58008 , to Technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back avatar

I wish Linux weren't completely fucking impenetrable for casual users.

Gormadt , avatar

It's gotten a lot better over the years

When I first tried it (back in 2010) it was pretty rough all around but after trying it again recently due to the whole TPM requirement for Windows 11 I've found it to be really straight forward

Linux Mint is really user friendly and is what I've even put on my grandma's pc

krashmo ,

Your grandma probably hates the fact that you did though. There's a small chance that's not the case but I'd be shocked if she hadn't complained about it many times to other people.

ParetoOptimalDev ,

People who don't understand what an OS is typically use linux mint fine because they just open chrome or Firefox.

zbb ,

Even the casual Zoom meeting is a breeze because of the Flatpak client.

Rolder ,

So you need a whole ass sandbox program just to run Zoom? Hm.

Rekorse ,

You keep making posts that made sense or were accurate 5-15 years ago, thats why you keep getting downvoted.

Pretend you know nothing about linux, and go and try something like Mint, and youll likely have an experience that mirrors the people downvoting you.

Rolder ,

You say that but at the same time there’s a linuxmemes post in my feed right now where people are joking about how broken drivers require an OS reinstall so you know

Rekorse ,

Well why dont you go into that thread and ask those people when the last time that happened was, or how often it happens.

You might just be taking a very old meme too seriously.

Rolder ,

Very old meme that was posted 5 hours ago as of the time of my original comment, hmm

Rekorse , (edited )

Memes get reposted, that one is pretty old.

Also there are distros that are more volatile, but all of the most popular ones are extremely dummy proof and intuitive. See Pop_OS!, EndeavourOS, or Mint for example.

andrew_bidlaw , avatar

It's just a little different nowadays. Like the other user said, they just don't know they have a choice or what to choose and follow whatever they know...

And what was one of the early bolsheviks' regime strongest points? They created schools and made people literate en masse, and did it with their own curriculum. People became less suspective to ex elites and religious propaganda, and became their target audience.

Adobe, Google, MS give discounts and special programs for education because this way people get used to their products. Many local organizations that touch these casual users don't have a real IT department and just flow with what's given, they don't make an informed choice like corporations. And that's probably the place where this switch may even start to begin. A class of students who started with e.g. KDE Plasma would be used to it more than they used to Windows, same with other software. They can already do their homework and play most games. What else do they need?

The sharp corner is to find money to fund select schools to show others it's not scary and makes it even cheaper for them in the long run, maybe some special troubleshooting team to teach them the ropes. I've heard from some users there and on reddit that their computer classes with a geeky teacher who installed Linux is how they've rolled in without a problem.

PerogiBoi , (edited ) to Technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back avatar

I figured on my gaming and VR rig that I’d begrudgingly upgrade it to W11 when W10 stopped receiving security updates and support but at this point the recall feature (which will be used to train LLMs regardless of what Microsoft promises or guarantees) has ensured that I never install that kind of spyware as an operating system.

I’d rather spend forever troubleshooting and getting my Valve Index to work with Ubuntu than deal with a giant backdoor.

skillissuer , avatar

better get W10 LTSC in VM and use it until EOL and beyond, it'll be more privacy friendly this way

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

Using an internet connected OS past EOL is definitely not privacy friendly.

KrapKake ,

He said until EOL. Windows LTSC, the IoT version in particular is supported until 2032.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

No, he said EOL and beyond

barsquid ,

I would also suggest not Ubuntu, and instead say you should give Bazzite a try. They are specifically interested in gaming with Steam (they even have a spin for running on Steam Deck). They might have already put in the work troubleshooting the distro with your VR gear.

gravitas_deficiency , to Technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

A lot of people here seem to be missing the nuance.

Sure, it’s problematic for their consumer market share, but you’re right that that’ll probably be forgotten by the mostly tech-illiterate populace over time. But that’s not the problem.

Step 0 of MS’s plan for this should have been “make sure there is an absolutely bulletproof and ironclad way to disable that stuff completely for enterprise customers”. And they didn’t do that. So now, enterprise IT writ large is going to… you know… just not buy any of these devices. Which is absolutely their right.

But the really frustrating bit is that MS may have significantly harmed the rollout of ARM-based laptops (as well as x86 chips with beefy NN-optimized tiles) with this, and additionally done real, massive harm to Intel, AMD, and Qualcomm by doing so. All three of those manufacturers have gone to ENORMOUS lengths to roll this tech out, largely at MS’s behest. They’re all going to take this on the chin if the rollout goes poorly. And the rollout is already going poorly.

But MS thought they could Apple-handwave away the details. And they can’t, because a lot of people who understand the absurd security implications of continuous capture and OCR and plaintext storage of the OCR output. It’s not something you can handwave away. It’s entirely a non-starter in the context of maintaining organizational security (as well as personal data security, but we’ve already talked about why that’s a bit of a moot point with the general public). But enterprise IT largely does try to take their job seriously, and they are collectively calling MS’s bluff.

The problem for the long term is that MS has pretty much proven to the IT industry with this stunt that they can’t be trusted to make software that conforms to their needs. That’s a stain that isn’t going to go away any time soon. It might even be the spark that finally triggers enterprise to move away from MS as a primary client OS. After all, Linux is WAY easier to manage from a security perspective.

TL;DR: the issue is that MS has significantly damaged their reputation with this stunt. And you can’t buy reputation.


The article has an update:

Update noon ET June 7, 2024: Microsoft has released a statement noting it is making three significant changes to how Recal works including making it opt-in during setup, requiring Windows Hello to enable Recall, proof of presence is now required to view your timeline, and search in Recall, and adding additional layers of data protection including “just in time” decryption protected by Windows Hello Enhanced Sign-in Security (ESS) so that snapshots will only be decrypted and accessible when the user authenticates.

It’s definitely a move in the right direction… but it also begs the question of why didn’t they do that in the first fucking place? Seriously, some heads are gonna roll over how badly this whole release was planned, and the very clear lack of due diligence.

naeap , to Technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back avatar

Microsoft has built a number of safety features into Windows Recall to ensure that the service can't run secretly in the background. When Windows Recall is enabled, it places a permanent visual indicator icon on the Taskbar to let the user know that Windows Recall is capturing data. This icon cannot be hidden or moved.

Oh my, that one is really cute

uriel238 , avatar

Malware will disable that icon. Law enforcement will buy [that] malware.

phoneymouse ,

Well find out in 10 years that that wasn’t true and that it did capture data when the icon wasn’t present whoopsies.

wreckedcarzz , avatar
If chkCaptureData.checked then
dmtalon , to Technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

Ya, a PR nightmare for the next 15 minutes until the next unbelievable thing comes along and the ADD nature of people forgets windows is watching everything they do.

FlashMobOfOne , avatar

That's usually what I think too, but after watching how Twitter's gone to shit since the two big user departures, I think this could legitimately affect Microsoft's bottom line.

Voytrekk , avatar

That will rely on businesses moving away from Windows. That is where they make a ton of their money with Enterprise licenses and Office 365 subscriptions.

Infynis , avatar

And businesses don't give a shit about their employees' privacy

Starkstruck ,

They do care about keeping their company secrets and proprietary info though. Recall could make corporate espionage a cake walk.

n0pe ,

If you look at sysadmin forums and groups it seems like most recommend disabling recall. Just about every enterprise will have confidentiality, security, or legislative requirements that recall is simply inconsistent with. It's understandably been a hot topic.

FlashMobOfOne , avatar

Yup. It'll depend on how they handle Recall at the institutional level.

It's a given that hospitals and law firms will have to turn it off, as they're required by law to honor privilege. We'll see what choices they make.

I find the nosedive in Twitter's stock price these last few years encouraging. It seems for many there is a red line.

helenslunch , avatar

Twitter is a great example of the exact opposite being true. Are people upset? Absolutely. Did they leave the platform? Nope. Maybe a small percentage.

FlashMobOfOne , avatar

Respectfully, it's not.

The user departures, and response to further enshittify, have driven their stock price into the ground.

helenslunch , avatar

What user departures? The platform has barely dipped. Stock prices are meaningless.

bufalo1973 , avatar

X is the one telling the number of X users. Do you really trust Melon to tell the truth?

helenslunch , avatar

You're assuming my source is Musk.

Confused_Emus ,

So far in this thread only one person has actually shared a source of any kind. Care to share with the class?

Powerpoint ,

Twitter definitely lost a ton of users and tons continue to leave. That's why advertisers have pulled out and their stock price has tanked. Twitter is a bad example

helenslunch , avatar

Twitter definitely lost a ton of users and tons continue to leave.

Define "tons"? As a percentage, it is miniscule, and it remains the place where politicians, companies and other entities make public announcements. It's also, for some reason, the only platform supported for customer support from various companies.

metaldream ,

lol, literally just making stuff up. Their number of active users dropped by 15-20% since Elmo took over:

BroBot9000 , avatar

It’s X.

Stop deadnaming X.

Anyone still clinging to the remnants of its former existence, please close your account. Stop kidding yourself.

helenslunch , avatar

I'll never NOT call it Twitter, and you can't make me.

BroBot9000 , avatar

You say that but deep down you know it’s Elon Musk’s X now. The dream is no more. You’re an X’er Harry!

AlligatorBlizzard ,

I'll stop deadnaming Twitter when Musk stops deadnaming his trans daughter.

And for the record, I've never used Twitter. It's always kinda sucked. Now it really sucks.

BroBot9000 , avatar

Musk is a complete shithead and that’s not gonna happen.

Calling it Twitter is only going to accommodate the people that refuse to get off that nazi network.

Cause you know Musk gets off on the hate of people still calling it Twitter, exactly because how he treats deadnaming.

blind3rdeye ,

What's X? Is that the older version of Wayland or something?

BroBot9000 , avatar

It’s a shittier version of Mastodon but for right wing lunatics and russian bots.

dmtalon ,

I believe the biggest thing that will hurt MS is moving to subscription. The vast majority of users aren't gonna wanna have a forever fee when they buy a laptop/PC

dinckelman ,

A lot of people would have huge bursts of negativity about this, but at the same time remain stubborn enough to not even consider evaluating alternatives. Microsoft and Apple spent decades making sure this would work

dmtalon ,

For now at least, I block as much telemetry at the network level (DNS level) using pihole.

Annoys my wife and kid at times. I try to explain why and what it means but convenience is king unfortunately.

dinckelman ,

My mom only really browses the web, writes emails, and edits and occasional document. I've given her my old XPS 9350, with Fedora installed on it, and she's been very happy with it. Keeps saying that everything just makes sense, and when she needs something, it's easy to find. She's far from tech savvy, but not completely clueless either

dmtalon ,

That's cool!

gravitas_deficiency ,

Ok fine, I’ll repeat it again:

You’re right - many consumers will likely forget about it and just use it anyways. But enterprise customers absolutely, categorically will not. Even with their damage control, this is still going to hurt them a lot. Moreover, it’s going to hurt hardware sales from Intel, AMD, and Qualcomm, all of which have dumped MASSIVE amounts of capital into this tech. This is going to slow the rollout of NN-optimized chip tiles, and that is going to directly hit their bottom line. Microsoft hurt themselves AND the three most important hardware partners they have.

mrfriki , to Privacy in What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (this will be used for tracking)

MacOS has had spotlight search which searches any shit in your computer in 0.1s for over 10 years now. We have a pity search engine that takes 5 minutes to look up for a slightly obscure file in your computer and this piece of shit is all that they can come up with?

normonator , to Privacy in What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (this will be used for tracking)

This is exactly the kind of shit I don't ever want my fucking computer doing. You don't need to track shit. You do what I tell you and then you shut the fuck up.

Diplomjodler3 ,


yellowbeak ,

I shouldn't have to fight with my devices. It's the exact reason I got rid of my iPhone. When you fight against something long enough, you end up migrating to devices/software that let you do the crap you need to.

Kolanaki , avatar

I mean, it can track the files on the drive and make searching for things I have on the computer faster (indexing). Or it would on a good OS, anyway. 🤷🏻‍♂️

yellowbeak ,

Linux looks so good these days

MagnusEntityPosts , to Technology in What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (including it always watching you)

The Eye

(It knows you, it sees all that you do)
(You cant hide)
(You thought so much about whether or not you Could, that you didn't think about if you should)
(quite a scary thing)
(to be so fully Known)
(I hope that there is going to be a way to disable that)

Chadus_Maximus ,

(Why are we taking like this)

MagnusEntityPosts ,

(The bit outside the brackets is always the Entity and anything inside brackets is stuff that has nothing to do with the Entitys or is just an explanation ^^)
(I am just trying to differentiate these two bits)

Chadus_Maximus ,

Oh! I get it! (no idea what you just said).

Rikj000 , to Privacy in What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (this will be used for tracking) avatar

All I want to know is how it can be removed / disabled permanently from my work laptop when it reaches it.

rar ,

Whenever I bring up the issue all I get is blank stares of "how can you not be excited if you work with computers?". I just wanna scream.

UpperBroccoli , to Privacy in What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (this will be used for tracking)

Sources say AI Explorer features a UI that runs along the top of the screen, and lets users recall memories based on the user's inputted search criteria. Because AI Explorer is recording and triaging everything you do on your computer, anything and everything becomes something you can search for.

Hello Billy, how are you today? Do you want to search for more incest porn, or may I serve you some 'hot milfs in your area', like last tuesday? Or perhaps you need a new fleshlight, considering how worn-down your current one is. And by the way, next time you use that, it would be great if you could cover your camera. Even an AI has its limits, thank you so very much. Remember: I see everything and I cannot ever forget, even if I might want to.

sturmblast , to Technology in What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (including it always watching you)

Yep, that shit won't be running on my computers.

taanegl , to Technology in What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (including it always watching you)

So I'm trying to figure out a way to jip Microsoft. We've already got a way to activate windows for free, but LTSC images need to be available - because that's where we get away from Microsoft's bullshit.

Unless Microsoft removes access to DISM and gp, we'll still be able to cut off that "always online" limb.

Chakravanti ,

That's not, wasn't, and never will be free even if you don't ritual with your Talisman, the dollar.

Closed source software isn't about making money. That's just a sucker tool to vacuum people that accept shit-worse-than slavery from the dollar.

Free means to ditch any and all software that some person you don't gorram know bar one pedophile who stole everyone else's written software and turned around selling it promising what it does. Even he doesn't know jack fucking squat about what it really does.

If you flip that for the trust you gave over the then the news is that you're an even more gullible sucker and it isn't a gamble on whether or not the next software cracker will kidnap the rest of your family as well.

The life of everyone in your family will inevitably become the truth serum regenex for Steve Jobs when they unfreeze his ass. If you think he really is dead then you weren't paying the fuck attention to his stock market vaccine six months before his ice cube.

h3mlocke , avatar

Dude are you okay?

moon ,

You want to get rid of Microsoft's BS while still using Microsoft? I think you already know the only answer is Linux.

yuri , to Technology in What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (including it always watching you)

As worse and worse win11 features are unveiled it’s so funny to see these posts slowly filled with more “yeah i just switched to linux” comments.


Obligatory Linux mint post.

Killer57 ,

Really loving Bazzite so far.

biggerbogboy ,

what specs do you have? im wondering since im planning to install it on my school laptop (lenovo thinkpad 11e 4th gen, 4gb ram, 128gb ssd, intel celeron, integrated graphics.) and in wondering if it would work somewhat fast, especially at web browsing.

Killer57 ,

My apologies on the late reply, I currently have Bazzite on three devices,
My main PC: Ryzen 7 3700X, RX 5600, 64Gb DDR.
My main laptop, a Lenovo E590.
And my backup laptop: A Lenovo L412.
So far, I prefer it over windows on all three.

spyd3r , avatar

pfff... I'm going back to Windows XP Pro x64 Edition.

yuri ,

don’t remind me of better days

Johnmannesca , avatar

And removing one of the best features, the subsystem for android. It stops making sense from many people's perspectives and using a linux program like waydroid would probably be better than using android studio on Windows11.

LainTrain , to Technology in What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (including it always watching you)
the_crotch ,

The botnets thank you for your service

LainTrain ,

Desktop computers don't have to worry about that unless the user doesn't know how to use the internet safely and you know I'm right.

lamabop , to Technology in What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (including it always watching you)

For the average user, with maybe a little bit of IT knowledge but doesn't work in IT, what can we do for ourselves and our families other than go to win 11 eventually?

legofreak ,

Unironically, switch to Linux. Mainstream distros like Mint, PopOS or Ubuntu are very friendly for casual users, have GUIs for everything and if something does go wrong, the error messages actually have proper meaning and you'll find tons of resources online as well as people willing to help.

Most stuff nowadays runs in a browser anyway, so here there's no compatibility issues, office is available in Linux through libre office and gaming has come far with steam and proton.

Grass ,

I trust Ubuntu about as much as windows

legofreak ,

I don't like Canonical either, hence my recommendations for Mint or Pop being listed first. But let's be real, if someone wants to just get away from windows and wants something that works without having to learn much new, this is good enough.

admin , avatar

On the bright side: If you're tech-savy enough to form that opinion, you're probably not the intended audience for this advice.

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