CoffeeAddict , to Neoliberal in Donald Trump removes video on Truth Social with ‘unified reich’ reference avatar

There is no way this was an accident like they’re claiming. It’s deliberate pandering to the white-nationalist, neo-nazi crowd.

The whole “oops we didn’t notice that” is just a “wink-wink, nudge-nudge.” Nobody “accidentally” includes the third reich in a political ad. No-one. Zilch.

SupraMario ,

Would be fucking hilarious if they're running their own shit AI that was just pulling its data from the TS platform and it created this ad. Considering we know what their userbase is like over there

theinspectorst OP , (edited ) to Neoliberal in Boris Johnson turned away from polling station after forgetting to bring photo ID avatar

This law was a naked attempt at voter suppression, but it's nice to see that its idiot architect is one of the voters who's being suppressed...

Drusas , to News in Cancer cases in under-50s worldwide up nearly 80% in three decades, study finds

Meanwhile, there are shortages of common cancer-fighting drugs due to under-investment in their production because they are not super profitable for the pharmaceutical companies.

We need to nationalize production of important medications.

BrokenGlepnir , to World News in ‘I am not made for war’: the men fleeing Ukraine to evade conscription

No one is made for war... except 007 after he caught that brain eating amoeba from the gulf coast.

robocall , to World News in ‘I am not made for war’: the men fleeing Ukraine to evade conscription avatar

All the Ukrainians that were voluntarily willing to serve and fight are either already on the field, injured, or dead.

I believe Ukraine needs foreign soldiers to finish the war, or they will have to surrender eventually. The Russians have no problem dragging this out, sending millions more of their people to die for this war.

Noodle07 , to World News in ‘I am not made for war’: the men fleeing Ukraine to evade conscription

War is hell, can't blame them

Aurenkin , to World News in ‘I am not made for war’: the men fleeing Ukraine to evade conscription

Such a tough and heartbreaking situation. Of course I'm pretty sure most of us would like to think we'd step up if our country was brutally attacked but I honestly have no idea what I'd do. Facing seemingly endless meat waves would be hell by itself let alone thermobaric bombs and drones.

state_electrician ,

Fuck my country. My loyalty is to my family.

ArcaneGadget ,

No fucking way. I ain't gonna' die fighting for the inflated egos, of the morons in charge of the world powers and their ass-lickers. I'd gather up my loved ones and leave in a heartbeat, if my country started forced conscription. I'm not enough of a nationalist to die "for king and fatherland", no matter how much i like this little country.

Irremarkable , avatar

You don't have to be patriotic to end up stepping up. When you see the shit Russia did to the Ukrainians in the areas they annex in 2014, it's easy to see why people wouldn't want that to happen to their family, and why they'd be willing to step up.

HappycamperNZ ,

(Completely different country here, no present risk.) The unfortunate reality for me is that I have three kids who might be called up if the shit hits the fan, and I've had 30 odd years longer on this planet.

If its not me, it's my kids.

Aqarius , to World News in Israel destroys 11 homes in West Bank village amid spiralling violence

"Amid violence"

Solumbran , to World News in ‘It’s going to be tight’: Macron’s centrists struggle to deter voters from backing far right

Macron? Centrist? Ahah, nice one.

JoMiran , to World News in ‘It’s going to be tight’: Macron’s centrists struggle to deter voters from backing far right avatar

Smells just like the Brexit gamble.

jonne ,

And of course they would never tell voters to vote for the centre left coalition, that would be worse than the actual fascists.

psvrh , to World News in ‘It’s going to be tight’: Macron’s centrists struggle to deter voters from backing far right avatar

Gee, maybe you should have spent more time improving the lot of everyday people and less time playing footsie with billionaires?

A lot of neoliberal erstwhile-progressives are about to find out the consequences of selling out their principles for a seat at the rich kids' table.

Most of Europe's already found this out, Biden and Trudeau are looking at the same thing, and I expect Starmer will be out on his ass after four years of failing to help the poor and middle class, as he's so busy right now assuring everyone that he's not a socialist like Corbyn.

autotldr Bot , to World News in ‘It’s going to be tight’: Macron’s centrists struggle to deter voters from backing far right

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Standing in a courtyard framed by the white walls of one of Marseille’s Armenian churches, Sabrina Agresti-Roubache, France’s secretary of state tasked with citizenship, took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully as she addressed a voter who had admitted she was considering switching allegiances to the far right.

Agresti-Roubache, born to a family with Algerian roots, led with the heart, describing how concerns over the snap parliamentary election results had left her elderly mother “in tears” daily.

It was a hint of the kind of conversations playing out across France as the centrist alliance of Emmanuel Macron, the French president, makes a last-ditch effort to shore up votes before elections in which the far right is expected to win.

As Marine Le Pen said she expects her RN party to win an absolute majority, Macron has faced growing heat among his allies over his shock decision to call a snap election.

“There is a very strong sense of worry, rage and fatigue,” a former prime minister for Macron, Édouard Philippe, who leads an allied party, told France’s Inter radio on Wednesday.

On Thursday the basketball superstar Victor Wembanyama, who plays for the San Antonio Spurs, became the latest to weigh in, telling reporters: “Of course, political choices are personal, but for me it is important to keep a distance from extremes, they are not the direction to take for a country like ours.”

The original article contains 1,136 words, the summary contains 234 words. Saved 79%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

kerrypacker , to World News in ‘You can expect everything’: what next for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks?

He's an Australian hero and all of you salty yanks can get fucked, you persecuted him for exposing your government and he's finally free.

sandbox , to World News in ‘You can expect everything’: what next for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks?

I don’t understand why Julian Assange gets any credit for Trump’s defeat of Hillary Clinton, because that should clearly go towards the mainstream media.

So much ink was wasted by the press over Hillary’s nothingburger email scandal. I think it’s something like 50 headlines in the New York Times over a single month?

Not to mention James Coney’s part to play, basically he hates Hillary Clinton so just took any opportunity to sink her election chances. He holds much more blame for Trump’s election than Julian Assange.

I wonder why, out of all the journalists who could be blamed for Trump, Assange gets so much more hate? I suspect a lot of it is because there’s already so much anti Assange propaganda because he damaged the hegemonic interests of the US.

Skua , to World News in ICC decision on Netanyahu arrest warrant may be delayed by UK

I suspect that this might be a tactic intended for the domestic audience. The current government is extremely unlikely to be in power a week from now, and might be doing this just to force the next government to either follow through or retract it

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