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zifk , in "What's your gender?" "Well..."

As a visual learner I prefer the Finnster standard reference sample

celeste ,

Thank you so much for this. Finnster is gender!

macarthur_park , in That feeling when even Elon Musk thinks you're insufferable
jabathekek ,
@jabathekek@sopuli.xyz avatar


3 Ways Squidward Makes It Really Difficult To Jerk Off To Him

What the hell is this website lmao. It's awesome.

macarthur_park ,

It used to be owned by The Onion, but it’s since become its own thing. But it’s basically if The Onion was clickbait/buzzfeed.

BarrelAgedBoredom ,

They have a youtube channel too!

Peppycito , in Rule
@Peppycito@sh.itjust.works avatar

During a bad day the bosses mom asked me why I wasn't my usual chipper self. I said if you want me to smile all day every day I need paid more. Then the boss yanged at me "why are you telling mother you want paid more?!?" and I told him, because I want paid more.

uriel238 , in All my real Americans from US State stand up!
@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

For those choosing not to vote for Biden, voting for a genocidist in a US federal election doesn't put blood on your hands.

This isn't fabricated consent (I mean it is in that lumpins are told to believe they chose the government when they didn't).

Here's the thing: The office seat will be filled whether or not you vote. And you get one non-transferable vote.

This means you get to vote against the worse popular guy by voting for his most likely contender.

It's the trolley problem, only millions are voting on the position of the lever. What we cannot do is move the lever out of position.

It's still up to you. Taking action is harder than not taking action, but we are staring down Project 2025, the neutering of elections in the US and one-party autocracy (the Republican party), which will also speed up the dismantling of civil rights in the US. If you don't want that to happen, please consider voting against Trump and any other Republicans down ballot.

Yes, it sucks the US is reduced to this sorry state.

archchan ,
@archchan@lemmy.ml avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • glacier ,
    @glacier@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    We didn't really build any of it. It was all designed by a bunch of old white slave owners over 200 years ago. What we can do now is keep things from getting worse and try to make steady progress along the way. Voting isn't everything, but it's still important.

    chiliedogg ,

    We can and have improved things massively. What we cannot do is fix everything at one time. The most we can realistically hope for is marginal improvement. Demanding perfection or nothing results in us sliding backwards.

    But look at 60 years ago. Racial discrimination wasn't only legal, but state-mandated in much of the country. Interracial marriage was illegal. Being homosexual was illegal. A woman could be fired for not sleeping with her boss or for becoming pregnant. Businesses couldn't operate on Sundays because it competed with church. Firearms could be purchased by anyone without a background check at any store. Politicians openly ran on the platform that the white race was superior. Poor kids and minorities were drafted and forced to fight in useless wars while rich people could get college deferments.

    We're so, so much better today than we were then. I don't want to rant forever, so let's focus on one issue and go even more recent:

    30 years ago the general public was so homophobic that a Democratic President signed a law banning openly gay people from serving in the military. Clinton then followed it up by signing the Defense of Marriage Act barring federal recognition of same-sex marriage and allowing states to refuse to recognize marriages granted by another state - even though no states allowed it at the time.

    20 years ago gay marriage was still illegal in all 50 states (next Friday is actually the 20th anniversary of gay marriage in Massachusetts!). It wasn't until 2012 that the first states legalized gay marriage through popular votes.

    It's been less than 10 years since gay marriage was legalized nationwide.

    In 2010 the majority of the country was opposed to gay marriage. Today nearly 80 percent supports it. That's remarkable.

    We've improved so much very, very quickly. It's just hard to see when there's so much more work to be done.

    But it took work to make the progress we have. If we'd given up and simply chosen not to vote we'd have empowered those who fought change.

    Please vote.

    barsquid ,

    I'm just disappointed with people pretending to be against genocide while bothsidesing an overtly racist fragile demagogue who did a putsch. It's very clear which direction that party is headed.

    EmptySlime ,

    The ones that get me are the ones that talk about voting 3rd party. A lot of them seem to understand that the 3rd party is not going to win and that their best case scenario is... I guess "Next time they'll listen to us and we'll get a real leftist?" So... Your solution to the genocide is wait 4 years to get someone who will directly end it? Bestie, I don't think Gaza will be around in 4 years. Even if you discount Trump's stated desire to be a dictator and Project 2025.

    Or, what happens by the way if Biden wins in spite of them voting 3rd party? Surely it doesn't mean that they've directly proven to the Democrats that they literally don't need that voting bloc?

    pewgar_seemsimandroid ,

    just let the us greens overthrow.

    barsquid ,

    You got around 1% of the vote in 2016 up against two of the most hated people on the planet. Unfortunately a third party won't be anywhere near the executive branch unless the voting system is changed.

    Ranger ,

    If you're choice is continually between a corrupt carrier politician & a literal facist you don't really have a functional democracy. I would suggest you go learn how to use a tourniquet/pressure bandage & a rifle.

    uriel238 ,
    @uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    We haven't had a functioning democracy since the 19th century.

    There's argument to be made we didn't have a functioning democracy when the Constitution was ratified in 1789, since segments of it were clearly written in bad faith (like the electoral college, the 3/5s of all non-free persons clause, and arguably, the failure to offer suffrage to all persons including women), but Boss Tweed in 1852 already understood how to game the elections so that only approved candidates might make it to primaries (of New York State elections and Federal elections).

    In the aughts (the 2000s), Oxford University did a study regarding elections, public interests and elite interests, and determined the US behaved more like an oligarchy than a democratic republic, so yeah, we're a plutocracy with some democratic features. However those democratic features, while meager, keep the US from turning into a single-party autocracy like the German Reich or the late-stage USSR.

    And we're moving towards that autocracy, propped up by fascist ideology (with enemy within rhetoric, and purge actions to follow) with every year. The next time the Republican takes control of all three federal branches of government, the game is very likely up.

    The US is also on the brink of civil war, and it may be sparked by Trump losing, depending on how large and coordinated the coup d'etat effort is at the time, or if Trump wins, by an attack against those resisting draconian policies.

    zea_64 ,

    Also worth noting, this is not mutually exclusive with other efforts! Keep pressuring the Democratic party, keep protesting, keep boycotting Israel-invested companies!

    CurlyWurlies4All ,
    @CurlyWurlies4All@slrpnk.net avatar

    This post just makes me more convinced that we're going to see another Trump term... I'm not in the US, but from over here I can't see how it doesn't go that way.

    vonbaronhans ,

    The good news is, this sort of thing doesn't reach the vast majority of Americans, since most of us aren't hyper online, and definitely not on Twitter.

    The bad news is, this rhetoric seems popular (from what I hear) on Tiktok, where the youths are. And if the youths don't vote for Biden as much as we need, then yeah we're boned.

    uriel238 ,
    @uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    I've lost faith in the US voters after 2016. We held our nose knowing Clinton was a neoconservative recognizing that Trump would be much much worse (and was pretty terrible!). Trump lost the majority but won the EC, and the EC failed to do what it was supposed to do (conspire to elect someone other than the obvious tyrant) so, well, we got Trump in his pajamas obeying Leonard Leo and Steve Miller while Mattis kept him from nuking North Korea.

    It reminded me of George W. Bush, who also lost the popular vote to Gore, but won the EC with a little help from friends in SCOTUS (and Leonard Leo), which was far worse than we imagined it would be after Bush's compassionate conservative thing. I believed Republicans couldn't actually get a president elected again, because there was no way we were going to forget the $3 trillion price-tag of Iraq, the torture, the open-ended war on terror, Halliburton's war profiteering and so on. It was such a shit show I expected it to be seared into the minds of Americans. Heck, Bush crawled away as the subprime mortgage crisis hit, so we were all feeling bummed.

    The world gave Obama the Nobel Peace Prize just for not being Bush.

    Nope, it turns out eight years later (with, granted, the War on Terror and mass surveillance getting worse) we forgot the ones who got us into it in the first place. And as much as Trump looked like a rabid monster, having freshly stolen the GOP from all the other cookie-cutter prospects, ready to bring fascism on like The Producers, Clinton was so hated that they just couldn't see Trump for what he was. (To be fair, millions of Protestant Evangelist Christians were being told from the pulpit Jesus wanted them to vote for Trump -- something they're not supposed to do while remaining a tax-free church. White Evangelists voted for him at a rate around 80%)

    So now we're here, and I'm reminded of LBJ's lowest white man comment (attributed), If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. Apparently some Americans really do go all in for that kind of ideology, even as the nation world burns down around them.

    There's also the imminent possibility of civil war. Trump will try to organize a coup d'etat if he loses the election, and it is a matter if it can be adequately detected and repelled (or squelched before it gets started).

    Socsa ,

    Biden also isnt the one doing a genocide. He's the one trying to navigate a complex geopolitical clusterfuck, while dealing a genocidal maniac who very clearly wants Donald Trump to win so he can turn the genocide up to 11.

    The intentional willingness to suck all nuance out of this conversation and reduce it to a single binary purity test is complete madness. It's hard to believe anyone pushing this rhetoric is operating in good faith.

    NoLifeGaming ,

    Sure maybe not committing genocide with his hands, but hitler also didn't kill all the jews with his hands. Sending weapons and funding it is just as bad.

    Ranger ,

    I love how people don't understand what the trolley problem was created to teach.

    Also, my vote 100% doesn't matter because of where I live.

    Jimmyeatsausage ,

    Neither does mine, but I'm still doing it. Worst cae, the popular vote being very far from the electoral college results highlights some of the absurdity in the system, which is a vital part of accumulating support for changing the system. Best case, I don't understand the political landscape of my state as well as I think I do, and I contribute to it turning blue, even for a single election.

    match , in "What's your gender?" "Well..."
    @match@pawb.social avatar

    "being a girl is a low pressure state" 🤓🤡

    stebo02 ,
    @stebo02@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    no but girls are just hotter

    janet_catcus ,

    why not both?

    relaaaaaa~x, it's a joke!

    match ,
    @match@pawb.social avatar

    obviously girls are hot AND high pressure, they should be between boy and man

    HakFoo , in Bone rule

    So the Nippon Ham company is starting with sausages with bones, and working their way up to the perfectly round cylinder of roasted meat with a large straight bone through the centre that anime and video games have teased us with for decades.

    Gotta start somewhere.

    refalo ,

    Japan wouldn't know real ham if it oinked in their face.

    The best thing you can get over there is "raw ham" like prosciutto which is disgusting to me.

    Good, crispy bacon is also completely foreign to them. Although Costco does sell some imported American stuff.

    SatansMaggotyCumFart , in rule

    This post is kind of judgy, nothing wrong with being a strongman's sub.

    OsaErisXero ,

    Yeah, but the shame all plays into it. They wouldn't like it if they didn't feel bad the whole time.

    teodor_from_achewood OP ,

    Be a sub all you want just don't hide it by claiming that ackchuallee you're a fascist and that's the only reason you like it.

    SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

    Everyone except the person at the top of the fascist government is actually a sub.

    zarkanian ,
    @zarkanian@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Fascists can act out their power fantasies in a healthy, consensual way in the bedroom. Not in my government!

    hungryphrog ,
    @hungryphrog@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


    wander1236 ,
    @wander1236@sh.itjust.works avatar

    I take it to mean it's playing into a fascist's insecurities; it's only supposed to sound judgy if you're insecure about being a strongman's sub.

    Baggie , in That feeling when even Elon Musk thinks you're insufferable

    She's so transparently working backwards from her original knee jerk judgement on her views on gender. I've never understood why people feel the need to die on this hill, change is scary sure, but it's not THAT big a deal is it?

    captainlezbian ,

    It’s hard and it hurts. Self improvement, especially when you’ve been publicly vocal, requires humbling yourself. It involves accepting shame. And it sounds like in her case it involves reprocessing some trauma. I know who I choose to be, but on a much lesser scale I’ve met plenty like her. Folks who make the choice not to reevaluate their beliefs

    Seleni ,

    Some people need a very structured, simple, well-defined worldview in order to function. Sort of like a computer has to follow a set program or it bluescreens.

    ‘This person coming towards me is a man. I can tell by his bowler hat and dapper suit. Therefore the correct action is to say ‘good morning sir, nice weather today’.’ And ‘This person coming towards me is a woman. I can tell by her dress and long hair and makeup. She is married based on the ring I see. Therefore the correct action is to say ‘good morning, ma’am, nice weather today’.’

    And so on.

    A person not presenting clearly as either gender, or isn’t the gender they’re expecting, means the ‘script’ no longer works. They no longer feel sure of what to do, and that lack of control of the situation makes them panicked.

    Really, a lot of this, and conservatism in general, comes down to simple structure and control, so these people feel they always know what to do and where they stand.

    Because our society is a social contract, and to act wrongly means you get ostracized from society. In ancient times that was practically a death sentence, and I don’t think these folks have ever gotten over that. They fear becoming the ‘outsiders’, left to the wolves and lions.

    IzzyJ ,

    Shame that they ARE the outsiders now then

    Kalkaline , in That feeling when even Elon Musk thinks you're insufferable
    @Kalkaline@leminal.space avatar

    Just because people are famous doesn't mean their opinions are valid.

    manucode , in Smoko rule
    @manucode@infosec.pub avatar

    What exactly does European mindset mean? Jumping out of the train at every stop to seek out a yellow square painted on the platform floor?

    AI_toothbrush ,

    Lol i dont get this. Im european but i cant connect the dots.

    kugel7c ,

    German and potentially other train stations have smoking areas indicated by a yellow line on the ground, circling the area.

    They are frequently completely ignored with some people lighting their cigarette while the train they are exiting is still opening its doors.

    AI_toothbrush ,

    In sweden we dont deal with this because instead we have snus that everyone spits on the floor...

    colderr ,

    Same in Estonia but we just have snus, cigarettes and vapes but usually people respect where they can smoke or can't

    Snus is still everywhere though

    kinsnik ,

    Maybe smoking more? I would say that smoking (tabaco) is more common for my European friends, than my American friends. But most of my European friends are French, and most of my American friends are from the Bay Area, so it is more probable a California vs France than American vs Europe

    PlexSheep ,

    German here, there are so many smokers in my nearby cities. I really hate it, it's so disgusting.

    gentooer ,

    Whenever I'm in Germany, I'm surprised to see ads for tobacco in the street

    PlexSheep ,

    Yeah. It's crazy that advertisement for this is even allowed.

    lud ,

    I'm happy that I live in Sweden where smokers are comparably rare.

    SternburgExport ,

    There are no smoking areas in our clubs. The clubs are the smoking areas.

    SternburgExport ,

    Reminds of a friend of mine who got out of the ICE for a smoke and it continued without him. Didn‘t have his wallet on him either so I had to drive 200km to pick his dumbass up from Berlin.

    ObviouslyNotBanana , in This is an Actual Article Rule :(
    @ObviouslyNotBanana@lemmy.world avatar

    Oh no! I had no idea they were artificially inseminating the animals, now that is a deal breaker. /s


    UncleLuck ,

    Can’t wait for November to laugh at all the crying libturd memes.


    Hugh_Jeggs ,

    Worst. Bot. Ever

    Zehzin ,
    @Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

    I can excuse abattoirs but I draw the line at a vet shoving his arm inside a cow's baby hole

    zarkanian ,
    @zarkanian@sh.itjust.works avatar

    I know it sounds ridiculous, but I've heard a lot of people use that same logic. "I want the cow to have a happy life before it's killed for my dinner". Isn't that the while logic behind "free range", "cage-free", etc.?

    Kusimulkku ,

    Less cruelty is better than more cruelty seems to be the logic there. And the line is set there because the people still want to eat beef or drink milk.

    Makes sense to me.

    joyjoy ,

    Excuse me, waiter? Was this steak of virgin birth?

    Hugh_Jeggs ,

    "What do you think the baster is for?"

    lessthanluigi , in rule

    Dude looks hella depressed

    glizzyguzzler OP ,
    @glizzyguzzler@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Yea he got a soul now, I would be too 😩😩

    Jtee ,
    @Jtee@lemmy.world avatar


    Muscar ,

    Don't we all?

    Annoyed_Crabby ,

    The face of "don't ask, you already know how i feel"

    sukhmel ,

    A friend of mine used to have plushies like this one. I always thought they looked like they suffer from the worst hangover constantly

    aeronmelon , in Rule

    He goes inside, the door slams shut, demonic noises for five minutes, then the door flies open and an angry, bloody Gordon Ramsey comes stomping out

    "Why do you have a FUCKING gateway to the demonic realm in your restaurant?! Do you have any idea how many lost souls I found in there?! ANSWER ME!!!"

    sbv ,


    tkk13909 ,
    @tkk13909@sopuli.xyz avatar

    Exactly 0% of that blood is his

    elbucho ,
    @elbucho@lemmy.world avatar

    He didn't get his black belt for nothing.

    clay_pidgin ,


    Taleya ,

    Ramsay vs SCP-087

    Or ramsay is what's knocking on the door

    aeronmelon ,

    You mean Gordon Ramsey hasn't yet been issued an SCP number?

    Taleya ,

    Has Clef?

    DarkDarkHouse , in Rule their balls
    @DarkDarkHouse@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    They knew

    spujb , in rule

    halfway funny, fine to insult fascists but no need to put down subs or sluts while doing so

    TheBat ,
    @TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

    Yes, but consider this:

    Subs and sluts when you call them slut: ☺️🥰

    Fascists when you call them sluts: 😡🤡

    tacofox ,


    trslim ,

    As a sub, i approve this mesage.

    MystikIncarnate ,

    As someone who is not a sub....

    You better like it, you slut.

    spujb ,

    umm there are absolutely a significant number of fascists out there who have that first reaction to being called a slut

    part of “know your enemy” is recognizing that even the worst of the worst are not a monolith. halfway funny.

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