cmnybo , to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die

That's ridiculous. You should be free to give away, sell, or trade digital games just like you can with physical copies.

catloaf ,

In the EU, you can.

Reawake9179 ,

But only the whole account, or did that change

morhp ,

Transferring the whole account after you die is what this post is about.

catloaf ,

Not the whole account, only individual games.

Last I heard, Steam hadn't actually implemented that functionality yet, though.

exu , avatar

It would probably take someone to sue them, but they would have to implement it.

electricprism , (edited )

Agree, even more so with the private cloud data. If your loved one dies and you want to visit multiplayer you created together in open world builders it would be shitty to take that away from them. Eg: Father and son played Minecraft together on LAN server or whatever (If that even is a thing)

xia , to Technology in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you

Sounds ripe for a legal challenge, but neo-ownership of digital-goods is already so fragile.

nutsack ,

digital goods are more like a service at this point. not really property

xia , (edited )

True for digital goods THEY are supposed to own, but also consider how dominated we are with OUR digital property. I have witnessed how readily tech giants will abuse their position, abuse the power of defaults, weaponize psychology, and feign deletion... even against my lowly grandma. They think nothing of effectively stealing one's digital photos, using them for their own purposes, and giving them to the police, so they can destroy your life and your dog.

nutsack ,

it's all legal, because you sign it all away. you have to in order to use the service

AFC1886VCC , to Technology in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you

When you're dead but someone has got into your steam account and is about to find all of your anime titty games

nutsack ,

what are these im interested

Warjac , (edited )



Doki Doki Literature Club

Boko No Piku

All great games with lots of tiddy.

GunValkyrie ,

One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just isn't the same.

Toes , avatar

Boko Piku xD

pm_me_anime_thighs ,

Ah, the olde "fuck me up for life" trifecta.

bestusername , to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die avatar

Honestly it's bullshit, thousands of dollars of games have died with my brother-in-law, and it's just another reason to pirate everything digital you can.

Don't die without a will and don't die without telling family important details/passwords.

jnk ,

Even for unexpected/accidental deaths, this has an easy fix: Put my bitwarden master password on my will.

bestusername , avatar

You're assuming people are organised.

overload ,

And your 2FA seed phrases

throbbing_banjo , to Technology in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you avatar

But I was already planning on leaving mine to my son.

Guess he just gets my username and password.

Note to self, turn off 2fa before I die

MrBusiness ,

I left the 2fa on! Too la

SorteKanin , to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die avatar

I mean... They're saying they can't transfer games from one account to another right? But you could just put your account details in your will and anyone could login to your steam account and access your games, right?

Sure would be nice if they had the feature. But I'm not sure it's such a big deal.

Godort ,

This is explicitly against their TOS. Whether or not you'll be found out is a whole other matter

warm , (edited )

I suppose they would only find out when the account is still in use after 130 years.

Or if they cared to check payment details and such.

jaykay , avatar

What if I’m planning to live for more than 130 years, then what? Fuck big corporations /s

Beaver , avatar

Start following the blue zone life style friend!

Lileath , avatar

I can't be arsed to read the ToS again, but is it also forbidden to just share an account between several people?

My brother and I opened up that account six years ago and except for the times I forgot to turn my internet off to not be kicked out of games while my brother plays one we never had problems. It would be really shitty if we got into trouble for this because the account is valued somewhere between 1.500 and 4.300€ and is the most expensive thing I own except for my PC.

geissi ,

This is explicitly against their TOS. Whether or not you’ll be found out is a whole other matter

Also whether or not those TOS are legally enforceable in every single country Valve operates in.

Banzai51 , avatar

They can. I buy and gift games to my son all the time.

SorteKanin , avatar

Gifting is not the same as transferring an already bought game to another account. Can you do that?

Banzai51 , avatar

It the same mechanism. They can do it, they just don't want to.

peanuts4life , to Technology in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you avatar

Can you be in the steam family group with a dead person?


Yea but you need the owner account to authorize the computer. So next time you upgrade or wipe your gaming rig you'd be screwed unless you find a bypass and if you're working that hard, just have the password+mfa

CileTheSane , avatar

Check out the new Steam Family Beta. My friends and I are now a polyamorus "family" as far as Steam is concerned. I can play their games, they can play mine, didn't have to touch each other's computers, and live in separate households.

nick , to Technology in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you

I’d like to see them try stopping me giving my kids my password.

DerInti ,


butsbutts , to Technology in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you

whatever im not even playing them when im not dead

Sam_Bass , to Technology in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you

Sucks for your kids

Siegfried , (edited ) to Technology in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you

Do they check? Or can i just give my password to my homie in a letter

"Dear homie,

if you are reading this, it means that i'm on the long path to meet with master Kaio to train my ass off to death in the afterlife. Until we meet again, this is my user and pass of my steam account.

PS: i didn't bought the porno VR games. Someone gifted them to me.

Your bro in eternity,


udon ,

Bro, but what about the credit card receipt for porno VR games, signed by Siegfried? What about the warranty card for the porno VR games, filled out by Siegfried? What about the book "Porno VR Games and Me (This Sort of Thing is my Bag, Baby!)" by Siegfried?

scops ,

Bro, a real bro doesn't ask these questions.

Retrograde , avatar

Yeah, bro. Bro is wanking in the afterlife now

Siegfried ,

Master Kaio is not happy about it, but he is not surprised either.


You just keep the wishlist private and zero it out. You got the answers to those questions. That's private info your bro rusted you to die with.

Aganim ,
CaptainBasculin , to Technology in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you

Does this apply to developer accounts? Because if so this would be dumb as fuck.

lady_maria , avatar

I'd argue that it's dumb as fuck either way.

simplejack , (edited ) avatar

Does steamworks not have a notion of a parent organization or enterprise? That’s what most other design and development tools do.

If someone leaves, the parent enterprise remains, and new people can be added to the enterprise and can be granted rights over the content.

jol ,

What if you setup an account for a company? There's so many questions.

Dkarma , to Technology in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you

Give your kids your passwords, folks

thorbot ,

Gotta have kids for that

AFC1886VCC ,

New tinder bio: "need a woman to birth me a child that will inherit my Steam account on the day of my demise"

genuineparts , avatar

Better yet: "... on the day of my inevitable demise."
Sounds more dramatic

JimmyMcGill ,

We’re all gonna die so it’s still a very much true statement

And I agree, much more dramatic

pdxfed ,

Between my birthday of 1/1/1901 and unlicensed game inheritance, shit is going to go down in the next 50 years. We'll have AI legal reps for powerful firms requesting a statement of all software licenses by the deceased, challenging them, and then having a court order the rest null.

I hate that I will be right about that.

interdimensionalmeme ,

Steam isn't going to exist until you die anyway. At some point they will exitscam

space ,

Will valve allow accounts to exist indefinitely? Will they create an expiration policy, like accounts being closed after 100 years

baggins , to Technology in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you

Life Pro Tip: Register an LLC to buy your steam games under. The LLC will never die and you can transfer ownership of the business entity while it retains control of the steam account.

drdiddlybadger , avatar

I kind of want one anyway. Is there a real reason I shouldn't do this?

baggins ,

Disclaimer this was a joke I'm not a lawyer and I have no idea if this would actually work... 😆

errer ,

Would be hilarious if it actually does and everyone starts doing it…

Corkyskog ,

I am now curious how and if Steam bothers to deal with business licensing? If they do, it's probably way pricier than what you're normally paying.

Kirca ,

"Your honor, 'bonerdragon6969420 llc' has a long and industrious history..."

CosmicTurtle0 ,

You normally pay an annual fee to keep your LLC registered.

meco03211 ,

Also I think you are required to submit yearly financial reports.

shottymcb ,

Not in Arizona. You don't even have to live there, just have to file there.

shottymcb , (edited )

There's at least 10 states with no annual fee. Arizona is $50 to file, $0 annual fees, and no annual report to file.

If you'd prefer your company to have voting rights, you can file in Rhode Island, and your company can vote in local and state elections without ever stepping foot in the state. Hooray late stage capitalism 😞

AppleMango ,

There's a good chance the original commenter is not from the US

____ ,

As others have pointed out - costs a few bucks annually,and requires beneficial ownership report (free IIRC).

Otherwise, it’s a tried and true tactic to pass businesses down through generations. An LLC vs. a corp vs a trust is a convo to have w/ lawyer barred in your state but the general premise is vaguely sane.

kibiz0r ,

Personal use of business assets is generally frowned upon by the IRS.

eager_eagle , avatar

That's why I'll only play during work hours.

FireTower , avatar

Tldr: Don't do this unless you have a business that requires a steam account for tax purposes. It doesn't need to be successful but it does need to be real.

Trusts are probably a better option for this sort of thing than a LLC.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Just do benchmark videos on youtube or something. Then rake in the sweet, sweet business losses.

AppleMango ,

Completely depends on your country

archchan , avatar

That's a lot of effort just to play HuniePop

orrk ,

ya, but as an LLC you get a lot of rights that you didn't have before!

SymbioteSynapse ,

$800/year is a lot to save maybe $1000 worth of games. At least that's what an LLC costs where I live.

Amanduh ,

1k worth of games? Oh my sweet summer child

littlewonder ,

Woah, that's expensive AF. I think forming an LLC in my state is like $25 and then nothing except tax burdens on revenue.

AppleMango , (edited )

Almost 10 times less where I live, but not sure because I don't know which dollars you're referring to

Emmie , (edited )

Register a religious organisation/church worshipping digital media and proclaim that this account is part of religious rituals of your church. In the United States, freedom of religion is a constitutionally protected right provided in the religion clauses of the First Amendment.

FeelThePower , (edited ) to Technology in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you avatar

Just don't tell them lol. My friend in school gave me his steam account that had some games on it that I had no money for and he wasn't using it anymore. Still my main steam account 8 years later.

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