DaddleDew , to Technology in Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising

Microsoft, stop. My computer can only be so switched to Linux.

Sabata11792 , avatar

I have run out of things to install Lunix on without getting fired.

SoleInvictus ,
Sabata11792 , avatar

Sounds hard, I'd just toss a Pi in it and call it a day.

SoleInvictus ,

That's pretty much what they did anyhow, just with way more steps.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

I could probably install Linux on my work MBP, but my boss would make me test on macOS, so it would kind of defeat the point.

At home, everything is Linux except my SO's desktop, and that's a job I'm unwilling to be fired from.

PumpkinEscobar ,

Been 100% linux for like 6-9 months now, these stories make me thankful for finally making the switch.

I've tried to make the switch 3-4 times in the past and was stopped by 2 main things:

  • Drivers / Laptops were tough to get set up
  • Gaming

The experience was so much better this time and I really have no regrets. I don't imagine I'll ever run Windows again outside of a VM

djsaskdja ,

I’ve been using Linux off and on for about 15 years now. It’s so much easier to use now compared to when I started. I understand why people might’ve avoided it in the past. But the list of excuses is getting pretty small these days.

InternetUser2012 ,

I've been full time for a year and a half now. I tried switching a bunch of times before that and same problems as you. I love it now, it's a pleasure to use my computer and know that it's not doing any bullshit behind the scenes.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

I've kept Windows installed on a spare drive for years now. I don't remember when I last booted into it on purpose, it was certainly more than a year ago, and was just to install Minecraft Bedrock to play with his friends (his friends bailed). My kids have only ever used Linux. :)

InternetPerson , to Technology in Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads

Install an android emulator. Problem solved.

Start pirating again. Problem solved.

Make your own movies and shows. Problem solved.

Start a company, get rich, buy Netflix, problem solved.

Stop watching stuff, do something else. Problem solved.

Found a secret society, infiltrate politics worldwide, stir chaos and destruction, let the world burn and built a new Netflix from the world's ashes where you still can download stuff. Problem solved.

See? It's not that hard!

(In case it wasn't clear, I am joking.)

gnygnygny ,

Best comment so far

SpikesOtherDog , to Technology in Microsoft might be trying to sneak Bing into one of Windows 11’s apps – and some users won’t be happy

The snipping tool.

Guess I'll need to block that so users don't accidentally send confidential information to Microsoft.

yggstyle ,

JFC Microsoft has no chill. Snip is practically the last thing in windows that works right.

JackbyDev ,

The Mac version is such a joke too. It's almost as good but just not quite there.

borari , (edited ) avatar

What’s wrong with the Mac snipping tool? I can hit cmd-shift-5 to move a resizable window around and set the tools options, like whether to save to file or clipboard, etc. If I hit the shortcut again, the window stays in its previous position, which is handy for one of my particular use cases.
You can also hit cmd-shift-4 to get the pointer to click and drag the snip region like in Windows, and the settings chosen with the other format persist

I feel like I have more capability in the Mac snipping interface, but maybe I’m using the Windows one wrong?

Edit - Oh, is it because you can just click on the banner notification thing then directly mark up the screenshot?”

TORFdot0 ,

I mean you can send your Mac snip to preview and mark it up that way

borari , avatar

Yeah. I don’t really mark up my screenshots with my main screenshot use case right now though. I was just trying to figure out what the difference was.

JackbyDev ,

Didn't know about the 4 option, only 5. That will help a lot. The only problem now is getting it on the clipboard. I press cmd c but sometimes the snip tool isn't active for whatever weird reason so I have to click the bar first.

borari , avatar

If you do the 5 option then click the Options button in the toolbar, then check both the “Remember Last Selection” and “Save To… Clipboard” you’ll just have to hit cmd-v to paste the snipped image. I’ve never had to hit cmd-c for anything when snipping on Mac myself, so I might be misunderstanding idk.

gamermanh , avatar

Funny enough it's also one of the few places Windows was kicking Linux's ass on a feature

Finding a passable replacement for the snip tool was probably the biggest issue I had moving to Linux unironically, tookultiple tries of many tools, a lot of config, and it still takes an extra click over Snip

I use it all day at work and then get home and miss it when I wanna clip funny shit in my games, then remember it's a different keybind with an enter keypress

HeyLow ,

I have been using Spectacle for a few years now, I quite prefer it over snip (though the last version of snip I used was win7)!

gamermanh , avatar

On my phone ATM but I'm pretty sure that's what I ended up using as well

It's 95% there but it's incredibly annoying to have to hit enter or space to confirm my screenshot area every time when I'm used to it just getting that from release of the mouse button

Dug around the settings and even googled it and it doesn't seem there's a way to make it do that, so it's just shy of snip

PlexSheep , (edited )

Flameshot (my auto correction changed that to something bad) is golden if you are on Xorg, it's a little more complicated on the Wayland side of things.

gamermanh , avatar

Interesting, I tried like 5 tools and Flameshot (my fucking autocorrect also made it flame shit lol) never once came up

Gonna give it a go when I get home

I really do like being back on Linux but it's this "someone only tells me about the exact software I need once I whine about it 3 weeks later on a different fucking Forum" that gets exhausting, lol

OutlierBlue ,

Holy shit. Just downloaded it and it's got a lot of great features. I can't find the shortcut to actually take a screenshot though. Do you have to click the icon in the panel?

PlexSheep ,

Yeah you do. But you can set a hotkey in your DE for that, just execute flameshot when you press print, that's what I do.

Sadly, I'm on Wayland and it doesn't really work well yet there, last time I checked at least. Flameshot is amazing.

BlueEther , avatar

then try on a mac

applepie ,

Damn... I wonder how my employer would feel about this. I am guessing this is for win11 peasant edition?

thingsiplay , to Technology in ChatGPT has caused a massive drop in demand for online digital freelancers — here is what you can do to protect yourself avatar

AI = productivity goes up, quality goes down

Zos_Kia , avatar

I think the bitter lesson here is that there's a bunch of jobs where quality has zero importance.

If you take for example, content marketing, SEO, and ad copy writing... It's a lot of bullshit, and it's been filling the web with gpt-grade slop for 20 years now. If you can do the same for cheap I don't see a reason not to.

thingsiplay , avatar

Fair point. There are lot of morons who should be replaced. But we are talking about freelancers, not about SEO or content marketing, more like content filling. But it got worse since AI rise up.

Zos_Kia , avatar

But we are talking about freelancers, not about SEO or content marketing, more like content filling

Most SEO is done by freelancers (at least in my industry). When i talk about content marketing i mean anybody who writes blog posts and LinkedIn posts for companies. It was already shit long before AI arrived.

chicken ,

I used to write that kind of stuff for a living when I was really poor and scraping by, it paid by the word and so low that you could realistically only crack minimum wage if you kept typing continuously and didn't stop to think or do any research.

Zos_Kia , avatar

Yeah I'm not bashing anybody, my wife did that for a couple years I know how it is. There was a kind of golden period where it would even pay enough to let you do some quality stuff but when VC money stopped raining the market slumped almost immediately.

eveninghere ,

I think the quality definitely degraded, but that's exactly what capitalism wanted. It's going to darwin a big chunk of us through climate change that's accelerated by the electricity needs.

MoonRaven , to Technology in Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads avatar

Meanwhile with piracy, you have none of these issues.... Good job, convenience wins.

Dozzi92 , avatar

It's literally the thing that keeps me coming back (to the seas). I have paid for the services, and the service they provide has been steadily degraded. I still have Prime because they haven't fucked up delivery to my home (yet), but I don't even open the app on Roku anymore, I just download whatever it is, because I have no interest in dealing with their shit interface and then having to watch ads after.

If a service can give me a simple, easy to use interface, good search feature, good quality, and decent enough content, you've got my money. That's just too much to ask these days, so I'll just donate to the site(s) that provide alternative services.

InternetPerson , (edited )

There is just that teeny tiny ethical problem of not paying the creators and distributors for something we enjoy. This becomes a practical problem as well. If they make less money, it's likely that even more movies or series get killed or never even started.

Idk what to do.

NoTittyPicsPlz ,

The golden age of streaming is already over. Peoples wallets are getting tighter these days, but the value of what we are paying for is also declining. There is a lot less on Netflix now then there was 5 years ago and the cost has gone way up. They produce their own shows but then cancel them constantly, even if they have a decent following. Netflix has been putting in effort to make their service shittier and more expensive, removing features that people originally switched from cable to get.

Netflix IS the content creator and yet giving them more money doesn't seem to be making their content better or stop them from cancelling shows.

Not to mention, some of these streaming sites allow you to "purchase" a movie, but then when they lose licensing to those shows it gets removed from your library. So there's no value in purchasing digital content anymore because it can get taken from you at any time. Digital ownership has become a myth.

If you want to support your favorite shows, purchase them on DVD or go see it in theater. Paying for a streaming service is only encouraging these companies to continue raising prices and reduce the value of the product you pay for.

Lets_Eat_Grandma ,

I'm not really thrilled about almost all the money in show business being funneled to a couple of actors and actresses and giant studios/big money.

Over and over again the majority of writers, actors, actresses and supporting teams strike for a real share and they never seem to get one.

Meanwhile big companies get billions in tax credits every year for shooting movies. The public subsidizes the costs and then pays again once a show releases. It's insanely big bucks going to the ownership class.

InternetPerson ,

I am absolutely with you on that one.

But I think it's tied to how we do business and less a problem which is very specific to the movie industry. Or in other words: it's our fucked up capitalism in action again.

The workhorses of such shows get almost neglected while the shiny poster people and producers get most of the share.

And that's basically everywhere the case. CEOs, managers, superiors are making insanely more money than those who are contributing a lot of work. It's an unfair system which is holding the movie industry tightly in its grip as well.

nBodyProblem ,

The fact of the matter is that people will happily pay for content if it is made available in a convenient and affordable way. Hell, many people will voluntarily pay artists for content that is available completely for free. That’s how patreon works, and there are self published authors approaching $1M/year in income due to readers choosing to support the author for their hard work.

People have no issue paying content creators.

Piracy rose to prominence in the 2000s because a few executives were funneling massive amounts of money into their pockets by the sale of CDs and cable services that were simultaneously expensive and inconvenient. The studios attacked pirates directly to little effect because you simply can’t stop the free dissemination of information among the public.

Piracy almost completely died when streaming made the alternatives affordable, user friendly and convenient. In a world where the proliferation of streaming services is making content just as expensive and inconvenient as in the old days of cable, it’s only natural that piracy will once again rise to prominence.

If they want to get paid, they simply need to stop fucking with the customer and offer a service people want to pay for.

frog , to Technology in ChatGPT has caused a massive drop in demand for online digital freelancers — here is what you can do to protect yourself

Kind of depressing that the answer to not being replaced by AI is "learn to use it and spend your day fixing its fuckups", like that's somehow a meaningful way to live for someone who previously had an actual creative job.

Coreidan , to Technology in The retro Nokia phone everyone owned 25 years ago will get a reboot soon – and yes, it has Snake

And I will bet money that the reboot is going to a cheaper shitier version of the original.

rottingleaf ,

Running buggy laggy unsupported KaiOS at that.

Imagine if Nokia had risen from the dead and continued the N900 line.

How cool a Maemo PDA would be now with all the spying sloppily made crap around.

extremeboredom , to Technology in Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads

..... Yarrrrr mateys

Ookami38 ,


DudeImMacGyver , avatar

Ha har, yarr!

Kyouki ,


Jackhammer_Joe ,


WeLoveCastingSpellz , to Technology in Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads

its like they want you to turn to piracy

Lost_My_Mind ,

Plot twist! Now the pirate pay costs subscription fees, and is owned by Netflix!!! Ohhhhh, what a twist!

Buffalox , to Technology in Finnish startup says it can speed up any CPU by up to 100x using a tiny piece of hardware with no recoding

Why is this bullshit upvoted?
Already the first sentence, they change from the headline "without recoding" to "with further optimization".
Then the explanation "a companion chip that optimizes processing tasks in real-time"
This is already done at compiler level and internally in any modern CPU for more than a decade.

It might be possible to some degree for some specific forms of code, like maybe Java. But generally for the CPU this is bullshit, and the headline is decidedly dishonest.

j4yt33 , to Technology in Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads

They've gone full circle at this point: it's like paying for TV channels and piracy is looking really attractive again, even though Netflix was the reason many people stopped doing that initially (I assume)

pelerinli ,

To be honest, I like watching SciFi and superhero movies yet cinemas are too expensive in my country. So, my fiance (Netflix) and I (Amazon Prime) bought thsse services and using together.

But guess what:

  1. No HBO in my country, so no DC for me. Yet they are not selling DC to Turkey neither. So no DC movie for me after 2018(?)

  2. Both Netflix and Prime just puts their content, and forget the rest for Turkey. For example I couldn't watch Mad Max: Fury Road one month ago

  3. They are doing some kind of censorship? You cannot watch too bloody, too sexual, too whatever content while there is no legal censorship on internet content. For example I can watch "Barda" ("at pub") on Youtube but not on Prime.

So yes, why I am paying for TV channels wtih ads?

NutWrench , avatar

Yup. Cable TV was amazing back in the 1980s. Almost no ads and great content (I loved "Night Flight" on USA, especially). But it didn't take them more than 10 years to ruin it.

Dicska ,

Back then, when I wanted to watch a film, I checked Netflix first, then amazon video. I only reached for other sources if it was unavailable at both. Now there are way too many platforms to pay for, and they are getting way too shitty to pay at all.

There was a time when I was even feeling good going "clean". Now everything is dirtier than I ever imagined.

kevincox , avatar

Yeah, not only are there a dozen platforms that you need to search but they all suck. I have seen so many instances where people download videos for a vacation and then they can't be played. I can't even share screenshots to advertise the shows that you are selling to my friends for free!

Funny enough when I have a video file sitting on my computer it just works, all of the time, super fast. And instead of using services that tell me what streaming platform a given show is on it is easier to use a service that tell me the infohash of the file.

j4yt33 ,

Totally agree!

PenisWenisGenius , to Technology in Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising

Microsoft went too far in 2001 when they included a new online activation feature in Windows XP which spearheaded the future of drm and enshitification. They've been one-upping themselves ever since. All the most recent stuff is just more icing on the shit cake.

PanArab ,

Stallman warned us, we didn't listen.

I'm glad to see BadVista still up

JPSound ,

Great shit analogy, Bo Bandi.

Thanks, Mr.Layhe

Pyrarrows ,

I'd say that the 'modern' era of Microsoft Enshittification started with IE4 as well as Windows 98.
The Channel bar put ads on the Windows 95 & 98 desktops. It was easily disabled, but even that far back, Microsoft was starting to work on making their stuff suck just that much more.

Next was Windows ME blocking DOS access, while still running on DOS, making the OS a bit ... unstable, followed by your point of Software Activation in XP.

rottingleaf ,

Windows 2000 was amazing, though. Something really inspiring belief in good corporations and bright capitalist future. LOL

raspberriesareyummy ,

I liked Win2K, yes - then Linux :)

raspberriesareyummy ,

Agreed, XP was the turning point - I decided I will never let such an intrusive software on my private computers, so I switched from Win2k to Linux.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

People think I'm nuts when I say Win2k was my favorite Windows. I switched to Linux before Vista came out. People say WinXP was good, but really, it was just tolerable.

raspberriesareyummy ,

High five, brother :)
I think the XP crowd was just the generation of "one step more tolerant towards privacy intrusions" / not quite computer knowledgeable enough to understand the implications of letting your operating system phone home. In terms of user interface, it was indeed tolerable - you could still configure it to look and behave like Win2K mostly, which is what I had to do for work for quite a long time.

Compared to Win2k, it would just be a resource-hog. :/

TheGrandNagus , (edited ) to Technology in The retro Nokia phone everyone owned 25 years ago will get a reboot soon – and yes, it has Snake

I hate how Microsoft sent a new CEO to Nokia, who then tanked the company, got them bought by Microsoft, and then was rehired in another role by Microsoft.

What makes it even worse is that they couldn't even keep Nokia going once they did their takeover.

I'm still furious about the whole thing. It's insane they got away with such blatant market manipulation. Microsoft is untouchable.

FunnyUsername , avatar

Me too. I always thought of Nokia as genuine innovator's delivery good products. Not fantastic products. But good products with CONSUMERS in mind and their usage habits, rather than designing phones around optimizing selling us things.

tigerjerusalem , (edited ) to Technology in Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising

The thing that irks me the most is that those things work. They'll see a little complain from the most vocal ones, and that's it. The revenue will increase, their shareholders will be pleased, the OS will be worse, and we'll have no viable alternative.

Unless governments start to regulate the hell out of tech companies, it's only downhill from there.

Edit: about Linux, it's not viable if you're outside IT or rely on commercial software. That's a debate for another post.

sun_is_ra ,

Why wont we have viable alternative ? We already have

saddlebag ,

Agree with everything expect for the viable alternative. Linux is viable for many people

kescusay , avatar

Regarding Linux, what commercial software are you dependent on? More and more, it's all online, even Office.

tigerjerusalem ,

Adobe Creative Cloud, which despite the name is pretty much local. And although Microsoft Office works online, it has a series of issues that the desktop version doesn't have, like broken formatting on Word.

kescusay , avatar

Ah. Yeah, I don't know of a way to get ACC on Linux.

JackFrostNCola ,

Autodesk for myself, apparently its super dependant on .net and other windows framework so its not like they are going to make it linux compatible any time soon.

Hexarei , avatar

It looks like it runs perfectly via WINE from a few quick Google searches

JackFrostNCola ,

Thanks, ill check it out

xavier666 , avatar
  • Adobe Creative Suite. They will probably never release a Linux version
  • Industry standard music production s/w
  • Offbeat collection of educational/research s/w, creators of which don't know that Linux exists. They sometimes don't even support MacOS
  • Office Suite which is compatible with MS Office shenanigans
foggenbooty ,

You're correct on all counts, but you're also not a typical desktop user, you're definitely a professional or power user with specific needs.

The average user needs the ability to use a web browser and that's honestly about it. That's why Chromebooks are so popular with schools. A basic Linux desktop is quite capable for a standard user.

For the things yoi need you're correct that it's not 1:1 and you'd need to move to open source alternatives or tinker with VMs/WINE to get those apps working and it would be a chore.

xavier666 , avatar

This is not me. But the kinds of people I'm encountered in my social circle.
I'm in the CS/Research industry, so all my tools are linux compatible and have been a Linux user for the past decade.

I think it's better to have a realistic expectation of Linux rather than consider it a 1:1 Windows alternative. I agree with your last para fully.

vext01 , to Technology in The retro Nokia phone everyone owned 25 years ago will get a reboot soon – and yes, it has Snake avatar

Wasn't it already rebooted not so long ago?

Aggravationstation ,

Sure was. Seems all Nokia can do now is make middling Android phones or try to cash in on nostalgia.

z00s ,

It's not just nostalgia. I absolutely want a phone I can throw at a wall and put back together without it costing me money.

Aggravationstation ,

Yea, but the modern ones aren't like that. No company would make the mistake of making a high quality durable product these days. No profit in that.

rottingleaf ,

There would be profit if there were actual competition. But the industry nowadays is eerily similar to geopolitics.

echodot ,

A modern smartphone has a screen that's going to break. Those old phones had a block of plastic that was an LCD screen and then some buttons made out of some form of rubbery sponge.

They broke all the time, the point was that you could just put them back together again in 30 seconds. Everything is glued in place now, so when shock happens they rip and snap.

mbirth ,

This isn’t Nokia. It’s HMD. They just paid to be allowed to slap the “Nokia” label on their devices and shape them like those old Nokia phones.

JohnEdwa , avatar

The actual Nokia hasn't been in the mobile phone business for a decade. They sold it all to Microsoft in 2014 with a licence deal for using the Nokia name, and they then sold it to HMD Mobile in 2016. That name deal should expire this year, but they might renew it.

Evilcoleslaw ,

Yeah, but the 3G networks are pretty much all gone, and iirc even the 4G reboots didn't support a ton of LTE bands.

Bezier , avatar

Different model.

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