Crackhappy , to Coffee in James Hoffmann: The Beginner’s Guide to Coffee Machine Maintenance avatar

French press crowd over here, I don't have any of these problems.

dessimbelackis ,

Woo! French Press crew numba 1111!!!!

Cough cough excuse me, pardon my outburst

CCMan1701A ,

What do you use to heat up the water?

ampersandrew , to Games in MODERN WARFARE: How Call of Duty 4 Changed a Genre Forever avatar

It's a great game, but it's hard to argue that it didn't change the genre, and all of multiplayer video games, for the worse. Multiplayer games can no longer be designed to just be fun. They must also be addictive, they must retain players, they must keep them coming back, etc. using every manipulative trick in the book like XP bars and unlocks. You might say MMORPGs did this first, but this was the application of that feedback loop to a competitive action game.

ItalianSkeletonGaming , avatar

@ampersandrew @simple Whenever someone says that X ruined Y, I always hypothesize that it may be the opposite case: the reason why so many copied its addictive nature is because the publishers themselves were already searching for ways to maximize player engagement, and therefore increased revenue through monetization.

COD itself didn't ruin multiplayer games, it only showed an easy and replicable way

If you may forgive the metaphor: a weed can only spread if the soil itself is fertile

ampersandrew , avatar

Potentially true. Or it was an accident that proved more lucrative than they thought it would. At the very least, it got there first and showed everyone else how to ruin multiplayer games.

TORFdot0 ,

The RPG mechanics didn’t ruin the genre although I did prefer the mechanics of earlier CoDs where in multiplayer everything is unlocked and you just use whatever you want.

What ruined the genre was the free-to-play style monetization and season pass paid update model.

Black Ops 2 was the first CoD to have paid skins, but we would have no idea how bad things would become. By the time Fortnite came along the multiplayer FPS genre was already long ruined

pop , to Technology in Uncovering Every Lie in MKBHD's Softball Interview; a scathing critique of 'brand safe' influencers

Every youtube reviewer's goal is to be popular enough to be a paid shill. It's money they're after, not your praises.

And Apple marketing invests a lot in their image in internet discussions. There are lot of shills and a lot of sock-puppets that prop them up. Every marketing company does but go to any popular Apple posts on reddit, hackernews, or Twitter, they just have same pattern.

Why this isn't obvious is just idk.

Fades ,

Every youtube reviewer’s goal is to be popular enough to be a paid shill. It’s money they’re after, not your praises.


There are lot of shills and a lot of sock-puppets that prop them up.

Prop them up? Occam's razor would imply that it is more-so people following trends than it is apple paying shills to get in the trenches and push lies.

they just have same pattern.

Why this isn’t obvious is just idk.

if it's so obvious, surely you can provide some tangible proof? Like I'm confident apple and every other company does this but the way you framed this take it seems to imply that is the main driver and the majority of positive sentiment is just bots or scripts, which is just absurd.

You think Apple is paying all the kids to clown on non-imessage bubble colors? Or is it more reasonable that there is something closer to a hive-mind in regards to what is trendy and popular/a status symbol?

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Exactly. Apple only cares about the bigger fish, like big YouTube reviewers and their own presentation. They let their fanbase take care of the rest.

TORFdot0 ,

I really don’t think large brands like Apple have that many paid shills. Apple has a large fan base and good marketing. People that like their devices just naturally repeat the marketing line because they don’t really know why they like the devices, Apple marketing just told them that is why it is good. And fanatics will spend mental energy defending them for no good reason

Lemmy and the fediverse have sizable Apple communities and Apple is definitely not paying anyone to shill here

catloaf ,

Paying influencers, either in money or gadgets, is part of Apple's advertising. Their whole appeal is their popularity and "affordable luxury".

I'm not expressing this well, but I hope you know what I mean.

Lucidlethargy , to Technology in Uncovering Every Lie in MKBHD's Softball Interview; a scathing critique of 'brand safe' influencers avatar

I like this guy. I don't watch him often, but even 5 minutes in I'm enjoying his thoroughness. We need this in the era of misinformation we're in today.

mightyfoolish OP ,

He is every harsh on manufacturers and OEMs when they do bad things. He gave up on being nice and I fully understand why. We need more regulations in the tech industry, especially around warranty claims.

Fades ,

fuck that, you're missing the forest for the trees - we need RIGHT TO REPAIR LEGISLATION.

modeler ,

I agree, so much legislation is broken, the legislators aren't doing shit, so we citizens need to fix it!

But we could start with the right to repair.

uhN0id , to Games in MODERN WARFARE: How Call of Duty 4 Changed a Genre Forever avatar

When this game came out I hated it because I loved the original Call of Duty games that were super slow paced and more realistic. But eventually it became my main game playing till 4am on Xbox with friends. I miss the simplicity of COD MW.

dogslayeggs ,

While I preferred MW2 to MW, I still really liked MW and thought it was better than all others besides MW2. I just got really good at cheesing certain class combos in MW2, which was the only way for me to be good at those games. I'm only OK at FPS games and was able to make use of things like the riot shield for holding points or heartbeat sensor and reload perks for C4 to get good K/D ratios. In MW I got a decent percentage of my kills from Danger Close because I died a lot, and goddamn that was a funny way to kill someone. I also felt MW2 was less sniper-friendly, and I suck both as a sniper and against snipers.

Zannsolo ,

The original Call of Duty was my favorite. I didn't have a good computer so I played it at a LAN center for a good while. The game also kicked off a domino of events in my friends life when I gave him a CD key for it.

My friend got pretty good at the game and joined a competitive CAL-M team, and even played at a CPL championship tournament. Well after he graduated college one of the people he played with on the team and he started a company making websites. When he told me what he was doing, I told him just don't blow too much money on it.

They ended up pivoting from their original plan of making fitness blog sites, among other niche sites they felt could generate ad revenue to making flash game sites.

They did moderately well in their endeavors and scored some high ranking search results for a few categories of flash games. They were making hundreds of thousands each and he moved to another to save on income tax. In the new state he met a woman and they ended up getting married, so I was able to draw a direct path from me giving him a CD key for cod to him getting moderately wealthy and finding a wife.

Unfortunately the last domino hasn't fallen, and it turned out she was a lieing, money grubbing, cheating whore. Flash games died out but my friend moved on to other things. He is doing great, happily remarried and we both had our first kid within about a month of each other.

Summzashi ,

Call of duty was never super slow paced. You must be confused with Operation Flashpoint or the likes.

uhN0id , avatar

Maybe not super slow paced like Squad but super slow paced compared to today's COD.

Back when you'd hold positions and provide cover fire while someone would slowly push up or flank etc. It was a much different game before MW released.

I used to play this at gaming cafes in the early/mid 2000s with my buddies before we all had proper gaming computers alongside Battlefield 1942. Definitely not confusing it for Operation Flashpoint haha.

stealth_cookies , to Technology in Uncovering Every Lie in MKBHD's Softball Interview; a scathing critique of 'brand safe' influencers

I had called out the bullshit about devices being less durable if you make them more repairable on MKBHDs video, but of course it got lost in the comments. Apple just refuses to make the compromises that would allow for durable and repairable devices. Not to mention that a repair being difficult shouldn't be used for justification for blocking repair or making it impossible/not worth it to get parts.

kindenough , to HipHopHeads in Digable Planets - Where I'm From avatar

Man I dig Digable.

I am from Amsterdam and my partner back then was from the US. She introduced me to their first album and we discussed the lyrics. Played it on repeat.

This is how I learned about Thomas and Souter, how I learned about Roe versus Wade. These corrupt fuckers still at it.

Like Butterfly says,

The fascists are some heavy dudes

Lucidlethargy , to Technology in Uncovering Every Lie in MKBHD's Softball Interview; a scathing critique of 'brand safe' influencers avatar

I lost interest in that guy on the left the minute he reviewed one of the iPhone's for the first time, and gave the feature-poor handset this insanely positive review.

He's a shill. He does great videos, but he's a shill.

mightyfoolish OP ,

He does great videos

Mbkhd's studio, talking/narrating skills, editing skills, and skills in explaining tech in simple terms are extremely high quality. He just needs to be more honest about famous companies.

Lucidlethargy , avatar

Yup, I agree. That's a really big "just", though. I'd rather watch a poorly edited video that's honest, than a high end video that glosses over major defects and difficiencies. I mean, let's call it what it is, Marques makes ads.

Linkerbaan , avatar

MKBHD has great editing but he's not tech savy at all.

He has great presentation and videography but when it comes to actual knowledge it's the blind leading the blind.

mightyfoolish OP ,

His channel is mainly reviews. He isn't running a "makers" channel or even one like GamersNexus (explaining things in depth) or LTT (covers broad range of topics and demonstrations).

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Idk, I think his tech knowledge is fine. He knows far more about cameras than I ever will (largely because I don't care), and I honestly haven't seen anything where he's lacking on the tech knowledge front. His reviews, when critical, are usually quite comprehensive. For his audience and the products he reviews, he's plenty tech savvy and probably more tech savvy than most of his audience. He just doesn't put that on display unless it's relevant to the video.

His channel is all about "hey, check out this cool tech gadget," and not "let's deep dive into this particular tech niche." Do you want to know how a given EV is to drive? MKBHD got you. Are you trying to decide between EVs? Comparing MKBHD's videos may help narrow it down, but probably isn't sufficient. Do you want a teardown of an EV to repair something? Look elsewhere.

I occasionally watch his videos, but not enough to sub. I like his presentation style and his critical videos are generally pretty insightful.

Linkerbaan , avatar

He knows more than his audience but he doesn't know what he's talking about.

A prime example is when he kept asking for bigger batteries. After those arrived he suddenly realized that the phone becomes very heavy. Because the battery is one of the heaviest and most space using components.

This right to repair greenwashing too. Someone tells MKBHD a nice story and he laps it up. He just has a wishlist of features but there's no technical background to understand the tradeoffs manufacturers are making.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

I'm sure he understands them, but at the end of the day, his job is to get views. So he's going to complain when the UX is bad, regardless of the technical motivations, because that's what customers will notice.

Linkerbaan , avatar

No he doesn't understand.

He does have a good eye for design. And he's used a lot of phones so he certainly isn't inexperienced. But he doesn't understand what tradeoffs are made and why.

Such as bigger battery = heavy big phone. Or newer generation chips being more efficient with the same battery capacity. And recycled Aluminum being nothing special, as it's one of the easiest materials to recycle but recycling it does consume a lot of energy.

Or in this case, repairability of the phone.

dinckelman , to Technology in Uncovering Every Lie in MKBHD's Softball Interview; a scathing critique of 'brand safe' influencers

Quite a shame that the vast majority of people this video is targeted at will just not care. Especially in the US, or the UAE, if your Apple device breaks, you just get another Apple device, because it's a status symbol.

On the topic of Marques though - I haven't watched any of his stuff in quite a while, after I've had an eye-opened moment from his content. He would scald and roast companies that make mistakes, and make bad choices, but when Apple, or lets say Tesla, make the same mistake, he lets them off the hook. That's not unbiased journalism at all.

mightyfoolish OP ,

Probably has to suck-up inorder to get products early so his reviews can be viewed first. I wish all of these reviewers would be honest as Steve Burke (GamersNexus).

dinckelman ,

Being honest isn't where the money is. Not reaching out towards that takes willpower, and strong principles

ikidd , avatar

This guy has 3M subs and doesn't take free samples for reviews. I think he's doing OK, and damn, if you want a detailed comparison of something, he's the guy. He's branched away from the mainly mechanic oriented stuff recently, but still staying unbought.

reddit_sux ,

This is true of apple as reviewers critical of them are never invited for their events.

n2burns ,

Probably has to suck-up inorder to get products early so his reviews can be viewed first.

No. Apple and most major tech companies are pretty good about giving reviewer samples to anyone with a large enough audience. The only thing that gets you disqualified is breaking the moratorium and releasing your review early.

What conducting softball interviews gets you is more interviews.

mightyfoolish OP ,

As @reddit_sux stated there are more perks than just earlier reviews.

Sometimes a large company will stop assisting you if you go against their talking points. For example Hardware Unboxed got in trouble for saying, raytracing isn't as big of a deal as Nvidia is making it and it will remain that way for at least the next few years. Thanks to influence of several big Youtubers (like Steve Burke and Linus Sebastien), Nvidia changed their minds.

stealth_cookies ,

major tech companies are pretty good about giving reviewer samples to anyone with a large enough audience

That isn't true, for example LTT doesn't get seeded Apple products anymore because of what they have said about Apple. NVidia has also been caught revoking early access to products to some outlets because they were unhappy about reporting as well.

slumberlust ,

Are you assuming this simply because apple doesn't state the reason they end a relationship? Access journalism isn't new or unique to apple.

recursive_recursion , avatar
mightyfoolish OP ,

I legit upvoted every Thanks Steve comment right before I posted this thread! 🤣 I love that meme.

recursive_recursion , avatar


Intel really set themselves up for a perfect memefest😂

Lucidlethargy , avatar

Yes! He's literally done this ever since his first iPhone review. I think it was the iPhone 4s? Somewhere around that time...

Rakonat ,

Not to defend him (can't really stand his videos at all) but he's not a journalist. He's just a freelance spokesman for products that will sponsor him.

OldWoodFrame ,

I think it's clear he's a fan of Apple and Tesla but he does make negative statements about them, the Cyber truck was not a positive review and he always criticized the fit and finish of Teslas. And he critiques Apple's idiosyncracies like the proprietary charger and lack of calculator app on the iPad.

I guess my point is that he's not a journalist he's a reviewer, we are tuning in for his judgement, his opinion. If he personally likes the products from a certain company, that's not a bias that impacts his capacity to do his job well.

Like movie reviewer giving Pixar a bunch of 10/10 reviews, and then criticizing Cars 2 as a mediocre cash grab. Maybe they are biased for Pixar, or maybe Pixar just puts out a lot of good movies. As long as you're calling out the bad moves, that's what we want from a reviewer.

The fair concern is when he gets exclusive access like this, I don't necessarily care about the puff piece interview but you hope it doesn't influence his future reviews.

viperex ,

MKBHD the tech reviewer and Louis Rossmann the tech repairer get the tech at different points in their life cycles. Does anyone expect MKBHD to open up a MacBook and start probing motherboard components? He reviews the form and function of new tech when they're polished and running at their peak. Louis sees them when something has gone wrong

sirico , to Videos in Tokyo Underground - Short Film (R35 GT-R, BMW E30, FD RX-7, Honda NSX and more) avatar

That is 40 mins of pure aesthetic

quoll , to Videos in Tokyo Underground - Short Film (R35 GT-R, BMW E30, FD RX-7, Honda NSX and more)

five star sound track and cinematography

Guillaume OP , to Grenoble in LEGISLATIVES - 27/06/24 - Débat TV sur la 5ème circonscription de l'isère : Grésivaudan, Belledonne, Chartreuse, St Egrève, St Martin le Vinoux...

Le débat sur la circo 3805 (Grésivaudan, Chartreuse sauf Sappey, St Egreve et St Martin le Vinoux) est d'un assez haut niveau grâce à Escaron (maire du Sappey) et à Colas-Roy (ancien de la circo 3802)

contrairement au débat inaudible de la circo 3803

Colas-Roy étrille le RN sur l'énergie (gaz russe).

Et Escaron a l'air de connaitre un peu l'industrie et le dossier des semi-conducteurs (STmicro)

Colas-Roy pro-nuc et iordanoff mauvais sur le coût du nucléaire.

iordanoff (EELV) veut stocker l'électricité (comment ?)

bassad ,

Merci pour cette découverte, je pensais pas aller jusqu'au bout.

La candidate RN est clairement en dessous du lot

Guillaume OP ,

Merci pour cette découverte, je pensais pas aller jusqu’au bout.

Je t'en prie.

Personnellement j'ai été déçu par iordanoff, je l'aurais pensé meilleur.

La candidate RN est clairement en dessous du lot

Oui, elle récite des trucs par coeur, dit des choses énormes ("le peuple c'est le boss" (?)) et n'explique pas les contradictions de son parti / programme.

boatsnhos931 , to cats in Special needs cat was rejected by his own mom. But this woman took him home.
halykthered , to Metal in Blind Guardian - Mirror Mirror (1998) avatar

Just saw them play this live a few weeks ago, it was an amazing show.

Chozo , avatar

I'm jealous! I've been wanting to see them live for years.

halykthered , avatar

Same, it was a night I waited 15 years for haha

ziltoid101 , to Metal in Ayreon - Amazing Flight (1998) avatar

Pure nostalgia for me. I went on a small road trip for my high school leavers and had some Ayreon CDs playing the whole time. By the end of the trip everyone was singing along. Absolute classic.

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