Hello_there , to Politics in See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance

I'd like to see another unscripted event - like an interview where he gets pushed

averyminya , to Politics in See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance

It was far less bad than people make it out to be. I was on a stream watching and so many comments were talking about how he looked, and I'm sitting here thinking... y'all realize he's listening to Trump speak right? Anyone actually listening to what that monster has to say is going to either look befuddled or dismayed. He looked both. He definitely had some weak spots, but compared to Trump who wouldn't even answer a question and blatantly lying every other second.

It sucks. People were basically cheering him on online, the most against him comments I saw were "they're both so old". Not commenting on the insanity or the racism or the lies, just memeing on old Biden. Which yeah he deserves it but the rhetoric is reminding me of 2016 and it does not inspire hope.

z500 , avatar

I watched it and it scares me only because of how many people didn't notice or care that Biden was the only one saying anything of substance up there.

realitista ,

People who like Tump, by nature, must be easily hypnotized by word salad because there's no other justification for his existence as a political candidate. I've never heard a coherent chain of sentences come out of the man's mouth.

ursakhiin ,

Yeah. This was the face of an old man having trouble believing what he was hearing.

He looks like a walking corpse, but he seemed to understand what he was hearing and was just amazed by it.

bruhbeans , to HipHopHeads in Digable Planets - Where I'm From

I get to see them do a show with The Roots and Arrested Development this summer. Fucking HYPE.

sxan , to Politics in See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance avatar

The top YouTube comment hit the nail on the head, though: the problem is that 49 million people didn't watch the Carolina rally.

mctoasterson , to Technology in Uncovering Every Lie in MKBHD's Softball Interview; a scathing critique of 'brand safe' influencers

I just take Marques for what he is - normie entertainment tech channel.

All marketing hype associated with Apple is always to be taken with a grain, nay, a shovel of salt.

Linkerbaan , avatar

MKBHD is still responsible for spreading advertorials.

sunzu ,

Nahh dawg... He is a grifter and normies larp it up.

No integrity just a marketing. Zero respect for that IMHO

OldWoodFrame ,

The last time he was in the wider media discussion was because he negatively reviewed the Fisker Ocean and the Humane Pin and people were calling him a company killer.

sunzu ,

He is on apple and Tesla team lol

viperex ,

And that makes him a grifter? What makes him "on their team" anyway? Because he reviewed their products favorably? Your argument just lost its footing

sunzu ,

If you can't spot bias and simping that's a you problem haha

But here is a circle jerk he did with Tim apple in case you are being genuine

viperex ,

Who do you consider a reviewer with integrity?

sunzu ,

Have not been watching them in years. Caught all of them shilling something. I get it, it is their job. But I also lose interest after that.

But PC stuff gamersnexus is what I relied on when I did my purchasing. I am not an expert tbh

FreudianCafe , to Politics in See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance

Im out of the loop here. Isnt beehaw a leftist community? Why are you supporting genocide joe?

Doom ,

As opposed to actual Genocider Putin and Bibi who prefer Trump openly?

You people cannot be this stupid

FreudianCafe , (edited )

Oh i get it. Its the imperialist leftists. Thanks for clearing things up

Edit: i get that you are imperialist identitarians, no need to keep reinforcing the point

Pandantic , avatar

Beehaw is more lib left. Try

FreudianCafe ,

Happy C day

Pandantic , (edited ) avatar

Thanks, you were the only one to tell me! 07 fellow leftist.

And If you don’t mind, I’d like to take a moment to try to start a new tradition:

Each year on your Fediverse cake day, in response to the first person who wishes you happy cake day, you must tell the story of how you came to be here in the Fediverse.
Here is mine:

This is my first Cake Day as I started a year ago when I joined and Kbin and Mastodon all at the same time. I left from Reddit after the AMA with u/spez. I knew at that point he wasn’t relenting on the third-party apps and the loss of access for me personally, but mostly for the deaf and blind community, showed me that the CEO had no intention of putting accessibility over profit. I was an Apollo user and I was looking for an alternative while also browsing Reddit - using them as a resource, as I always had - and I was seeing censorship abound. Reddit was blocking mentions of alternative sites, blocking discussion about Spez, and the subs were rising up. I used those last few months of Apollo to help with the protests (John Oliver in /pics) and watched the proletariat attack the bourgeoisie for the rights of the people.

Then I started going full fediverse, posting Pokémon Cards on Kbin in a lovely group with three people in which I hope to return to some day when life settles. But Lemmy had the quantity and quality I was looking for. I joined .world at first because I didn’t know what was best, but switched to when .world blocked Hexbear. Went from pc to phone when the apps came out. Went from Memmy to Thunder because Thunder supported Hexbears stickers! And here I am, one year later!

FreudianCafe ,

Thats great bro. As much as you moved towards a more fediverse aproach to social media, i wish you can continue on a journey to go even further left. You told me to go to hexbear, im already there and i think they are good, but i do think they have some lib ideas in the community. Im also on Grad, wich is feel is even leftier, but still have steps to walk towards a real proletarian ideology. Funny fact, my application for the Grad got rejected. See you around mate

storksforlegs , avatar

Any leftist who doesn't vote against a facist far-right candidate like Trump is pretty shit at being a leftist.

Doom ,

Oh no Biden the guy who I know what to expect from and will continue my experience for 30 years and not the one trying to get people to overthrow my government.

You're just mad you don't get a vote 💅

null , avatar

I'm surprised beehaw hasn't defederated from the tankie instance.

Thevenin ,

Biden and Trump are not equivalent.

To convince us that Democrats and Republicans are equivalent, you must first explain why LGBT+ equality, workers' rights, freedom of religion, the ability to vote, and the actual existence of science are all insignificant.

eveninghere , to Politics in See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance

I think this is a universal fediversal problem. We are rather informed, but the problem is the rest of the world.

Thevenin , to Politics in See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance

You know, it's always bothered me that we put so much stock in debates.

The ability to verbally humiliate your opponents is not a good indicator of the ability to recognize good policy.

cyberpunk007 , to Videos in Tokyo Underground - Short Film (R35 GT-R, BMW E30, FD RX-7, Honda NSX and more)

I really enjoyed this. Would be great background music + video for a party of my style 😎 😜

TehPers , to Politics in See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance

The debate covered important questions of national significance, including whether Trump had intercourse with a porn star, who was better at golf, each of their physical health conditions (including Trump's height and weight and apparently cognitive ability), and even featured a modern use of the word "malarchy". They might as well make a short, catchy intro for it, break it up into episodes, and advertise it as a sitcom.

The debate was completely useless. The only thing I got from it was that Biden's brain still works but his body doesn't, and Trump's body still works but his brain doesn't. There were some slight mentions of hot topics and each of their positions on the subject, but there was so much jumping around and avoiding questions that it was not very helpful.

Honestly, I think one of the things Biden said should just be applied to both candidates when determining who to vote for: "Just take a look at what he says he is, and take a look at what he is." (I believe this was used in context of Trump's weight... lol) Both of them have served 4 years in office, and both have done stuff outside of the oval office. It's easy to see how each of them would spend their terms based on what they already have done.

Auzy ,

Actually, I disagree. Trump actually did make one point exceptionally well and did an excellent job emphasizing it.

That he is going to blame immigrants for everything and he is racist

Id go as far as calling it a wolf whistle to people he knows are violent and will help him during election time

It's clear that he's slowly trying to set up another civil war

sqgl ,

there was so much jumping around and avoiding questions that it was not very helpful.

Trump did this, but where did Biden do it?

TehPers ,

I felt like neither side really answered the question about how they planned to address addictions in the US. They both talked about the US-Mexico border and trying to catch more imported drugs, but failed to address domestic production, and more importantly, failed to answer how they plan to address addiction in the US (as in current and future addicts).

Also, the whole question about physical ability diverted so off topic that I lost what they were even talking about. Biden seemed to try to answer it, but then it took a sharp turn towards weight and golfing skills?

Edit: I should also add that yes, Biden tended to stay on topic more. Trump always seemed to be answering a different/previous question instead.

southsamurai , to Classic Rock: A Journey Through Timeless Music in Bob Segar and the Silver Bullet Band - The Fire Down Below (1976) avatar

That's the clap, there's treatments available.

Thorny_Insight , to Videos in Uncovering Every Lie in MKBHD's Softball Interview; a scathing critique of 'brand safe' influencers

I had to recently unsubscribe from Rossman's channel because I can't stand the constant complaining and negativity. I don't disagree with him but this kind of content just poisons my mind.

EpicMuch ,

same reasons I could never get started watching him. I agree with his POV but I don't need that negativity.

Kusimulkku , to Technology in Uncovering Every Lie in MKBHD's Softball Interview; a scathing critique of 'brand safe' influencers

Man this guy on speed or something

lepinkainen ,

Dude is like 30 and looks 50.

Dunno what he does, but he should stop it

mightyfoolish OP ,

He's tired from fighting for your right to actually own what you buy (as in being able to repair and modify). Which is important in this era of manufactured waste.

themakara ,

Probably stress. Running a business + a nonprofit + YouTube is already a lot. And on top of that I think he's recently been diagnosed with being in the spectrum, which is stressful on it's own way as well.
I don't think he'll stop though. Dude's been burning himself like that for over a decade, it's probably the only way he knows how to live.

sunzu ,

Some people just look like that... It is genetic.

Or he could be over working

Eitherway, Lois is doing lords work and it is clearly resonating. Maybe we can get some positive change.

Prolly not but at least we are not taking without a fight like boomers did.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Nah, just a workaholic IMO.

Omega_Man , to Videos in Deja Vu (But Worse) - Biden vs. Trump ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic

Are conservatives also reacting this way? I just... I don't even know.

givesomefucks OP ,

A lot of them are just voting against Biden...

So yeah, it's kind of the same.

Both candidates have very loud but small groups of feverant supporters.

Most Americans think they're voting for the lesser of two evils. They just disagree on who's worse.

I saw a poll a month or two ago where no matter which one won, about 2/3s of the country will be unhappy about it. Not sure how much it's changed since.

NarrativeBear ,

Was not one a convicted criminal? Wondering when the jail time kicks in though?

muntedcrocodile , to Videos in Deja Vu (But Worse) - Biden vs. Trump ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic

I usually watch yt at 2.5 speed but sinfe music i had to turn it down to 1x. Holy fuck both of em need fo be in a retirement home. How out of 300 million people did u manage to pick 2 with dementia as ur presidential candidates. Fuck me thw worlds greatest third world country really living up to its name.

Nurse_Robot ,

I can't take you seriously with how poorly formatted your comment is.

muntedcrocodile ,

Its still more legible than ether of ur future leaders leaders could ever dream of.

Nurse_Robot ,

See: my previous comment

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