A_Very_Big_Fan , to Technology in Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in

Why the hell wasn't it opt-in from the beginning?

random_character_a , avatar

It'll be opt-in, till it isn't.

conciselyverbose ,

For the same reason it used an unprotected DB. Because they don't give a shit about your privacy or security.

MehBlah , to Technology in Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in

There is no way I'm going to use a machine where they can turn on something remotely through a update or some other fashion. I probably won't even have a 11 vm at home now. I'll keep the 10 vm for its minor uses until it can no longer do the few things I use it for but that is it for me. Remove that garbage or lose more of us macroshaft.

BombOmOm , avatar

It boggles the mind this isn't an external download you have to specifically navigate to their website to download and install. The fact it is soon to be on Win 11 systems, just a toggle away, is terrifying. Particularly since lots of people handle your personal data, while data collectors like this are on their machines (and many of those machines will have the collector turned on).

RustyShackleford , avatar

I wish, now have a i9-14900KF, so guessing no more Windows 10 anymore. Planning to make a Linux partition, but frustrating the way that Windows tries so adamantly to take boot priority.

vikingtons , avatar

I'd recommend separate physical disks if possible. Set your boot order via uefi

RustyShackleford , avatar

Thanks. I’ve personally never altered boot order before, but it can’t be too complicated, right?

flappy ,

Is Windows 10 unsupported by the newest processors?

RustyShackleford , avatar

I looked it up shortly after posting, surprisingly seems like Windows 10 is supported, but 11 did better in a few of the tests.

wreckedcarzz , to Technology in Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in avatar

"we will change nothing but announce it like we did"

mrfriki , to Privacy in What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (this will be used for tracking)

MacOS has had spotlight search which searches any shit in your computer in 0.1s for over 10 years now. We have a pity search engine that takes 5 minutes to look up for a slightly obscure file in your computer and this piece of shit is all that they can come up with?

Blackmist , to Technology in Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in

Surely it's opt in anyway, seeing as you need some special wanky laptop with a magical AI bollocks chip for it to work.

Sam_Bass , to Technology in Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in

Rather than not install it to begin with. Leeches

SpaceCowboy , to Technology in Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in avatar

Oh.... Microsoft, Microsoft, Microsoft.

A friend of mine tried one of their "special offers" he nearly got himself lobotomized!

Sparkles , to Technology in Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in avatar

Yeah I don’t know what to do with this. I’m about to start to start wfh and handle a lot of data that cannot be shared and comes with big fines for mishandling. I have to have office, mainly excel. Is Apple my only option? I know Linux exists, but I’m not a power user, I struggle with my printer.

seanziepples ,

Is your company not providing you a computer? It's up to them to manage that risk.

Sparkles , avatar

I am going wfh and I have to use their one drive to access client data. They will provide a computer, but versus my home setup it’s simply not worth it. I saw the idea about virtual windows and Linux machine. I’ve never done it but I imagine I can with some trial and error. But I’m wondering if even that is safe.

seanziepples , (edited )

What do you mean it's not worth it? If you use the company's computer it's on them to handle all the liability. If you use your own computer then you're now on the hook. It is 100% worth it to use the company-provided computer.

Sparkles , avatar

Basically, they provide a decent Chromebook. It’s nearly impossible given the actual tasks. So I need to find a better way.

seanziepples ,

That's not on you. I would communicate with management and illustrate that you can't do your job without a proper computer. If they refuse to help, get it in writing. You should not be held accountable.

spaghettiwestern , to Technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

It's also important to remember that Microsoft has no monetary incentive to force people to use Windows Recall.

With that in mind, there would be no reason for Microsoft to automatically enable Windows Recall in an update down the line. If it does happen, the user will be able to instantly tell thanks to that that visual indicator and turn it off again.

This article is nothing but propaganda. There is huge monetary incentive to force people to use Windows Recall and collect their data, and Microsoft routinely uses Windows Update to enable data collection. They began that practice years ago on Windows 7. It's a ridiculously simple matter for MS to disable the visual indicator and force This Week's Plan on their users to monetize their data.

Windows Central pretends to be critical of plans to enable a feature that can be made into malware by Microsoft in a couple of minutes, but then back peddles and says it can't be done (utter BS) and if it could be, it wouldn't be that bad.

iterable , to Technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back avatar

Seen gamers install things worse then Recall. So to them they won't care. Unless it hurts their latency or fps.

MagnusEntityPosts , to Technology in What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (including it always watching you)

The Eye

(It knows you, it sees all that you do)
(You cant hide)
(You thought so much about whether or not you Could, that you didn't think about if you should)
(quite a scary thing)
(to be so fully Known)
(I hope that there is going to be a way to disable that)

Chadus_Maximus ,

(Why are we taking like this)

MagnusEntityPosts ,

(The bit outside the brackets is always the Entity and anything inside brackets is stuff that has nothing to do with the Entitys or is just an explanation ^^)
(I am just trying to differentiate these two bits)

Chadus_Maximus ,

Oh! I get it! (no idea what you just said).

UpperBroccoli , to Privacy in What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (this will be used for tracking)

Sources say AI Explorer features a UI that runs along the top of the screen, and lets users recall memories based on the user's inputted search criteria. Because AI Explorer is recording and triaging everything you do on your computer, anything and everything becomes something you can search for.

Hello Billy, how are you today? Do you want to search for more incest porn, or may I serve you some 'hot milfs in your area', like last tuesday? Or perhaps you need a new fleshlight, considering how worn-down your current one is. And by the way, next time you use that, it would be great if you could cover your camera. Even an AI has its limits, thank you so very much. Remember: I see everything and I cannot ever forget, even if I might want to.

workerONE , to Technology in What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (including it always watching you)

Bring back Clippy

dukethorion , avatar

They renamed it Creepy.

furzegulo , to Technology in What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (including it always watching you)

yeah, no thanks so fucking very much

illi , to Technology in What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (including it always watching you)

If I'm reading this correctly this runs locally and will requirean NPU, so would not be present or working without AI dedicated hardware?

It honestly sounds useful and I would be a little excited to use it, but I imagine Microsoft will collect the data in some way which would be bad as it pretty much records your screen all the time (I somehow doubt all the info the AI collects will be actually stored locally)?

Hopefuly one day there will be a point when a similar software will be developed that runs 100% locally, storing the data locally and have no internet connectivity and just be a useful tool.

Good news is that unless you have Qualcomm CPU (or one with integrated NPU in the long run) you are safe from it for now

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