French politics, has garnered significant attention as the leader of the far-right National Rally. Her political stance and rhetoric have sparked varied and intense reactions across different feminist perspectives.

@academicchatter @academicsunite @sociology

easysociology , avatar

Marine Le Pen: A Feminist Perspective

Marine Le Pen, a central figure in contemporary French politics, has garnered significant attention as the leader of the far-right National Rally. Her political stance and rhetoric have sparked varied and intense reactions across different feminist perspectives.

@academicchatter @academicsunite @sociology

inquiline , avatar

Anyone got a handy cite for how being a sports head or a record head is associated with masculinity? TY!

@communicationscholars @academicchatter

petersuber , avatar

From a new review of the literature on : "The general academic consensus is that rankings cannot be used in research ."


ucaccessnow , avatar

When abled people become temporarily disabled and heal again, most forget the they noticed.

When this high school student actually spoke up, at least partly because of a school project on accessibility, she got a taste of how fiercely systemic ableism trains us to defend it.

This doesn't suddenly get better in higher education - it often gets worse.

@disability @academicchatter

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  • leyonhjelm , avatar


    The disabled should be put in camps

    @disability @academicchatter

    violetmadder , avatar

    @ucaccessnow @disability @academicchatter


    Then she graduated, and what do you want to bet after she left the people in charge at the school just tried to forget about the whole thing?

    KestrelSWard , avatar

    Finally remembering to post here, but my first peer reviewed paper was published a week or so ago! Many thanks to @Sophie for giving me the opportunity to write for the Journal of Critical Digital Librarianship and to my editors for helping guide me through the process! You can find it here! @academicchatter

    metacat , avatar

    @KestrelSWard @Sophie @academicchatter Woot! Congratulations!

    jonny , avatar
    catrionagold , avatar

    An academic/activist crowdsourcing request:

    Who is critically researching, writing or doing cool activism on the environmental impacts of AI?

    I’m particularly interested in finding UK-based folks, but all recommendations are appreciated 💕 🙏


    becha , avatar
    inquiline , avatar

    Can anyone recommend readings on the historical intersection between and ? TY!

    (May have asked this before but still looking for leads)

    @sts @academicchatter @histodons

    kta , avatar

    Donella Meadows book Thinking in Systems is a good (but dated) introduction to feedback modeling and systems design in ecology. I've always held-out hope that Agent-Based stimulative modeling would advance sufficiently to simulate the behavior of actors governed by these broad systems patterns. And in a way that could include spatial processes in the modeling. Our computers are big enough now.🙂


    @inquiline @sts @academicchatter @histodons

    ml , avatar

    Nothing says "We care about accessibility and equity for disabled people in STEM like 'Go to Google and let their AI handle it""

    @disability @academicchatter

    ml OP , avatar

    @JustGrist @disability @academicchatter Yes, this is what I've long said about automation as well.

    gaysis , avatar

    @ml and the point is not that it is a "zero effort" solution or "not done by human professionals", the point is that AI-generated captions are not good enough in quality to provide sufficient accessibility, and therefore using AI as only accessibility measure is a fucking poor excuse.

    gedankenstuecke , avatar

    Got this email earlier and I’m still upset about it. Some unnamed “team from , & ” fed our preprint through their “" to generate "suggestions" on how we could improve it.

    This feels like some really shit study that seems to think asking for consent is optional. And like one that wants to spin out into an even shittier start-up in the future (hence not giving any names of team members)?

    @academicchatter @hci

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  • chaosdeckel , avatar

    @gedankenstuecke @academicchatter @hci Researchers from Northwestern University also found an increasing number of abstracts in scientific papers which are generated by AI or with its support:
    Funny coincidence.

    gedankenstuecke OP , avatar

    @chaosdeckel @academicchatter @hci bonus points if those are the same people 😂

    dingemansemark , avatar

    Maria Kuteeva and Marta Andersson on how LLMs perpetuate the status quo and hinder rather than help academic discourse @academicchatter

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  • petersuber , avatar

    "A History Instructor Complained About Parking Fees. It Cost Him His Job"

    He complained about the high price of parking. He disputed the President's numbers in a "cordial" but "tense" public meeting on the topic. He turned over the research documenting his numbers. Two and a half weeks later, the provost fired him, explaining that Tarleton State University would not "tolerate intolerable behavior."


    rspfau , avatar
    rmordecai , avatar

    @rspfau @vfrmedia @gemlog @petersuber @academicchatter
    Thanks for this link. People who sign up for leadership positions in higher ed and have not the smallest tolerance for dissent or discomfort are truly baffling to me. I hope this (by all accounts) fine teacher lands well somewhere else.

    figstick , avatar

    Exclusive: Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape discourse around war

    As the Gaza war rages, Israeli funds target US college campuses and push to redefine in US law

    @academicchatter @academicsunite

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