Drusas , to memes in Raise your hand if you're also guilty of this

Opposite. Eat something remotely sweet and I need to counter it with some salt.

The_Picard_Maneuver OP Mod , avatar

And then counter the salt with some sweet.

Drusas ,

And then more salt.

RedIce25 , to Antique Memes Roadshow in Found this dusty antique from the days when video players would let you buffer. If only this were still a thing.

YouTube still buffers video?

Azzu , avatar

What he means is that, in olden days, videos would just keep buffering until the whole video was loaded. Now it's only at most the next ~1min, no more. You were able to see the grey bar thingie go all the way to the end.

MaxVoltage ,

i think its cus a 4k 60hz video would brick anyones ram

CeeBee ,

It would buffer to a temp folder. Storing it all in RAM would be pointless.

Acters ,

Some people's internet and hard drives would be crippled by this. It's to promote multitasking mostly. There are ways to download videos that I won't get into, but it is possible if you desperately want to buffer the whole video. I do think it's stupid to lock offline video downlaods behind a subscription paywall, but I am small fry and will do what I can.

CeeBee ,

Not at all. If your hard drive would get crippled by a few GBs then I don't know what to tell you. When the playback is stopped, and the application closed, then the temporary files are discarded.

The argument about bandwidth usage is accurate though. I didn't make sense to buffer the whole video when it might not be watched anyways.

queermunist , to memes in Cry while you work. It's more efficient. avatar

Just do what I do and hurt yourself. The endorphins help stop you from crying!


XTornado ,

But hurting yourself would be an emergency.

queermunist , avatar

Not if there isn't any blood 😉

c0mbatbag3l , to Memes in Would it have been too controversial? avatar

You mean geography?

LNSY , to memes in It's a healthy and sustainable routine

By design.

NarrativeBear ,
yukichigai , to memes in It's a healthy and sustainable routine avatar

This is why they can pry my ability to work from home from my cold, dead hands.

Bondrewd ,

TBH I dont really like Homeoffice. Im not a social person and Homeoffice would make it even worse. I dont actually get why people love to stay home all week. It just feels wrong to me.

Smoogs ,

Oh look, a micro middle manager trying to justify their role is lost.

Cryophilia ,

He's just expressing his opinion lol he's not demanding everyone return to the office

Smoogs ,

I dont actually get why people love to stay home all week. It just feels wrong to me.

it is bad faith arguing their opinion at everyone else’s opinion.

Cryophilia ,

That's not what "bad faith" means.

Or "arguing".

pelletbucket , to Star Trek in Why this feels recent? avatar

username checks out

HopeDrone , to RPGMemes in I forget every time that a roll comes up

It's wisdom in the system I play.

Zoomboingding , avatar

In 5e, a religion check isn't to see how well you commune with your God. It's how well you know any given god's traits, domain, followers, plane, etc.

HopeDrone ,

Thats why we have society and lore skills.

WoahWoah , to memes in The line's back there

It's called a zipper merge, you muppet. They're doing what they're supposed to for more efficient traffic flow. You're just being an ass.

13esq , to memes in The line's back there

People like OP are a chronic problem in the UK.

Yes, I know that "we queue" in the UK. So why not make a number of queues equal to the number of available lanes and then take it in turns when it's time to merge? Instead of making a single queue multiple lengths longer than it needs to be that will inevitably block even more junctions further back and cause even more traffic, YOU FUCKING MORON!!!!

Edit: downvoted by nine absolute mongs that obviously weren't taught very well in their driving lessons. Not brave enough to put forward a counter argument, are you though?

Nougat , to memes in The line's back there

You should be using all lanes of traffic, and zipper merge at the end.

snooggums , avatar

The main problem with zipper merges in practice are selfish people who rush to zipper and cause even more congestion because of their erratic attempt to merge. Like traffic circles they work great when everyone is doing it right and they cam get really messed up when people do it wrong.

It would be great if zipper merging was taught as part of getting a license. Or they actually required someone to learn how to zipper merge as part of their license renewal.

Nougat ,

Do you mean "rush to zipper" as in "using an open lane to move forward and then zipper merge into the remaining lane when that one closes?" That is precisely what you should do.

The problem is the selfish people who refuse to let those people actually zipper merge, like OP.

somas , avatar

It’s hard to discuss zipper merging because people use to justify all sorts of dick behavior. Zipping through an empty left turn only lane to skip to the head of a right turn only lane for example. That’s not an example of zipper merging but there’s tons of people who I’ve seen argue that’s acceptable behavior.

Nougat ,

That’s not an example of zipper merging but there’s tons of people who I’ve seen argue that’s acceptable behavior.

We agree that that's not what we're talking about, and those people are wrong. That wasn't hard at all.

Fermion ,

Zipper merging requires matching speed with the lane you are merging into so that drivers can make gradual changes in speed to make an opening for the person merging. That avoids sending a wave of brake slams that results from sudden unexpected lane changes. If you're passing a bunch of people, you're probably not doing a zipper merge.

You're also much less likely to end up with someone not letting you over if they see you matching speed instead of speeding up to the merge point.

Nougat ,

If you're passing a bunch of people, you are using the open lane to travel. By the time the lane you are in comes to an end, you then modulate your speed to match traffic in the slower lane, and merge. Because cars have brakes.

Fermion ,

You need to start matching speed at the start of the signage for the merge. At that point it's no longer just a lane, it is a lane with restrictions.

You're not actually increasing total throughput by speeding ahead, you're only changing the order. The total throughput is determined by the flow of traffic after the constriction point. That flow is smoothest when drivers match speed.

snooggums , avatar

I mean speeding at a far higher speed than the other plane and then suddenly slamming on the brakes and forcing themselves into the other lane. Rushing to merge, not just zipper merging at a similar speed.

Nougat ,

If the lane being used is still open for forward traffic, that is a completely legitimate zipper merge, although it would be safer to match speed more gradually and, of course, wait for an appropriate space to merge into. As a hypothetical, that's a borderline case, and it's certainly possible to adjust the details of the hypothetical to make the merging driver into the dick. But I'm not sure that's a useful pursuit.

snooggums , avatar

How is matching speeds to merge and finding a space an edge case? That is how merging works.

Not matching speeds is how people going slower than the flow of traffic when merging from on ramps causes issues. Matching speeds when merging is crucial.

NuXCOM_90Percent ,

The other issue is people who have no spatial awareness of their vehicle and need like eight car lengths to merge over.

Done with a modicum of competence: Zipper merges are efficient and you should only merge near the end

In reality? If you see an opening, merge over sooner than later to prevent disruptions to traffic

Nougat ,

If you see an opening, merge over sooner than later to prevent disruptions to traffic.

This actually creates disruptions in traffic. Use all lanes, zipper merge at the end.

howsetheraven ,

No, it fucking doesn't because we don't live in a perfect world and entitled/dumbasses fill the road. If I'm in the right lane and some chucklefuck is matching my speed in the on-ramp next to me and doesn't either speed the fuck up or slow the fuck down in the 2 whole minutes they have in that lane, they're gonna end up slamming their brakes at the end. All it would take is a modicum of awareness to get over and stop this awkward bullshit. That's just ONE example.

This isn't a traffic jam. This isn't the middle of Delhi. We're talking about normal everyday traffic.
It's 2 cars in a 4 lane highway, and the dumbass can't even merge.

And no, it's not my responsibility to make sure they get over. I'm not hand holding idiots.

Point is, we don't live in a fucking vacuum and all it takes is opening your eyes and judging the situation in front of you accordingly.

NuXCOM_90Percent ,

God yes.

I am generally a nice-ish person. I'll try to slow down a little to give them more room. And then they just slow down too because they don't know how to drive without matching speed with a car next to them. And, fortunately, they aren't looking at me so I can't even wave them in. So it is just a waiting game of "Are they going to speed up and cut me off so that I have to slam on the brakes, or are they going to slam on the brakes at the last second and stop their lane until my lane stops to let them in?"

Nobody is saying to force your way in to the merge lane five miles ahead of the closure. If traffic is moving along, move along. But if you see an opening and know the lanes are going to merge? Merge then and there.

Nougat ,

We're talking about two different things then. Open road, light fast-moving traffic, lane ending - the "merge zone" lengthens with that speed and space.

Heavy slow-moving traffic, lane ending, use the lanes which are available and zipper merge at the end. Merging too soon in this situation does create congestion.

fmstrat ,

Theory: Everyone down voting you has never driven outside the US.

We don't teach the proper way to zipper merge, so people block those doing it for cutting in line. It's a different culture that should be changed for efficiency, just like middle lane squatting, but it's just not important enough to address.

Nougat ,

The United States has a strong general culture of "I got mine, fuck you." That is certainly playing a part in this thread.

grue ,

No, the problem is the people who incorrectly merge early, making "rushing" possible.

SCB , to memes in It's a healthy and sustainable routine

Unless you work at like, Goldman Sachs, this is basically never the case unless you want it to be.

hairinmybellybutt , to memes in The old one also sounds like a running lawnmower, but still.

I live in europe and they banned the left one :( and I want it

calavera , avatar
hairinmybellybutt ,

In France you can't buy them

calavera , avatar

; maybe you should specify the country next time

hairinmybellybutt ,

I have no obligation to tell you my country

LeroyJenkins , to Houseplants in Why is my Alocasia Polly ‘special’?

try stroking it?

RadicalCandour OP ,

Every night 🥰

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