Gork , to Technology in This smiling robot face made of living skin is absolute nightmare fuel

The least they can do is put googly eyes on it. C'mon, bare minimum effort lol.

ChowJeeBai , to Technology in This smiling robot face made of living skin is absolute nightmare fuel

... kill me ...

helenslunch , to Technology in Apple’s App Store breaches EU’s Digital Markets Act avatar

Confirmed violations of the DMA can lead to fines of up to 10% of global annual turnover.

"Can"? this confirmation? They're being fined, right?

Tywele , avatar

From another article it said that they have 12 months to fix their violation. If they don't comply by then the EU can issue the fine.

Edit: Here is the article:

umami_wasbi ,

IMO 12 mo is too much. They will wait till the dead line to public the "fix."

themurphy ,

Yeah, they will, but I think for this to work and be respected, they need to give companies this period, because it actually could take alot of time to change.

In this case, not so much, but it could be in the future, and the rules are the same regardless.

namingthingsiseasy ,

The intent is to allow companies time to implement the change. But if you'll pardon my cynicism, in practice, what ends up happening is companies just use it as a tactic to delay the implementation and continue recording the revenue.

At the very least they should forfeit the revenue that they earn during the period for this. I'm not sure exactly how the fines work and whether they take this into account, but I doubt Apple is seriously going to use the 12-month period to actually come clean and change their ways. I think they'll just use it as more time to come up with some new bullshit form of non-compliance.

themurphy ,

I actually agree with you, that Apple most certainly will stall. And I also don't think it's optimal, but huge decisions on how to go forward do take time.

And I just think it may be better in the long run, that it seems more "fair" for the company, even thought it's not.

Also, if Apple doesn't comply this time and tries to find a new bullshit form of non-compliance, there's no second chance according to the EU law. The fine will hit, so they certainly won't do that.

webghost0101 ,

If after 12 monty they actually comply then thats still a positive.

However i fear they may “fix” it with malicious compliance at 11 months and then the cycle repeats.

Instead what i think should happen is they should need to obtain “verified compliance” within a year. (Minus the time europe takes to check) and if the term expires the penalty goes up to eventually forced splitting up.

umami_wasbi ,

forfeit the revenue that they earn during the period for this

I like this. This will give them the urgency and motivation to plug the hole ASAP, rather stall and repeat the cycle.

helenslunch , avatar

I think for this to work and be respected, they need to give companies this period

I would say the opposite is true. Apple knows exactly what the EU wants and is doing everything within their power to maliciously comply. Giving them 12 months is nothing but a free pass to exploit consumers for another year. Then they'll continue doing it because the EU has proven that they won't actually do anything about it.

JustARaccoon ,

That's 90% of a year's revenue they could be missing out if they fixed it now, yeah

namingthingsiseasy , to Technology in Apple’s App Store breaches EU’s Digital Markets Act

Excellent news:

At the heart of Monday’s findings are three elements of Apple’s practices, including fees charged to app developers for every purchase made within seven days of linking out to the commercial app.


This is, in my opinion, the most egregious non-compliant practice from Apple. They have no reason whatsoever to entitle themselves to purchases made outside their repository just because the software runs on their hardware. It's also the most asinine set of rules that they established to pretend that they were complying with the DMA.

It's a bit disappointing that it will take so long before the fines can be enforced, but I really hope that they get the maximum penalty over this because it's really the most shockingly brazen breach of the DMA's terms. In fact, I hope that they get imposed the maximum penalty multiple times - the same article I linked mentions that there are two other DMA investigations being launched into Apple, though I don't know what grounds those other investigations are looking into.

And I really hope Apple gets the message loud and clear: they're gonna start making less money. And this is a good thing. They don't deserve it, and they were never entitled to it in the first place. This is what happens when you invent new revenue streams that are criminally worthless.

MaggiWuerze , (edited )

fact, I hope that they get imposed the maximum penalty multiple times

Max penalty would be breaking up Apple. It's even defined in the law. First comes 10% of revenue, then 20, then dissolution (didn't know the English term( Thanks billiam0202) )

billiam0202 ,

"Dissolution" is the word you're looking for.

MaggiWuerze ,

Thanks. I'll fix that

Kinglink , to Technology in Leaked SpaceX documents show company forbids employees to sell stock if it deems they've misbehaved

I mean.... isn't that also a legal thing?

If you know insider information that's not public (A company misbehaved being one of them) you are not supposed to trade stock to financially gain from it.

Now that's what you're supposed to do... Politicians have proven that's rules just for peasants, and most stock traders heavily benefit from this type of information, and unless your Martha Stewart for some reason, you get away with it... But my point is legally, if you know they misbehaved, that's immediately insider information?

Edit: I misunderstood the headling/rule. Sorry. Quite a shit thing that granted stock can be revoked, especially after you pay taxes. I wonder how legal it is, because if they can revoke it, is it actually yours and thus do you have to pay taxes on it?

nman90 ,

It's if SpaceX decides that the employee misbehaved, not the company that misbehaved, that allows them to ban that employee from selling private stocks. Also if you leave the company for any reason you lose out on 6 months of them or if you are fired they will buy back all of your stocks at $0, all the while you are paying taxes on your stocks. So the employees could possibly end up losing money from taxes on something they never actually got because the company said so.

Kinglink ,

Oops I misunderstood the direction. (I think it was if the employee deems they misbehaved. (I assumed "It" was the employee, not SpaceX. More obvious in hindsight I guess, my bad.)

Concave1142 , to Technology in YouTube is experimenting with Notes, a crowdsourced feature that lets users add context to videos

I feel like this is what the comment section is used for.

driving_crooner , avatar

Can the channel owner delete comments on their videos?

PoolloverNathan ,

Yes, as well as automatically hiding new comments.

expatriado ,

which is unfortunate, i think YT does it to save paid labor on moderating comments, but this allows video posters to upload misleading info and delete correcting replies, which also pairs well with hidden thumbs down

snooggums , avatar

It also allows uploaders to stop hate filled posting, like incels trashing the comments on anything positive about female characters in media.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Honestly, I'd rather the channel have the first say here. It would be even better if some independent mod team could override channel owners though if there are enough reports.

snooggums , avatar

Enough reports is how brigades are effective.

There isn't a great solution that solves all the possibilities, it is a difficult problem. An independent mod team sounds great until you get into the details of how they are formed and the fact that they are people too who might miss nuance or hold their own shitty opinions.

catloaf ,

It also allows uploaders to stoke hate with their videos and delete reasonable takes and people calling out misinformation in the comments.

snooggums , avatar

Which one is worse depends on the context of the video.

Neato , avatar

And Youtube will 100% allow creators to hide notes, as well. Corporations will not allow themselves to be criticized on their own pages.

helenslunch , avatar

Comments section are not voted on by users.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

? They absolutely are...

Abnorc ,

Technically they are, but I’m not sure how confident I am in YouTube showing you comments I a reasonable order regardless.

9point6 ,

I value my mental health too much to regularly dive into the YouTube comment section

Thorny_Insight ,

I must be watching different videos than the people complaining about YouTube comments. The ones I see are virtually all positive.

TheDarksteel94 ,

Don't just look at the comments. Look at the replies to the top comments. 8 out of 10 times they turn super toxic super quickly in my experience.

Gormadt , to Technology in YouTube is experimenting with Notes, a crowdsourced feature that lets users add context to videos avatar

Re-Enabling the dislike button would help too

UFODivebomb ,

Nah. Low value signal. Easy to game.

Thorny_Insight ,

I agree but there's also an add-on for that

kellenoffdagrid , avatar

Yeah but it's not that accurate, and it leaves most normal mobile users out of the picture. I know YouTube knew exactly what they were doing when they removed dislikes, but it still seems absolutely insane to remove such a useful tool for sifting through the bullshit.

timmymac ,

It was removed because Biden got too many downvotes. It'll be back soon. It was stupid of them to take it away.

Gormadt , avatar

That's not why it was removed

It was removed not long after one of their Rewind vids was disliked to hell.

And it ain't coming back, at least they haven't so much as hinted at it

timmymac ,

Nah, that's what they told you and you believed. Don't be a fool for the media. It's a bad look.

Strykker ,

Continuing to speak is a bad look on you.

You talk shit out of your ass.

prole ,

Whoa this guy's badass.

He knows what's really going on, and it just happens to always be opposite of whatever "the media" says.

timmymac ,

Crazy but true. Keep being a follower. See how that works out for you.

prole ,

Ooooh boy it must feel super special to have this secret knowledge that nobody else but you can seem to keep up with. Almost as if it's bullshit.

Tell me, based my one reply to you, who am I following? Is anyone who disagrees with you automatically a "follower"? That would seem a little too convenient, no?

The fact is you're a basic-ass, run of the mill contrarian. Most of us have learned how to deal with people like you in our real lives, but it's always a little bit sad to see someone who clearly doesn't have anyone in their life to tell them to shut the fuck up every now and then.

So here, I'll do everyone a service: Shut the fuck up.

forrgott ,

Lol no.

Voyajer , to Technology in YouTube is experimenting with Notes, a crowdsourced feature that lets users add context to videos avatar

So now we have to read a community note to know a video is garbage instead of just seeing a massive dislike bar and clicking off?

catloaf ,

Didn't they take away the dislike button?

simplejack , avatar

The removed the dislike count a couple years ago, so you can no longer see if a video is terrible.

Fiivemacs ,

The thumbnail and title alone is typically enough to know how garbage it is.

NutWrench , avatar

"Return YouTube Dislike" extension for Firefox and Chrome.

Moneo ,

Works surprisingly well even after all this time. I often forget its been removed.

prole ,

It isn't a real count of users who have clicked the dislike button, YouTube no longer makes that data available.

So I would not put much stock in that number.

Moneo ,

I'm well aware of how it works.

prole ,

Then why put any stock in it whatsoever

Zeoic ,

Because it is quite accurate

prole ,

And you're basing that conclusion on...?

Zeoic ,

Creators can view their like and dislike percentage, and around when the extension came about, many large youtubers were able to confirm the accuracy of the guesstimate that the extension gives you (on new content after the dislike indicator was removed). There are enough users and historical data to make the calculations reeeeally close.

prole , (edited )

It's not real though, you do know that right? There isn't some hidden dislike count that YT has that the extension can access.

I imagine it's taken from other users of the extension clicking the dislike button. A biased and wildly uneven sample. I would not put much stock in it at all.

kuberoot ,

It is real, it's just not data from YouTube. The information on how it works is made very clear, and people using it should be aware of the drawbacks.

Joelk111 , (edited )

Can confirm it is real, I have it installed right now via revanced, Grayjay, and Firefox extension.

Also, I have a terrible imagination, but that's OK, as it's open source and you can see how it's calculated on their github.

It takes the ration of likes to dislikes from users of the service, and applies that ratio to the total number of likes to estimate the total number of dislikes.

It also archived a lot of video's dislike counts before the dislike field was removed from the API.

As a user of the extension who knows how it works (no thanks to yourself), take it with whatever sized grain of salt you feel comfortable with.

prole ,

It's "real" as in it exists, but you say so yourself that it's just an estimate.

gaifux ,

LOL definitely a real comment by a real person. Dislike bar...

tacostrange ,

It was a bar that showed the ratio of likes to dislikes

Retiring , avatar

I don’t see what was wrong with the comment of /u/voyajer. Can you elaborate?

Alk ,

The dislike bar was real, I'll tell ya, I've lived nigh on eighty years and me own two eyes seent the dislike bar clear as day! Ye better believe, sonny, it's the truth!

Gestrid ,

Yeah, the dislike bar used to be a thing. You could see how many dislikes there were compared to likes, all represented on a line below the two buttons. It was sort of like this image, except imagine the "yes" and "no" as a single line (but retaining their separate colors).

Sidyctism2 ,

Wait till you tell him youtube used to have a 5-star rating system

timmymac , to Technology in YouTube is experimenting with Notes, a crowdsourced feature that lets users add context to videos

So more virtue signal crap. Got it.

trashgirlfriend ,

Users provided additional context to this reply:

This guy is a dumbass lmao

timmymac ,

You sound stupid when you don't have independent thought. Maybe not here in this circle jerk but in the real world.

trashgirlfriend ,

...Must have been the wind.

Iheartcheese , avatar

You are very angry about this

Halosheep ,

Amazing how often user's notes disagree with your worldview isn't it?

I wonder where the problem stems from. Could they all be wrong?

timmymac ,

It's amazing how your worldview lines up with what the media told you to say. Not a single independent thought.

Halosheep ,

Why do conservative "independent thoughts" always result in the dumbest shit I've ever heard?

Holyginz ,

Because some of the dumbest people in the world are the ones who told them to say it.

SouthFresh , to Technology in YouTube is experimenting with Notes, a crowdsourced feature that lets users add context to videos avatar

I give this about two weeks before they realize that it's as effective at helping their advertising as having dislike buttons are.

I am not condoning poisoning of this well of information, but I will laugh my ass off when it inevitably occurs.

FeelThePower , avatar

I condone poisoning this feature with false info. maybe it will teach them that the dislikes should be public again. using an extension is cool and all, but so many people still don't know about it.

Adalast ,

It really is unfortunate as it COULD be a really good feature if it were being implemented by someone who wasn't just trying to crowdsource AI training data that will go into commercial products without compensation to anyone. It could be a great tool for professionals and experts to expand on what creators say, a way to call out falsehoods and Hypocrites, and a way to find your people in a world that is growing ever bleaker. But no, it is just being done to force more ads down our throats and harvest more money from us.

Gestrid ,

And, once they discontinue it, I hope someone creates an add-on to bring it back like they did with dislikes.

It's a bit out-of-scope, but it'd be a great SponsorBlock feature!

iAvicenna , to Technology in Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI's former chief scientist, launches new AI company avatar

isn't this the guy who first tried to oust Sam then signed a letter saying that was a mistake and Sam should be brought back and then again said OpenAI is no longer true to its principals and left. yea sure bro.

webghost0101 , (edited )

He’s the guy that tried to stay true to the mission, realized that Sam was becoming a problem. Had little business sense to calculate the drama that ensued.

Realized that openAI getting destroyed in a single week was worse then having Sam run it. (Micrososoft and google where just going to gobble up the void)

Then was forced into compliance by Sam who had conditions to return. Add in the fact there long time
Personal friends, Sam is a super high level speaker while
Ilya usually keeps to themselves. The super stressful days everyone was on during the times.

You may understand why he didn’t want to continue fighting and just eased into a slow leave to do better elsewhere.

iAvicenna , (edited ) avatar

Well the same letter he signed also more or less threatened the company with most of its employers quitting and going to Microsoft to join Sam. So saving their AI technology from clutches of other big tech story does not really add up. It looks more like a failed power grab and then switching back sides when things didn't go well.

adam_y , to Technology in Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI's former chief scientist, launches new AI company avatar

That hair though.

C'mon man, it's time to get a coverage appropriate cut or just shave it altogether.

He looks like a boiled sweet that's been dropped on the carpet.

Grimy ,

He needs to start wearing a baseball cap

webghost0101 , (edited )

I don't think coverage appropriate hairline is something that is on this guys mind.

To me he just scream massive (autistic) nerd. And i am all the more confident and supportive of him for it.

We need more smart people that dont care about appearance and charisma in leadership positions. I am not saying those are not useful in leaderships but theres to much of it in the tech industry .

rf_ , to Technology in Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI's former chief scientist, launches new AI company

The company is called “Safe Super Intelligence”. Not a fan of names like these, kind of like if a company called itself “safe airplanes”, there’s something about it that makes me think it won’t live up to the name.

Not sure how they plan on raising money when so many other AI companies are promising commercialization. A company prioritizing safety will be defeated by another prioritizing profit. A company like this could have flourished in the time before openAI, but right now there’s so much demand for gpus and talent that makes it very challenging to catch up, more so when less scrupulous companies offer more money for engineers. They’d have to hire from a smaller and more limited pool of applicants that believe in the mission.

bionicjoey ,

The company is called “Safe Super Intelligence”. Not a fan of names like these, kind of like if a company called itself “safe airplanes”, there’s something about it that makes me think it won’t live up to the name.

Or all those crypto scams that put the word "safe" in their token's name to sucker people into thinking it wasn't a Ponzi scheme

technocrit , (edited )

It's "safe" as in a vault where they're gonna swim in investor money like scrooge mcduck.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

A big part of the AI Hype cycle has been "AIs are potentially too omnipotent for us to control, but also too much of a national security threat to ignore". So you get these media hacks insisting we need a super-intelligent artificial mind that is firmly within the grip of its creator.

As a consequence of the hype over-topping any kind of real utility from these machines, you've got some of the top board members of these firms spinning out their own boutique branches of the industry by insisting prior iterations are too dangerous or too constrained to fulfill their future their intended role as techno-utopian machine gods.

Not sure how they plan on raising money when so many other AI companies are promising commercialization.

The sensationalist bullshit is how they plan to make money. "Don't trust Alice's AI, its too dangerous! I'm the Safe AI" versus "Don't trust Bob's AI, its too limited. I'm the Ambitious AI". Then Wall Street investment giants, who don't know shit from shoelaces, throw gobs of money at both while believing they've hedged their bets. And a few years after that, when these firms don't produce anything remotely as fantastical as they promised, we go into a giant speculative bubble collapse that takes out half the energy or agricultural sector as collateral damage.

In twenty years, we'll be reading books titled "How AI Destroyed The Orange", describing the convoluted chain of events that tied fertilizer prices to debt-swaps on machine learning centers and resulted in almost all of Florida's biggest cash crop being lost to a hiccup in the NASDAQ between 2026 and 2029.

neclimdul , to Technology in YouTube is experimenting with Notes, a crowdsourced feature that lets users add context to videos

So we can explicitly graffiti videos but we can't add translations. 🤯

Tregetour , (edited ) avatar

Advertisers working in your native language cannot hijack your attention when foreign language videos are running. Subtitling facilitates that, and encourages site activity that differs from consumption, such as broadening one's horizons and being inquisitive about the real world.

MisterMoo , to Technology in Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI's former chief scientist, launches new AI company

Boy that is a fucked-up hairline.

wagesj45 , avatar

His body has put all its resources toward growing neurons. There's simply not enough left for hair. Good trade off, imo.

SoleInvictus ,

Does it look purple to you too?

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