wurzelgummidge , to World News in UN Warns It Will Have to Suspend Gaza Aid Operation If Israel Continues Endangering Humanitarian Workers

This is exactly what Israel wants

nogooduser ,

Also, “endangering” doesn’t seem like the right word. “killing” would be more fitting.

Linkerbaan , to World News in Israeli Government Has Spent $8.6M on Campaign to Influence US, European Policy avatar

Spend 10 million to gain 16 Billion.

American Politicians are like a double your money scheme

snek , to World News in 21,000 Children Are Missing in Gaza, on Top of Over 15,000 Killed by Israel – Truthout avatar

Missing as in a euphemism for "died painfully without their guardians under the rubble or starved to death"

Thanks, Isreal!

sunzu , (edited ) to World News in Israeli Government Has Spent $8.6M on Campaign to Influence US, European Policy

worked on issues like the passage of bills in the U.S. that ban participation in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.

At least we know what would piss them off lol

Along with college protests and USS Liberty being remembered

phoneymouse ,

How is that even legal and not a violation of the 1st amendment?

sunzu ,

Because people in charge said so....

Practically, it is generally linked to your employment, ie like in TX, public teacher being hounded about it.

sunzu , to World News in 21,000 Children Are Missing in Gaza, on Top of Over 15,000 Killed by Israel – Truthout

We are paying for this with our taxes.

morphballganon ,

Tax money funding military expenses always includes stuff like this. It's just getting more coverage now.

Zorque , to World News in Israeli Government Has Spent $8.6M on Campaign to Influence US, European Policy

Who knew maintaining a genocide was so cheap!

JohnDClay ,

Yeah, given campaign costs in the US at least, that is really tiny money.

FlyingSquid Mod , to World News in 21,000 Children Are Missing in Gaza, on Top of Over 15,000 Killed by Israel – Truthout avatar

In other words, 36,000 children in Gaza have been killed by Israel.

Lost_My_Mind ,

15,000 killed by Isreal. The other 21,000 are unaccounted for. Now I know you're making the "joke" that if the 21,000 are "missing" that they must have been killed. And you're probably not wrong to some extent. However, unaccounted for isn't always the same as dead. If I were a kid in Palestine, and bombs started raining down, I'd get the fuck out too........and if my parents don't know where I am, but I'm alive, then I can try to contact them later. Assuming of coarse that the parents are still alive.

And sure, a portion, maybe even a large portion of those 21,000 actually are dead. We don't KNOW that, but it is a reasonable guess. The hard part is figuring out just how many of the 21,000 are alive, and how many are dead.

I say this because on 9/11, depending on which reports you base your knowledge on, somewhere between 3k-6k officially were declaired dead. Which is still a tragedy no matter what the numbers are. However on the day of the attacks, my local NBC news channel was saying the estimated deaths were close to 60,000 for the two towers, as that's how many people had gone missing.

Well........turns out a large portion of that 60k made a decision in the moment that survival was more important than logistics and numbers. Get out while you can, stay alive, and contact people later when it's safe. That's what they did on 9/11, and I assume some portion of those kids are doing the same now in Palestine.

So let's not take a situation which is already a tragedy, with no end in sight, and claim it to be the absolute worst case scenario it can be, when in reality, it's probably less than that. We just don't know by how much yet, and may not for years.

Keeponstalin OP ,

First responders and medical care were readily available after 9/11, thankfully.

In Gaza, Israel has crippled the medical system by attacking the vast majority of hospitals and much international aid. Additionally, the bombings and Rafah invasion haven't stopped.

snek , avatar

Ah yes let me just get the fuck out of this open air prison as an 11 year old little girl :)

These excuses are just getting lamer.

The reality is probably that even more are dead. This is the new holocaust.

I think you may have lost your mind indeed.

theangriestbird , to Politics in After Macron’s Gamble in France, History Is Repeating Itself avatar

Didn't realize La Pen was still haunting French politics. But then, I can't pretend i am particularly well versed in European politics as a whole. This NYT article helped me understand this a bit better. For fellow clueless Americans, the OP article makes a lot more sense after reading that NYT article.

coolteathatisblue , to Technology in Tech Firms Prey on Poor Under Guise of Expanding Access to Financial Services

wow, UBI again. THat thing never work in this greedy corpo rule society

PhlubbaDubba , to Technology in Tech Firms Prey on Poor Under Guise of Expanding Access to Financial Services

See also all those crypto apps

Jolteon ,

I mean, crypto apps don't prey on poor people anymore than casinos do.

onlinepersona ,

That one casino hunted down my uncle. Poor guy. Was gobbled up by one right outside his house.

Anti Commercial-AI license

danielfgom , to Technology in Tech Firms Prey on Poor Under Guise of Expanding Access to Financial Services avatar

I don't like this Altman guy I've bit. He's a punk. I think it was a mistake on Apple's part to partner with him.

Let's hope they can offer alternatives in the near future.

krimson , avatar

Dude looks deranged in any photo I’ve seen of him. I find him scary tbh. Maybe he is a robot running on OpenAI.

sus ,

other techbros have praised him, citing the exact list of symptoms google gives for "high-functioning psychopath"

(disclaimer: google may give bad medical advice)

rambling_lunatic ,

This is an insult to punks

bilb , to World News in Israeli Attack on Rafah Tent Camp Kills Dozens, Wounds 50 avatar

I live in Pennsylvania. I will not be voting for Joe Biden.

teawrecks ,

Because you think the inevitable alternative will somehow be better? I hate Biden as much as the next reasonable human being, but I don't want another 2016 situation. We don't have good options, only least bad ones.

JayTreeman ,

This argument makes most sense if you're arguing in favor of revolution

teawrecks ,

No, this just the best strategy in a first pass the post voting system.

cheese_greater , to Technology in Tech Firms Prey on Poor Under Guise of Expanding Access to Financial Services

Is it plausible for a Lemmy feature where it can automatically ReaderView post the content of the article i the content so we don't have to deal with WildWest text rendering with every article?

eskimofry ,

There is a summary bot that is usually the 1 comment on any article posts. Not sure why it did not appear for this.

cheese_greater ,

Touché, yes, I see that in many but not all cases

protein , avatar

Yeah, we should be able to summon bots on lemmy posts like we do on reddit. Can we do it? lemme try:

Thekingoflorda , avatar

The voyager app has that feature, I believe.

HootinNHollerin , (edited )

Voyager does. I have it on and it’s saving my sanity

OmnipotentEntity , to World News in Israeli Attack on Rafah Tent Camp Kills Dozens, Wounds 50 avatar

In 2-3 days the New York Times is going to breathlessly report that Biden called up Netanyahu, scolded him, and gave him yet another ultimatum.

Kalkaline , avatar

I'm convinced at this point that the US is only keeping Israel supplied with weapons because of how important control of the Suez Canal is. Having an ally close to that region is important and Turkey is just not quite close enough

andrewrgross , to World News in Israel Has “Systematically Violated” Laws Regarding Civilian Harm, UN Finds avatar

I think this article omitted important further context by not describing the target selection approach the IDF was using: they had an AI tool make guesses as to who was part of Hamas, then suggest bombing runs of their homes when they were believed to be inside around meal times or sleeping. They reserved precision weapons for commanders, and used dumb bombs to kill low-ranking suspected combatants.

This approach is inherently designed to create a pretense to carpet bomb neighborhood full of families based on a process with little to know human oversight it discretion.

For details, look up "lavender" and "where's Daddy".

Keeponstalin OP ,

Absolutely true, the targeting of civilians and civilian architecture has been blatant and deliberate. 972 Magazine has a great article about it and the use of 'Power Targets'

Compared to previous Israeli assaults on Gaza, the current war — which Israel has named “Operation Iron Swords,” and which began in the wake of the Hamas-led assault on southern Israel on October 7 — has seen the army significantly expand its bombing of targets that are not distinctly military in nature. These include private residences as well as public buildings, infrastructure, and high-rise blocks, which sources say the army defines as “power targets” (“matarot otzem”).

Although it is unprecedented for the Israeli army to attack more than 1,000 power targets in five days, the idea of causing mass devastation to civilian areas for strategic purposes was formulated in previous military operations in Gaza, honed by the so-called “Dahiya Doctrine” from the Second Lebanon War of 2006.

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