ModernRisk , to World News in Donald Trump says he would encourage Russia to attack Nato countries who don’t pay ‘bills’ avatar

So basically he wants WW3 to happen?

Che_Donkey , avatar

He probably thinks that will keep him out of jail

radix , avatar

The last guy to be president during a world war was elected four times, therefore....

gravitas_deficiency ,

Yeah but he was also a decidedly competent leader for most of that time. Trump wouldn’t be. He’d just try to cement himself as a dictator.

HikingVet , to World News in Donald Trump says he would encourage Russia to attack Nato countries who don’t pay ‘bills’

So he would trigger an article 5 incident to apease his ego? I hope one of is multiple cases gets him locked up. And I don't care where, as long as it means he isn't in office.

gravitas_deficiency ,

It’s worse and more specific than that. He’s basically saying “Russia is welcome to trigger an Article 5 incident, because I won’t respond to it”.

bamboo , to World News in Biden criticises Israel military campaign in Gaza as ‘over the top’

He says all that, but as long as the US is enthusiastically funding the Israeli military, nothing is going to improve.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

Israel has enough stockpiles to carry on regardless. If Biden were to have a moment of clarity and end the deals it would give other nations the opportunity to do something similar though.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

Israel can carry on in the short term, but sure as hell not in the long term. Apartheid is inherently unsustainable, so Israel needs the rest of the world in its back in one way or another to keep Palestinians down.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

Apartheid is inherently unsustainable

How long have they been sustaining it for though?

SuiXi3D , to World News in Italy’s far-right government submits plan to decriminalise abuse of office avatar

Christ, what the fuck is wrong with the world? Didn’t we solve this in WWII? Didn’t the world kinda collectively discover that being a fascist, Nazi dickbag isn’t the way to go? What happened?

lorty , avatar

Thinking defeating the "evil guys" is a one and done type of deal is precisely why we are here.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

Somewhere along the line, some of us decided that punching Nazis is wrong. That was a mistake.

stsquad , to science in Cern aims to build €20bn atom-smasher to unlock secrets of universe

Now I'm all for smashing atoms and the LHC did a grand job with the Higgs. However are we sure just smashing things harder is going to be as revelatory as other things we could spend the money on? What other grand physics instruments could we build? For example LISA will be a massive step change in our gravitational detection capabilities?

DarkGamer , avatar

Discovery is valuable even if it doesn't have immediate engineering applications. Much of our understanding of physics and the standard model has come from just smashing things together with higher and higher energy levels.

maness300 ,

Yeah it's valuable, but is it really the best value for our money?

DarkGamer , avatar

Considering really the only difference between peaceful prosperous modernity and the barbarity our ancestors experienced is technology, yes.

gravitas_deficiency , to World News in Houthis may sabotage western internet cables in Red Sea, Yemen telecoms firms warn

Honestly I’m surprised they haven’t tried anything with that yet.

rustyfish , to World News in About 200,000 people protest across Germany against far-right AfD party avatar

Was one of them. Not in Berlin of course. Fuck that. But in my city they expected 700 people. We have been more than 5000.

Aurenkin , to World News in ‘A race against time’: Taiwan strives to root out China’s spies

Maybe they should set up a few public pianos

gravitas_deficiency ,

lol nice

blahsay , to World News in Israel-Gaza war: aid agencies ‘outraged’ by ‘reckless’ decision to cut UNRWA funding

I'm thinking sacking for participation in terrorism is light. Let them stand trial in the hague.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Just fyi, it’s “The Hague”

Riccosuave , to World News in Protesters throw soup at Mona Lisa in Paris avatar

I really hate the destruction or attempted destruction of art in order to bring awareness to a social cause. I get in this case the painting is highly protected, but there have been plenty of other instances where this has happened to other art where that wasn't the case.

Not only are you a self-entitled piece of shit for tying to destroy something that is on display for public enjoyment, but you are virtually guaranteeing that anybody who didn't already agree with you won't take you seriously because you are acting like such a piece of shit.

Seriously, there are a lot of legitimate reasons for civil disobedience and public protest. This is not the way to go about that, and if you think it is then fuck you in particular.

Edit: I didn't think this was going to be such a divisive issue. After some further research I am retracting my earlier statement about other art being damaged in these protests because I don't see much evidence for that after all. It seems like these protestors are often targeting art they know will get maximum media exposure without causing lasting damage.

HOWEVER, I still think this type of action is counterproductive when you are trying to, hopefully, win over people that either do not support or are not aware of your message. Collective action is an effective means to make change in society. I am, again, not disputing that. I just think that if the goal is to gain broad support for your cause you need to choose targets that are more representative of that cause; rather than art, which does get media exposure, but which ultimately serves to obfuscate or overshadow the true purpose behind your protest. Being savvy about your target audience goes further and deeper into the social zeitgeist than simply getting headlines for being angsty.

Spzi ,

This is not the way to go about that

What is your way to go about that?

If you aren't doing anything, what way(s) would you deem acceptable? If you know acceptable ways, why aren't you following through? Honest if-questions, not meant as assumptions.

Healthy and sustainable food seems to be a decent goal. People should be able to get behind this. So if all the disagreement is about the right approach, where are the people with the right approach, and where are all the people voicing their concern about art supporting them?

Please help me out. It feels as if people are more concerned about pieces of art which they may never see, than about healthy food, the climate, or other major issues which affect everyone.

I get why it puts people off, these points exist. I just wonder what the "right" alternative to these "wrong" approaches is, and wether the critics walk the talk.

Crampon ,

What is your way to go about that?

If you aren't doing anything, what way(s) would you deem acceptable?

They're not doing anything except ruining the day of normal people around them. And after they give themselves morale immunity from any responsibility for anything bad that happens.

If they want to protest they should sink yatchs, ground private airplanes and drag billionaires by the hair out of their bunkers and execute them. That would actually be something. But they choose to disturb random working class peasants trying to enjoy a minute for themselves instead of being crushed by capitalism for one pretty moment.

Useless arguments are thrown around like hot garbage here. Of course they won't do what's excpected for change because they don't want change. They want a free pass from any personal responsibility.

gravitas_deficiency , to World News in Middle East crisis live: ICJ ruling on case alleging genocide by Israel in Gaza and call for it to stop military action

I mean, the ICJ is organized and maintained by the UN, so it makes sense that a “strong response” from them effectively amounts to hand-wringing.

HowRu68 , to World News in Turkish parliament approves Sweden’s membership of Nato

Now awaiting the last signature from Hungary...(...).

ObviouslyNotBanana , avatar

We're still waiting for Erdogan to sign too.

HowRu68 ,

Ah yes, though he submitted the bill, he is expected to sign the bill into law in the coming days.

ObviouslyNotBanana , avatar

Hungary can still rush it!

gravitas_deficiency ,

They’re actually not in legislative session until mid February.

If this is Erdogan fucking with Orban a bit for some reason… lmao

raynethackery , to World News in Families of hostages storm Knesset meeting after Netanyahu rejects Hamas offer

Drag all the Knesset members outside and put them in combat gear. Then ship them off to Gaza in front of all the other soldiers. If you are not willing to lead at the battlefield, you have no right to lead from your comfortable offices and homes.

Guydht ,

As much as I agree on the "no dealing with terrorist" rule, you can't expect the families to not protest and do everything in their power to get their loved ones homes.

raynethackery ,

Rereading my comment, I could see I wasn't clear. I meant the Knesset members. I edited my comment.

Guydht ,

Lol makes much more sense now

CenturionKing , to World News in More than 100,000 protest across Germany over far-right AfD’s mass deportation meetings avatar

"Politicians, churches and Bundesliga coaches have all urged people to stand up against the AfD"

Because they are fearing losing power. If you see statistics, AfD has strongest quotes in actual statistics, because so many citizens are unhappy with current politics 😂

Draedron ,

Being unhappy does not justify voting for fascists

CenturionKing , avatar

Think for yourself, don't repeat stupid left propaganda.

JackGreenEarth , to Technology in What happens when a school bans smartphones? A complete transformation | US education | The Guardian avatar

Crazy how people otherwise firm supporters of freedom of speech and freedom of tech suddenly change their minds when the person involved is under 18.

lolcatnip ,

Are you unfamiliar with the principal that things which are appropriate for adults are often not appropriate for children?

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