blindsight , to Free and Open Source Software in Godot beginner game development tutorial video from Brackeys 🎮👨‍💻

I watched most of this video (in the background) the other day. I have a technical background, but I've never made a "real" game. It looks like a really good tutorial for newbies to making games.

I look forward to seeing the later videos!

Also, I found it an odd coincidence that he chose the exact knight sprite I used for a Scratch tile-based-game tutorial project for a lesson a few years ago. CC0 assets are awesome.

Muffi ,

I've made a couple of games in Godot over the last year, and watched this video yesterday. It's a really, really good intro to the software. So much covered in just an hour, with a good balance between doing things the easy way, and doing things the correct way. That's often a hard balance to achieve in gamedev/programming tutorials.

espais , avatar

I got a little bit into it and agree it's pretty good. There's been some disconnect in my brain with how Godot structures things and this is helping make the connections

iopq , to PC Master Race in [Gamers Nexus] A Better Computer Fan - Sometimes: Cross-Flow Meshless AIO Case Benchmarks & Review

I have a thing exactly like that inside the AC

Gorb , to videos in Hasan al Gaib Uses the Voice on Piers Morgan Uncensored avatar

There was something about the lighting on his cam that just made him look so imposing. I think he should have fully unleashed his chatter tier rant at them it would have been perfect. Honestly these pedantic little fuck weasles need to be mocked and told to shut the fuck up.

moosetwin , to Games in MattKC announces plans to develop an open source DIY WiiU gampead avatar

The absolute leg...o island guy, he never misses!

Truth_Hurts , to Videos in Palestinian Solidarity Encampment Protests Explode Around the Country (But will they be effective?)

Yes let's keep protesting another country thousands of miles away lol. Totally effective when that country has stated they will do what they need to do to keep their people safe.

It is hard to blame them after Oct 7th.

NOT_RICK , avatar

They’re Americans protesting the American government’s financial and diplomatic support of Israel as well as the investments in the Israeli economy that their universities hold, what are you talking about?

Protests are effective, especially when given enough time. If they weren't, there wouldn’t be such an extensive history of governments doing all they can to nip them in the bud.

Hawanja OP ,

So there's 2 million Palestinians. How many should we be ok with killing?

SloppyPuppy ,

None, but we should fight the terror group that hides behind them and within them until they get the hostages back, especially the women and children they still hold for almost a year.

Hawanja OP ,

So is the best way to do that is to bomb and kill 35,000 women and children, in your opinion?
Can't think of any better way that could be done?

SloppyPuppy ,

You do know that a lot of those 35K are a lot of terrorists, or freedom figthers or militants, or whatever you want to call them, right?

The best way to do it is to be very careful to hit as less civilians as possible with the situation that Hammas deliberately created. Theres a reason IDF invented the roof knocking technique.

Hawanja OP ,

You do know that a lot of those 35K are a lot of terrorists, or freedom figthers or militants, or whatever you want to call them, right?

Except in real life the majority of this number are civilians. We know at least two thirds are civilians, and at least one third of this number are children.

So I'll ask you, again, is the best way to "fight terrorism" or whatever to bomb and kill 35,000 women and children, in your opinion?

SloppyPuppy , (edited )

YOU know that at least two thirds are children. I dont know that. In fact I know that at least 15k hammas members were killed. Because we know that all northern gaza and central gaza hammas brigades were obliterated.
So someone is making up numbers.
We also have thousands of videos of confirmed militants with weapons blowing up.
So again something doesn't add up with the 35k civilians killed.

The way to fight terrorism in my opinion is to bomb the terrorist organization’s members to smithereens wherever they are, to catch as some them alive to get more intelligence of them. And with all that said to minimize as much as possible collateral damage, like make thousands of phone calls a day to civilians to warn them to run away. To knock the roofs of buildings to warn them, to let them pass to safe zones while screening them with technology. To have a robust intelligence system that identifies civilians and filters them out as much as possible.

All of this is already happening and should happen more.

This is war against the most brutal terrorist organization in the world. An organization that deliberately hides among civilians. And thus its going to be brutal. But necessary.

Hopefully no more civilians die and Sinwar and all his accomplices end up in pieces. And all the hostages are returned alive and well. (We know most of them are already dead)

Hawanja OP ,

Please do a few googles about "Israel AI targeting," and educate yourself. Pay special attention to the allowable number of civilian deaths in order to kill 1 Hamas member. Go read up on that can then come back and we can discuss, because you do not know what you're talking about.

Belastend ,

We also have videos of IDF shooting people trying to reach food drops. And video of IDF bombing a fucking aid convoi 3 times before completely destroying it.
We have Videos of the idf entering a hospital, pointing at shift list and claiming they found concrete evidence of terrorists.
The IDF shot 3 hostages, thinking they were hamas. Why? Because they wore gazan clothing.
The IDF does currently not distinguish between civilians and combatants. By virtue of living in gaza, you are a target. That approach failed in Afghanistan, that approach failed in Vietnam and that approach will fail in Gaza.
And good fucking luck convincing the remaining gazans not to join a terrorist org when they have seen their families getting blown to shit by a country that says: "we will turn your city into a parking lot. You are animals. You are less than human."

God fucking damn it, we have never defeated terrorism by bombing their civilian base to shit.

Murdoc , to Technology in Memes live in your brain

Title: I know, it's in the definition of them.

Description: Doesn't make me want to watch the video and frankly comes off as click-bait.

This could be done better.

OpenStars OP , avatar

Thank you for the feedback. Frankly I wasn't certain what all would be auto-populated from the video and did not want everything to be duplicated - this is my first post from this account and while the second for Lemmy overall, the first again for a video link, and to this community.

I edited the post from the old body of "This Video Will Make You Angry, by CGP Grey" to now:

A video titled "This Video Will Make You Angry", by CGP Grey, about how memes evolve in the same manner as living organisms, though in this case those most successful tend to be the ones that engender anger in their target audience.

Anyway, it's a 9-year-old video, and yet one that I had not seen from him before somehow, though certainly the concept has made the rounds. Even so I found it interesting, and in light of the upcoming election season (in the USA and world-wide) thought it might be worth sharing:-).

How "meta" then that CGP Grey chose to use a click-baity title to talk about why people use click-bait content:-).

farcaster , to Videos in Technology Connections - The simple, clever sensor behind automatic windshield wipers

As he alludes to, this is different on Teslas. Where in an attempt to save a few bucks on a simple sensor they're using "machine learning" to detect rain with the front-facing camera and it doesn't fucking work.

riodoro1 ,



turmacar ,

The camera is many sensors.

You can overload anything by tasking it to do too much.

CosmicCleric , to Videos in Technology Connections - The simple, clever sensor behind automatic windshield wipers avatar

Learned something new today! Really intelligent how they designed the system to work.

Thanks for the video.

Edit: Wow, didn't expect so many downvotes on my comment.

Anti Commercial-AI license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

yamanii , to Technology in Why people are boycotting Asus all of a sudden? Asus outrage explained avatar

Dude has 35 subs, is this your own account?

Scrollone ,

Here we are, spam has finally arrived on the fediverse

Woozythebear , to Hardware in VRR Flicker On OLEDs Is A Real Problem

It's insane with all the problems OLEDS have that they feel justified charging more than a thousand dollars for a monitor. A monitor that no matter what will eventually get burn in.

DmMacniel , to Videos in [Dimitri Monroe] “Gamergate 2” will FAIL and it will be YOUR fault. | 'Optics' Never Matter

What's Gamergate 2, Electric Boogaloo about?

vasus ,

Disclosure I identify with the movement, hence bias

Thing started off February 29 when Chris Kindred, the narrative designer at Sweet Baby Inc, a videogame consulting company, called for a mass report campaign against the steam curator group (and its owner) "Sweet Baby Inc Detected", which exist to highlight steam games in which the company has some involvement. Chris called it a harrassment group and claimed that it breaks steam's terms of service.

This got a lot of eyes on the group which balooned in membership, right wingers/ old gamergaters latched onto it and I think it's fair to say that this Sweet baby Inc detected group is the main Gamergate 2 community. As time goes on the movement isn't just campaigning against this one company, but against many similiar consultation groups (Black Girl Gamers/Gaymers for example) and the concept of ESG funding in general.

Juno , to Hardware in VRR Flicker On OLEDs Is A Real Problem

In this day and age, good scientific testing is hard to come by. Thanks for this.

ZeroCool , to Videos in [Dimitri Monroe] “Gamergate 2” will FAIL and it will be YOUR fault. | 'Optics' Never Matter avatar

The movement known as “Gamergate 2” has been in the news cycle for quite a while now

Has it? I don't get all my news from right wing chuds on YouTube so I haven't seen much about it.

vasus ,
scottywh , to Technology in Why people are boycotting Asus all of a sudden? Asus outrage explained

Videos are a terrible way to communicate small amounts of information and these comments aren't super insightful so I guess I'll just move on.

JohnDClay ,

Videos are the most monetizable way to communicate small amounts of information.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , to Games in Far Cry 7 Leaks and Rumors | Everything we know so far

I see people still schill their youtube videos here on lemmy

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