RGB3x3 , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors

I legitimately thought David Copperfield was dead. Didn't he die during an escape stunt?

Or was that someone else?

ameancow ,

I'm going to adopt that as head-canon and spread it as facts.

MacAttak8 ,

Maybe you’re thinking of David Blaine who almost died from his stunts multiple times?

KneeTitts , avatar

David Blaine who almost died....

Yaaaaa I seriously doubt that, his PR team worked overtime to promote that nonsense

MacAttak8 ,

You’re probably right and I don’t really keep up to date with magicians but I believe he literally took a bullet to his throat when his bullet catching trick failed. I’d say that’s pretty close to dying.

Edit: DDG-fu

Kusimulkku ,

I remember him dying in a South Afrikan prison in the 1980s

Blackmist ,

Eaten by a family of domesticated bears, while distracted by a Fruit of the Loom logo.

Microw , (edited ) to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors avatar

Hm, his statement in response to the Guardian is very unusual for someone accused of sexual misconduct. Either he feels very safe that he can hide this, or he really didnt do it and somehow is the target of a campaign.

The Guardian article literally has names and photos of the women who accuse him. That's enough to convince me that they indeed were violated by him.

ShepherdPie ,

It would be really odd for there to be some shadowy targeted campaign against him considering he's mostly irrelevant as a celebrity these days. Why would anyone go through the trouble and what could possibly be gained? He's probably got some money but he's not Oprah rich.

YoorWeb ,

"Got some money"? He owns a bunch of islands in the Bahamas, with prices for 1 week stay starting at over $1M (probably much more these days since I've red about it a decade ago). That's where people who are recognised everywhere in the world are going for their holidays, weddings, whatever.

drislands ,

I am curious -- why does the article including the names and photos of his accusers make this more credible to you?

Microw , avatar

Because for one, it means the Guardian actually spoke to multiple people and didnt just hear something via three other people. And it means those people are actually willing to have their names and faces known publically. Making false allegations under your real name would be quite stupid.

djnattyp ,

Just wait he could exonerate himself by exposing that the crimes were actually perpetrated by a secret identical twin brother or by opening up a warehouse full of dead clones and claiming that one of them did it.

mister_monster , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors

He has a track record of standing up for women’s rights

Yeah, dead giveaway. I hate to say it, but I have never once met or even heard of a man that was staunchly and loudly feminist that wasn't compensating for their abusive sexual proclivities or just trying to gaslight women into sex. To me its a giant red flag. Most good men believe in equal rights and treat people equally, but don't really go out of their way to convince the people around them that they're trustworthy, unless they want you to trust them so they can take advantage of you. Hardcore feminist men are nine times out of ten total fucking creeps, unfortunately.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

but don’t really go out of their way to convince the people around them that they’re trustworthy, unless they want you to trust them so they can take advantage of you.

You just described the job of a stage magician.

iAmTheTot , avatar

That's an impressively cynical take, even for the internet. Think I've had enough for tonight, yeesh.

Dagwood222 ,

Bernie Sanders has entered the chat

frickineh ,

Standing up for women's rights doesn't necessarily equal creep - that's what men should be doing. But you're not wrong that men who are overly vocal about saying they're a feminist are often creeps. It's kind of like the Nice Guy thing in my experience - if you have to tell me (ad nauseum) how nice you are, I'm definitely suspicious. Men who are actually feminists don't usually feel the need to say it 30 times in their dating profile, they're just out there living it and it'll be obvious to anyone paying attention.

TrickDacy ,

Hmm, the psychology behind this claim is... Interesting.

Not surprised to see this coming from a conservative honestly

mister_monster ,

What makes you think I'm a conservative? I'm probably the farthest thing from a conservative you've ever spoken to on the internet. I must've hit a nerve here, seems like there are a lot of creeps masquerading as feminists hoping to get some puss out of it, can't have people putting their strategy out there.

TrickDacy ,

I remember your previous comments but nice try

FYI when you write out a thesis about how no one could be doing something for a genuine reason then that reinforces previous reasons to think you're a conservative

mister_monster ,

I didn't say no one, I said 90%, and that I personally have never met one of those 10%. Plenty of people are genuine, just not most people loudly championing holier than thou causes.

TrickDacy , (edited )

So you're claiming that you've known a significant number of sexual assaulters but no other type of male who calls themselves a feminist?

Personally I could've seen your point if everything you wrote about it, along with past statements, hadn't rubbed me the wrong way. It was like you were just waiting to find a way to bring down "feminists".

mister_monster ,

Most men I know are what you'd call feminists. They don't beat their wives, don't expect women to be virgins, like women to have careers, that kind of stuff, comfortable and happy with competent, confident independent women and want that for their daughters. But none of them go out of their way to let everyone know how important women's rights are to them, and of the handful that I've met that did, I'd catch them salivating at 13 year olds, "false assault allegations" in their past, or just have an undeniable fucking creep vibe to them. This one high school teacher I met that got outraged at me over asking him if he's ever been attracted to a student is on the registry now for fucking underage students. There's one particularly prominent example that comes to mind (that I won't go into details about) that was by far the most culture warrior man I've ever met that turned out was a complete predator and scumbag who should be dead. Needless to say I don't hang around people once I get that kind of understanding of their character. These people have all been friend of a friend type acquaintances, and a few have been short term boyfriends of feministy female friends of mine who have agreed with my sentiment wholeheartedly since then.

You look at all the me too people in the public eye, almost every single one of them was out front with the activism. It's just my experience, people that go out of their way to let everyone know they're a Good Person™ usually have all kinds of unsavory shit they want to keep from getting out. It's like the preacher that's molesting little boys while telling people they'll burn for being gay, but the left leaning version.

TrickDacy ,

Okay so you're all about suspicion toward people who need you to know their morals. So then what does it say about your need to let everyone know you're not like those "feminists"?

Also I don't think your me too comment checks out at all. Harvey Weinstein was not an "activist " for women. Nor was Kevin Spacey, R Kelly, Bill Cosby, Garrison Keillor, etc. the only example I can think of where you could have a point would be Louis CK. So yeah, far from "almost every single one of them".

And finally, you extrapolated all of this shit from that one sentence in the article... Not a good look

mister_monster ,

I don't need anyone to know anything about me. I just brought it up because it was something funny in the article about a sexually assaulting feminist.

Those men besides R Kelly all very much put themselves into pro feminist ads, made pro feminist public statements and the like.

I don't care of it's a good look, I'm just talking to people on the internet, sharing my lived experience lol

TrickDacy ,

pro feminist ads

...TIL that's a thing (it's not)

I find it incredibly unlikely that anyone ever considered Harvey Fucking Weinstein to be a champion of women. It was actually quite well known that he was a pervert, if anything

barsoap ,

I respect that chaotic neutral energy but occasionally it's worth the time figuring out how to throw the dice so your craps shoot doesn't land snake eyes.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

Your anecdotal experiences do not translate into people as a whole.

mister_monster ,

I'd say it's a good heuristic, and one shared by many.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

I'd say the fact that pretty much everyone here is disagreeing with you suggests the opposite is true.

mister_monster ,

This network is not a neutral place full of unbiased, rational people.

Nobody's really arguing as to how I'm wrong, just mostly drive by down voting and saying "nuhuh!" Also see TrickDacy above, who says he can see my point but is still arguing because he didn't like how I said it.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

Interesting that you find your own anecdotal evidence to be valid, but the anecdotal evidence I presented, which can actually be demonstrated to be true rather than what you claim to be true but can't back up, is not valid.

mister_monster ,

I haven't seen you present a single anecdote at all.

One snake bite is an anecdote. Two snake bites is data. Snakes bite.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

This would be the anecdote:

I’d say the fact that pretty much everyone here is disagreeing with you suggests the opposite is true.

123 downvotes on your initial comment sounds like data to me.

Again, seems like you have a bit of a double-standard.

mister_monster ,

Downvotes is data lol this guy what were you born yesterday? That's not an anecdote man do you know what an anecdote is?

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

It is as much data as "people I talk to agree with me."

mister_monster ,

I said more than that and you know it.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

What part of what you said is non-anecdotal? What part has actual evidence to back it up?

bradorsomething ,

I just want to be in the screen shot of the copy pasta.

locuester , (edited )

I said 90%

No you didn’t.

EDIT: yeah they did

ShepherdPie ,

They totally did.

locuester ,

Doh - yeah, they absolutely did. Edited.

Ioughttamow ,

When it quacks like a duck

Schadrach ,

The first name.that my mind for someone like that was Hugo Schwyzer (I'm probably spelling that wrong) - he was very much a very outspoken feminist who made a point of drawing attention to how feminist he was at every opportunity. He was also a women's studies professor.

Honestly, some of his writing gave me the vibe of what it would sound like if you were a recovering addict and chose feminism as the higher power in your 12 step program.

Eventually it comes out that he nearly decided to murder-suicide an ex, and that he was a women's studies professor because it gave him access to an ever rotating stable of young, impressionable women to hook up with.

When he admitted to all that the wording again reminded me of 12 step program talk, like he was taking steps 5-7 publicly online because online feminism was the God he believed in for the program. It...didn't get the response I think he hoped for. Less absolution and more ostracism and banishment.

EatATaco ,

Hiding in plain sight is a saying for a reason. But sticking up for women's rights is not a dead giveaway that you are a rapist.

800XL ,

I'll bite. Give me 9 "hardcore feminist men" then.

don't really go out of their way to convince the people around them that they're trustworthy, unless they want you to trust them so they can take advantage of you.

You just described Trump, every televangelist, and anyone in business.

mister_monster ,

I don't disagree with your assessment.

YeetPics , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors avatar


My David cop-a-feel jokes will TAKE OFF

Edit; I am not as creative as I thought

cumskin_genocide , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors

David Cop-a-feel

JustZ , avatar

Damn it was true all along.

Snapz , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors

When people of note, long since past their prime,

Find out that the charges, are for serious crime,

The gop wiggles and wriggles and screams,

Because a new friend, has now joined their team!

StaySquared , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors

Minors?... No mercy.

cupcakezealot , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors avatar

in before he comes out as a conservative and goes on a grifting world tour

KneeTitts , avatar

in before the right wing loons nominate him for president

some_guy , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors

This isn’t the first time Copperfield has faced allegations of sexual impropriety. Back in 2018, he vehemently denied similar accusations, stating on Twitter that he has endured years of false news stories about fabricated acts and emphasized his innocence.

Sigh… I dunno, man.

endured years of false news

Why would there be so many false stories about one celeb and not others? It's not proof and he should get a fair trial. It's just odd that the same story would be falsely accused so many times. It certainly doesn't look good.

victorz ,

The cynic in me is like, what if these lawyers are strategizing like that? They know that if many people make the same claim it builds a stronger case.

But the logical part of my brain says HMMM..., how plausible is that, really.

wccrawford ,

I don't know about this instance, but in the general, it could be that the person is a complete fucking douche, and people are trying to stick it to them however they can. That might mean lying, blowing things out of proportion, or just slightly twisting the truth.

And once sharks smell blood, they swarm. One allegation will lead to another.

Again, I don't know the situation here and refuse to pick a side. Guilt is for the courts to decide. But there's plenty of people who will lie, cheat, and steal for money or fame.

cley_faye , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors

"And now, I'll make these allegations disappear!"

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors avatar

Here we go again, oh boy!

Jakdracula , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors avatar

It's an illusion, Gob. A trick is something a whore does for money.

Ultraviolet ,

Or cocaine!

ameancow ,

I have a feeling Copperfield is no stranger to making cocaine disappear.

throbbing_banjo , avatar

I don't care for Gob.

hexdream , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors

He was making the sausage dissapear...

todd_bonzalez , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors

He was in Epstein's little black book. Not exactly surprising.

ameancow ,

He's David Fucking Copperfield, nobody at all is surprised, his entire being just oozes creep energy and entitled douchiness.

Naja_Kaouthia , to World News in David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors avatar

Jesus he’s still alive?!

Timecircleline ,

My first reaction too.

motor_spirit ,


Baroness_Buttslut , avatar

His career is dead, which is basically the same for celebrities.

Wiz ,

Career dead? No way. That dude's Vegas act is still running. He's working full time, almost every day, last I heard.

He's also got a supermodel wife, but also pulls this shit? What a fucking moron.

weew ,

Apparently this shit happened in the 80s and early 90s and the accusations are coming out now

Wiz ,

I think he's always been kinda like this. The magician community has known for many years.

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