
Kovu , to Games in Official Minecraft wiki editors so furious at Fandom's 'degraded' functionality and popups they're overwhelmingly voting to leave the site
@Kovu@lemmy.world avatar

please, fandom is one of the worst sites on the internet

subtext ,

When the old school RuneScape wiki moved to a self hosted solution it was night and day the quality difference. I’d argue that OSRS (and probably regular RS) have some of the best wikis in gaming.


elbowdrop , to Games in Official Minecraft wiki editors so furious at Fandom's 'degraded' functionality and popups they're overwhelmingly voting to leave the site

Going to Fandom is like visiting a annoying dying person because they hold the hidden information.

Photographer , to Games in Official Minecraft wiki editors so furious at Fandom's 'degraded' functionality and popups they're overwhelmingly voting to leave the site

Stardew Valley did the right thing by self hosting a wiki, makes it both official and independent

Smokeless7048 ,

Several have, including the old school RuneScape wiki!

Now there's two, and one is far more content full

hairinmybellybutt , to Games in Todd Howard asked on-air why Bethesda didn't optimise Starfield for PC: 'We did [...] you may need to upgrade your PC'

I'm a game developer and I'm ashamed by this.

When chip production will halt because of the climate, you will see programmers optimizing their code again.

Jeez I hope this economy crashes.

chitak166 , to Games in Steam keeps on winning

We did it boiz.

Pat yourselves on the back if you never used an alternative.

Joelk111 ,

This is a weird mentality. Competition in the space is good, even if the current "default" thing is really good.

chitak166 ,

Competition for the sake of competition isn't intrinsically a good thing.

Seems to me, most of the people complaining about Steam are greedy devs who want to make more money off of their products.

For me, as a user, that's not my concern. For me, as a user, it's more important that I can play games without having to download different launchers just to make someone else richer.

GOG is probably the only legitimate competitor with Steam. They provide value to customers instead of just themselves or greedy devs.

c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

For me, as a user, that's not my concern. For me, as a user, it's more important that I can have my convenience


Also, the only truly bad competition is subsidized competition. As long as it's not surviving on some kind of grant or funding, instead of its actual market value, then it's always a good thing as it keeps competitors on their toes.

Thirdborne ,

Listen. Some of us have our life savings in our Steam library. If competition ever drives Steam bankrupt, we go down with the ship! We take Steam's health personally and very seriously. Your mumbo jumbo about competition doesn't factor into it.

c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

No one wants Steam bankrupt, they just want more than one videogame vendor on PC to be viable.

"Mumbo jumbo about competition" I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or are just legitimately a braindead moron.

Thirdborne ,

There are exceptions to the notion that competition is good. If we attempt to map out all the exceptions, we will be left with mumbo jumbo. Economic libertarianism is the true death of the brain. Some monopolies are good and any threat to the monopoly is a threat to the consumer.

crossmr OP , to Games in Fans of Pokémon-inspired MMO Temtem are arguing with the developer about what MMO means after Crema CEO says it's 'not feasible' to keep adding content forever

Big surprise that Crema has stepped in it again. They've been pretty awful since this game started. I can still remember when they first rolled out the bans and insisted their would be no appeal because their ban process was never wrong. The CEO aggressively defended it, and it wasn't very long before community managers were walking that back admitting some people had to be unbanned.

Their discord was run by dictators as a meme that cropped up around a botched patch resulted in the mods going nuts and banning anyone who mentioned it, and the steam forums were the same. They had a gaggle of fanboys who'd attack anyone who said a bad word about the game, and if anyone talked back to them one of the developers would come along and ban them.

It was such a great idea ran by absolutely awful people.

Mononon , to Games in Fans of Pokémon-inspired MMO Temtem are arguing with the developer about what MMO means after Crema CEO says it's 'not feasible' to keep adding content forever

My partner and I just played through this together in co-op and had a great time. We thought it was a good game.

I read the whole discord drama stuff, and I'm more on Crema's side. I think they've made the mistake of trying to talk to a fanbase like they are just a group of reasonable people that will understand and empathize if you just lay out the facts. But they aren't. They're just going to pick apart anything you say and relentlessly shit on you because they are, collectively, not able to be reasoned with.

They released an MMO in its final state, minus some Kickstarter promised stuff, that they have said they will deliver. They tried to monetize the game how they felt was best, it didn't work out, so they've moved on and left a functioning, small-scope MMO. You can argue the quality of it or whether you agree with their decisions, but they made what they said they were going to make.

And they are still releasing small updates to a community that is, frankly, awful. The subreddit is just a hivemind of asshole armchair developers.

ampersandrew ,
@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

Honest question: can you name an asshole gaming community that isn't tied to a live service game? Because I feel like the shitty community comes from expecting everything to be continually improved, and lots of those improvements are subjective, so someone's improvement is someone else's regression. I'll happily revise my hypothesis with some good counter examples though.

Tattorack ,
@Tattorack@lemmy.world avatar

Warframe's community is the nicest, least toxic community I've ever encountered. Not saying there aren't toxic ass holes, there certainly are, but compared to other online game communities I've been part of the Warframe community is a breath of fresh air.

ampersandrew ,
@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

So perhaps the updated hypothesis is all asshole communities are tied to live service games, but not all live service games have asshole communities?

natecox ,
@natecox@programming.dev avatar

I’m not a huge mmo fan but I do like Final Fantasy 14, in part because the community is surprisingly friendly.

So yeah, I support “live service games attract bad communities, but sometimes they rise above that”.

Sanctus , to Technology in Elon Musk finally says something we can all agree on: No one wants to have to log in with a Microsoft Account on Windows 11
@Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

Just like no one wants to sign into Twitter to read one tweet.

Octopus1348 ,
@Octopus1348@lemy.lol avatar

I mean, I don't like that either but it doesn't affect links to tweets.

TheEntity ,

Single tweets are rarely useful without being able to read some context that isn't visible without logging in.

qupada ,

It does however affect getting updates from government agencies, and others who insist on only disseminating real-time information to the public via Twitter.

For instance: https://twitter.com/WakaKotahiWgtn

This is the account for traffic events (road closures, traffic accidents, etc) in my city. Not signed in, the latest visible post is from February 2023.

Since I don't have a twitter account, this is now functionally useless.

threelonmusketeers ,

the latest visible post is from February 2023

If you scroll down far enough, there are posts from March and August, but they were "less popular" tweets. Incredibly annoying move by twitter. Who wants to regularly view tweets sorted by "Top All Time"?

just_another_person , to Technology in Elon Musk finally says something we can all agree on: No one wants to have to log in with a Microsoft Account on Windows 11

Who gives a fuckingdickleshit about this asshole

RedditWanderer , to Technology in Elon Musk finally says something we can all agree on: No one wants to have to log in with a Microsoft Account on Windows 11

This just in: broken clock is right twice a day.

onlinepersona , to Gaming in Larian publishing director on mass layoffs: 'None of these companies are at risk of going bankrupt. They were just at risk of pissing off the shareholders'

How difficult is it to start a gaming company with all those thousands of people who were fired? Can they get together and start something themselves?

Anti Commercial AI thingy
Urist ,
@Urist@lemmy.ml avatar

Sadly, they are most likely forced to sell their labor for survival short term and hence cannot even invest their own time for the purpose of making something truly great.

onlinepersona ,

Quite depressing, actually 🙁 I'm sure giving a healthy working environment and good pay, they could make really amazing games.

Anti Commercial AI thingy
sukhmel ,

On a tangential note, I doubt that the license you include will have any influence on people doing scraping for commercial AI :(

Also, I am not sure what is the default licence the content on forums/lemmy is posted under and if that can be changed by including an overriding licence 🤔

onlinepersona ,

I doubt that the license you include will have any influence on people doing scraping for commercial AI :(

That doesn't deter me. It's just a keystroke to insert 🤷 If someday I read that the EU or the US decided anything can be used to train AI, then I'd stop.

Anti Commercial AI thingy
Urist ,
@Urist@lemmy.ml avatar

I like it. It reminds me that Lemmy is a small space and that people on the internet are not bots, so we have to be nice to each other :) Plus it is always fun seeing you around in different threads.

MrStankov , to Not The Onion in Game studio owner suddenly lays everyone off and blames a Kotaku report that hasn't been published

When did making games become such a secretive business? Like, oh no! Someone found out what our next game is about! So what?

MajorHavoc ,

But now they will also have the idea to make a procedurally generated exploration game with building mechanics! We've lost our secret sauce! /s

match ,
@match@pawb.social avatar

Yes, but THIS one has [factory building | solarpunk aesthetics | kung fu???]

shani66 ,

Okay but kung fu is a very strong selling point

sturmblast , to Technology in Apple keeps flogging 8GB of RAM for its Mac computers but it's still a dead horse

Apple has their niche, but you'll never find me owning a Mac. They are not useful for me. And fuck the proprietary nature of Apple in general.

That being said, I run 64GB of RAM and it's glorious!

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Yup, I have a Mac for work and I'm not a fan, I don't even like the look of them, much less the UX. The keyboards suck, they don't have actual mouse buttons on their laptops (I really miss my middle mouse button), and the gestures on the trackpad annoy me. I use a Logitech mouse (MX Master 3 at work, Triathlon at home), and both are way nicer than anything I've used from Apple.

I much prefer my Linux machines at home. They don't lock up, my laptop (Lenovo ThinkPad) has real mouse buttons and the Trackpoint, the package manager just works, and updates don't take forever and a day like on macOS. Oh, and I use Docker for work, and on Linux it uses far fewer resources because I don't need a full VM.

Oh, and I can easily add more RAM to both of my Linux machines. I am not interested in any Apple products, and them selling with 8gb RAM just makes no sense to me since memory upgrades are so expensive and must be done at the time of purchase. So screw em.

olympicyes ,

I have a Linux workstation and a MacBook. The arguments about keyboard and trackpad are personal preference at best. You can use whatever external devices you want with the Mac. I used Logitech mice with mine too.

If you want a package manager on Mac use Homebrew. It’s better than you’d expect for a system that doesn’t include a native package manager. I use docker on both Mac and Linux and can’t really tell the difference.

I bought my last MacBook with 64gb ram. It was probably overkill but I didn’t see any reason not to since you can get one refurb for essential 50% off.
It sucks that you can’t upgrade the ram, so make sure you have a good idea what you need when you’re buying the machine. Anyone buying one with 8gb is essentially buying a Chromebook. That’s not adequate for a power user like you.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Yes, it's personal preference, but I can't realistically use an external keyboard and mouse on an airplane or whatever. I like my ThinkPad way more than my MacBook Pro for actually getting work done. It feels nicer to type on, and my hands don't need to leave the home row to press mouse buttons. Apple's trackpad is nicer, but I think it's solving the wrong problem.

That said, I have a very keyboard-driven workflow. I use:

  • ViM for editing
  • terminal for searching (macOS' open is nice)
  • shortcuts for switching apps (alt+tab and `alt+`` mostly)
  • tmux for terminal window management

That mostly maps to macOS decently well, but there's also random differences I need to work around.

use Homebrew

I use macports, which I much prefer.

Rant about homebrew

Homebrew feels bolted on, macports feels more like an actual package manager. Stuff keeps working across macOS releases, which is nice because o use fish as my shell and don't want to fix that every time I do an upgrade.

Rant about macOS as a dev

But it feels like putting lipstick on a pig. I constantly have to fight builders that grab the system version of something instead of my macports one (I think I've resolved everything now?), especially Python. I can't do system upgrades through it. And so on. It's just an add-on package manager, and while it's nice, there's friction at the edges.

That said, I very much prefer macOS to Windows, but I prefer pretty much anything else to macOS. I would prefer FreeBSD if it had better hardware and docker support.

I use docker on both Mac and Linux and can’t really tell the difference.

Do you have Docker Desktop or CLI-only? Because IIRC Docker Desktop on Linux runs in a VM like on macOS, whereas CLI Docker ruins directly on the kernel, so it's way faster.

Here's some practical issues I have with Docker Desktop on macOS:

  • random breakage where I have to restart Docker (the VM, not an individual container) - i.e. "API version doesn't match..." like every other week
  • uses way more RAM - containers are just processes on Linux
  • disk space is separated and needs to be adjusted if I forget to run a prune - docker on Linux just uses my regular disk
  • rebuilding is kinda slow - assuming a Docker Desktop issue because "sending tarball" takes forever

We have a bunch of docker containers, and I'm regularly running 10+. I feel like I'm constantly fiddling with Docker on macOS, whereas it's mostly transparent on my Linux machines.

So to me, it's just a crappier experience. I honestly can't think of a single upside, other than the pretty GUI, but learning a few CLI commands is a small price to pay IMO.

And that is also my general experience with macOS. It looks pretty, but it just feels like I'm interacting with the system way too much, whereas on Linux the system gets out of the way.

Rant about macOS

Some specifics:

  • "snapping" Windows - macOS kinda has this now, but Linux has had it for as long as in remember (15 years?)
  • launcher (Alt+F2 or Meta) on KDE Plasma is unobtrusive
  • the system updates when I tell it to, not overnight randomly
  • Steam actually works for most games
  • Flatpak and Appimage are nice
Rant about work policy

If my work let me pick whatever computer I wanted, it would probably be a Framework or Lenovo laptop with Linux. But my options are locked down, crappy Windows (IT box) or MacBook Pro (no IT nonsense), so I pick macOS.

In fact, I think only 2 of my coworkers prefer macOS, but we use them to get around IT policies and the outside team that started the project convinced the uppers that we need it. However, as a lead, I need to be the support for our team, which means I should probably use the same devices as them.

My last job let me pick my OS, so I ran Arch for 5-ish years before switching to openSUSE Tumbleweed, which I still run today (like 5+ years now). I'm not going to leave because of Linux vs macOS and I love my team and boss, but I do prefer Linux.

Anyway, I'm kinda excited because I'll be getting an upgrade soon. I'm on an Intel Mac, but I could get an M3 if I push, or maybe I'll wait for the M4. I'd much rather run Linux on that hardware though.

olympicyes ,

It sounds like you want to have a mobile server, which makes sense too for some use cases. I just switched from 2018 Intel to M1 Pro Max and the difference is absurd. They were giving them away at MicroCenter refurb so I got one with overkill specs. Sometimes you can throw hardware at your problem and in this case it worked. It is faster, quieter, cooler, longer battery life, etc. I use BetterTouchTool to address some of the UI issues you noted and forget I have it until I use someone else’s Mac.

I initially set up the new machine via Thunderbolt and copied the apps, which was a mistake. That said every homebrew installed app worked. It was not too hard to purge the Intel homebrew and reinstall the Apple silicon version, and battery life got much better after doing so. Apple Silicon is a game changer. Everything I’ve seen about M4 says it’s supposed to be on TSMC N3E. Personally I’d go with whichever generation lets you get the most ram and ssd.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

I'm a fullstack engineer that mostly focuses on backend, so yeah, I basically want a copy of our production app running on my work computer. I have Docker configured so it only uses 4GB or so, but when I add our frontend (1-2GB), web browser (1-2GB), Microsoft crap (1-2GB), etc, the RAM adds up, and that's just running half of our backend infrastructure.

The silly thing is that almost all of my job is on Linux services, except our mobile app, which is React native and largely targets iOS (though we also support Android). I work across the stack so I need to be able to run all three (backend, web, and mobile).

But I have to pick and choose what I run because my 16GB system is barely enough. So yeah, I wish we would've gotten 32GB at the outset, because swapping to disk is by far the biggest performance issue.

So yeah, get more memory than you think you need.

olympicyes ,

I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts about this medium article describing the use of Lima VM for docker on MacOS.


i_have_no_enemies OP , to Technology in Bethesda teases The Elder Scrolls 6 in anniversary message and brags its developers are already 'playing early builds' and loving it

please learn from your mistakes, i want this to be good, i really do.

PaupersSerenade , to Gaming in An AI company has been generating porn with gamers' idle GPU time in exchange for Fortnite skins and Roblox gift cards
@PaupersSerenade@sh.itjust.works avatar

I’ll be a minority voice considering the other comments. But maybe just pay for onlyfans or whatever you guys use. I’m a generally attractive woman (I can surmise from interactions while trying to date) and I really don’t like the idea that my likeness would be used for something like this. Get your jollies off, but try and be a bit consensual about it. Is that so much to ask?

GrymEdm ,
@GrymEdm@lemmy.world avatar

It isn't too much to ask. According to Dr. K of HealthyGamerGG (Harvard Psychiatrist/Instructor), research shows that the release of non-consensual porn makes the unwilling subjects suicidal over half the time. Non-consensual porn = deepfakes, revenge porn, etc. It's seriously harmful, and there are other effects like depression, shame, PTSD, anxiety, and so on. There is functionally unlimited porn out there that is made with consent, and if someone doesn't want to be publicly sexually explicit then that's their choice.

I'm not against AI porn in general (I consider it the modern version of dirty drawings/cartoons), but when it comes to specific likenesses as with deepfakes then there's clear proof of harm and that's enough for me to oppose it. I don't believe there's some inherent right to see specific people naked against their will.

fidodo ,

I think it would be too big of a privacy overreach to try to ban it outright as I think what people do on their own computers is their own business and there's no way to enforce a full ban without being incredibly intrusive, but as soon as it gets distributed in any way I think it should be prosecuted as heavily as real non consensual porn that was taken against someone's will.

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