5in1k , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors


genuineparts , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors avatar

More like David Cop-a-feel?

citrusface , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors

Wonder if he can make this disappear too.

Scotty_Trees , avatar

Ok, you got a pig snort outta me on that one!

Track_Shovel , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors

For my next trick, I'll make this pickle disappear!

aBundleOfFerrets , to Technology in How to fix an iPhone stuck in SOS mode during a cellular network outage

What is this article? “Stuck in SOS mode due to service outage” that just means you have no signal with your carrier - nothing is “stuck”

FlyingSquid Mod , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors avatar


2fat4that , to News in Kanye West joins adult industry, announces ‘Yeezy Porn’ is coming avatar

We never asked for this…

WhatAmLemmy , to World News in Africa Requires $277B Annually to Achieve 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Says Invest in African Energy (IAE) 2024 Panel

So, only a fraction of the trillion+ in subsidies that goes to fossil fuel corporations each year? Impossible!

roguetrick , to World News in Man who received first pig kidney transplant dies

Suffering from end-stage kidney disease, Richard underwent the groundbreaking procedure in March, only to depart from this world merely two months post-surgery.

The news of his demise was confirmed by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), the medical facility behind the historic transplant, on Saturday.

Either an AI wrote this or somebody needs to take the author's fucking thesaurus. He has ceased to be. He's shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain, and joined the choir invisible. He is an Ex-pig kidney transplant recipient.

Stalinwolf , avatar

Richard passed beyond the veil Tuesday morning. His brain was made into mince-meat. He poofed into a cloud of smoke and was carried away by a wayward zephyr, destined for the clearing at the end of the path.

remotelove ,

Homie got ded. He's ghosted, slid out his flesh jacket, closed the shop, and joined the unseen squad. Homie's no longer rockin' that pig kidney.

Ghyste ,

Dude's dead.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

He dun died.

RHSJack ,

His subscription to God expired and, pinches two fingers up mafioso style, you know how it goes.. *shrug.

SkaveRat ,

He's pining for the fjords

mortemtyrannis ,

His soul was yeeted from his body.

Nachorella , to World News in Man who received first pig kidney transplant dies

I have mixed feelings on this. On the one hand that's pretty interesting and like, hurray for saving lives. But on the other hand it seems kind of incredibly messed up to raise animals as sacrificial organ sacks.

otp ,

I'm going with the first hand, no question. Human lives > animal lives. Sorry animals.

Entropywins ,

I mean technically your just saying animal lives >animal lives...

otp ,

I was being more specific with one, and context does the rest of the heavy lifting!

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Guy there doesn't even know when to use "your" or "you're" and you're expecting them to pick up on context?

otp ,

I thought that was what my "just" was saying... /s lol

Entropywins ,

Hey, mistakes happen...

Entropywins ,

Obviously...I'm just having a bit of fun

JackDark ,

"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others." - Animal Farm

Zedstrian ,

"Four legs good, two legs better." -Animal Farm

BrundleFly2077 ,

Said the animal? I forget who said that you can tell a lot about a society based solely on how it treats its animals.

otp ,

Providing organs to those in need sounds like pretty great treatment!

BrundleFly2077 ,

Genuinely agree with you. I dunno. I just feel like I’d prefer we grew them rather than harvested them at this point.

I just wanted to point out that I don’t think it should be as cut and dry as a human > animal.

otp ,

Oh, 100%. I imagine the research involved in this also pushes forward advances like growing organs.

If I had to make a choice between a pig dying to give an organ to a human in need, or a human dying and the pig surviving, then I'd choose the human living every time. So for me, it's as cut and dry (in that context) as human > animal.

If we don't need to kill animals to save humans because we can grow organs, then great! Do that instead. No question asked there, either. (Assuming they'd work equally as well etcetc)

FWIW, I'm also very excited for lab-grown meat and support the idea of eating less meat. I'm not about hating animals or devaluing their lives. It's just that humans living longer, healthier lives is a bigger priority to me than not harvesting animal organs, and I'm sorry if it sounds grotesque. I recognize it might be morbid, but it's still an easy decision for me.

Riven , avatar

Sorta related, I've talked about humans eating less meat and how vegetarians/vegans have the wrong approach. It's usually the animal cruilty or eat healthier approach with them, I've been saying that to ease people into the vegetarian camp they need to not try to make it a thing.

Baby steps, the way I go about it is I cook my friends delicious food and it just happens to be vegetarian. If you can get them to like a food and want the recipe it's a win, one less meatless meal they'll have occasionally. Rice and repeat and hopefully one day they'll have a handful of meatless meals a week.

I'm Mexican and we have a ton of flavorful vegetarian meals, my personally favorite dish is enchiladas de queso y mole poblano. Im not even vegetarian or vegan, I just decided one day that I should cut some meat out of my diet, after checking what I'm currently eating it turns out I already eat at least 6 meatless meals a week... All cause we just have a lot of really good vegetarian meals in my culture.

otp ,

Gonna share the recipe? Or a link to a similar one? Haha

(I don't trust myself to be able to tell an authentic one from a whitewashed imitation, lol)

Riven , avatar

Mole poblano enchiladas are really easy.

If you live in a med to large city you should be able to find the Doña Maria Mole Poblano mix in your local grocery store, check their hispanic isle. It comes in a small glass container. If you live in a bigger city I recommend going to a Mexican grocery market and seeing what other brands they have, just pick whatever looks good to you can't really go wrong and I wouldn't worry about authenticity with this since there's literally thousands of variations on Mexican Mole so it's all authentic in its own way.

OK after that ramble here's a simple ingredients list.

Main ingredients.
Mole Poblano
Queso fresco
Corn tortillas

Red rice side dish.
Tomato paste
Tomato bullion

Queso fresco
Sour cream
Table cream
Sliced onion

With this list in mind you can go ahead and just browse through recipes online and check whatever has similar ingredients.

You wanna prep the sauce first cause it takes a while on low heat to properly smooth out.

The way my family always made them is you warm up the tortilla in a pan until it gets soft, you don't want to over cook and have them get stiff. All it needs is a couple seconds on high.

Then you chuck em into a smidge of hot oil in another pan, again for only a handful of seconds. 10 or so on each side should be fine depending on how hot the pan is, the key is to not overcook them and have them go stiff.

The you dunk them in the Mole sauce, put them on a plate, add cheese and onion inside to taste and roll em up. Add the garnishes on top and you're done.

Tbh you could just warm up the tortillas in a pan and skip the oil part completely if you want it healthier. That's just how my family always did it so that how I do them.

For the red rice just check out Mexican red rice recipe with similar ingredients and you can't go wrong.

For a non vegetarian version you could also make them out of chicken breast instead. Personally I think just queso fresco is the best, I ommit the onion since I don't like biting into raw onion but my family prefers it with.

Thecornershop ,

Come one Riven, don't hold out on us with the recipe huh? We needs it.

Riven , avatar

I gotchu fam, I replied to another commenter with it check it out.

Fair warning, it's less of a recipe and more of a ramble but it does include an ingredients list.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

I’m Mexican and we have a ton of flavorful vegetarian meals

While I agree, the worst restaurant I have ever been to was a vegan "Mexican" restaurant. The food was cooked without any spices or even salt! You were supposed to put this foul-smelling brown sauce of their own creation, which we declined to do. It was the most bland, tasteless food I have ever had in my life. If I wasn't so against wasting food if at all possible, I wouldn't have choked it down.

I hope that doesn't turn too many people off of actually decent vegetarian Mexican food considering it was in the middle of L.A.

Riven , avatar

Yea that's why I prefer vegetarian over vegan. A ton of the classic vegetarian dishes that are amazing rely on dairy and other animal products that aren't directly meat. From simple things like quesadillas to sopes vegetarianos and enchiladas.

It's all about spices though, I'm dissaponted in that restaurant. Mole Poblano is quite literally all spices and chilis.

Out of curiosity I googled vegetarian Mexican recipes and I'm a bit disappointed there was non of the classics that I cook on the top pages. It's a lot of nuvegetarian recipes, which there's nothing wrong with but they all seemed sorta samey.

SulaymanF ,

You should donate some of your organs to them.

chetradley ,
user224 , avatar

How is it different from raising them for food?

Nachorella ,

They might get better treatment in these cases but I don't think it would be different. I'm vegan if that helps understand my point of view.

chetradley ,

From my perspective, raising and killing an animal because you need to in order to survive is more forgivable than doing so just because you enjoy the taste.

Crampon ,

You're gonna be blown away when you learn how animals treat each other in the wild.

It's easy to label others from a fictional high ground. If faced with death or dead pig im sure most people choose dead pig.

Nachorella ,

I don't care how they treat each other, we should hold ourselves to a higher standard. And I'm not labelling anyone here, I just said I had mixed feelings about it.

Lumisal ,

It's easier to hold a higher standard when you have all your needs met.

Less so when you're poked with giant needles 3 times a week while also having to be careful to not drown because you drank a tad too much water.

Nachorella ,

I literally don't even know what you're trying to say, I haven't cast any judgements or told anyone to do anything. Get off your soapbox.

Lumisal , (edited )

What I'm describing is Kidney failure and dialysis - well, part of it, it's even worse than that - the things the doctors and researchers that were involved in doing this transplant are trying to cure.

The thing you say we should allow humans to go through in the name of holding ourselves to a "higher standard".

Nachorella , (edited )

That's not what I was trying to say. I was specifically referring to you talking about how animals treat each other.

I don't want anyone to suffer which is why I have mixed feelings about this.

edit: actually go fuck yourself, I don't care, you've continuously put words in my mouth and obviously don't care about having a reasonable conversation.

dream_weasel ,

And so we do! I doubt even an organ pig is going to be eviscerated alive, run to death, or asphyxiated by a bunch of sharp teeth around the neck.

Amoxtli , to World News in Man who received first pig kidney transplant dies

Isn't it cheaper to harvest organs from cadavers instead of spending millions in figuring how to put pig parts into humans? Then you ask why US healthcare is so expensive.

killjuden , to World News in Man who received first pig kidney transplant dies
Alsjemenou , to World News in Man who received first pig kidney transplant dies

It's incredible that this was viable in the first place. Of course these type of experimental surgeries are done on extremely sick people at the end stage of normal care. So, actually two months is nothing to scoff at. It means a successful operation. I hope autopsy will give insight. What this man did is incredibly brave and important for mankind. Hero in my books.

vintageballs ,

It was two weeks though.

Edit: nevermind, OP says two weeks, article says march. My bad.

PsychedSy , to World News in Man who received first pig kidney transplant dies

Too bad he went with Rick. Dick Slayman is a badass name.

gapedanus , to World News in Man who received first pig kidney transplant dies
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