noodlejetski , to Privacy in Why I no longer use a VPN (most of the time) and nor should you - YouTube

many ISPs over here offer a ~5-10% discount on monthly bills if you agree to have your traffic analysed for marketing purposes. the last time I signed a contract I had to explicitly opt out of that. the ISP providing internet to all of my landlord's flats offers a similar deal when signing a contract, and 1. I'm willing to bet that my landlord has opted in, and 2. I have no way of opting out of that for my flat. I think I'll stick with a VPN for the foreseeable future.

possiblylinux127 OP , avatar

With a VPN you are just shifting the attack surface

noodlejetski ,

from the ISP likely to analyze my traffic to a VPN provider who didn't provide any data after being raided by the police because they didn't store any

possiblylinux127 OP , avatar

I would still not trust them as you have no control over what happens server side.

Lemongrab ,

That is just as true of your ISP, who when raided by the police will happily send it all over in a jiffy.

MagneticFusion , to Privacy in Why I no longer use a VPN (most of the time) and nor should you - YouTube

I've watched this video and it is a very flawed video.

Somewhere in the video he mentions something along the lines of "I'm not really worried because I'm not doing anything illegal" essentially implying if you're not doing anything illegal then you got nothing to hide, which has been debunked many many many times.

If you want more rebuttals to this video check out this video by Top Spark:

LWD , to Privacy in Why I no longer use a VPN (most of the time) and nor should you - YouTube

Why I just hand my browsing data over to my ISP (and so should you)

Why I let random websites have my unique location-specific identifier (and so should you)

Don't think so

possiblylinux127 OP , avatar

That's not how that works

ShepherdPie ,

How does it work?

toastal ,

Didn’t watch the video, but… Traffic is often already encrypted with TLS or other encryption & you don’t have to use the ISP for DNS. This would cover a lot of the data you would be discussing. Instead if using these advertized commercial VPNs you are giving the data to those corporations instead which is hardly better in many cases—luckily most of your traffic is encrypted with TLS & you don’t have to use them for DNS …which takes us back to the previous statement for concerns.

There’s still value in VPNs for a several online activities (censorship, piracy, activism, etc.) & threat models to certain folks, but assuming the ISP is the bogeyman in most common scenarios for non-niche use cases is incorrect—but it isn’t how these commercial VPNs are selling themselves. If the ISPs possess the ability to break TLS encryption we’d have bigger issues to worry about & VPNs wouldn’t help. I would assume the video goes in this route but chooses the clickbait title for views.


If possible, I don't want my ISP to know, trade, and sell as little data about me as possible.

FTC Staff Report Finds Many Internet Service Providers Collect Troves of Personal Data, Users Have Few Options to Restrict Us

T-Mobile Employees Across The Country Receive Cash Offers To Illegally Swap SIMs

I know VPNs often exaggerate or outright lie, but they still benefit me in ways I consider valuable.

toastal ,

If it’s all encrypted & they don’t have the DNS requests, all they can see is that you sent X bytes to some IP which isn’t very helpful. Who’s to say these VPNs aren’t selling their data back to the ISPs anyhow?

Lemongrab ,

Encryption doesn't mean perfectly hidden. Metadata isn't encrypted for HTTPS iirc. And the ISP knows who your sending traffic to since they are routing you there and are usually your DNS. When connected to a good and trusted VPN, all that is hidden, your DNS can't give away your location, and the only server you contact is the VPN

toastal ,

What metadata? The headers are as encrypted as the payload. That there was a key exchange between you & a server isn’t too useful.

“Usually” is a strong word for DNS as well since all OSs let you change it & the megacorporations like Google & Cloudflare have already compelled a lot of folks to use their DNS ta resolve faster since the ISP ones are slow (& the smarter, curious folks used that as a launching point to find other provider or self-host). Some platforms have even been shipping DNS-over-HTTPS to get around some of these issues (since the payload & headers are encrypted under TLS).

Lemongrab ,

It doesn't matter if they are encrypted if you can sell the data about what the user is doing (eg if your connecting to a shopping website your probably shopping their). Better to obfuscate the source by choosing an endpoint that isn't geographically related and associated with your identity. I only would ever recommend using a VPN that is open source and well audited by a renowned 3rd party auditor(s).

biddy ,

Why would you hand your browsing data to the VPN company? It's just moving the problem.

ForgottenUsername , to Right to Repair in To buy no longer means anything.

Funnily enough I've been talking to Microsoft since the first announcement, asking them for a refund for (now) locking me out of a game I paid for.

It has not gone well unfortunately, Microsoft really do not give two shits about the consumer, so long as they can milk you for all the data your worth and charge you for the privilege.

Might be petty, but I won't buy a Xbox or another Microsoft game until they give my Minecraft/$20 back. I guess I'm a pirate

iheartneopets , to Movies in Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Sci-Fi Movie Tier List

I care not one iota what this blowhard thinks

Toribor , avatar

Ackshually... you call it a movie but it doesn't actually move. It's a series of still images that are played rapidly in sequence (typically around 24 frames per second) to create the illusion of movement. How could I rank these so called movies when they are simply light hitting the eye?

RoyalEngineering , to Videos in Conan just did Hot Ones

I am really tired of Hot Ones. Ready for that trend to be over.

Empricorn ,

I can't believe no one's told you this yet... but you don't have to watch it!

Can't you just let other people enjoy things you don't like?



downpunxx , avatar

Can you simply not

starlord , to Videos in Storing Files in the Walmart Chip Aisle

Sparknotes for those who don't click youtube links?

lazycouchpotato OP , avatar

He uses an aisle of chips at a Walmart to store data.

He took "Hello world", compressed it using Huffman coding, then arranged the aisle of chips in binary. Bag of chips facing forward is a 0, facing backward is 1.

It's a silly video by the channel for April 1st and is purely for entertainment.

raspberriesareyummy , to Videos in Storing Files in the Walmart Chip Aisle

What a dumb, unfunny, uncreative "idea"

TheKMAP , to Videos in Food Delivery Apps: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

I'll cook as part of a date night, but for general sustenance it's a huge hassle for me. I've done meal prep but shopping for groceries and keeping track of inventory (to see if I have enough, or to if something is expired) is a huge hassle too. So when I cooked it was basically to do the same keto recipe which only had like two ingredients and made enough to last five or so days. I don't mind eating the same food every day, and in fact that kind of discipline was useful for losing weight.

Now I exclusively use DoorDash. My credit card gives me free delivery, and while I'm sure door dash increases the prices of the menu item, I actually compared total cost of DoorDash vs the restaurant's in house delivery and the in house delivery is less than a dollar cheaper. And that price is only valid at the restaurant for a first time order. On the DoorDash side I can trigger door dash discount (a flat dollar amount not a percentage) by hitting a certain dollar amount, which I just barely hit it using the items I order, getting maximum (percentage) discount. The items I order are also pretty filling (meat and fat not carbs), so it all works out very nicely.

For that extra dollar I get to use the door dash app which is really convenient not just for easily re ordering food (or getting a double dash) but also so I can track eta, and text the driver one-time-use elevator codes so they drop it off right at my door.

Grand total for two burritos? 26.36 and they're big enough that usually I only eat the second one on the same day if I exercise.

That one guy who said millennial subsidy is right. At least for me, I am getting a huge value of the service.

I order basically every day and I never tip, and you could flame me however you want and I'll never care.

My old place was difficult to deliver to and I left detailed instructions. Anyone who can't read it got one star. I don't understand the whining about ratings. They are there for a reason. The app also separates food rating from driver rating so that concern mentioned by that one lady is a non issue.

If you are too dumb to read delivery instructions on a DoorDash you absolutely deserve to get fired. That is not some evil algorithm, it's simply a performance review.

simplejack OP , avatar

The argument isn’t that the services aren’t convenient. They are absolutely convenient. Moreover, I would argue that convenience hits pretty hard when you consider most households under the babyboomer generation are working more, and can’t afford to have one adult at home doing meal prep while their spouse is paying the rent / mortgage.

The point of the piece is that these services fuck over workers and restaurants.


The workers aren't fucked because of DoorDash. The workers are fucked because we don't have universal health care, so being a contractor means you don't get health care. But that's not DoorDash's fault.

Restaurants aren't fucked either. They can choose to not hit the "accept order" button if they are swamped or don't think it is profitable.

proton_lynx , to PC Master Race in [Gamers Nexus] Don't Buy a "Gaming Chair" - Office Chair vs. Gaming Chair Round-Up & Review

Not only because office chairs are better in general, but because gaming chairs are UGLY as fuck. I don't understand why those chairs became the norm, who the fuck wants a car seat in their bedroom?

Evotech ,


Please_RTFA , to Right to Repair in To buy no longer means anything.

I guess I don't have Minecraft anymore either, the email service I used back then doesn't exist anymore so I never got those notifications.

RageAgainstTheRich , to Autism in [Video] Why do autistic people toe walk?

I'm 30 years old and i still toe walk. It just feels comfy.

isVeryLoud , avatar

It's just ✨extra suspension ✨

somenonewho , to ADHD memes in If you are looking for a new obsession

Why is it unlisted? Is this a pattern preview? I love seeing new TechnologyConnections but I'm not gonna watch später on preview I don't deserve

Mic_Check_One_Two ,

He explains why it’s unlisted in the first few minutes. Basically, he knows it’s too long for the regular viewer, and plans to release a condensed version later. But for the people who may be interested in a deep dive, he made the much longer unlisted version where he has the freedom to ramble and fully explain things.

As for why it’s unlisted, it’s probably so he doesn’t get dinged by the YouTube algorithm for incomplete views. If the algorithm sees that his regular viewers are only watching the first 5 minutes of his hour long video, it’ll stop recommending his videos to them. Unlisting the video is an easy way to get around that, because only the people who are interested in it will seek it out.

moosetwin , to ADHD memes in If you are looking for a new obsession avatar
Hekel , to Arch Linux in Arch Linux One Of The Easiest Distros To Install

Hyperbolic title + stupid face = no watch.

This trend has to die, not everyone is a moron with the brain maturity of a 8y old.

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