Mrkawfee , to World News in What Hamas Called Its Female Captives, and Why It Matters

Racist Zionist propaganda.

porous_grey_matter ,

Not to mention projection

zephyreks ,

but but but my MBFC rating!!111!

Aidinthel , to World News in What Hamas Called Its Female Captives, and Why It Matters

it does seem excessively lurid to suggest, without direct evidence, that they have been raped in captivity for the past several months

But you're just going to do it anyway?

Sami , (edited ) to World News in What Hamas Called Its Female Captives, and Why It Matters avatar

This is just straight up racist propaganda. No other way to describe it

sabaya is straightforwardly associated with what we moderns call rape

Absolutely factually incorrect. Sabaya is the plural of sabiye which means young woman/girl. The masculine form is sabi which means boy or shab for young man (not exactly symmetric like use of guy vs girl in english). Zero sexual connotation and used in everyday language in levantine arabic.

ralphio ,

Yep. And the subheading I really have a problem with.

Reading too much into the language seems, at this point, to be less of a danger than reading too little into it.

The implication being that it's low stakes to make this accusation without solid evidence. In reality the whole justification from the West for the state of affairs between Israel and Palestine is that Arabs are a bunch of backwards savages, and this extends to the way the West has acted throughout the Middle East.

xmunk ,

Isn't Sabaya just like Senorita where they indicate an unmarried young woman? Or, like, Miss?

Sami , avatar

Pretty much yes. (Ma)demoiselle vs madame are also used due to french influence over the region for singular use but sabaya is what you would use for a group of younger women with neswein being the alternative for older/married women.

DolphinMath OP , (edited )

This article from November of last year would dispute your claim.

A group of young girls; صبايا

With the letter; Sad / ص

e.g. “girls / 9abaya” went out for a walk.

This word is not a conversation here, just for clarification.
A group of women/girls of war’s loot — (sex slaves); سبايا

With the letter; S/س

Sabaya سبايا which are literally the war’s loot of girls/women, and according to Islam is Halal.

The word “Sabaya” unequivocally means “women captives at war for sex”.

Sami , (edited ) avatar

So both of those words are spelled sabaya when anglicized and while I will admit I was not familiar with the soft s variant because it's antiquated (and still not necessarily sexual in meaning even if that one is debatable), it doesn't sound like the man in the video who is supposed to have said that even said either of those words to me. I genuinely can't even make out what the word he said is.

Why is this the subject of debate nearly 8 months after the fact?

DolphinMath OP , (edited )
solo ,

I see the publisher of the above is Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Could you share a link in relation to how they perceive zionism?

DolphinMath OP , (edited )

After that link I literally added redacted screenshots of a primary source that was published by ISIS

It does not matter what the publisher of the document in the first link thinks about Zionism. I don’t know and I don’t care.

solo , (edited )

Ok, no link. I'll go to another point.

You try to present arguments against Hamas by talking about ISIS. ISIS and Hamas are not interchangeable words, and Hamas is not ISIS.

Also even if I don't speak any variation of arabic it is well known that words can have different meaning in different places in which the same language is officially spoken. We have many examples of english speaking people that use the same word differently, like very differently.

So what are you really trying to do?

DolphinMath OP , (edited )

Come back when you actually know something instead of vaguely gesturing at possibilities. My argument and sources were clear. I spent too much time digging already, and forgive me if I don’t want to spend even more time researching every suggestion for your 9 day old Lemmy account.

There is an obvious cultural connection between different Arabic Islamic extremist groups in the Middle East. Yes there will be cultural differences, and differences in dialect, but the meaning of this word isn’t one of them.

solo ,

How old are you? Are you 5?

DolphinMath OP ,

Good retort

jordanlund Mod , avatar

Removed, civility.

solo ,

jordanlund I must admit that I do not see what was uncivil about my response. I will try and rephrase:

Come back when you actually know something

Please, civility.

forgive me if I don’t want to spend even more time researching every suggestion for your 9 day old Lemmy account.

As I mentioned above, this was left behind. My statement was clear about this: Ok, no link. I’ll go to another point. Also, I really don't see how the number of days I am on this platform is relevant to anything we are discussing here.

My argument and sources were clear.

Yes, clear and irrelevant to your point. They are about ISIS, not Hamas. Again, Hamas and ISIS are not interchangeable words.

Yes there will be cultural differences, and differences in dialect, but the meaning of this word isn’t one of them.

Because you say so? I'm sorry, you failed to provide evidence to support your claim.

Taking into consideration the above, I think it is obvious that I don't see any point continuing this interaction. I find the way you approached it, infantile.

jordanlund Mod , avatar

The comment removed:

"How old are you? Are you 5?"

Yeah, that's a civility removal.

solo ,

I just saw there is an explanation on how this community defines civil:

Rule 5: Keep it civil. It’s OK to say the subject of an article is behaving like a (pejorative, pejorative). It’s NOT OK to say another USER is (pejorative). Strong language is fine, just not directed at other members. Engage in good-faith and with respect!

My intentions were not to belittle anyone, I was just totally unimpressed by the level of immaturity this user showed in their replies, and wanted to point that out. And I hope this point was clear in my rephrasing. I take this comment removal as a motivation to use more words, so it is obvious what I mean.

DolphinMath OP , (edited )

I’m going to reply one more time out of the hope you actually are confused about my response, and aren’t simply sealioning.

…I really don't see how the number of days I am on this platform is relevant to anything we are discussing here.

Troll accounts are prevalent on this platform. So much so that certain apps flag new accounts to users.

Again, Hamas and ISIS are not interchangeable words.

I do not disagree with that statement. However, that is not what I am saying.

The influence of ISIS on the Middle East, in Arabic language, and in the culture of similar Militant Islamic Extremist groups is clear and obvious. It colors the world in which the Hamas Militant spoke. It is only logical that he would choose words to frighten, and degrade those whom he was fighting against.

Because you say so? I'm sorry, you failed to provide evidence to support your claim.

No. Because the word spoken has a specific meaning in the culture/context in which it was spoken. The only argument that makes any sense against this, is that he actually said a different but similarly pronounced word.

wewbull ,

Honestly, the use of the word "moderns" is enough to tell you it's a racist interpretation.

DolphinMath OP , (edited ) to World News in What Hamas Called Its Female Captives, and Why It Matters

The Atlantic – Bias and Credibility

Bias Rating: Left-Center

Factual Reporting: High

Country: USA

MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: Mostly Free

Media Type: Magazine

Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic

MBFC Credibility Rating: High Credibility



Ad Fontes Media Rating: Left / Generally Reliable

Article By Graeme Wood

audiomodder ,

I would normally agree, but when it comes to Israel, all bets are off, even for The Atlantic.

jonne ,

The Atlantic is anything but left in general.

alcoholicorn , (edited )

You wanna know how credible any media is? Look at the receipts.

Where did they stand on Libya? Iraq? Afghanistan? Kosovo/Yugoslavia? Iraq the first time? Panama?

If the closest thing to criticism they did when it mattered was "maybe it could be done more competently", they're only free in the sense that they're publishing what the state department wants for free.

zephyreks ,

MBFC is a joke that evaluates factuality based on how well it aligns with the state department. We already know this.

DolphinMath is a propagandist that uses MBFC to whitewash propaganda. We also already know this.

extremeboredom , to World News in New 9/11 Evidence Points to Deep Saudi Complicity

Don't you love how Saudi Arabia, the country who was very obviously behind 9/11, hasn't suffered a single negative consequence as a result of their actions? They literally got away with 9/11. And then the US invaded some unrelated countries. Mind blowing.

Beetlejuice001 ,

When you don’t normalize it, it really is mind blowing. Bush should be in Prison

corroded , to World News in New 9/11 Evidence Points to Deep Saudi Complicity

I'm old enough to remember the 9/11 attacks. It was never in question that Saudi Arabia was complicit in what happened. The majority of the terrorists were Saudi. It took a bit longer for the fact that the Saudi government was complicit to emerge, but we knew within a short time that at the very least, they provided financial support to the terrorists.

The argument for starting the "war on terror" was that Al-Qaeda planned the attack, so we should attack the countries that harbor them. At the time, the majority of the country supported this; I remember George Bush Jr.'s approval ratings being in the 90s for a short time. Even then, most of us knew that Saudi Arabia was at least complicit in what happened. The lust for revenge, as much as it was justified, made people forget that.

Over the last 23 years, I feel like a lot of Americans have forgotten the role that Saudi Arabia played in the events of 9/11; after all, they're our "ally," right? I have always been on the fence regarding whether or not invading Iraq and Afghanistan was a good idea. Back in 2001, though, I felt like invading Saudi Arabia was a great idea. 23 years later, I don't feel any different. Should the United States have attacked Iraq and Afghanistan, I'd say "probably"; should we have attacked Saudi Arabia? Absolutely. Yet it never happened.

phoneymouse ,

I agree with your entire comment except the end.

We shouldn’t have attacked Iraq or Afghanistan. The premise for the war in Iraq was that Saddam was harboring weapons of mass destruction. That was a flat out lie. The Iraq war and the power vacuum it created led to the creation of ISIS.

Afghanistan had elements of Al-Qaeda present. The Taliban tolerated them. We should have hunted bin Laden there and hit Al-Qaeda where we could find them, but toppling the government was mostly useless and we ended up needing to get the hell out of there after spending $2 trillion dollars, only to have the Taliban return.

Should we have attacked Saudi Arabia though? Absolutely. We should have actually done regime change there and maybe even helped ourselves to the oil revenues to cover the costs of 9/11 and our military. Our presence would’ve also helped modernize their medieval society in ways beneficial to the Middle East.

TheEighthDoctor , to Technology in OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game

Doesn't sound anything like Scarlett Johansson

k_rol , (edited )

Well it does have some resemblance but other people have voices like her. Are they not allowed to use their voice anymore?

Edit: I guess not

suction , to Technology in OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game

It’s still just LLM and therefore just autocomplete

todd_bonzalez ,

This article is about their voice synthesis product, which works in tandem with their GPT LLMs, but isn't itself an LLM.

suction ,

Moot point

MojoMcJojo ,

Some days I'm just an autocomplete

Alpha71 , to Technology in OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game

"Yeah, let's go up against the woman who sued Disney and won What could go wrong!?"

Cringe2793 , to Technology in OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game

Scarlett Johansson is a troublemaker. "Sounds eerily similar". It's not like she has such a unique voice after all.

fukurthumz420 , to Technology in OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game

our collective time would be better spent destroying capitalism than trying to stop AI. AI is wonderful in the right social system.

TheGrandNagus , (edited )

Exactly. I know it's easy to automatically froth at the mouth with rage when seeing "AI", and here anything mentioning it gets automatically rejected, but there are genuinely good usecases.

Amazing speech synthesis and recognition is useful for anybody, but especially people with certain disabilities.

Much better translation, spell checking, help with writing. Helping people understand texts that are written in a complicated way (legalese, technical jargon, condensing EULA's, etc)

Infrastructure planning and traffic control.

Grid energy usage and distribution.

Image recognition, useful for anybody for things like searching a photo library for a specific thing, but also for people with visual issues who previously had to rely on awful screen reader software.

Spotting fake reviews, a massive issue online. Flagging bot accounts.

The potential for them to take over some jobs and free up people to pursue other things in life.

This technology, if trained ethically, and not used to siphon more data from people, is amazing. It's how megacorps are using it that's the problem.

jj4211 ,

On the other hand, assuming the social system isn't the right one, hypothetically AI fully realized could make it more unreasonable and more tightly stuck the way it is.

TheFriar ,

Not to mention, any other, more just social system wouldn’t be fucking decimating the environment, ultimately hurting the poorer nations first, for money. And AI is accelerating our CO2 output when we need to be drastically cutting it back. This is very much a pacifying tool as we barrel toward oblivion.

fukurthumz420 ,

AI is accelerating our CO2 output

Could you explain that a little bit more please?

TheFriar ,

When the world needs to be drastically altering our way of life to avert the worst of climate change, these companies are getting away with accelerating their output and generating tons of investment and revenue because “that’s what the market dictates.” Just like with crypto/blockchain a few years ago, adding “AI” into any business pitch/model is basically printing money. So companies are more inclined to incorporate this machine learning tech into their business, and this is all happening while the energy demand for increased usage and the constant “updates” and advancements in the field are gobbling up way more energy than we can honestly afford—and really even conceive of. Because they’re trying to hide this fact, given, yknow, the world fuckin ending. Basically, the market and the entire system of media is encouraging and fawning over this “leap” in tech, when we can’t realistically afford to continue our habits we had before this market even existed. So they are accelerating co2 output, everyone cheers, and we all ride merrily to the edge of our doom.

It’s capitalism once again destroying us and the planet for profit. And everyone who mindlessly jumps on board, ooh’ing and aww’ing at the stupid new shit they’re doing (while they infringe upon the work of all artists without compensation, driving human creativity out in the job market in favor of saving corporations some scratch by firing their artists and using AI instead…I genuinely can’t really conceive of how people seem so on board with this concept.

fukurthumz420 ,

"Cutting-edge technology doesn’t have to harm the planet, and research like this is very important in helping us get concrete numbers about emissions. It will also help people understand that the cloud we think that AI models live on is actually very tangible, says Sasha Luccioni, an AI researcher at Hugging Face who led the work.

Once we have those numbers, we can start thinking about when using powerful models is actually necessary and when smaller, more nimble models might be more appropriate, she says."

that's a shame and i'm not surprised at all to see that corporations are using AI for completely unimportant things.

But one thing to consider is that AI could also lead to solutions that help save the planet, like solving problems with fusion technology. I still believe in science, and I still believe that capitalism is the root of the problem, not the technology itself.

TheFriar ,

I mean, sure, I agree with you. Capitalism is the problem, no question. I would love a job-replacing tech so people could live lives of leisure and art. But…this system is being built for capitalist ends. It’s built by, funding by, and being put in the hands of the exact people causing the problem.

I agree that in a hypothetical world, machine learning technology could very well help humanity. But the code and money is in the hands of people who aren’t interested in helping humanity.

I’m no fan of forced labor for basic necessities. And I’m not advocating for that system by any means, but this tech, in this world, will drive the cost of labor down, drive people from the jobs they’ve been forced to rely upon, and it’s literally taking one of the few job fields where people actually got to express their humanity for their wages: art. Creative writing and design/visual art were one of the few fields people actually dreamt of doing. Because it offered us a living for creating. For being human. And that tiny outlet of humanity in the vast contrivance of capitalism is being devoured by this tech.

That’s just one small part of my distrust of “AI.” But the underlying problem is as I stated first, which is that this tech, existing in this world at this point in time, isn’t going to free us. It’s another tool by the ownership class to cut costs, decimate the environment, and drive profit. While also killing the small little sliver of human creativity that was allowed to exist under capitalism.

So again, hypothetically, yes, the tech could be a force for good and for human liberation from meaningless work. But it’s actually making our work even more meaningless, while sequestering another huge chunk of power for the ruling class. It would be great if it could reach its potential as a force for good. But given everything, that is not how it’s being implemented.

ChaoticEntropy , to Technology in OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game avatar

"We need you to reconsider... because we already did it and we're just looking for your stamp of approval after the fact."

DarkCloud ,

AI has barely started infecting things, it's still avoidable... Yet even at this early stage it's obvious these companies have no morality and are willing to break laws and violate social norms.

It's obvious they're evil and they've barely just begun.

ChaoticEntropy , avatar

Corporations are as callous and mechanical as they have always been, with an ever expanding range of tools to exploit. They will do anything and everything they can unless it is less profitable to do it.

authorinthedark ,

asking for forgiveness rather than permission sorta just seems to be their policy these days, yeah?

ChaoticEntropy , avatar

If by "forgiveness" you mean an avoidance of legal liability, sure. :P

elias_griffin , to Technology in OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game avatar

Quote from the subtitle of the article

and you can’t stop it.

Don't ever let life-deprived, perspective-bubble wearing, uncompassiontate, power hungry manipulators, "News" people, tell you what you can and cannot do. Doesn't even pass the smell test.

My advice, if a Media Outlet tries to Groom you to think that nothing you do matters, don't ever read it again.

logos ,

Closed it as soon as I saw the paywall anyway

ChaoticEntropy , avatar

The implication being that this is the deal that the AI boom is offering, it's not necessarily an endorsement of that philosophy by the writer.

elias_griffin , avatar

I don't care what the implication was, I didn't read past the slight/insult to my character, morality and intelligence. Who is some MSM empty suit tank to play cognitive narrative shaping with me, absolutely zero.

ChaoticEntropy , avatar


fukurthumz420 ,

elias griffin ain't fucking around. neither am i. weakling pacifists will be crushed under the heel of the coming dystopia.

fukurthumz420 ,

god, i love this statement. it's so true. people have to understand our collective power. even if the only tool we have is a hammer, we can still beat their doors down and crush them with it. all it takes is organization and willingness.

Rolando , to Technology in OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game

OpenAI should have given some money to the people who own the movie "Her". Then they could have claimed they were just mimicking the character.

CitizenKong ,

It doesn't work like that. It will soon if Disney has their way, with actors selling away their likeness rights for perpetuity with their contracts.

Rolando ,

That's very interesting... can you suggest a good article covering this topic?

buddascrayon ,

What do you think the actor's strike was about? And what do you think one of the key agreements the actors wrung out of the studios was? They were not about to allow their likenesses to be sold for all of eternity for pennies on the dollar.

mindlesscrollyparrot , to Technology in OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game

I wish Altman would read Accelerando.

BertramDitore , avatar

Knowing people like him, he would probably take the obvious literary warnings from a book like that and use them as inspiration for how to build an even more dystopian nightmare.

frezik ,

Which this very story proves. The AI voice that they generated was specifically based on "Her", a movie about a guy who falls in love with an AI voice assistant. I haven't seen the movie, but I'm going out on a limb to guess this is another "don't make the torment vortex" situation.

aesthelete ,

The movie is actually pretty non-dystopian and kind of sweet. It's basically a romcom, just one with a very creative premise.

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