sfcl33t , to Technology in EA wants to place in-game ads in its full-price AAA games, again

They tried it way before 2020 too, they talked to the agency I worked for at the time. Same result

RandomStickman , avatar

I remember them putting ads on the billboards in Battlefield 2142 way back when.

snooggums , avatar

I 'member

CosmicCleric , avatar

They tried it way before 2020 too, they talked to the agency I worked for at the time. Same result

They tried it before 2020 as well.

They keep trying this every generation, hoping the latest generation will be dumb enough to accept it.

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xan1242 ,

A little thing called the "Massive Ad client" exists in NFS Carbon, Pro Street, Undercover and even World.

It was used to download ads off the internet and display them in the game's own billboards.

It was also an entrypoint for a NFS World hack too lol so ripbozo EA

xan1242 ,

A little thing called the "Massive Ad client" exists in NFS Carbon, Pro Street, Undercover and even World.

It was used to download ads off the internet and display them in the game's own billboards.

It was also an entrypoint for a NFS World hack too lol so ripbozo EA

nick , to Technology in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you

I’d like to see them try stopping me giving my kids my password.

DerInti ,


Sam_Bass , to Technology in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you

What they dont know wont hurt you

interdimensionalmeme ,

But I want to hurt them, a lot

Sam_Bass ,

Then do it anonymously

HawlSera , to Technology in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you

I had been literally planning on putting my Steam account in the will...

NikkiDimes ,

Fr, mine is worth a good $6000+...

samus12345 , (edited ) avatar

What if you do it a roundabout way? Record your Steam and email login info and include the paper that has it in the will. You're not giving them the account, just a piece of paper. What they do with it is up to them.

Hildegarde , to Technology in EA wants to place in-game ads in its full-price AAA games, again

EA already did this. Many games had real ads on billboards in the world. Need for speed underground 2 was sponsored by cingular wireless. Your ingame pager was product placement and the company's logo was on screen whenever you were doing free roam.

This is very EA with historical precident.

cyberpunk007 ,

Burnout paradise city. Which also was one of my fav games of all time. No ads would be cool.

space ,

And they already do it on mobile. They are just trying to bring ads to the pc and consoles, just like they do on mobile.

piccolo ,

Tbh, having advertisment on billboards in a racing game is the less intrusive and immersive way to do in game advertisement.

But then again billboards in real life are an eye sore. /shrug

Schadrach ,

City of Heroes tried the same basic thing back in the day. They figured it's an urban environment that has billboards and posters as part of the general clutter, why not get paid to switch out a fake ad for a real ad?

Eheran , to retrocomputing in Windows XP can run on an Intel CPU from 1989 thanks to dedicated modder

Really amazing how people sink so much time into something like that. Port a super outdated CPU to a somewhat outdated OS. Why not? Well done.

cmnybo ,

People also make Linux run on low powered microcontrollers that take hours to boot and don't have enough processing power to do anything useful just because they can.

NutWrench , to Technology in EA wants to place in-game ads in its full-price AAA games, again avatar

There are many independent developers who deserve your money more than EA. Vote with your wallet.

Underwaterbob , to Technology in EA wants to place in-game ads in its full-price AAA games, again

If they'd just be smart about it. Make the ads in-game. Like a Nike poster on a wall or a can of Pepsi on a table or something. I wouldn't have a problem with that. Making them the entire focus - however brief - just makes me hate them immeasurably.

kromem ,

Even then they should still be held to a higher standard.

Especially now in the era of generative AI.

The poster should have a well known character in the world lore holding the Coke, or a location in the map for the car ad, etc.

The ads should feel like they are actually a part of the world, and shouldn't be put in a game unless this can be accomplished.

In game ads don't have to suck. But because the power dynamic is such that shit ads can be shoved down players' throats with the only response being to not buy that publisher's games, the medium isn't going to find an acceptable equilibrium.

In game ads in live service games for in game assets may not suck too much though (an inevitable part of the future).

Railcar8095 ,

Soon the game world will have speakers with ads, that will not really follow volume settings or distance attenuation.

The tutorial will have you collect "refreshing Pepsi Colas".

Cinematics will always look to the big billboards.

And the game will have strict anti tampering/mods and will require internet connection to support this adds.

EA doesn't get the benefit of the doubt anymore

Underwaterbob ,

Yeah, I didn't say I trust them to do it right, just that it could be done tastefully.

space ,

I'm pretty sure their goal is to bring ads in the same form as the mobile games, not as part of the in-game world. If they can do it on mobile, why shouldn't they on pc or consoles?

I think this will be an important thing for gamers to unite against, because if there isn't enough push back, every big studio will do the same.

Underwaterbob ,

Good thing I haven't bought a game from a big name studio since, uhh, does Elden Ring count?

TORFdot0 ,

You can’t really sell ads on a per impression basis with just product placement. They want the ad sales to be recurring revenue.

schwim , to Technology in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you avatar

My family plays the games under my account now. I imagine not much will change when I'm dead.

bolexforsoup ,

If their continued usage depends on permissions
from your account, that is not a safe assumption

schwim , avatar

Pretty sure I'm good. Account email is a forwarder to a family domain and they have access to everything relating to the account. For all intents and purposes, it's just me logging in from the grave.

bolexforsoup ,

Right but ultimately they do need access to your account. I’m just saying having family sharing on is not sufficient for long term reliability.

schwim , avatar

Sorry for not being clear, I wasn't aware family sharing was even a thing. In my case, everyone is using my credentials to log into and use the games under my account. All the same property so same IP.

bolexforsoup ,

Oh interesting. Yeah they just released a family function that’s currently in beta. You can add multiple people and you all share the library. It’s really cool. But I can’t imagine they’re going to let it stay as is. Super easy to abuse lol

shottymcb , (edited )

Yeah, but Valve doesn't really give a shit if it's abused. Steam is a solitary positive example of the weird "(mostly)benevolent monopoly" idea. GabeN owns the company, there aren't any shareholders to appease, so as long as he's alive steam will be solid. I hope he has a successor picked out that can uphold his ideals.

bolexforsoup ,

We don’t know that because the program is 1) in beta and 2) like 2mo old. We’ll see where it ends up. I like valve currently but we’ve seen plenty of companies about face on great features and Gabe isn’t immortal. Plus…yeah the feature is being abused dude. They have no check on families. They allow you to share with 5 people of your choice. One buddy and I share and he now has 200 more games I got almost 700. Between our group of 4 we all now have almost 2000 games. It’s absurd.

FaizalR , to Technology in Proton Mail provided user data that led to an arrest in Spain avatar

How many times I want to see this news? It ha been more than a week.

EvilEyedPanda , to Technology in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you

So thats why they say not to give your password to anyone.

CosmicCleric , (edited ) to Technology in EA wants to place in-game ads in its full-price AAA games, again avatar

Fellow gamers, now is the time to push back on this crap. If you don't do it now, you'll live with this forever. They tried doing this in past generations as well, and failed.

Spread the word, tell others. Be vocal! Advocate for this not happening.

And if someone tells you that this isn't preventable, tell them not to be cynical. Remind them of the other positive changes we were able to have happen recently in gaming, and that in the past when they tried this, the pushback was successful in keeping the gaming companies from doing so.

And remember, some of those you would try to convince are probably astroturfers/bots.


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Remeber if they call you naive or quixotic or an idealist that means they can't win the argument with normal means and rely on name calling. Act with integrity, it's worth it!

DarkThoughts ,

EA is on my boycott list since Origin & ME3. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

CosmicCleric , avatar

EA is on my boycott list since Origin & ME3. ¯_ (ツ)_/¯

How many of those have in-game ads though?

There's a history of pushing back against adding ads into games, that's different than boycotting the company overall. One can be successful, when another is not.

And having said that, one could even argue that their desperation to make money by putting ads into games (again) is not just about keeping the shareholders happy, but also because of people having boycotted them over the years, depriving them of additional income. You may be making more of a stand than you realize.

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DarkThoughts ,

I'm saying there's not really anything more I can do when it comes to EA. The company is already completely down the shitter for me and they're the ones who would have to gain my trust back. That's the only possible development.
The problem is that many people don't have a similar spine for actual principles like this, and the majority of people simply don't even care. That's why this rotten company is not just still a thing, but continues to do what they've done for the last couple decades.

CosmicCleric , (edited ) avatar

I’m saying there’s not really anything more I can do when it comes to EA.

You are already doing your part. Thank you, citizen.

But, you can also vocalize to others, especially the younger generation, that things like ads in games can be pushed back against successfully, as it has in the past. That they don't have to put up with crap, or think they can't push back against the monolithic corporation, because its been done before, successfully.

Hell, EA was one of those companies that tried ads in games before, and had to retreat from the pushback from customers.

The problem is that many people don’t have a similar spine for actual principles like this, and the majority of people simply don’t even care.

I always thought that they cared, especially if they are being taken advantaged of, but that it doesn't rise to a high enough threshold to actually do something about it (they triage it lower on their problem list), and that they feel that they are alone in doing it, so why bother.

What past events have shown though is that if we all do it together, even in a non-coordinated sort of way (organically), then the burden is not that hard individually, and the effort/pushback works well/enough.

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SharkAttak , avatar

The ones pushing back are either trolls or bootylickers; the recent Helldivers2 shitstorm proved that things can change.

CosmicCleric , avatar

the recent Helldivers2 shitstorm proved that things can change.

And there's a history of successfully pushing back against this change as well!

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jeffw , to Technology in Firefox users are unhappy with privacy tweaks in the browser's latest version avatar

Speak for yourself

Bitflip , to Technology in Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you

Then come fucking stop me

EmperorHenry , to Technology in EA wants to place in-game ads in its full-price AAA games, again avatar

why the fuck should I pay for them then?

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