atmur , to memes in You can listen to his mixes on the web

how dare you give me a meme idea and make me get out of bed to make it

Vitaly , avatar

what is bro doin on the video

atmur ,

Cellar spiders are goofy as hell and I love them.

rustydrd , to AnarchyChess in Unethical chess pro tip avatar

Sitting in front of a mirror like this will get you banned from any chess competition. Ask me how I know.

RQG , avatar

How I know?

rustydrd , avatar

Should've seen that coming I guess.

Robert7301201 ,

Would've seen it coming if you sat in front of a mirror.

mandelbrotvurst , to RPGMemes in Legal loophole

choose how you die

Old age.

Rednax ,

Sure thing. You will do so in that cage over there. To the guards: He already had his last meal.

Archpawn ,

Wouldn't he starve to death before dying of old age?

Rednax ,

Nobody dies of "old age". As you become older, it is becomes harder to survive various diseases or afflictions. But where do you draw the line? If someone was to weak and fragile to leave their bed, and died due to no longer getting any energie from food, is that dying of old age? And what if they are to fragile to leave their cage?

If one is allowed to set timespan for "execution" to "however long it takes me to die of old age", then I argue it is also perfectly fine to take some liberty with the definition of "die of old age".

Archpawn ,

Back in 3.5, there were specific rules for dying of old age. 5e is less clear about it.

qarbone , to RPGMemes in Legal loophole

The punishment is a sentence of death. Not "being killed". You are to be placed in the state of death for the crime. That's why you don't get to walk away if a lethal method fails. You can keep reviving them, but they'll be incarcerated and killed again until it sticks. And I'll put the rest of the party in contempt of court for attempting to subjorn lawful punishment.

rishado ,

No, It's one sentence of death. Not infinite sentencing. You get sentenced, you die, you get revived? That means you served your sentence.

qarbone ,

I'm not really looking to get into fantasy legal dispute, but I will say that you are debating the count without even touching the core of what I said: the terms of the sentencing.
Being sentenced to death is like being sent to prison. If you step in and then juke out, you can't say "prison sentence over".

We don't specify term limits here because it's typically not a place you come back from.

rishado ,

Right, but if it was a life sentence and you died in prison, would you have to serve again if you were revived?

I guess you don't want to debate but that was just my reasoning

Dagnet , to RPGMemes in Why would I ever need more than this, silly?

Okay, your spell hits, now roll 12d6 for damage

bob_lemon ,

That's why you buy a box of 36 small d6.

And then 5e came along and changed half the spells to use d8s instead.

Aielman15 , to RPGMemes in Subverting expectations avatar

This is my current campaign.

One of my party members is the last survivor of a noble family who got murdered by an usurper, the other is a paladin who swore vengeance against a demonic cult, and the other is a girl who sold her soul to obtain enough power to get retribution against the one who killed her entire family.

And then there's me, a goofy dude who has spent a peaceful life as a city guard and is actually pretty chill and looking forward to inheriting his family's shop.

Lepsea ,

looking forward to inheriting his family's shop.

Dm : I think I'm gonna try to kill this guy

Yggnar , to RPGMemes in Please chill

You guys clearly forgot how hard it was to get up that rope in gym class.

Zennyker ,

Nah, we know it's hard. But if failure has no consequence in a given scene, then why not skip over and just assume it was done?

Sanctus , to RPGMemes in It's quiet - too quiet. avatar

Mr snuggles deserved a dex saving throw :(

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Shitlicker the Quasit did not.

rosymind , to ADHD memes in My inner monologue

Sometimes I need a break just turning on the computer. Or putting dishes in the dishwasher. Or moving the laundry from the drier to the bed.

I'm a lot "better" at doing tasks than most people that I know with unmedicated adhd, but some days are just... nope, I showered and brushed my teeth so imma spend the rest of the day doing whatever random thing captures my attention for more than 5 minutes

Usually need a few days like that in a week. I just let my brain off it's leash until the anxiety and guilt kicks in and then I get everything done is a fury

ElectricTrombone , avatar

I put off a boring task at work for weeks in favor of a more interesting work project. I kept telling myself over and over that I should switch over and start the other project before it gets late. But every time I tried, I just couldn't work on it. I literally couldn't. It was so difficult I was almost falling asleep just staring at the code. I'd switch back.

I finally finished it today. The day before it was due. Came in this morning, brain kicked into overdrive and I just finished it all. I don't remember eating lunch. What should have been done in two weeks, was done in a little over two days. Why do I do this myself. I can't help it.

(The code looked really good though.)

rosymind ,

I think that lil' kick some of us get is what divides people with adhd into the successful and unsucessful groups. Both suck, both are not our faults, but I'm glad to be able to eventually get stuff done even if it feels like I'm shortening my lifespan

I have a close friend who has inattentive adhd and he has a baaaaad time at life. He "lets" all the deadlines fly by and falls into depressions because of it. Got kicked out of school, ended up homeless for a while, finally recovered but then couldn't deal with credit cards, managed to get on his feet again and find a woman who supported him, but then she dumped him because he forgot to get her from the hospital. He's finally kind of ok, has a job and lives with his mom (at 40). I keep trying to get him to get back on meds but he says he can't afford the visit. He can't get through the paperwork for disability, either. He isn't stupid, we have great in-depth conversations and he's witty af. He just really... can't

I mention all that to illustrate what I mean by successful vs unsucessful. I've asked him if he gets the: ShitIHaveToDoThisAllRightNow! kick and he doesn't. Task pressure just paralyzes him

AllonzeeLV , to ADHD memes in My inner monologue

I see it as my sacred duty as a peasant to undermine the profit of my workplace wherever safely possible.

When the class war is long lost and one is living under class occupation, guerilla tactics become the only option.

We didn't set these hostile terms, American employers chose to treat their workforces as disposable liabilities rather than valued partners who all stand to prosper (as many once did prior to the Jack Welch/Reaganomics cultural grift), but we can sure as hell game and undermine them.

apprehensively_human ,

When the communities you're subscribed to start bleeding into each other.

0x4E4F , to ADHD memes in My inner monologue avatar

Yes I do... cuz I do a lot more in those 10 minutes than my colleagues do in an hour.

kakes ,

I feel like this is at least somewhat true for me, but it doesn't help with the feeling of guilt for """slacking off""", unfortunately.

Rodeo ,

You should put some more quotation marks to make sure nobody gets confused.

kakes ,

Sure, here you go: """"""""""

xmunk ,

Am I "helping?""" I think""''"》I 《``am''.

kakes ,


Metal_Zealot , to Antique Memes Roadshow in Dusting off this meme with an old format and what's practically an ancient song reference now avatar

2003, Jesus christ that song can't have came out that long ago

Aremel ,

This meme can vote

Edit: This song can vote

JimSamtanko , to cats in Stretching out on her favorite piece of paper

Love this! Ours has a favorite paper bag. We don’t dare throw it away. It’s been on the floor for over six months now.

Snowyday OP ,
I_Fart_Glitter , to cats in Stretching out on her favorite piece of paper

We call this "doing paperwork."

Snowyday OP ,

I’m absolutely stealing that

Tetsuo , to cats in Stretching out on her favorite piece of paper

To be fair, this is one magnificent piece of paper.

I would lay on it.

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