ColeSloth , to Technology in OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game

Any pay wall that let's you read that much article before showing itself to be behind a pay wall can burn in hell and would have no hope of getting my business purely out of spite.

Rolando ,

FWIW if you turn off scripts you can see the whole article.

ColeSloth ,

I need a hot key on my android phone to just flip off scripts real quick instead of having to go three pages deep in settings to turn it on or off.

Rolando ,

I just use the NoScript extension on Firefox, though it still takes a couple clicks to whitelist or temp-whitelist a site. Apparently uBlock Origin can do the same in Advanced mode, but I never got around to figuring it out.

ColeSloth ,

I want a blacklist instead of a whitelist. On by default, but always off on some sites.

interdimensionalmeme , (edited )

Yes just ask chatgpt to read it for you and give it the url

Like this

Abolish intellectual property, it is a mental illness that has infected our legal system.

dave , avatar

Just use Reader view or whatever that’s called in your browser. I use Arctic for Lemmy on iOS and it has a ‘default to reader’ for opening links. Can’t remember the last time I saw a paywall. There’s one news site that doesn’t work but it’s pretty obvious straight away.

homesweethomeMrL , to Technology in OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game

The Johansson scandal is merely a reminder of AI’s manifest-destiny philosophy: This is happening, whether you like it or not.

It’s just so fitting that microsoft is the company most fervently wallowing in it.

NeoNachtwaechter , to Technology in OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game

"AGI is going to create tremendous wealth. And if that wealth is distributed—even if it’s not equitably distributed, but the closer it is to equitable distribution, it’s going to make everyone incredibly wealthy.”

So delusional.

Do they think that their AI will actually dig the cobalt from the mines, or will the AI simply be the one who sends the children in there to do the digging?

foggy ,

It's a big year in robotics, so, the former.

lanolinoil , avatar

It will design the machines to build the autonomous robots that mine the cobalt.... doing the jobs of several companies at one time and either freeing up several people to pursue leisure or the arts or starve to death from being abandoned by society.

NeoNachtwaechter ,

Big fail to forget the /s here...

WallEx ,

Why? This is a very real possibility.

aniki ,

AI cannot come even CLOSE to reasoning.

DarkDarkHouse , avatar

And a submarine can't even swim.

leftzero ,

Proper AI definitely could.

LLMs..? Not a chance, absolute dead end, just a modern Eliza.

WallEx ,

Why? This is a very real possibility.

Mazoku ,

Work a blue collar job your whole life and tell me it’s possible. Machines suck ass. They either need constant supervision, repairs all the time, or straight up don’t function properly. Tech bros always forget about the people who actually keep the world chugging.

afraid_of_zombies ,

They suck because your employer wouldn't pay me more for a better machine. Chemical is where it is at, outside of powerplants and some of the bigger pharms the chemical operator is a dead profession. Entire plants are automated with the only people doing work are doing repairs or sales.

leftzero ,

LLMs aren't going to be designing anything; they're just fancy auto complete engines with a tendency to hallucinate facts they haven't been trained on.

LLMs are preventing real advancements in AI by focusing the attention and funding into what's evidently a dead end.

KairuByte , avatar

AGI != LLMs.

Passerby6497 ,

AGI is a pipedream

nickwitha_k ,

I hope not. I want more types of sentient beings to exist. But, I also don't believe any company is actually working towards AGI.

KairuByte , avatar

No, the existence of humans inherently disproves that. We just have hardware so advanced many still think it’s magic.

Now, if you said it was a pipe dream within the next decade? I’d agree.

leftzero ,

Exactly, but LLMs are preventing further advances in AGI.

essteeyou ,


leftzero ,

All the money's going into the LLM bubble, so there won't be any left for actual AI research until it bursts.

essteeyou ,

Saying something like that doesn't make it true. That's not proof.

Are you claiming that absolutely nobody is working on AGI because LLMs exist and are hot right now?

lanolinoil , avatar

TFW you realize you're just a fancy autocomplete engine :P

leftzero , (edited )

No, I'm a self-referential pattern recognition machine.

lanolinoil , avatar

same same?

leftzero ,

LLMs are incapable of "recognising" any patterns they haven't been trained on.

And they don't really even recognise those, they're just fancy auto complete engines, simply outputting the highest scored token from their training base based on their input.

They're pattern matching machines; there's no recognition, inner modelling of new knowledge, self referencing, or understanding of any kind, merely blind statistics.

They're just bigger and fancier Eliza's, and just as distant as Eliza was from any practical form of intelligence, artificial or natural.

While I personally do believe that achieving AGI¹, on a Turing machine is possible, LLMs and how they work are an excellent example in support of John Searle's arguments against it with his Chinese room though experiment.

1— Or at least something equivalent to human intelligence, or better, in the measures by which we consider ourselves to be intelligent, though it's arguable whether we can really be considered intelligent at all, or we're just better, more complex, Chinese rooms.

lanolinoil , (edited ) avatar

But since we don't understand how cognition works in living beings almost at all -- who's to say that's not how 'actual thinking' works other than 'I know it when I see it!"

leftzero ,

Because there are many aspects of what we understand as "actual thinking" (understanding concepts, learning, or solving puzzles, for instance) that LLMs are fundamentally incapable of achieving no matter how larger or more complex we make them or how much we optimise them.

They do one single thing (which, granted, they do relatively well): they take an input, they apply it to every token in their training data, generating a score for each of them, and they output the one with the highest score. And that's all they do.

And that's why, for instance, you'll never be able to make a LLM that's any good at playing chess, because there simply wouldn't be enough atoms in the universe for it to store all possible states of the game, which it would need to have in its training model in order to auto complete its next move (and that's not even accounting for the actual score computation, both in space and time).

They're a cool fancy gimmick, possibly useful in certain cases as long as you can account for their hallucinations, but they're not any closer to actual intelligence than Eliza ever was.

lanolinoil , avatar

you’ll never be able to make a LLM that’s any good at playing chess,

They said that about machines and then we all laughed at the mechanical turk hoax. Now machines can almost beat you in Go.

I'll say it again -- It is hubris and you will obviously be wrong to try to predict the future or what will have value.

like come on -- superpositioning exists and we've no clue how consciousness works (Bostrom thinks its just maths) but you have this crystal ball full of certainty. It smells...

leftzero ,

I'm not talking about "machines" or any other generic term.

I'm talking specifically about LLMs. And their limitations are evident. For instance, maths is one of the many things they can't do (and will never be able to do in any efficient way).

We have indeed, developed programs that play chess better than people (though sadly, until the LLM bubble pops we probably won't get any further). But they're not LLMs, or anything resembling an LLM. Because one of the other many things an LLM can't do is play games of skill. Or reason. Or solve puzzles. Or even have a concept of strategy.

LLMs, again, can only do one single thing. And that's to pick up the one card from their deck that's been picked up most often after the sequence of cards on the table according to their training model.

That's all they do. That's all they'll ever be able to do. Because that's how they work. And, sure, with that you can make it look like they're holding a conversation (until you ask them something that isn't in their model), but that's it.

They'll put words after another according to statistics (not, keep that in mind, according to meaning, or strategy, or anything like that; they don't, and can't know or care what the words mean, or whether the sentence they've put together makes any sense, or whether what it's stating is true or false), and that's that.

They won't play chess, they won't write good innovative code, they won't write original stories, and they won't drive your car.

We don't need to know how what we call consciousness works to know that. We just need to know how LLMs work. And that we most definitely do.

lanolinoil , avatar

Sure steam engines may not fit every use but from them we learned to make other kinds of engines right? But yeah I'm sure 'LLM' will either change scope/definition or we'll make new stuff to fit other use cases kind of like diffusion models for images vs llm for text generation.

Petter1 ,

Most LLM distributors analyze the output (or outputs) using another AI..

riodoro1 ,

Have you seen the real fucking world?

It’s gonna make the rich richer and the poor poorer. At least until the gilded age passes.

lanolinoil , avatar

I agree and I gave that option as the last one in the list.

funkless_eck ,

AI absolutely will not design machines.

It may be used within strict parameters to improve the speed of theoretically testing types of bearing or hinge or alloys or something to predict which ones would perform best under stress testing - prior to acutal testing to eliminate low-hanging fruit, but it will absolutely not generate a new idea for a machine because it can't generate new ideas.

lanolinoil , avatar

The model T will absolutely not replace horse drawn carts -- Maybe some small group of people or a family for a vacation but we've been using carts to do war logistics for 1000s of years. You think some shaped metal put together is going to replace 1000s of men and horses? lol yeah right

funkless_eck ,

apples and oranges.

You're comparing two products with the same value prop: transporting people and goods more effectively than carrying/walking.

In terms of mining, a drilling machine is more effective than a pickaxe. But we're comparing current drilling machines to potential drilling machines, so the actual comparison would be:

  • is an AI-designed drilling machine likely to be more productive (for any given definition of productivity) than a human-designed one?

Well, we know from experience that when (loosely defined) "AI" is used in, for e.g. pharma research, it reaps some benefits - but does not replace wholesale the drug approval process and its still a tool used by - as I originally said - human beings that impose strict parameters on both input and output as part of a larger product and method.

Back to your example: could a series of algorithmic steps - without any human intervention - provide a better car than any modern car designers? As it stands, no, nor is it on the horizon. Can it be used to spin through 4 million slight variations in hood ornaments and return the top 250 in terms of wind resistance? Maybe, and only if a human operator sets up the experiment correctly.

lanolinoil , avatar

No, the thing I'm comparing is our inability to discern where a new technology will lead and our history of smirking at things like books, cars, the internet and email, AI, etc.

The first steam engines pulling coal out of the ground were so inefficient they wouldn't make sense for any use case than working to get the fuel that powers them. You could definitely smirk and laugh about engines vs 10k men and be totally right in that moment, and people were.

The more history you learn though, you more you realize this is not only a hubrisy thing, it's also futile as how we feel about the proliferation of technology has never had an impact on that technology's proliferation.

And, to be clear, I'm not saying no humans will work or have anything to do -- I'm saying significantly MORE humans will have nothing to do. Sure you still need all kinds of people even if the robots design and build themselves mostly, but it would be an order of magnitude less than the people needed otherwise.

Beetlejuice001 ,

Maybe I’m pessimistic but all I see is every call center representative disappearing and that’ll be it

sailingbythelee ,

I agree that AI is just a tool, and it excels in areas where an algorithmic approach can yield good results. A human still has to give it the goal and the parameters.

What's fascinating about AI, though, is how far we can push the algorithmic approach in the real world. Fighter pilots will say that a machine can never replace a highly-trained human pilot, and it is true that humans do some things better right now. However, AI opens up new tactics. For example, it is virtually certain that AI-controlled drone swarms will become a favored tactic in many circumstances where we currently use human pilots. We still need a human in the loop to set the goal and the parameters. However, even much of that may become automated and abstracted as humans come to rely on AI for target search and acquisition. The pace of battle will also accelerate and the electronic warfare environment will become more saturated, meaning that we will probably also have to turn over a significant amount of decision-making to semi-autonomous AI that humans do not directly control at all times.

In other words, I think that the line between dumb tool and autonomous machine is very blurry, but the trend is toward more autonomous AI combined with robotics. In the car design example you give, I think that eventually AI will be able to design a better car on its own using an algorithmic approach. Once it can test 4 million hood ornament variations, it can also model body aerodynamics, fuel efficiency, and any other trait that we tell it is desirable. A sufficiently powerful AI will be able to take those initial parameters and automate the process of optimizing them until it eventually spits out an objectively better design. Yes, a human is in the loop initially to design the experiment and provide parameters, but AI uses the output of each experiment to train itself and automate the design of the next experiment, and the next, ad infinitum. Right now we are in the very early stages of AI, and each AI experiment is discrete. We still have to check its output to make sure it is sensible and combine it with other output or tools to yield useable results. We are the mind guiding our discrete AI tools. But over a few more decades, a slow transition to more autonomy is inevitable.

A few decades ago, if you had asked which tasks an AI would NOT be able to perform well in the future, the answers almost certainly would have been human creative endeavors like writing, painting, and music. And yet, those are the very areas where AI is making incredible progress. Already, AI can draw better, write better, and compose better music than the vast, vast majority of people, and we are just at the beginning of this revolution.

essteeyou ,

It can solve existing problems in new ways, which might be handy.

funkless_eck ,



sure. But, like I said, those are subject to a lot of caveats - that humans have to set the experiments up to ask the right questions to get those answers.

essteeyou ,

That's how it currently is, but I'd be astounded if it didn't progress quickly from now.

funkless_eck ,

i would be extremely surprised if before 2100 we see AI that has no human operator and no data scientist team even at a 3rd party distributor - and those things are neither a lie, nor a weaselly marketing stunt ("technically the operators are contractors and not employed by the company" etc).

We invented the printing press 584 years ago, it still requires a team of human operators.

essteeyou ,

A printing press is not a technology with intelligence. It's like saying we still have to manually operate knives... of course we do.

funkless_eck ,

the comment I originally replied to claimed AI will design the autonomous machines.

It will not. It will facilitate some of the research done by humans to aid in the designing of willfully human operated machinery.

To my knowledge the only autonomous machine that exists is a roomba, which moves blindly around until it physically strikes an object, rotates a random degree and continues in a new direction until it hits something else.

Even then, it is controlled with an app and on more expensive models, some boundary setting.

It is extremely generous to call that "autonomy."

essteeyou ,

I was in a self-driving taxi yesterday. It didn't need to bump into things to figure out where it was.

funkless_eck ,

Fair, I thought they all got recalled but I guess they're back. but I'd also counter that Waymo is extremely limited about where it can operate - roughly 10 miles max - which, relevant to my original point was entirely hand-mapped and calibrated by human operators, and the rides are monitored and directed by a control center responding in real-time to the car's feedback.

Like my printing press example - it still takes a large human team to operate the "self" - driving car.

FiniteBanjo ,

OpenAI themselves have made it very clear that scaling up their models have diminishing returns and that they're incapable of moving forward without entirely new models being invented by humans. A short while ago they proclaimed that they could possibly make an AGI if they got several Trillions of USD in investment.

essteeyou ,

5 years ago I don't think most people thought ChatGPT was possible, or StableDiffusion/MidJourney/etc.

We're in an era of insane technological advancement, and I don't think it'll slow down.

FiniteBanjo ,

Okay but the people who made the advancements are telling you it has already slowed down. Why don't you understand that? A flawed Chatbot and some art theft machines who can't draw hands aren't exactly worldchanging, either, tbh.

lanolinoil , avatar

This is such a rich-country-centric view that I can't stand. LLMs have already given the world maybe it's greatest gift ever -- access to a teacher.

Think of the 800 million poor children in the world and their access to a Kahn academy level teacher on any subject imaginable with a cellphone/computer as all they need. How could that not have value and is pearl clutching drawing skills becoming devalued really all you can think about it?

FiniteBanjo ,

Anything you learn from an LLM has a margin of error that makes it dangerous and harmful. It hallucinates documentation and fake facts like an asylum inmate. And it's so expensive compared to just having real teachers that it's all pointless. We've got humans, we don't need more humans, adding labor doesn't solve the problem with education.

lanolinoil , avatar

bro I was taught in a textbook in the US in the 00s that the statue of liberty was painted green.

No math teacher I ever had actually knew the level of math they were teaching.

Humans hallucinate all the time. almost 1 billion children don't even have access to a human teacher, thus the boon to humanity

FiniteBanjo , (edited )

Those textbooks and the people who regurgitate their contents are the training data for the LLM. Any statement you make about human incompetence is multiplied by an LLM. If they don't have access to a human teacher then they probably don't have PCs and AI subscriptions, either.

lanolinoil , avatar

yeah but whatever the stats about as N increases alpha/beta error goes away thing is

essteeyou ,

There are other people in the world. Some of them are inventing completely new ways of doing things, and one of those ways could lead to a major breakthrough. I'm not saying a GPT LLM is going to solve the problem, I'm saying AI will.

leftzero ,

Some of them are inventing completely new ways of doing things

No, they're not. All the money is now on the LLM autocomplete chatbots.

Real progress on AI won't resume until after the LLM bubble has burst. (And even then investors will probably be wary of putting money in AI for probably a few decades, because LLMs are being marked as AI despite having little to do with it.)

It's quite depressing, really.

essteeyou ,

Who was making this "real progress on AI" that you mention? Why did they stop that when an LLM became popular?

rottingleaf ,

It can't design.

lanolinoil , avatar

define design -- I had Chat GPT dream up new musical instruments and then we implemented one. It wrote all the code and architecture, though I did have to prod/help it along in places.

you can read more here:

rottingleaf ,

Thx, will read.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Neither can the majority of engineers I have meet, but that hasn't stopped them. You really don't need any design ability if your whole day is having endless meetings terrorizing OEMs.

IzzyJ ,

either freeing up several people to pursue leisure or the arts or starve to death from being abandoned by society.

You know EXACTLY which one it's gonna be.

Grandwolf319 ,

Hahaha, current ML is basically good guessing, that doesn’t really transfer to building machines that actually have to obey the laws of physics.

lanolinoil , avatar

is it good guessing that you know when you step out of your bed without looking you won't fall to your death?

afraid_of_zombies ,

It isn't the intelligence of the machine designer that is the issue, it is the middlemen and the end user.

Continuously having to downgrade machines. Wouldn't want some sales rep seeing something new.

Passerby6497 ,


This word is like Atlas, holding up the world's shittiest argument that anyone with 3 working braincells can see through.

bungalowtill ,

it isn‘t delusional, it is a lie

frezik ,

AI might be the one to say "solving global warming needs a drastic reduction car-based infrastructure, plus heavy government regulation and investment in new infrastructure". They'll throw out that answer because it isn't what they wanted to hear.

TrueStoryBob ,

Nah, they're probably planning to do what Amazon did with their "Just Walk Out" stores... force children into mines and just claim it's actually AI. As NFT's, Cryptocurrency, and so many other hype tech fads have taught us: marketing is cheaper than development.

rottingleaf ,

They just mean "steal from the weaker ones" by "create".

Psychology of advertising a Ponzi scheme.

They say "we are going to rob someone and if you participate, you'll get a cut", but change a few things so that people would understand, but would think that someone else won't and will be the fool to get robbed. Then those people considering themselves smart find out that, well, they've been robbed.

Humans are very eager to participate in that when they think it's all legal and they won't get caught.

The idea here is that the "AI" will help some people own others and it's better to be on the side of companies doing it.

I generally dislike our timeline in the fact that while dishonorable people are weaker than honorable people long term, it really sucks to live near a lot of dishonorable people who want to check this again the most direct way. It sucks even more when that's the whole world in such a situation.

PoliticalAgitator ,

The very first prompt this AGI is given will be "secure as much wealth as possible without breaking any laws that might see us punished".

logos ,

Just like the industrial revolution!

TheGrandNagus , (edited )

To be fair, that did improve things for the average person, and by a staggering amount.

The vast majority of people working before the industrial revolution were lowly paid agricultural workers who had enormous instability in employment. Employment was also typically very seasonal, and very hard work.

That's before we even get into things like stuff being made cheaper, books being widely available, transport being opened up, medical knowledge skyrocketing, famines going from regular occurrence to rare occurrence, etc as a result of the industrial revolution.

We had been on a constant trajectory of everyone getting wealthier up until the late 1970s where afterwards we saw a sharp rise in inequality, a trend that hasn't stopped. (Thatcher and her other shithead twin Reagan?)

In the mid 70s, the top 1% owned 19.9% of wealth. Now that figure is around 53%.

garibaldi_biscuit , (edited )

Let's not forget this is all driven by people with the right skillset, in the right place at the right time, who are hell-bent on making vast amounts of money.

The "visionary technological change" is a secondary justification.

Permission granted to scrape this comment too, if you like.

FiskFisk33 , to Technology in OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game


pixxelkick , to Technology in OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game

I mean, that's just how it has always worked, this isn't actually special to AI.

Tom Hanks does the voice for Woody in Toy Story movies, but, his brother Jim Hanks has a very similar voice, but since he isnt Tom Hanks he commands a lower salary.

So many video games and whatnot use Jim's voice for Woody instead to save a bunch of money, and/or because Tom is typically busy filming movies.

This isn't an abnormal situation, voice actors constantly have "sound alikes" that impersonate them and get paid literally because they sound similar.

OpenAI clearly did this.

It's hilarious because normally fans are foaming at the mouth if a studio hires a new actor and they sound even a little bit different than the prior actor, and no one bats an eye at studios efforts to try really hard to find a new actor that sounds as close as possible.

Scarlett declined the offer and now she's malding that OpenAI went and found some other woman who sounds similar.

Thems the breaks, that's an incredibly common thing that happens in voice acting across the board in video games, tv shows, movies, you name it.

OpenAI almost certainly would have won the court case if they were able to produce who they actually hired and said person could demo that their voice sounds the same as Gippity's.

If they did that, Scarlett wouldn't have a leg to stand on in court, she cant sue someone for having a similar voice to her, lol.

dwindling7373 , (edited )

Yes but also no, the whole appeal is tied to her brand (her public image x the character HER), unlike Woody who is an original creation.

It's like doing a commercial using a lookalike dressed like the original guy and pretending that's a completely different actor.

Glowstick , (edited )

I agreed with op, then i read your astute response and now I don't know which position is correct.

Thinking it through as i type... If you photoshopped an image of Tom Hanks giving a thumbs up to your product, that would clearly be illegal, but if you hired an exact flawless lookalike impersonator of Tom Hanks and had him pose for a picture with a thumbs up to your product, would that be illegal? I think it might still be illegal, because you purposely hired a lookalike impersonator to gain the benefit of Tom Hanks' brand.

I think the law on AI should match what the law says about impersonators. If hiring an indistinguishable celebrity impersonator to use in media is legal, then ai soundalikes should be legal too, and vice versa.

lanolinoil , avatar

when you get into these nitty gritty copyright/ip arguments you realize it's all just a house of cards to make capital king and the main ism

assassin_aragorn ,

I think what it comes down to is intention. Are you intending to mimic someone else's likeness without that person's permission? That's wrong. But if you just like someone's voice and want to use them, and they happen to have a similar likeness, that's fine.

Where OpenAI gloriously fucked up is asking Johansson first. If they hadn't, they would have plausible deniability that they just liked the voice actor's voice. If it reminds them of Johansson, that's even fine. What's wrong is that they specifically wanted her likeness, even after she turned them down.

Chee_Koala ,

I get that she is grappling with identity and it's not a clear cut case, but if the precedent is set that similar voices (and I didn't even think it was that similar in this case) are infringement, that would be a pretty big blow to commercial creativity projects.

Maybe it's more a brand problem than an infringement problem.

0x0 ,

That reminded me of Ice Ice Baby and the rip-off of Queen's Under Pressure bass riff. Queen won i think.

I don't think this is the same thing though. They asked her, she said so, they went for her cute cousin instead... typical.

xhieron , avatar

She sure can't. Sounds like all OpenAI has to do is produce the voice actor they used.

So where is she? ...


Mango ,

You gonna just sit there and act like they don't have someone? They aren't coming here to reply to your fuckin Lemmy comment.

norbert , avatar

This entire thing would go away if they trotted out the person they used, until they do that we have no other choice than assume they ScarJos voice without permission.

Mango ,

Guilty until proven innocent. I see you're clearly about that fuckshit. An accusation does it all for you.

norbert , avatar

Scumfuck corpos don't get the benefit of the doubt sucker. Sammy claimed they had another so just produce her and the issue goes away.

Unless he's a scumfuck liar getting high on his own farts and can't actually produce her.

Mango ,

Then neither do you, pedophile. Just prove to me you didn't rape that little girl. Show me the proof and this will all go away.

norbert , avatar

Oh is there someone claiming that? Have I been in talks with little girls? Did they refuse to do business with me at which point I claimed I magically had a different little girl that sounded exactly like the one I was trying to hire?

Oh, no? Nothing that would indicate my intentions? That'd be a really strange assumption for you to make and probably says more about you than me.

Now, if I'd openly stated what I wanted to do and then it mysteriously happened you'd be right to suspect something. Like what happened here.

It's pretty weird for you to simp for some chucklefuck billionaire my dude. He's not your friend, in fact he's your enemy.

Mango ,

I don't give a damn about that billionaire. I just came out of jail because nobody bothered to fact check. Go fuck yourself you bloodthirsty pedophile!

norbert , avatar

You could probably do a bit of fact checking yourself in between dick riding and quoting billionaires, you sound like a little Musky boy crying pedo when people don't want his help.

Fucking idiot.

Mango ,

Quoting? What did I say that's the same as someone else?

You're probably just some fucking troll. I'm done playing your game.

potpotato ,

Government administrations wanting to know the ingredients of how something is made isn’t exactly new.

Mango ,

Yeah, food and for safety.

xhieron , avatar

That's flattering, but I was actually just expecting a press release. So where is it?

NeoNachtwaechter ,

Get real. They have made it like her deliberately. Not anybody "nearly alike". They even admitted it.

xhieron , avatar

That was the point... Did you reply to the wrong comment?

PrincessLeiasCat ,

Wouldn’t the difference here wrt Tom/Woody be that Tom had already played the role before so there is some expectation that a similar voice would be used for future versions of Woody if Tom wasn’t available?

Serious question, I never thought about the point you made so now I’m curious.

Mango ,

Yeah, and there are so very few people who have literally any physical traits that aren't also present in a million others. You can't exactly copyright that.

catloaf ,

The difference is that apparently they asked ScarJo first and she said no. When they ask Tom Hanks (or really his agent, I assume) the answer is "he's too busy with movies, try Jim".

gaylord_fartmaster ,

You think celebrities need to consent to someone that sounds similar to them getting work? That's insane.

catloaf ,
gaylord_fartmaster ,

Having a talking woman in your phone is not stealing Scarlet Johansson's likeness, even if they sound somewhat similar. US copyright law is already ridiculous, and you want to make it even more bullshit?

By that logic her role in Her was already stealing the voice actor for Siri's likeness, and she should have sued for that too.

afraid_of_zombies ,

If you don't own your image what do you own?

Also you know scale. There is a difference between an Elvis impersonation in Vegas vs a huge ass corporation.

gaylord_fartmaster ,

You own the pile of money you earned for the role you played in someone else's creative project.

This isn't back to the future 2 making a Crispin Glover face mask and putting it on an extra, its using a woman for a voice acting role for an AI speaking from your phone, and somehow that's stealing from a movie with the same concept, but not stealing from the actual phone AIs voiced by women that existed before the movie.

afraid_of_zombies ,

How would you feel if I made wheelbarrows of money off your face or voice without your consent and not paying you a penny? What about your family, got a relatives you care about who would look great in my AI generated porno?

The world is schizophrenic about this. On one hand we know that data is king and knowing about a person and having access to what they produce is a super important very lucrative field. The biggest companies on earth buy and sell data about people. On the other hand we argue that your image and data has no value and anyone can do what they want with it.

gaylord_fartmaster ,

Then I'd have grounds to sue you for stealing my likeness, just like Crispin Glover did in the example I just gave.

Are you under the impression that's what happened here? It isn't. The voice is clearly not Scarlet Johansson's, and she doesn't have any kind of ownership over the concept of an AI in your phone using an upbeat woman's voice to speak to you.

BrianTheeBiscuiteer ,

Well, in the "soundalike" situation you describe people were getting paid to voice things. Now it's just an AI model that's not getting paid and the people that made the model probably got paid even less than a soundalike voice actor would. It's just more money going to the top.

athairmor ,

Scarlett actually would have a good case if she can show the court that people think it’s her. Tom Waits won a case against Frito Lay for “voice misappropriation” when they had someone imitate his voice for a commercial.

afraid_of_zombies ,

I wish I had enough bandwidth to be angry at a new voice actor being hired to play in a children's movie franchise.

breakfastmtn , to Technology in OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game avatar
maegul , to Technology in OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game avatar

The moment word was that Reddit (and now Stackoverflow) were tightening APIs to then sell our conversations to AI was when the game was given away. And I'm sure there were moments or clues before that.

This was when the "you're the product if its free" arrangement metastasised into "you're a data farming serf for a feudal digital overlord whether you pay or not".

Google search transitioning from Good search engine for the internet -> Bad search engine serving SEO crap and ads -> Just use our AI and forget about the internet is more of the same. That their search engine is dominated by SEO and Ads is part of it ... the internet, IE other people's content isn't valuable any more, not with any sovereignty or dignity, least of all the kind envisioned in the ideals of the internet.

The goal now is to be the new internet, where you can bet your ass that there will not be any Tim Berners-Lee open sourcing this. Instead, the internet that we all made is now a feudal landscape on which we all technically "live" and in which we all technically produce content, but which is now all owned, governed and consumed by big tech for their own profits.

I recall back around the start of YouTube, which IIRC was the first hype moment for the internet after the dotcom crash, there was talk about what structures would emerge on the internet ... whether new structures would be created or whether older economic structures would impose themselves and colonise the space. I wasn't thinking too hard at the time, but it seemed intuitive to that older structures would at least try very hard to impose themselves.

But I never thought anything like this would happen. That the cloud, search/google, mega platforms and AI would swallow the whole thing up.

classic ,

Well that's a happy note on which to end this day

(Well written though, thank you)

erwan ,

Especially coming from Google, who was one of the good guys pushing open standards and interoperability.

0x0 ,

Power corrupts. Decentralize.

lanolinoil , avatar

We ruined the world by painting certain men or groups as bad. The centralization of power is the bad thing. That's the whole purpose of all Republics as I understand it. Something we used to know and have almost completely forgotten

gh0stcassette , avatar

Eh, open-sourcing is just good business, the only reason every big tech company doesn't is that loads of executives are stuck in the past. Of course having random people on the internet do labor for you for free is something Google would want. They get the advantage of tens of thousands of extra eyes on their code pointing out potential security vulnerabilities and they can just put all the really shady shit in proprietary blobs like Google Play Services, they're getting the best of both worlds as far as they're concerned.

Large publicly-traded companies do not do anything for the good of anyone but themselves, they are literally Legally Obligated to make the most profitable decisions for themselves at all times. If they're open-sourcing things it's to make money, not because they were "good guys".

Hoxton , avatar

Well said! I’m still wondering what happens when the enviable ouroboros of AI content referencing AI content referencing AI content makes the whole internet a self perpetuating mess of unreadable content and makes anything of value these companies once gained basically useless.

Would that eventually result in fresh, actual human created content only coming from social media? I guess clauses about using your likeness will be popping up in TikTok at some point (if they aren’t already)

maegul , avatar

I dunno, my feeling is that even if the hype dies down we’re not going back. Like a real transition has happened just like when Facebook took off.

Humans will still be in the loop through their prompts and various other bits and pieces and platforms (Reddit is still huge) … while we may just adjust to the new standard in the same way that many reported an inability to do deep reading after becoming regular internet users.

gh0stcassette , avatar

I think it'll end up like Facebook (the social media platform, not the company). Eventually you'll hit model collapse for new models trained off uncurated internet data once a critical portion of all online posts are made by AI, and it'll become Much more expensive to create quality, up-to-date datasets for new models. Older/less tech literate people will stay on the big, AI-dominated platforms getting their brains melted by increasingly compelling, individually-tailored AI propaganda and everyone else will move to newer, less enshittified platforms until the cycle repeats.

Maybe we'll see an increase in discord/matrix style chatroom type social media, since it's easier to curate those and be relatively confident everyone in a particular server is human. I also think most current fediverse platforms are also marginally more resistant to AI bots because individual servers can have an application process that verifies your humanity, and then defederate from instances that don't do that.

Basically anything that can segment the Unceasing Firehose of traffic on the big social media platforms into smaller chunks that can be more effectively moderated, ideally by volunteers because a large tech company would probably just automate moderation and then you're back at square 1.

Hoxton , avatar

Honestly, that sounds like the most realistic outcome. If the history of the internet is anything to go by, the bubble will reach critical mass and not so much pop, as slowly deflate when something else begins to grow and take its place of hype.

maegul , avatar

Great take.

Older/less tech literate people will stay on the big, AI-dominated platforms getting their brains melted by increasingly compelling, individually-tailored AI propaganda

Ooof ... great way of putting it ... "brain melting AI propaganda" ... I can almost see a sci-fi short film premised on this image ... with the main scene being when a normal-ish person tries to have a conversation with a brain-melted person and we slowly see from their behaviour and language just how melted they've become.

Maybe we’ll see an increase in discord/matrix style chatroom type social media, since it’s easier to curate those and be relatively confident everyone in a particular server is human.

Yep. This is a pretty vital project in the social media space right now that, IMO, isn't getting enough attention, in part I suspect because a lot of the current movements in alternative social media are driven by millennials and X-gen nostalgic for the internet of 2014 without wanting to make something new. And so the idea of an AI-protected space doesn't really register in their minds. The problems they're solving are platform dominance, moderation and lock-in.

Worthwhile, but in all serious about 10 years too late and after the damage has been done (surely our society would be different if social media didn't go down the path it did from 2010 onward). Now what's likely at stake is the enshitification or en-slop-ification (slop = unwanted AI generated garbage) of internet content and the obscuring of quality human-made content, especially those from niche interests. Algorithms started this, which alt-social are combating, which is great.

But good community building platforms with strong privacy or "enclosing" and AI/Bot protecting mechanisms are needed now. Unfortunately, all of these clones of big-social platforms (lemmy included) are not optimised for community building and fostering. In fact, I'm not sure I see community hosting as a quality in any social media platforms at the moment apart from discord, which says a lot I think. Lemmy's private and local only communities (on the roadmap apparently) is a start, but still only a modification of the reddit model.

afraid_of_zombies ,

person tries to have a conversation with a brain-melted person and we slowly see from their behaviour and language just how melted they’ve become.

I see you have met my Fox News watching parents.

maegul , avatar

LOL (I haven't actually met someone like that, in part because I'm not a USian and generally not subject to that sort of type ATM ... but I am morbidly curious TBH.

Hoxton , avatar

You’re absolutely right about not going back. Web 3.0 I guess. I want to be optimistic that a distinction between all the garbage and actual useful or real information will be visible to people, but like you said, general tech and media literacy isn’t encouraging, hey?

Slightly related, but I’ve actually noticed a government awareness campaign where I live about identifying digital scams. Be nice if that could be extended to incorrect or misleading AI content too.

assassin_aragorn ,

It should end up self regulating once AI is using AI material. That's the downfall of the companies not bothering to put very clear identification of AI produced material. It'll spiral into a hilarious mess.

Hoxton , avatar

I’m legit looking forward to when Google returns completely garbled and unreadable search results, because someone is running an automated Ads campaign that sources another automated campaign and so on, with the only reason it rises to the top is that they put the highest bid amount.

I doubt Google will do shit about it, but at least the memes will be good!

afraid_of_zombies ,

Hasn't it already happened? All culture is derivative, yes all of it. And look at how much of it is awful, yet we navigate fine. I keep hearing stats like every one second YouTube gets 4 hours more content and yet I use YouTube daily. Despite being very very confident that all but a fraction of a percent of what it has is of any value to me.

Same for books, magazines, news, podcasts, radio programs, music, art, comics, recipes, articles....

We already live in the post information explosion. Where the same stuff gets churned over and over again. All I am seeing AI doing is speeding this up. Now instead of a million YouTube vids I won't watch getting added next week it will be ten million.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Tik Tok was banned so it ain't coming from there. Can't get universal healthcare but we can make sure to protect kids from the latest dance craze.

GnomeKat , avatar

Thats a technical issue that likely can be solved. I doubt some feedback loop of training data will be the downfall of AI.. The way to stop it is to refuse to use it( lets be real the regulators arnt gana do shit)

Rolando ,

But I never thought anything like this would happen. That the cloud, search/google, mega platforms and AI would swallow the whole thing up.

I didn't think so either. The funny thing is, Blade Runner, The Matrix, and the whole cyberpunk genre was warning us...

maegul , avatar

Yea but this feels quicker than anyone expected. It’s easy to forget, but alpha Go beating the best in the world was shocking at the time and no one saw it coming. We hadn’t sorted out what to do with big monopoly corps yet, we weren’t ready for a whole new technology.

WhatsHerBucket , avatar

Nice to hear I’m not the only one who thought the same exact thing.

maegul , avatar

Oh yea, it’s basically a vibe now for those who see it, which I was mostly channeling.

xmunk , to World News in New 9/11 Evidence Points to Deep Saudi Complicity - The Atlantic

Uh, we knew that, right? A lot of Al Qaeda's funding came from Saudi Arabia.

can OP ,

We did, sure, but ask a random person on a street, you're confident they know?

xmunk ,

Oh, absolutely not - political considerations made America stay buddy buddy with Saudi Arabia after 9/11. The state department avoided talking shit about the house of Saud even when falsely assigning blame to Iraq and Iran. One of the best parts of being a millennial is getting that "Obviously what we're saying is total bullshit" education in your youth.

aceshigh , to Technology in The Toilet Theory of the Internet: Google is serving an audience that wants quick and easy results. That may lead to disaster. avatar

I’m one of those people… I get overwhelmed with information and freeze. ChatGPT moves me out of the freeze stress response. I’m excellent at qa and following instruction, but awful at organization. My progress has drastically improved because I delegate my weaknesses. I do hope that I can continue using this tool to help me.

Entropywins ,

Analysis paralysis

aceshigh , avatar

It’s a lack of strategy, and not being able to overcome the obstacle. It stinks.

b3an , to Technology in The Toilet Theory of the Internet: Google is serving an audience that wants quick and easy results. That may lead to disaster. avatar

Reminder: there are other great search engines. Nobody is forcing you to use Google search.
Kagi! Kagi!

Hawk ,

Kagi is great, but I just can't miss $5 a month for it.

I'm using Qwant now and it's pretty good.

b3an , avatar

I totally understand! Speaking of my own use,
it’s particularly nice because I get more relevant returns and there is the lens feature. also I use the summarization for a lot of things. Very useful

Audacious , to Technology in The Toilet Theory of the Internet: Google is serving an audience that wants quick and easy results. That may lead to disaster.

I don't mind looking through several pages of results, but the problem is that many results are the same web domains, which causes glazed-over eyes seeing the same results. So, I think it's the search engine's fault for this behavior, at least for me.

Gsus4 , (edited ) to Technology in The Toilet Theory of the Internet: Google is serving an audience that wants quick and easy results. That may lead to disaster. avatar

What have new generations been led into thinking that the internet is supposed to be? They dont even know what a directory is or what a file path is, because of design that dumbs things down...

It is important, because what people think the internet is and what they value will affect what it will evolve into.

E.g. wikipedia is reflects somehow my view of the internet in the 2000s (Encarta :D)...but for some people today the internet is just social media...or just videos?

rottingleaf ,

E.g. wikipedia is reflects somehow my view of the internet in the 2000s (Encarta :D)…but for some people today the internet is just social media…or just videos?

BTW, does anybody know of an offline encyclopedia which works under Wine?

I liked those too.

The Internet for me was about finding texts about fandoms or anything interesting, roleplaying forums, chats and some browser games. Downloading MP3`s once in a while, downloading and printing Star Wars pics.


They dont even know what a directory is or what a file path is, because of design that dumbs things down…

A kiosk with services.

Gsus4 , avatar

BTW, does anybody know of an offline encyclopedia which works under Wine?

You can download wikipedia:

edit: if you really meant you want to see if any old encyclopedias work under wine, I never tried :D

rottingleaf ,

I know, I meant something interactive from that time, complete and consistent. Like Encarta.

jfx ,

I'm still consulting my venerable encyclopaedia britannica dvd until this day. It works great under wine and actually does not work under a current version of windows anymore.

rottingleaf , (edited )

It works great under wine

Which version is that?

EDIT: Never mind

jfx ,

2008 ultimate

rottingleaf ,

Ah. I actually found the 2004 version and the script to run it on Linux, and it works except for world atlas

Fiivemacs ,

I get all my information about dinosaurs from Dinosaur safari. Not sure about other topics.

rar ,

Internet of the 90s and early 2000s were introduced as a library where people consulted text for information. The was an introduction (tutorials), a userbase that's educated and/or eager to learn, and most importantly, it was the wild west where companies didn't think much of except for just having a .com address. This is where our view of search engines come from - to consult with keywords and read.

This is no longer the case. It's no longer seen as a library, but the shopping mall where you have advertisements shoved down your throat and flashy stuff that grab your attention. For people who were born after smartphones and grew up without knowing the early stuff, the search engine is... well, do people know or even care about that?

_sideffect ,

That's the best way I've heard the current internet being described... One giant shopping mall with ads.

And it sucks.

qevlarr , to Technology in The Toilet Theory of the Internet: Google is serving an audience that wants quick and easy results. That may lead to disaster. avatar

Can I read the full article without yet another goddamn account?

FlyingSquid ,

Yes, but only if you shit slowly.

redcalcium ,
the_post_of_tom_joad , to Technology in The Toilet Theory of the Internet: Google is serving an audience that wants quick and easy results. That may lead to disaster.

They blamed us when news for shitty too."this is what you want". No. Its gaslighting and also fuck you. If you did what i wanted you'd all be long dead so shut the fuck up and get back in your volcano line

ripcord , avatar

...volcano line?

Excrubulent , avatar

You heard 'em GET BACK IN THERE

FenrirIII , avatar

And no cutsies! Everyone gets their turn in the volcano 🌋

jaybone ,

I thought this was the line for the buffet. Is it too late to switch?

Excrubulent , (edited ) avatar
seaQueue , avatar

Billionaires and investment companies buying radio, TV and print media outlets, massively consolidating them and then turning all of them into engagement bait, rage bait and propaganda factories is what ruined journalism. Radio, TV and newspaper deregulation in the 80s and 90s was a massive mistake and is the major driver of the breakdown of civil discourse over the last 30y. Which, of course, is good for billionaires and Wall St because it leaves society too dysfunctional to reign in business as usual profit extraction.

Excrubulent , avatar

You're right about the problems, but I wouldn't characterise deregulation as a mistake, it was a calculated plan that achieved its goals which were to benefit capital.

I just think it's important to understand that capitalism is set up to operate this way and will always devolve into barbarism.

archchan , avatar

There's a pattern of belief among the rich and powerful that is basically like, "people don't actually know what they want. They think they do but what they actually want is different, even if they don't recognize it." When they say "this is what you want" they think they're giving us the thing we actually want. They believe what they're saying.

I find that to be equal parts fascinating and terrifying.

linearchaos , avatar

There's no money in giving them what they want. The money is in giving them what you can give them cheaply that others can't. If part of that is gaslighting....

joel_feila , avatar

Well there is truth in that. Look at politics. Lots of people what a better workd and know what the end result us , but they don't know how to get that. Or for a simple example. People will reply to survives saying they want dark roasted coffee, but they mostly buy medium roast i the usa.

LainTrain ,

This comment is great

grrgyle , avatar

You're great

LainTrain ,

Aww :3

sukhmel , to Technology in The Toilet Theory of the Internet: Google is serving an audience that wants quick and easy results. That may lead to disaster.

Irony is not exactly lost when this article requires jumping through hoops to read after presenting the hook about toilet theory and saying that the author uses it to imagine what the audience is like.

As a distracted audience I'd rather go distract over something else then create an account

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