BearOfaTime , to Privacy in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

It took Recall to wake them up? Holy shit.

SpaceCowboy , to Technology in Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in avatar

Oh.... Microsoft, Microsoft, Microsoft.

A friend of mine tried one of their "special offers" he nearly got himself lobotomized!

n0m4n , to Technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

As much as I liked Visual Studio, its privacy intrusiveness was my final straw.

Anticorp , to Privacy in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

Heh. No. They lost my trust years ago.

JigglySackles , to Technology in Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in

Too little too late, I'm not getting any more versions of windows.

iterable , to Privacy in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back avatar

Microsoft became the perfect scapegoat for any level zero anti cheat to point at.

Railcar8095 , to Privacy in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

I'm actually surprised nobody thought to say "Microsoft recalls Windows recall".

JasonDJ , to Technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

You know what would be a nice thing to put into windows?

A fucking decent way to search for files.

Also, grep and tail, as implemented in Linux. It's 2024 and there's no native equivalent to tail -f *.log. How embarrassing.

explodicle ,

Windows Search used to be awesome, and then they decided to over-complicate it.

grrgyle , avatar

I distinctly remember that once it has indexed everything, it was pretty fast, yeah. Back in the 00s anyway

letsgo ,

I doubt the majority of MS users need to tail a log file. And of those of us that do, how many don't know that Notepad++ does it?

e8d79 ,

File search is really awful on windows for no reason at all. Your complaints about commandline utilities is not accurate though.
Windows has native powershell equivalents to both grepand tail. You use Select-String instead of grep and Get-Content -Wait instead of tail.

JasonDJ ,

IME Get-Content doesn't work for multiple files. Unless maybe I put it in a foreach loop or something. But that's way more keystrokes then tail -f *

e8d79 ,

Nobody ever accused powershell of being concise. Its uses a completely different philosophy, object oriented rather than string based. This makes powershell nicer to write scripts in but also makes it worse at bash style one-liner commands.

joe_cool ,

Get everything: (the alpha version can also index the content of files). It's search is instant. As in < 1 second for any file on any of your harddisks (even ones not connected right now).

For base linux cmdline tools I just install Git for Windows it includes tail, sed, grep, tee, iconv, less, scp and tons more. I need git anyways so win-win.

elucubra ,

I do small business support. Everytime I do a windows install I do a ninite install of a bunch of things. Everything is always in the set. The fucntionality should have been in windows since NTFS was introduced

joe_cool ,

Yeah, even XP had Rover, the search dog.

Ninite and Chocolatey helps a bit. But then you get to the point where there is no automation for a start menu entry for some packages. It's a bit of a mess.

A colleague installed Python from the MS Store on Windows 11 it messed up all python software, PyCharm, the other python versions and some file associations. Quite a mess.

oo1 ,
MacNCheezus , avatar

Have you heard of WSL?

grrgyle , avatar

As someone who does product dev support, unfortunately I have.

retrospectology , (edited ) avatar

You can do a commandline "dir /s *.log" to search an entire directory it works better than the normal file search generally. Unless I misunderstand what you're asking.

grrgyle , avatar

-f follows the file so you can see updates as they come in to the bottom of the file. I wasn't aware this worked with globs, but that's neat.

Is that what /s does? I haven't used Windows in years.

retrospectology , avatar

Oh, perhaps not. I may've just understood how you're using the search. /s is just a straight search if the directory, I don't know that it can be used to generate dynamic results like that. Go figure.

VirtualOdour ,

Isn't that one of the things this does? It was in the advert wasn't it?

ohwhatfollyisman , to Privacy in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

looks like they would need to conduct an actual windows recall, now.

EmperorHenry , to Technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back avatar

you can use O&O shutup10++ to disable recall now

JustARegularNerd ,

The fact that we need a third party program to make our computer respect our privacy should say it all for Windows.

EmperorHenry , avatar

You still need to configure things in every linux distro to make it work. And apple doesn't allow you to configure anything that matters at all

Diplomjodler3 , to Privacy in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

Do you have a few minutes to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Linus Torvalds?

Mango ,

Something something Richard Stallman something.

Rentlar ,

This picture of rms comes to mind whenever I or someone evangelizes Linux in a Windows thread:

_______ ,

That picture is as old as RMS

jaschen , to Technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

Um.... I actually want this feature. Maybe if its FOSS and I own the data. But the idea is amazing.

piecat ,

It's like some of the Pokemon games where it tells you what you did. Seriously amazing, but yeah needs to be FOSS and secure.

palordrolap ,

Borrowing from something I saw elsewhere: Set up a task / cron job / whatever it is on your OS that takes a full screenshot every minute and then sends it to Microsoft's AI team.

Or save it to a drive or something, I'm not the boss here. And neither is Microsoft.

Hadriscus ,

Screencap and screencapture programs have existed forever, just use any, it's not a new idea

jaschen ,

I think you misunderstand what Recall actually does. It takes images of your screen and then you can query it. Images, text, graphs, etc.

"Hey, I was working on an automation for my home assistant and it stopped working. I had an automation that worked about 6 months ago. Can you pull that automation up and show me"

"My boss showed me a slide about a month ago talking about the TPS report, can you pull that up and show me that slide deck?"

The use case is endless.

Hadriscus ,

Oh my... Ok right I didn't realize the extent of it. It's a total nightmare

Rooki , to Privacy in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back avatar

Oh no who would have guessed that screenshoting and saving them unencrypted in an unprotected area in where confidential screenshots with passwords can be grabbed by any script kiddie.

ArbiterXero ,

It’s not like people deserve any sense of privacy, their passwords should be public knowledge.

If you have done nothing wrong, you shouldn’t have anything to hide (said every authoritarian asshat ever)

Railcar8095 ,

Correction: they are encrypted. Not well, but cut them some slack, it's a small startup.

Rooki , avatar

No they arent. They are obfuscated at best. The images are just saved without .jpg extension, and slapping one behind is enough

Railcar8095 ,

It's encrypted, but at the same level as everything else the user has access to. So, if your computer is stolen and they can't log in, they can't access it.

Basically, encrypted, just like any other user file.

Rooki , avatar

I think you forgot to mention if the hard drive is encrypted than your statement is true ( in the case for example bitlocker...) but if thats not the case then anyone can just force permissions for that drive and read and write anything.

Bitlokcer would be default active on new windows 11 devices if they all had tpm 2.0 chips ( most of the windows 10 users dont have that featzre ) so bitlocker is out of that case.

Railcar8095 ,

The drive is encrypted on W11, if you tamper with the install to allow non TPM requirement then I don't think you can blame anybody if there are consequences. You can install a random exe from the internet, give it admin rights too, that's also on you.

This is a shit show already, no need to make things up to make it worse really.

Rooki , avatar

Still tpm 2.0 should never be required in the first place. But yeah windows is already a shitshow

Albbi ,

Even if we ignore the security issues (and we shouldn't) why the hell would I want my computer taking screenshots, writing that to disk and running OCR on the image, writing results to a database and creating correlations EVERY FEW SECONDS! That's a huge amount of bloat. I want my computer to be quick and responsive.

dutchkimble ,

Please, give them some credit where it's due and don't be so hard on them. You'd have to be technically sound and computer experts to have that kind of foresight!

werefreeatlast , to Technology in Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in

So it will use AI to auto detect penises to prevent embarrassing video recordings.

FilthyCheese ,

Time to get a wiggly, wobbly dick cursors.

MidnightBanjo , to Technology in Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in

I feel like not wanting to do the work for certain Steam games is what keeps me on windows for my personal use (work makes the decision on my work machine).

I know it’s possible, I just don’t want to do the work

toynbee ,

No judgement for your choices, but just so you know, it's basically no work for the majority of games.

univers3man ,

With the exception of any major games that have anti-cheat. I miss League of Legends.

toynbee ,

Yeah, anti-cheat and the Ubisoft launcher have been the only consistent obstacles. is a fantastic resource, though.

I'm not a fan of LoL, so I can't say from personal experience, but it looks like PlayOnLinux claims to support it. Hope you find your joy!

drislands ,

I wouldn't say "any" major games. Helldivers 2 is a notable exception.

toynbee ,

I've played Helldivers 2 with no obstacles and no additional setup.

drislands ,

That's what I'm saying. It has anticheat, and it runs on Linux without issue.

toynbee ,

Ah, I apologize. I definitely was not fully awake when I read your original comment.

drislands ,

No worries, I may have just been unclear considering multiple people appear to have downvoted my comment.

MidnightBanjo ,

Good to know. I know wine can get steam going (assuming you don’t just use the Linux version). How do you get steam to download and install the game if it says it’s the wrong operating system? Sorry if that’s a dumb question

toynbee ,

Your question isn't dumb. You just haven't been exposed to the environment. Please feel free to ask any question about this you have and, if I don't answer, someone else probably will.

If you install the Linux version of Steam, it should allow you to download any game. There's a checkbox in the Steam settings that says something like "run non compatible games through proton" (not what it says, but the general sentiment). Checking that and restarting Steam once is the extent of the setup required; after that, it's essentially the same process as running a game in Windows (with the few exceptions mentioned by another commenter). Non Steam games should be able to be run by Lutris, PlayOnLinux or adding a non Steam game to Steam, but I mostly haven't done that myself so I can't vouch for it. Sincerely, for most games, it's an easy process.

I'm no expert, but if you decide to pursue this and get stuck, please feel free to reach out to me and I'll do my best to help. The link below seems like a good starting point:

MidnightBanjo ,

Thanks, I appreciate the advice and kind attitude. I’ll check it out

sfxrlz ,

How is it for racing sims ? Last time I checked it didn’t look too good in terms of wheel drivers and games running ootb on Linux, or did I just not look in the right places?

toynbee , (edited )

I'm sorry, as much as I'd love to, I don't have an answer to this.

edit: corrected a word.

sfxrlz ,

No worries, I had already given up on it for now I was just curious if someone could convince me to fully switch, or rather point me towards some open source projects I could use.
Right now I boot into win11 for gaming and into fedora for everything else.
Thanks anyway!

patatahooligan , avatar

Go to and search for the games you're interested in. If your profile is public, I think you can import your entire library and browse through it instead of manually searching for each individual game. Ideally you want "platinum" compatibility but I've personally never had problems with "gold" games either.

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