Hubi , to World News in Russia’s Avdiivka offensive is failing, says top Ukrainian officer

I'm about to lose count on this. Is this the 3rd or 4th time the Russians have failed to capture it?

Edit: If their current large scale assault fails it's apparently the 5th time in a row (including the one in 2017)

Kualk ,

Russia captured it.

It was heavily fortified and lots of Ukrainian lives were lost.

gravitas_deficiency , to World News in Pope Francis suggests gay couples could be blessed in Vatican reversal

From some other articles I’ve seen recently, it’s possible this could cause a split in the church. And if it does… good. Maybe that needs to happen for the Vatican to evolve into the modern era.

madcaesar , to World News in Boy, 16, arrested after felling of famous Sycamore Gap tree at Hadrian’s Wall

Insane question, could the tree be saved by splicing it back into the trunk? Like you can do with small trees?

FlyingSquid Mod ,

Maybe replacing it from a cutting would be easier?

NounsAndWords ,

Maybe easier, but much more time consuming (300 years give or take)

FlyingSquid Mod ,

I am guessing that the most cost-effective option is just replacing the tree, which is probably what they will most likely do. But I hope they take another tack and find a way to restore it.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s an easy proposition - or perhaps even possible - to do with a fuck-off huge 300-year-old tree.

gravitas_deficiency , to Technology in Tesla is the next biggest union target in the United States. Sorry, Elon Musk

He’s gonna try to fire his entire workforce.

I’m sure the NLRB will have something to say.

IchNichtenLichten , to World News in Calls for Starbucks boycott grow amid aggressive union-busting activities

A moka pot and some illy coffee tastes better than any Starbucks I've tried and it's way cheaper.

Turkey_Titty_city ,

i wish more places served moka, but they don't.

IchNichtenLichten ,

Moka is just the type of coffee pot. It's not really an espresso as it lacks the pressure but it's the next best thing.

queermunist , to Politics in AOC urges US to apologize for meddling in Latin America: ‘We’re here to reset relationships’ avatar

An apology would be a good first step, but until America pays for its crimes there can never be justice.

selokichtli ,

As a Latino I don't give a fuck about the USA paying for its crimes, to my eyes that's a crazy dream. I just wish they stop being bully two-face assholes already. The world needs the best USA right now.

And please, I'm talking about representatives of the USA state that most of the time represent corporations, not the actual people.

BurgerPunk , avatar

The best USA for the world would be a collapsed one

selokichtli ,

I do not think so. The USA is an important part of our world, whether we like it or not. It's been around for centuries now, and has a well-deserved place as a leading nation. However, they need to address so many problems within their borders before they start meddling everywhere.

BurgerPunk , avatar

The rules based world order(tm) is a global imperialist system of monopolistic capital extraction and exploitation of the periphery. The US is the head of that hegemonic order. It provides no value to the rest of the world. It exists to extract value from the rest of the world.

The US position in the world is no more earned than a person who buys a slave deserves the title "master"

fne8w2ah , to World News in Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance

I wonder what Greta's take on nuclear is.

kicksystem ,

Greta is very scientifically minded and rational, unlike how the media likes to portray her. They use the emotional sound bites and almost never show her referring to paper after paper.

30isthenew29 ,

I hate it that sometimes women are portrayed like that just because they’re women.

PersnickityPenguin ,

Neurotic men projecting their bullshit into other people.

30isthenew29 ,

She’s probably going nuclear on Greenpeace.

DumbAceDragon , to World News in Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance avatar

Normally I'm not a "lesser of two evils" type, but nuclear is such an immensely lesser evil compared to coal and oil that it's insane people are still against it.

solstice ,

I spoke with a far left friend of mine about this. His position essentially boiled down to the risk of a massive nuclear disaster outweighed the benefits. I said what about the known disastrous consequences of coal and oil? Didn't really have a response to that. It doesn't make sense to me. I'll roll those dice and take the .00001% chance risk or whatever.

normalmighty ,

Yeah, nuclear is to fossil fuels as planes are to cars, safety wise. Sure it's a huge deal when an accident occurs, but that's because accidents are drastically more rare.

whogivesashit ,

Nuclear is fantastic and would have been even more fantastic 30 years ago. But it's 2023 and renewables are getting better every day. There's just no real reason to not invest primarily in green energy sources, especially when the track record on nuclear waste management is abysmal. People will say "oh but the resources, oh but the storage, oh but the blah blah blah". We act like these things can't be done, but they are being done all over the place. While the US argues about whether solar is viable, China has almost produced more solar panels in a year than the US has ever produced. And they are planning to try and deliver to other countries with less productive capacity as well.

solstice ,

I love the nuclear waste storage argument. Wouldn't it be grand if we could just stick it in the atmosphere like we do with coal and oil? Smh...

qfe0 , to World News in Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance

For the love of everything, at least let's stop decommissioning serviceable nuclear plants.

CosmicCleric , avatar

My understanding is that they eventually become unserviceable as they age, because of mechanical/structular reasons, or because the costs of servicing them is so prohibitive that they are unserviceable economically.

That they definitely have a begin, middle, and end, life cycle.

uis , avatar

Disproven by Russia. Maybe sometimes core is replaced because it uses unsafe design by current standards like in St. Petesburg.

Relo , to World News in Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance

Why go nuclear when renewable is so much cheaper, safer, future proof and less centralised?

Don't get me wrong. Nuclear is better than coal and gas but it will not safe our way of life.

Just like the electric car is here to preserve the car industry not the planet, nuclear energy is still here to preserve the big energy players, not our environment.

psoul ,

For what I’ve read, it’s beats nuclear tech exists and is ready to be built at scale now. Renewables are intermittent in nature and need energy storage to work at scale.
We don’t have the tech for a grid wide energy storage.

kamenlady , to World News in First cheetah cubs born in India in more than seven decades die in heatwave avatar

After overcoming the shock ( This article is more than 2 months old! ) /s

This is really bad and sad. The beautiful cheetahs may not be among us for long.

MaybeItWorks ,

I don’t get why they weren’t monitoring the cheetahs before one died. Seems negligent AF to import an animal and then watch it die. They literally let one die before deciding to do anything. These cheetahs aren’t pure, wild animals if they are imported. WTF India, maybe treat people and animals with more respect. Instead they’re response is, “Oopsies, I guess it was too hot while we watched them die. ” Morons.

afraid_of_zombies , to World News in Top economists call for action on runaway global inequality

The majority of polled economists in the US do not support getting rid of student loan debt but continue to argue that the Wall Street Bailouts were a good idea. The Brookings Institute for example publishes near monthly articles on the subject.

Economists are not objective. They work for banks. They tells us what banks want us to think.

Sambarkjand ,

This is so far from being the truth. Please get an economics degree and see if you still think that.

I don't know if I like this place. Everything is so conspiratorial.

afraid_of_zombies ,

This is so far from being the truth. Please get an economics degree and see if you still think that.

First off I don't need a degree in theology to be an atheist. Nor a degree in Chiropractic "medicine" to know that it is dangerous bullshit.

Secondly, what did I say that factually was not true?

I don’t know if I like this place. Everything is so conspiratorial.

Sorry, you should ask for your money back. Go hang out on like or some economists blog and circle jerk each other on how great student loans are.

Sambarkjand ,

Correct, you don't, because those are garbage disciplines based on nothing whereas economics is decidedly not. Economics is the study of constrained choice, using rigorous math to model these scenarios and applied statistics to test the models. Any 1st or 2nd year course you take in economics isn't revealing truisms about the world - they are introducing concepts and highly simplified, abstracted models so that when you get into upper year courses and you start using extremely heavy math to make more realistic models that are serious attempts to explain actual human behavior, you're not completely lost.

You take at face-value that certain subsets of economists argue in favor of bank bailouts but against student loan relief is proof that they're evil, or garbage, or bought and paid for, without even understanding the arguments. The bank bailouts were loans which the banks paid back - would you be fine with the government giving out more loans to pay off existing student loans?

Tolstoshev , to World News in ‘Hell on earth’: Phoenix’s extreme heatwave tests the limits of survival


d4rknusw1ld ,

What about the Saudi alfalfa farms????

qprimed , to Biology in Crows and magpies using anti-bird spikes to build nests, researchers find

I often follow links in the articles for extra context and some rabbithole escapism.

Rather than finding old strips of anti-bird spikes at rubbish dumps, Moeliker, who previously won an Ig Nobel prize for documenting the first known case of homosexual necrophilia among ducks, says...

is likely a "thats enough internet for today" moment.

Pansexual_Iguana , avatar

Your excerpt made me read the article. For those who haven’t or just don’t want to read it, ducks aren’t the only “crazy” birds. Crows and Magpies have been using these spikes and other dangerous human liter as defense from predators. What type of dangerous liter you might ask?

In 1933, a South African museum reported a crow’s nest fashioned from hard-drawn copper, galvanised iron and barbed wire. Nails, screws and even drug users’ syringes have all found their way into birds’ nests.

Some have even ripped metal off nearby factories to build their nests. These birds are on another level.

AncientFutureNow , to Not The Onion in Rapper BG ordered to have all future songs approved by US government

no free speech

best_username_ever ,

It doesn’t matter for you since you can’t read that specific article.

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