NoSuchAgency , to World News in America’s Commute to Work Is Getting Longer and Longer

All the illegals coming in aren't helping things either

HuntressHimbo ,

I hope immigrants sneak in and move your house a few inches further from your work every day

azimir ,

That explains the noises at night! If they could just shore up our one sagging foundation corner in the back while they're at it, that'd be great. After they do some serious manual labor in the summer sun for me, then they can go back to their country until I need more work done. Oh! Actually, no, we need them to do the harvest. And there's this thing with some construction.... shit. It turns out that hard workers are actually really needed everywhere and we shouldn't be such xenophobic/racist assholes all the time.

I do actually need the foundation looked at, though but I can't afford it despite having a pretty decent and high experience required job. All the money is going to billionaires instead. Strange that those same billionaires are funding lots of media telling me to be afraid of people all the time... no relation to the whole immigration thing, I'm sure.

NoSuchAgency ,

Just because we want people to come into our country legally and want to know their background doesn't make us racist.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

and want to know their background

How much background checking do you think they do on someone from France vs. someone from Libya? Do you think it's an equal amount? (It is not.) Do you want it to be an equal amount?

NoSuchAgency ,

Yeah, I do, and obviously it's not the same now. These people are coming in by the millions and they're not doing background checks at all. They're doing background checks on the ones that are waiting to get here legally.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

“These people” being the non-white ones.

NoSuchAgency ,

If there are white people crossing the Southern border illegally it includes them to since you want to make everything about race although I don't see any white people crossing the Southern border

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

"I don't see white people crossing, but it's not about race." Gotcha.

You know how a lot of the white people enter illegally? They arrive on a plane and never leave. Like the majority of illegal immigrants.

So why is the Mexican border what concerns you?

NoSuchAgency ,

Because millions of people are coming over it, including rapist, thieves, and terrorists destroying whole communities on their way through

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

Just so you know now, you're getting really close to violating rule 4. Paraphrasing Trump is not helping you.

NoSuchAgency ,

I'm not paraphrasing anyone, I live near the border and I'm just calling it like I see it

NoSuchAgency ,

Btw, you're wrong. There are way more people coming across the Southern border than people over staying visas. It's not even close and at least we know who the people are that have over stayed their visa

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

I literally showed you the numbers.

NoSuchAgency ,

Yeah, 700,000 in one year and out of those 600,000 remain. Like I said, not even close. We've had up to 250,000 in a month crossing the border illegally

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

How about you show actual numbers from a legitimate source of both visa overstays and illegal border crossings rather than just tell me what you think the number is?

NoSuchAgency ,

You're the one who posted the numbers on over stayed visas. I'm just telling you your article is just fake news because there are more coming across the border than that by a long shot. Here's some info on monthly numbers

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

That says nothing about visa overstays. Or anything about visas at all.

But the fact that you use the term "fake news" really tells me all I need to know here.

NoSuchAgency ,

You posted the story saying that there were 600,000 over stayed visas in a years time claiming thats most of the illegals coming into the country. And yes, that's fake news because it's not true.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

And yet you have not shown it to be untrue.

But please do continue with your right-wing rhetoric.

InternetUser2012 ,

Source? Besides feelings and fox "news", or you just a troll?

NoSuchAgency ,

Here's one source for you, the border patrols own website

afraid_of_zombies ,

Are these illegals with us now? Do they ever tell you to do things, things that might hurt people?

NoSuchAgency ,

What are you talking about?

afraid_of_zombies ,

Ask Andrew Tate or Joe Rogan to explain it to you.

NoSuchAgency ,

Andrew Tate? You sure you're replying to the right person? Dude, I think you're getting your messages mixed up or something

threelonmusketeers , to Green Energy in The New Era of Clean Energy: Transcontinental Power Lines | British homes would be powered with African energy under an ambitious plan

If this technology takes off, could we tile the Sahara with solar panels? It is close to the equator, and it seems like it might be one of the ecosystems which would be least impacted by the addition of solar panels.

threelonmusketeers , to Green Energy in The New Era of Clean Energy: Transcontinental Power Lines | British homes would be powered with African energy under an ambitious plan

It will take nearly 10,000 miles of cable for four offshore transmission lines—far more than existing suppliers could serve up. So Morrish started a cable-supply company to build a factory, with a tower taller than the Washington Monument, in which colossal cables will be lowered as they are coated in insulation.

The factory’s construction near the Scottish village of Fairlie has been delayed several times. Locals are doubtful it will happen.

“It’s a nice area, a scenic area, and you’re going to build a huge factory running 24/7?” said Rita Holmes, a longtime Fairlie resident.

Maybe it's just the infrastructure nerd in me, but a giant tower which produces undersea cables for distributing renewable energy sounds like a cool tourist attraction. They could put big windows on the tower so people can see the cables being made.

reddig33 , to Green Energy in The New Era of Clean Energy: Transcontinental Power Lines | British homes would be powered with African energy under an ambitious plan

Maybe don’t rely on other countries for your energy needs. We’ve seen how well that worked out with Saudi oil and Russian natural gas.

aBundleOfFerrets ,

Eeehhhh, personally I am a bit warmer to the risks when there are renewables involved

joeldebruijn ,

I do think we need multiple tactics:

  • Local (national) surplus energy stored also locally (home battery, chargings cars, powering local industry from renewables at moments it isn't needed elsewhere), so all kinds of buffers. To also use it within the same country at other moments.

  • Diversify solar wind and thermal etc

  • Exchange cross-borders despite geopolitical risc. Countries with more sun hours or more steady wind or abundant geothermal sources or more hydro ... could export their surplus or capacity but also import.

For solar: if storage exceeds need, the daytime countries at any moment should power the nighttime countries, but only to balance local smart grids I think?

tomatolung , to Green Energy in The New Era of Clean Energy: Transcontinental Power Lines | British homes would be powered with African energy under an ambitious plan

Just have a think talks a bit about this as well.

Nouveau_Burnswick , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in Teens Are Sticking With E-Bikes Even When They’re Old Enough to Drive

Instead, their families are spending as much as $3,000 on electric bicycles

Or 1/10th the purchase price of a car, let alone upkeep costs.

Manifish_Destiny ,

Yeah unless it's a junker, price is still significantly better.
At least in the US.
Not to mention insurance and gas.

sunzu , to World News in ‘Only Pirates Do This’: China Wields Axes and Knives in South China Sea Fight

Damn we are getting flooded with these articles huh

Propaganda getting turned up

Gsus4 , avatar

Depends on where you live. For a european, african or an american, it's a bit meh. For a japanese, korean, phillipine, taiwanese, vietnamese or an makes front page.

obinice , avatar

Ah yes, global news is propaganda now because it's not about, let me guess, America?

luckystarr , to World News in ‘Only Pirates Do This’: China Wields Axes and Knives in South China Sea Fight

Crazy. North Korea throwing poop. China going on an axe rampage. Which asylum will take those two please?

PrincessLeiasCat , to World News in ‘Only Pirates Do This’: China Wields Axes and Knives in South China Sea Fight

What was the fucking point of this? It seems so stupid and petty. Like why even go through the trouble?

I know there have been maritime issues between China and others within the last few years or so, but seriously - what is the fucking point of doing this?

NaibofTabr ,

China is probing the US's willingness to get involved in another conflict.

"Stupid and petty" is how international bullies operate. Pointless violence is how immature people express their "strength".

I know there have been maritime issues between China and others within the last few years or so

All of the maritime issues have been caused by China attempting to claim the entire South China Sea as their private property, in defiance of international agreements about national coastal waters. All of those issues were provoked by China trying to exert control over coastal waters that are rightfully the property of other nations, such as Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines. China is a bad neighbor.

Womble ,

All of those issues were provoked by China trying to exert control over coastal waters that are rightfully the property of other nations, such as Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines. China is a bad neighbor.

China is a bad neighbour, and fuck the CCP. But all the nations around the SCS have ridiculous claims of them controling huge swathes of water way outside their coastal waters. China is just by far the most aggressive about it.

SkyezOpen ,

Squeaky wheel gets the hammer, as they say.

NaibofTabr ,

Considering that this particular incident happened near the Second Thomas Shoal:

which is awfully close to Philippine territory and nowhere near China, I find your "but-what-about" attempt here specious and shallow.

Womble ,

I hardly think its whataboutery talking about the topic in question, the claims in the south China sea. Did you miss the parts where I explictly said China was by far the worst for this?

But you'll also notice that even though this incident is outside the internationally recognised waters of the Philipines it is claimed by China, the Philipines and Vietnam. Despite not being near enough to any of them to properly claim it.

Tryptaminev ,

“Stupid and petty” is how international bullies operate.

In other words any country having regional or global power aspirations.

Compared with the invasion of Iraq or Ukraine this is actually fairly moderated by China.


Considering the US literally couped Australia when their prime minister refused to give unconditional support for a spy base, this is small fry!

p.s. that military base in Australia now exists, the US has full autonomous control of it, stations soldiers there, and the antennae currently guiding the Israeli missiles leveling Gaza

NaibofTabr ,

I don't think it's valid to compare a full-scale ground invasion with smashing up a patrol boat. Ground invasions are overt acts of war, no matter how much the invader might want to label them as "special". In this case I don't think China wants an open conflict with the Philippines, not yet anyway. If you're actually invading you don't vandalize one boat with hand tools and then run off, like teenager leaving a burning bag of shit on someone's porch.

This is about China doing whatever it wants, and international law be damned. It's more of a Cartman-esque demand for obedience and submission.

Tryptaminev ,

So you do agree that it is a fairly moderated act, compared two how the other two main powers in the world operate, which is outright illegal and mass murderous invasions.

NaibofTabr ,

No, I think it's an invalid comparison. Do you struggle with reading comprehension?

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

The very next day, Malaysia's leader praised China.

Make of that what you will.

PrincessLeiasCat ,

I did not know this - it definitely adds context. Thank you!

KevonLooney , to World News in Haiti’s Largest Investor Navigates Gangs to Keep Phones Working

Digicel uses subcontractors they call “community liaisons” to meet with gang chieftains

So, they bribe them.

veganpizza69 , to World News in Haiti’s Largest Investor Navigates Gangs to Keep Phones Working avatar

So... mess with gangs by bringing down cellphone communications.

WeirdGoesPro , to World News in Haiti’s Largest Investor Navigates Gangs to Keep Phones Working

Link without paywall:

Etterra , to World News in ‘Only Pirates Do This’: China Wields Axes and Knives in South China Sea Fight

Did the Filipino sailors not have sidearms?

DolphinMath OP , to World News in Haiti’s Largest Investor Navigates Gangs to Keep Phones Working

Wall Street Journal – Bias and Credibility

Bias Rating: Right-Center

Factual Reporting: Mostly Factual

Country: USA

Press Freedom Rating: Mostly Free

Media Type: Newspaper

Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic

MBFC Credibility Rating: High Credibility About + Methodology

Ad Fontes Media Rating: Middle / Reliable

Article By: Kejal Vyas

Archive Link: 21 Jun 2024 14:22:57 UTC

ralphio , to World News in The Hostages Next Door: Inside a Notable Gaza Family’s Dark Secret

There are holes in Israel's story here.

Aljamal lived on the first floor of a multi-story building, according to Euro-Med. The IDF said the hostages were found on the third floor.

DolphinMath OP ,

If you read the WSJ article, it relies largely on interviews with Palestinians who were neighbors.

The author, Abeer Ayyoub, Is also a Palestinian from Gaza.

I’ll read the CNN article when I have a moment.

Edit: Had a moment and read the article. Best I can gather the CNN snippet you posted relies entirely on a Twitter/X post from the chairman of the Euro Med Monitor?

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