wintermute_oregon , to World News in US citizen who fought with pro-Russia separatists in Ukraine reported dead

I just mentioned him the other day. Appears Russian killed him thinking he was a spy.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

That's because anyone in Russia who isn't a "pure" Russian is treated with suspicion and/or derision. This guy included.

JustZ , avatar

It's a real police state. They make everyone a suspect and an informer.

Do you report what you know, or wait for your neighbor to report you for not reporting what you knew?

It's Kafkaesque, and he came to a fitting end: "like a dog."

toxicbubble , to Health - Resources and discussion for everything health-related in Mentally stimulating work plays key role in staving off dementia, study finds

how about: no work

wise_pancake ,

Its probably safe to extrapolate that repetitive daily stuff like grinding video games would be comparable to a repetitive job

Dasus , avatar

You're comparing playing video games, an explicitly recreational activity, to mind numbingly boring jobs?

Filling up the same form hundreds of times is rather different than fighting virtual monsters. I did a shift covering workers at a printing house. My job for the day consisted of sitting on a chair and waiting for a machine to spit out a stack of magazines. When it did, I'd place a small piece of paper on top of the stack before it got wrapped in plastic, due to the regulations of the country the stacks were went to.

The machines were stuck all the time, so in practice, I sat in a chair and slapped a small piece of paper on a stack like 3-12 times an hour. There were no smart phones back then, and you wouldn't have been allowed to use one anyway. Even music was strictly forbidden, because you need to be alert because the machines are dangerous.

And that was a stress free boring job. Most jobs are super stressful and bosses demand more than you can do.

hark , to World News in Netanyahu aims to trap west into war across Middle East, warns Iranian diplomat avatar

This has been Israel's aim for its entire existence. It's no mere coincidence that any country that could potentially stand up to it has been invaded or otherwise regime changed (Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc) or paid off (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc, but likely only to hold them off because their turn will come later). Iran is a major item on the hit list.

AmidFuror , to World News in Greece becomes first European country to ban bottom trawling in marine parks

What was the definition of a marine park and protected area in Greece before this step?

Buffalox , to World News in Nestlé adds sugar to infant milk sold in poorer countries, report finds

Nestle is a notorious scumbag company, personally I have avoided anything Nestle all my life, since when I grew up, there were already news about illegally bad quality/harmful formula food. I have NEVER heard a good thing about that company.

disguy_ovahea ,

That’s surprisingly hard to do. Nestlé produces 35% of the products in a North American grocery store.

Sweetpeaches69 ,

I felt so betrayed the other day when I looked at my San Pellegrino and saw it was a Nestlé company.

Dohnuthut ,

As of now, the only product I have to buy to support this atrocious company is Fancy Feast because it's the only food my picky senior cat will eat.

jpeps ,

Ugh their firm grip on the pet food market endlessly pisses me off. I paid for a fancy B Corp certified cat food brand for years before realising it had been bought out by Nestlé

Jessica ,

You're feeding your cat the equivalent of potato chips. No shit it's all they want to eat lol

Edit: I can't read. See below

Soggy ,

At least they're hydrating potato chips. Kidney failure is a big problem for cats, sticking to an all-wet diet is already better than average.

FlyingSquid Mod , to World News in Vladimir Putin not welcome at French ceremony for 80th anniversary of D-day avatar

Russia had nothing to do with D-Day anyway.

Klear ,

A more salient point is that Russia was one of the fucking instigators of WW2 and only ended on the winning side through political expedience.

realitista , to World News in Vladimir Putin not welcome at French ceremony for 80th anniversary of D-day

Fools, invite him and then give him a free visit to The Hague.

theotherverion , to World News in Netanyahu aims to trap west into war across Middle East, warns Iranian diplomat avatar

Both Iran and Israel are doing their shit here.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Yeah Iran should just keep getting hit by the bully (having top military generals get assasinated in consulates) without hitting back!

Always remember, if the bullied kid fights back, two parties are at fault!

theotherverion , avatar

Yes because iran is totally innocent and hideous western nations bully it, so it needs to defend itself!

gimpchrist , avatar

Iran's been pretty fucking quiet since the Iraq War

DoomBot5 ,

Hamas Hezbollah and Houthis are all Iranian proxies. It's like saying the USSR was quiet during the cold war.

PugJesus , to World News in Netanyahu aims to trap west into war across Middle East, warns Iranian diplomat avatar

Normally, I'm the first to call out Iran on bullshit, but, uh, they ain't wrong here.

Cethin ,

Except this is totally wrong. Israel is doing it out of self interest, not some weird conspiracy to drag the west into something. They want to gain power for themselves, just as Iran, the US, and every other country wants to do. There is zero reason to think it's more than that. Bibi needs a distraction, and that's what all of this is.

livus ,

It's not a weird conspiracy though. It's just that dragging the US into protecting Israel from Iran has the effect of halting US criticism of the Gaza genocide.

Corkyskog ,

Dragging the US into the middle east would provide Bibi the distraction he needs for the rest of his life.

Cethin ,

Or maybe Iran is making a play by saying something to enflame Americans? I don't know why anyone would listen to Iran suddenly. Sure, they're against Israel, which is the popular stance here right now (for good reason), but they don't care to be accurate. They say something because it's useful.

I wasn't on Lemmy then, but I'd be curious to see what Lemmy would have been like during the Iranian protests that I think we're last year. I'm sure they'd be saying Iran is lying about everything then and only saying what's useful. I don't know why anyone would trust a word they say now.

Anything with power is always lying. Consider what purpose saying it has. Even if it's true, they're saying it to manipulate. The actual implied intent is a lie.

livus ,

I don't think you have to "listen to Iran" to know Israel attacked their embassy compound.

Rapidcreek ,

Yeah, because Iran is noted for their knowledge of geopolitics

PugJesus , avatar

I mean, yes. Iran is unironically very talented at manipulating regional politics to their favor. You don't have one of the best systems of proxies and catpaws in the region without knowing shit like that.

Iran's international competence isn't generally the problem - but whether to trust what they say. Usually, the answer is "No, you shouldn't trust anything out of their mouth", but in this case, it's a "The sky is blue" moment.

ininewcrow , to World News in Vladimir Putin not welcome at French ceremony for 80th anniversary of D-day avatar

The DDay landing was the greatest war event for the Americans, British and Canadians but compared to what happened on the Eastern front, the Russians basically bled themselves and the Germans dry by the time the Allies started fighting again.

I have family that were part of the landings and war veterans that took part in the fighting later on and a couple that are buried in Belgium.

DDay is an amazing story but it shouldn't be overshadowed by what the Russians and Eastern Europeans endured in the east for almost three years.

The reason I mention this is that to the Russians DDay is not as important a WW2 event to them as it is to us. Putin and Russia won't be as disrespected as we would like to imagine because they have way more WW2 commemorative events that saw many more people die than they did on DDay.

saltesc ,

Yep. I imagine most nations on the Eastern Front see D-Day as "A group of Allies poked head through backyard doggy door and said, "Oi!" Day."

Malek061 ,

The soviets owe their existence to the United States.

ininewcrow , avatar

The Allies owe their WW2 victory to the Russians

barsoap ,

The Russians owe their WW2 victory myth to Ukraine.

nova_ad_vitum ,

If Hitler had mustered up just enough wisdom to realize that an invasion of the USSR would be disastrous and managed to contain his hatred of communism just enough to restrain himself from operation Barbarossa, he could likely have held most of Europe and a DDay type landing would have been unlikely to succeed. Nothing short of a nuclear bombardment of Europe would have dislodged them. One of the weirdest darkest historical hypotheticals. It's amazing how much of history hinges on the personal flaws of specific leaders.

LodeMike , to World News in Vladimir Putin not welcome at French ceremony for 80th anniversary of D-day

Wouldn't he get arrested?

Pilferjinx ,

He most probably would now. During the first stage of the invasion, Macron was amenable to Putin and agreed to meet in person. He's totally flipped 180 now though, knowing he got played like a damn fool for trusting him.

roguetrick ,

Attempting to apply anything resembling personal values to Macron is an error.

Viking_Hippie ,

If you look up "amoral opportunist" in the dictionary, there's a picture of Macron smiling as smugly as is humanly possible.

Enoril ,

When the first stage of the invasion started, Macron was the president of Europe. So he had to play his role and present the view of the european leaders, even if it was not aligned with our internal views.

I don’t like him, didn’t vote for him the first time (2nd time i did vote for him to avoid marine le pen election, founded by russian banks btw...) but you can’t use his behavior (amenable), trying to avoid escalation, as "yeah i’m your buddy putin, go ahead" or "i totally trust you’.

Our head of intelligence was fired because HE didn’t present the invasion as realistic (based on normal logic it really silly)... but the whole intel community was fully aware of putin desires. President included. He knew Putin was playing with him. Everybody knew.

But he had to play his role, as EU leader at this time.

tal , avatar

In theory, that's up to the French state.

In practice, Putin wouldn't go to a state that wouldn't agree to extend diplomatic immunity to him.

And France isn't going to grant diplomatic immunity and violate it.

So there isn't really a scenario where he's going to go and then France is going to arrest him. Either France doesn't grant diplomatic immunity and he doesn't enter France, or France does grant diplomatic immunity and he passes through without issue.

Sterile_Technique , avatar

How much of a shitshow would it cause if France granted diplomatic immunity, and then the US carried out a special drone delivery operation?

avater , avatar

How much of a shitshow would it cause if France granted diplomatic immunity, and then the US carried out a special drone delivery operation?

why using a drone? Take him to the Eifel tower, I mean it does not have windows but it gets the job done.

SomethingBurger , avatar

"Hey, Vladimir, wanna go up ze Eiffel Tower?"

PlexSheep ,

I mean, wouldn't that be a direct strike against France? NCD would love this.

Jimmycakes , to World News in China continues to persecute family of dissidents unlawfully, finds report

They disappeared one of the richest men in the world. If they can do it to Jack regular people don't got a fucking chance

Henry , avatar

Not just disappeared, the person just like doesn’t existed ever, his/her/their name(s) will be censored within China internet, it’s more creepy.

sin_free_for_00_days ,

Winston Smith's job was doing exactly that at the Ministry of Truth in Orwell's 1984.

CosmoNova ,

And the internet made this practice so much easier than Orwell could‘ve imagined. You, the regime, can will things out of and even into existence with a few clicks. No need to rush into homes and search for old newspapers. You are already inside everyone‘s 4 walls at all times.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

You, the regime, can will things out of and even into existence with a few clicks.

Sort of. It's not like this information doesn't make its way into China and it's also not like the millions of people who remember him existing all died. So it's more like you can prevent people talking about it in public.

Plenty of Chinese people still talk about the Tiananmen Square Massacre. They're just not allowed to do so. They do it anyway.

So they can hide it from public discussion, but they can't hide it.

shani66 , to World News in Even Europe’s far-right firebrands seem to sense Brexit is a disaster

Who could possibly have predicted the obviously objectively bad thing would be bad?

DarkGamer , avatar

Project fear!

someguy3 , to World News in Even Europe’s far-right firebrands seem to sense Brexit is a disaster

I couldn't believe the businessmen like 3 months after the vote saying "see, we're still fine, no crash or anything". Fucking hell it's long term you fucking imbeciles.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

It amazes me that the whole hoax campaign that was behind the vote was exposed but they said "well, the vote went through anyway, so we're going to do it even though it turns out it's not what people actually want."

homesweethomeMrL ,

Same with trump and russian collusion.

Only in that case they just went with "no collusion". Yes it was well documented and proven and would have brought charges if there wasn't a made up pretend DoJ "policy" against charging a sitting president, but y'know. no collusion I guess? Because then we'd have to understand the entirety of the administration was illegitemate and those SCOTUS bastards the usurper, the drunk rapist, and the handmaiden all have to go. And y'know. We can barely keep the trains from derailing.

gravitas_deficiency ,

And it’s only DoJ “policy” if the president is a Republican - that’s a really important part of the fine print.

SirEDCaLot , to World News in Squatters take over Gordon Ramsay hotel and pub in London

Hopefully this starts to shed some light on the travesty that is 'squatters rights'.
Squatters shouldn't have rights.

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